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科目: 来源: 题型:



Different people use different languages. We Chinese speak Chinese, and, most of us are learning a foreign language. But there is another kind of language we need to know the language of the body.

All over the world, people “talk with their hand, with their heads and with their eyes.” When Japanese people meet, they bow. When Indians meet, they put their hands together. What do American and British do? Americans are more informal (不拘小节的) than the British. They like to be friendly. They use first names, they ask questions and they talk easily about themselves. When they sit down, they like to relax in their chairs and make themselves comfortable. British people are more reserved (保守的). They take more time to make friends. They like to know you before they ask your name.

When British or American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands. They do not usually shake hands with people they know well. Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women friends (on one cheek only). When a man meets a man, he just smiles, and says, “Hello.” Men do not kiss each other, or hold hands. Even fathers and sons do not often kiss each other.

【1】In the passage, the writer thinks that body language is ________.

A. useless

B. difficult

C. quite easy

D. important

2Which of the following is right?

A. Different countries have the same body language.

B. Different countries have different body languages.

C. People in Asia share the same body language.

D. Many people only use their body language.

3If an American friend visits you, he probably ________.

A. sit straight

B. never sits down

C. makes fun of you

D. sits freely

4If you want to make a British friend, you may feel it ________.

A. impossible

B. too easy

C. too difficult

D. slow


科目: 来源: 题型:



Children art education is something that is much encouraged for childrens creative growth. This is necessary because a child can have a sense of appreciation of the arts and along with all the other things that they learn in school. 1

Children art education should be designed from a very early age so that they are allowed to express themselves freely in whatever way that they wish to. 2 However, the task of children art education is not a very easy one, because you have to find the right way in which you can help them get interested in what you are trying to teach them. 3 The physical space where the art education is to be carried out should also be carefully decorated to make it attractive to the children. Use of colors should be made in abundance (丰富) as that is what attracts a child first to it.

Displaying examples of artwork that you think would be important enough to influence the children is also a good idea. Of course, a photograph of a painting of the Madonna (圣母马利亚) is something that children might not appreciate. 4 This will be a source of inspiration for the children to try them out as well.

The creative process is something that you must not interfere with (干涉) during a children art education class. ____5____But after that, you must wait for the children themselves to come up with something meaningful to their ability. As long as the result is connected with the topic, every child’s art work is worth praising.

A. You can just give them a topic for drawing.

B. Instead, put up paintings that children will be fond of.

C. The reason for this could be the lack of interest in the teacher.

D. A trip to an art museum can be an inspiration to many students.

E. They also have a place where they can express all their feelings.

F. This is the only way that art can be appreciated as children grow up.

G. So creating the right environment for children art education is very important.


科目: 来源: 题型:



【1】I can’t answer for the truth of his s__________.

2Do you have any difficulty in understanding s__________ English?

3Children need a close physical contact with a caring a__________.

4On the whole, he is m__________ by most people.

5We are standing at an important c__________ in the history of our species.

6He was __________(好奇的) about everything he saw and kept asking questions.

7In some countries, a visitor will be __________(问候) with a kiss on the cheek.

8__________(大体) speaking, women cry more easily than men.

9It’s an hour’s __________(飞) to Paris from here.

【10Presumably the bad weather delayed the __________(航班).


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】用likely, probable,或possible填空。

【1】It is __________ that a war will break out in the country.

【2】It is __________ that she often makes big mistakes because she is very careless.

【3】If you hurry through your work, you are more __________ to make mistakes.

【4】If __________, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.


科目: 来源: 题型:






3总的来说,中国人是勤奋的。(in general)







科目: 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、CD) 中,选出最佳选项。

The name of the Spanish artist Picasso is very famous in the West. Today, Picasso 1 "art". Picasso started from various styles of painting until he invented "Cubism(立体主义)".

Picassos father was 2 a painter, a Professor of Art at the local school of fine arts. He taught his son how to draw figures and how to paint 3 oils and took him to some of the schools of art that he himself 4 . Although he was Spanish, Picasso spent much of his life in Paris and never took part in 5 World War I or World War .

Picassos 6 life was very unconventional. He had four children 7 three different women, two wives and many lovers. In 1961, however, he married and stayed with Jacqueline Roque 8 the end of his life in 1973.

Picasso produced paintings of acrobats at the beginning of his 9 and moved into a different style when he started painting pictures of artists. 10 he developed his works into the famous style which is known as "Cubism". He also created 11 and wrote poetry.

Picasso produced 12 paintings than anyone else ever has: 13, 500 paintings, 100, 000 prints and 34, 000 book illustrations. He worked in many different mediums (手段): oils, watercolors, charcoal(木炭) and pencil. His paintings in the Cubist style started a new movement in art in the 13 20th century. Picasso 14 this style of painting with a colleague, Georges Braque in 1909. They painted span>objects by 15 them into small pieces and then viewed and painted them from several angles at once. 16 used brown colors for the paintings.

The Cubism Movement started with Picasso and Braque in Montmartre, Paris, and 17 rapidly among the artists. It began to develop into a second stage in which artists added 18 objects to the painting in various materials, such as cloth or newspapers. In 19 1950s Picassos works went through more changes when he started to look at the grand masters of art, like Velasquez.

In his 80s and 90s, he began to paint a mixture of many styles that he kept changing. Only after his death 20 fully appreciate his great achievements and in 1999 one of his paintings sold for US $51 million.

【1】A. is B. means C. learns D. makes

【2】A. also B. even C. almost D. only

【3】A. with B. on C. from D. in

【4】A. teach B. taught C. teaching D. taught at

【5】A. among B. either C. between D. beyond

【6】A. real B. old C. public D. private

【7】A. by B. in C. on D. about

【8】A. until B. at C. as D. by

【9】A. life B. career C. paintings D. school

【10】A. Accidentally B. Frankly C. Eventually D. Fortunately

【11】A. sculptures B. telephones C. pictures D. poems

【12】A. fewer B. scores of C. a great deal D. more

【13】A. late B. modern C. early D. difficult

【14】A. found B. invented C. searched D. protected

【15】A. separating B. cuttin off C. throwing D. dividing

【16】A. He B. It C. They D. We

【17】A. speeded B. went through C. spread D. wide

【18】A. the same B. different C. special D. extra

【19】A. these B. those C. the D. some

【20】A. he did B. people would C. did people D. did he


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】This book provides a good __________ to the learning of foreign languages.

2Smith invented a new teaching __________.

3Students sometimes support themselves by __________ of evening jobs.

4In this __________ over several days, the artist and his mice became good friends.


科目: 来源: 题型:


depend on insist on turn up look into

come up with make up for put through

deal with put off make out

【1】 I could hear someone speaking in the neighboring room but I couldnt _ what they were saying.

【2】 The kids having a mountain hiking no matter how difficult it might be.

【3】 The boys great interest on piano and his diligence his lack of talent, and finally he became a great pianist.

【4】 We arranged to meet at 7: 30, but he never .

【5】 We will not be afraid of any difficulty if we are ready to and learn from failure.

【6】 A working party has been set up to the problem and hopefully a conclusion will be made soon.

【7】 Because of the bad weather, r, the sports meeting has to till next week.

【8】 We might need more food how many people turn up.

【9】 Hello! Could you please me to the R&D department of your company?

【10】 Hey! How soon can you the money? Im badly in need of it.


科目: 来源: 题型:



【1】He whispered me that he was afraid.


【2】Parents react strong to the program of quality education.


【3】Watson failed twice,so he tried the third time.


【4】Sherlock Holmes looked down at the stars in the sky and then asked a question.


【5】The young man tried to cleaning the spot with alcohol,but he failed.



科目: 来源: 题型:


He was afraid the yard because he was afraid by the brown dog lying at the gate.

A. to enter; of being bitten

B. to enter; to be bitten

C. of entering; of being bitten

D. of entering; of be bitten

