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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Go on with your work while I’m away.

______ ______ your work while I’m away.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Verne developed his love for the theatre instead of going to Paris to study law.

Verne ______ go to Paris to study law; ______, he developed his love for the theatre.


科目: 来源: 题型:









A.⑤①⑥②④③ B.①⑥⑤③②④

C.①③⑥⑤②④ D.⑤③①⑥④②


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】My mother died twice in August 2009—once on her75th birthday at a crowded restaurant, surrounded by her closest family members - and finallythe next day at a hospital. Eight months later, I began to come out of the fog of grief and depression to find a new purpose for my life.

Like many of my generation, I had lived only for myself—traveling, acquiring what I needed, rising to a position of importance and getting financial rewards. I was “kind - hearted” and “volunteered” for various causes, but really didn't give of myself.

In the spring after Mom's death, I found myself waking in the middle of the night with one thought. I wanted to offer myself as a living kidney ()donor. My husband Robb had received the gift of life through a kidney transplant (移植)from a deceased donor in 1999so I was familiar with the need for donors and knew several people who were waiting for a life saving transplant. I decided to offer myself to be matched with the most suitable person on the waiting list at my local transplant center. I was paired with a 71-year-old grandmother from New Jersey who had survived for six years. At her 70th birthday, her family threw a big party as they did not expect her to live much longer. She has become my very good friend.

In donating my kidney, I extended myself in a way far beyond what I ever believed was possible. I did so in honor of my mother who sacrificed so much for me and my sisters, and in memory of my husband's donor who extended her life through him.

I encourage all who enjoy the gift of good health to share with others, either as a living donor or by donating organs upon death. By extending yourself through organ donation, you will live on through others in a magic way and give comfort to your loved ones.

1 From the second paragraph, we can conclude that __________

A. the author was kind and generous in giving help

B. the author enjoyed financial rewards seriously

C. the author sought reasons to help others

D. the author looked after her own interest

2 When did the author decide to offer her kidney?

A. The moment her husband received a kidney transplant.

B. In the fourth month of 2010.

C. When she was waking at midnight alone.

D. After she visited a 71-year-old woman.

3 The grandmother's family held a birthday party __________

A. to show thanks for what the author had done

B. to celebrate the old woman's recovering

C. to make the old woman happy

D. to say goodbye to the old woman

4 After donating her kidney, the author __________.

A. carried out her mother's last wishes

B. wanted to honor her husband's donation

C. intended to live a longer life

D. meant to do something useful to others


科目: 来源: 题型:













(2017年5月3日《经济日报》记者 彬)

















科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Something in chocolate could be used to stop coughs and lead to more effective medicines, say UK researchers.

Their study found that theobromine, found in cocoa, was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine, which was considered the best cough medicine at present.

The Imperial College London researchers who published their results online said the discovery could lead to more effective cough treatment. “While coughing is not necessarily harmful (有害的),it can have a major effect on the quality of life, and this discovery could be a huge step forward in treating this problem said Professor Peter Barnes.

Ten healthy volunteers (志愿者) were given the-obromine, codeine or placebo, a pill that contains no medicine, during the experiment. Neither the volunteers nor the researchers knew who received which pill. The researchers then measured levels of capsaicin, which is used in research to cause coughing and as a sign of how well the medicine are stopping coughs.

The team found that, when the volunteers were given theobromine, the capsaicin need to produce a cough was around a third higher than in the placebo group. When they were given codeine they need only slightly higher levels of capsaicin to cause a cough compared with the placebo.

The researchers said that theobromine worked by keeping down a nerve activity (神经活动),which caused coughing. They also found that unlike some standard cough treatments, theobromine caused no side effects such as sleepiness.

1 According to Professor Barnes, theobromine __________

A. cannot be as effective as codeine

B. can be harmful to people's health

C. cannot be separated from chocolate

D. can be a more effective cure for coughs

2 What was used in the experiment to cause coughing?

A. Theobromine. B. Codeine. C. Capsaicin. D. Placebo.

3 We learn from the text that volunteers in the experiment __________.

A. were patients with bad coughs

B. were divided into three groups

C. received standard treatments

D. suffered little side effects

4 Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Codeine a new medicine

B. Chocolate may cure coughs

C. Cough treatment a hard case

D. Theobromine can cause coughs


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】I am _______ ________ (决心) go and nothing will stop me.


科目: 来源: 题型:


中国人的吃喝绝对是一种文化,今天我们就来对此进行一番文化自省。作为个人,我就不大能节制吃喝:因为当过知青,有过饥渴难耐的体验,所以只要有机会就期盼“好好撮一顿”。 有人振振有词地找到“文化根据”,说是凡农耕、游牧民族的后代都遗传着一种“饥渴因子”,一旦 ,就容易放开肚量胡吃海喝。作为民族,我们也不大注意节制吃喝:侵吞公款要判刑,公款吃喝却很容易被宽容,于是,山珍海味满桌,多高级的红酒皆能一饮而尽,直让外宾目瞪口呆。舌尖上的浪费,不可小看。无论个人、群体、民族,若想匡民风,清世风,


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Youth volunteers from Beijing University visited Songtang Hospital, a care clinic for the aged and dying patients, during the second Global Youth Service Day on April 21.

Thirty student volunteers from the university's School of International Studies sat at the beds of the patients in their specially-decorated “care huts”. They talked with them and gave massages (按摩)to patients kept in their beds.

“I felt sorry that I could not offer more to these people than talking with them and trying to cheer them up,” said Deng Yetao , 20, a third-year student. “But it occurred to me that they need more care and love than babies. Their loneliness is worse than physical pains.

“Even though they are suffering a lot, the majority of the elderly people want to talk to us. Each of them has a lot of life experiences and philosophies to share. Instead of doing them a favorI felt I was gaining a valuable lesson, said Mao Xiaohua ,another third-year student.

Ninety-one percent of the patients will spend the last days of their lives in the clinic, according to a survey by the hospital.

Daily visits and services by social workers and youth volunteers are a very important part of their programme. A total of 330,000 Beijing students from119 universities and colleges have visited the hospital. Many continue to offer services in their spare time. Some of them volunteer to hold the hands of dying patients during the last minutes of their lives.

Yin Hang, a student from Beijing Medical College, said he felt “the glory of life” as he saw the fading smile on the face of the old man who passed into a deep unconsciousness (昏迷)while he was holding his hands.

1 Youth volunteers from Beijing University went to Songtang Hospital to __________.

A. pay a visit to the aged

B. talk to the aged

C. show their love for the aged

D. help the aged out

2 What the aged are most worried about is __________.

A. loneliness B. death

C. physical pains D. wealth

3 The underlined sentence probably means __________

A. I taught myself a lesson by talking to them

B. I learned something important instead of only helping them

C. I only wanted to get something rather than do them a favor

D. I was glad to have given them a favor

4 After reading the passage, we know __________

A. the youth are fond of doing popular things

B. the second Global Youth Service Day is started by the Chinese government

C. 91% of the aged in China are facing death

D. the volunteers are taking an active part in the activity


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】The lawyer was so kind that he devoted all his spare time he had ______ the disabled.

A. to helping

B. help

C. helping

D. to help

