 0  77670  77678  77684  77688  77694  77696  77700  77706  77708  77714  77720  77724  77726  77730  77736  77738  77744  77748  77750  77754  77756  77760  77762  77764  77765  77766  77768  77769  77770  77772  77774  77778  77780  77784  77786  77790  77796  77798  77804  77808  77810  77814  77820  77826  77828  77834  77838  77840  77846  77850  77856  77864  109140 

科目: 来源: 题型:


have trouble with settle down fall in love with communicate with

get tired of join in get along with pack up

1. She ____________________ a foreigner and married him when she studied in America.

2. He ____________________ his English study, so he often fails his English exam.

3. How is he ____________________ his new classmates?

4. Im going to ____________________ their discussion.

5. With his help, I can ____________________ the police in English.

6. Few students ____________________ playing games.

7. Do you need me to help you ____________________ the oranges?

8. He has ____________________ in America after he moved there.


科目: 来源: 题型:


--- 1 dont think I can walk any further.

--- . Lets stop here for a rest.

A. Neither can I.

B. Neither do I.

C. I didnt think so.

D. I think so.


科目: 来源: 题型:


When Alice started to cycle home from Jennys house, she wasnt nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. _【1】_, it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadnt been so __【2】_.

As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly __【3】__ cold very cold. Alices breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move __【4】_ that she didnt hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also __【5】__. Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something __【6】__. Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. Hello, dear, said the old lady. I need __【7】__. Im afraid Im lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes.

Airport? You __【8】__ are lost, Alice said. You need to go back five kilometers __【9】__ you reach the T-junction. Turn left and __【10】__ for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the __【11】__ to the airport. But Im afraid theres no __【12】__ youll get there in five minutes!

Thank you very much, dear, replied the old lady. t worry Ill __【13】__ in time.

The __【14】__ moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it __【15】_ and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something __【16】__ happened. The car began changing. First, its color __【17】__from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, __【18】_ just above the ground. As the car __【19】_ into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling __【20】_, the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief

A However B Besides C Therefore D Otherwise

A brave B excited C curious D stubborn

A fell B seemed C proved D grew

A aside B around C forward D backward

A arrived B stopped C stayed D started

A gathered B existed C dropped D moved

A help B gas C rest D water

A necessarily B normally C basically D certainly

A if B until C unless D as

A drive B walk C follow D march

A address B signs C notices D guidance

A doubt B room C time D way

A have it B get it C make it D finish it

A door B window C headlight D wheel

A passed B rushed C turned D continued

A strange B sensitive C imaginable D horrible

A developed B appeared C spread D faded

A rlling B floating C drawing D flashing

A pointed B returned C broke D rose

A tune B voice C sound D tone


科目: 来源: 题型:



【1】 Charles Dickens is one of Englands most popular n as he wrote a lot of novels welcomed by readers.

【2】John Keats is considered a successful p for his beautiful poetry.

【3】The teacher taught us how to a classic literature. We should know the background of the work, its plots, major characters,character development and so on.

【4】 William Shakespeare is the most famous p of all time. He wrote the famous romantic play Romeo and Juliet.

【5】Harry Porter is very popular among children and it is the b throughout the world.

【6】 The novel is well organized in terms of p .

【7】 The film is an a of an interesting novel.

【8】 Young people usually have interest in reading s fictions.

【9】 Their decision is based on ignorance and p . We are sure to reject it.

【10】 Classic novels often have s which suggest something will happen later.


科目: 来源: 题型:



be based on far from on the run free from

not uncommon would rather. . . than

have a (an). . . place in before long

【1】 Joe and Delia met in a studio. they were good friends and got married.

【2】 They are both kind and honest. Their relationship mutual respect.

【3】 With three young children to take care of, Helen is kept every minute of the day.

【4】The old couple plans to move to a quiet village traffic noise and industrial pollution

【5】 He remain poor obtain illegal money,

【6】 It is to find teenagers who are addicted to computer games these days.

【7】 Many of his concepts have been made into buildings and he important the architecture field of the world.

【8】 Computer, destroying job opportunities, can create vacancies in a company.


科目: 来源: 题型:




【4】 她是班里最自私的了。



科目: 来源: 题型:



Were you the first or the last child in your family? Or were you a middle or an only child? Some people think ____1____ matters where you were born in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means. Some people say that the oldest children, ____2____ are smart and strong-willed, are very likely ____3____ (succeed). The reason ____4____ this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child and give him or her a lot of attention. An only child will succeed for ____5____ same reason.

What ____6____(happen) to the other children in the family? Middle children don’t get so much attention, so they don’t feel that important. If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets lost in the crowd. The ____7____(young) child, though, often gets special treatment. Often this child grows up to be funny. But a recent study saw things quite ____8____ (difference). The study found that first children believed in family rules. They didn’t take many ____9____(chance) in their lives. They usually ____10____ (follow) orders. Rules didn’t mean as much to later children in the family. They took chances and they often did better in life.


科目: 来源: 题型:


It was a normal school day for senior Solymar Solis until an unexpected visitor arrived. Her dad, Sgt. Carlos Solis Melendez, surprised her by coming home early from Kuwait and visiting her unannounced at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina.

After serving in Kuwait for nine months, Melendez returned home a week earlier than his daughter expected. He held balloons and flowers in a classroom as he sat at a student’s desk to blend in with the crowd. "It came across my mind like, ‘How is she going to react?," he recalled(回忆) the heartwarming moment. "Is she going to be happy and run to me and hug me, or cry? That was all going on through my mind."

As unsuspecting Solymar entered the classroom, she was soon overcome with emotion, immediately bursting into tears and covering her mouth. She didn’t talk. She was just crying. She was overwhelmed with everything. She thought it was a dream.

Melendez was a single parent so while he was deployed (调度), he got his sister to live with his daughter. When he was coming back and talking to his sister, both of them came to the conclusion that they should do something special for his daughter. Melendez and his sister got in touch with the school, and they planned this whole being-in-the-classroom thing, and it turned out perfect.

The two are very much looking forward to some good daddy-daughter time now that he’s home. "It means everything," Melendez said of being able to surprise his daughter this way. "After all the sacrifices she’s made, she deserves all the special arrangements and special occasions and celebrations. I’ll do anything for my daughter. I believe I’m doing good parenting."

【1】 How did Solymar feel at first when entering the classroom?

A. She was eager to hug her father.

B. She felt everything was as usual.

C. She got excited at seeing her father.

D. She was surprised by what she saw.

【2】What was Melendezs attitude to the surprise?

A. Satisfied.

B. Astonished.

C. Touched.

D. Disappointed.

【3】 A. To get involved in her school life.

B. To teach her a lesson in a special way.

C. To build a strong emotional bond with her.

D. To make up for what she lost in her growth.


科目: 来源: 题型:



A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had 1 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 2 his father could well 3 it, he told him that was all he wanted.

On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 4 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 5 but slightly disappointed, the young man __6__ the box and found a lovely book. 7 , he raised his voice at his father and said, 8 all your money you give me a book? and rushed out of the house, 9 the book in the study.

He did not contact his father for a whole year 10 one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He 11 he had to go back home and see his father.

When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 12 the hospital, he saw on the desk the 13 new book, just as he had left it one __14__ ago. He opened it and began to 15 the pages. Suddenly, a car key 16 from an envelope attached behind the book. It had a tag(标签)with the dealer’s name, the 17 dealer who had the sports car he had 18 . On the tag was the 19 of his graduation, and the 20 PAID IN FULL.

【1】A. expected B. enjoyed C. admired D. owned

【2】A. finding B. proving C. deciding D. knowing

【3】A. afford B. offer C. keep D. like

【4】A. encouraged B. comfortable C. proud D. moved

【5】A. Nervous B. Serious C. Careful D. Curious

【6】A. packed B. opened C. picked up D. put aside

【7】A. Angrily B. Eagerly C. Calmly D. Anxiously

【8】A. At B. From C. With D. To

【9】A. toasting B. putting C. forgetting D. leaving

【10】A. until B. as C. before D. unless

【11】A. learned B. realized C. recognized D. admitted

【12】A. get to B. search for C. turn to D. leave for

【13】 A. much B. still C. hardly D. quite

【14】A. year B. month C. week D. day

【15】A. clean B. read C. turn D. count

【16】A. lost B. came C. appeared D. dropped

【17】A. old B. same C. special D. new

【18】A. remembered B. desired C. found D. met

【19】A. picture B. place C. date D. sign

【20】A. words B. information C. messages D. card


科目: 来源: 题型:










