 0  77459  77467  77473  77477  77483  77485  77489  77495  77497  77503  77509  77513  77515  77519  77525  77527  77533  77537  77539  77543  77545  77549  77551  77553  77554  77555  77557  77558  77559  77561  77563  77567  77569  77573  77575  77579  77585  77587  77593  77597  77599  77603  77609  77615  77617  77623  77627  77629  77635  77639  77645  77653  109140 

科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】When he failed to beat his opponent he felt he had ______ with his friends.

A. lost face

B. lost heart

C. lost confidence

D. lost his way


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】______ his father’s letter, he decided to make a call to him.

A. Having seen

B. Having been seen

C. Not having received

D. Having not received


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Smoking is one of the ______ cause of cancer, killing millions of people each year.

A. major

B. similar

C. appropriate

D. casual


科目: 来源: 题型:


The images were shocking: Allison Samowitz and her twin sister, Jillian were watching the 2010 BP oil spill (溢出)on TV with their 【1】 sinking. "We live right 【2】 the beach, and we heard many stories of how sea birds and sea creatures 【3】 because of sea pollution and how the spill 【4】 the ocean's ecosystem," says Allison. "It was just devastating (毁灭性),and we were 【5】 it would happen here." The 【6】 towns along the Gulf of Mexico didn't feel that far away from their little Golden Beach anymore. They decided to do 【7】 for the nature conservation.

The sisters studied the 【8】 habits of their friends and neighbors. "We're a(n) 【9】 town of 260 homes, and we found out only 20 percent of them 10 !” Allison says.

Moved to act, they first organized a town fair with demonstrations about how 【11】 people could make lasting changes to the environment. They 【12】 local companies to join them and the fair 【13】 a crowd of about 200 people. On the scene were trucks and booths (货摊)where volunteers and company workers accepted 【14】 electronic equipment, eyeglasses, clothes and books—all for recycling.

The girls are planning another 【15】 this year. "It's an education campaign," says Allison. "People don't know, but there are so many simple things they can do every day that can 【16】 the nature."

Allison now reports on the environment for her school's television station. Both girls devote their spare 【17】 to various recycling projects around the town,such as giving old toys to children's charities and collecting 【18】 clothes for the people in need.

And should anyone think that they're awfully single-minded, they are 【19】 . The sisters have many 【20】 other interests: ballet, volleyball,singing and deep-sea diving with their dad. "They're basically optimistic," said their dad.

A. boats B. ships C. habits D. hearts

A. for B. on C. above D. with

A. lived B. died C. appeared D. survived

A. promoted B. maintained C. controlled D. affected

A. sure B. sorry C. afraid D. certain

A. historical B. industrial C. official D. coastal

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

A. conservation B. contribution C. pronunciation D. nutrition

A. famous B. ancient C. large D. small

A. recycled B. fished C. worked D. waited

A. clever B. normal C. ordinary D. cautious

A. ordered B. reminded C. warned D. persuaded

A. collected B. informed C. attracted D. moved

A. used B. repaired C. polluted D. broken

A. game B. concert C. competition D. fair

A. damage B. benefit C. ruin D. endanger

A. time B. part C. money D. effort

A. new B. fashionable C. worn D. expensive

A. mistaken B. right C. silly D. friendly

A. wealthy B. strange C. popular D. healthy


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can

Put our water supply in danger, but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways.

You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water . A major

Part of the water we use every day is groundwater. Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers. It comes from underground. The more roads and parking lots we pave, the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.

Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺). Driver climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall ,but in any case, good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs .

Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too. In the United States, a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day! This shows how much we depend on water to live ,but theres a lot we can do to lower the number .

You can take steps to save water in your home .To start with ,use the same glass for your drinking water all day .Wash it only once a day .Run your dishwasher (洗碗机)only when it is full。Help your parents fix any leaks in your home . You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.

【1】 Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater ?

A. Using river water .

B .Throwing batteries away .

C. paving parking lots .

D. Throwing rubbish into lakes .

【2】 What can be inferred from the text ?

A. All water shortages are due to human behavior .

B. It takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs .

C. There is much we can do to reduce family size .

D. The average family in America makes proper use of water .

【3】 The last paragraph is intended to .

A. show us how to fix leaks at home

B. tell us how to run a dishwasher

C. prove what drinking glass is best for us

D. suggest what we do to save water at home

【4】 The text is mainly about .

A. Why paving roads reduces our water

B. how much we depend on water to live

C. why droughts occur more in dry climates

D. how human activity affects our water supply


科目: 来源: 题型:


Combining exercise with the diet may be ______ most effective way to lose ______ weight.

A. a; the

B. the;/

C. /;/

D. the; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】-Please take a look and see if everything is ______.

-OK.I will.

A. in charge

B. at ease

C. in advance

D. in place


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】 The _______ (原来的) price of the car was a bit too high. Now it has been reduced.

【2】 The-cloning of some animals indicate a great _______(突破)in biology.

【3】 Don't let your feelings affect your _______(判断).

【4】 It is clear to everyone that _______(辐射) is very dangerous to living creatures.

【5】 You are supposed to be careful when you choose a _______(职业),


科目: 来源: 题型:






【5】 on one's part

【6】plenty of

【7】 get burnt out

【8】 be similar to

【9】 think of .. . as

【10】 lead a happy life


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】______, her work has been good, but this time what she wrote was very terrible.

A. In all

B. In the end

C. In general

D. At least

