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科目: 来源: 题型:


1When did the magician first perform professionally?

A. In 1964.

B. In 1968.

C. In 1972.

2What made the magician world famous?

A. His TV show.

B. His global tours.

C. His teaching job.

3Which does the magician think is his greatest achievement?

A. Project Magic.

B. Box office records.

C. The Magic of ABC.

4How is the magician different from other magicians?

A. He practises hard.

B. He believes in wonder.

C. He started his career early.


科目: 来源: 题型:



Happy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy? 1 Birthdays celebrate the day when we were born. Besides, that extra candle on the cake suggests another year of growth and maturity(成熟) or so we hope. We all like to imagine that we are getting wiser and not just older. Most of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others as well. For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud. For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process. But growing old? 2

Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented American culture. 3 As the old saying goes, You’re young as you feel. Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old. People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least young at heart.

Many older Americans find the golden years to be anything but golden. Economically, senior citizens often struggle just to get by. Retirement at the age of 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal income. Social security benefits usually cannot make up the difference. Older people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care, and housing. 4 American sociologist Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets. She was often treated rudely even cheated and robbed. However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect.

5 Why? People are living longer. Fewer babies are being born. And middle-aged baby boomers are rapidly entering the group of the elderly. America may soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹) are in. Marketing experts are already noticing this growing group of consumers.

A. Of course they do.

B. That is a different story.

C. Most people in America like the young.

D. Some even experience age discrimination(歧视).

E. The population in America grows larger every year.

F. Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young.

G. Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Five Ways to Improve Communication Skills

Communication is one of the most important skills we can ever learn. It affects everything that we do whether were communicating at work to meet deadlines and achieve results, or communicating with friends, family and partners to build strong relationships. Thus communication is very important. Here are five ways to improve your communication skills.


This reflects a real lack of respect. By interrupting someone, what youre basically saying is "I dont care what youre saying what I have to say is more important".

Dont finish other peoples sentences.

2 Wrong. Research has shown by doing this you are disempowering the other person because you are taking control of the conversation, so bite your tongue!


If you want to show that you have really understood someone, then paraphrasing(解释) is a great tool. ____3____ Heres an example: "So Barney, what Im hearing is that results are the number one objective for you right now and we need to find some fast solutions for you?"


Focus on active listening instead of passive listening. The difference is that active listening means you engage with and respond to the other person based on what he/she has said, while passive listening is simply the act of listening with no response.

Maintain eye contact.

By looking at the other person in the eyes, you are proving that youre interested in what he/she is saying. ____520____

A. Talk actively.

B. Listen actively.

C. Never interrupt people.

D. This also keeps you focused and less distracted.

E. You don’t see them interrupting others or leaving off mid-conversation.

F. I used to do this a lot thinking I was helpfully finishing peoples sentences for them.

G. All you do is repeat back to someone what he/she has just said, before you comment yourself.


科目: 来源: 题型:



Johnny, a lizard(蜥蜴), liked sunbathing every morning. One day, he felt so 1 (relax) that he didn’t notice some boys coming up behind him. The boys 2 (catch) Johnny, and he could only escape by losing his tail.

After the children left, Johnny came out to look 3 his tail, but found no sign of it. Feeling sad, he made a 4 (decide) to spend all his time looking for it. Time passed, and Johnny kept asking everyone whether 5 (them) had seen his tail. One day, he asked a boy, who surprisedly replied, “Why do you need two tails?” Hearing this, Johnny turned back and saw a new, stronger tail. He 6 (sudden) realized how silly it had been to waste so much time on such a problem.

On his way home, he found his old tail on the roadside. 7 it looked terrible, Johnny was still excited to have it back. He picked it up and was about to continue his journey when an idea hit him 8 he shouldn’t look at the past. He then dropped his old tail, 9 (leave) with it all his past worries. All he took with him 10 (be) thoughts of the future.


科目: 来源: 题型:



off to be impressed by commit to be full of

on the market spend in upwards of

range from to be worth a variety of

【1】 I like shopping in this supermarket, for food is sold here.

【2】When you your whole being something, you may find the world as you yourself totally different.

【3】 The little boy hurried fetch his mums doctor when he saw her faint.

【4】 Her eyes tears when she heard that her mother was out of danger.

【5】 Now more and more city adults their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.

【6】 If you want to buy this type of computer, you have to wait for another week, for they are not yet.

【7】 Although she is sixty, she looks energetic and youthful.

【8】 The prices of leather shoes $ 10 $ 100 a pair in our shop.

【9】He pretended to their new car but he was only acting a part.

【10】 I dont think this kind of diamond so much.


科目: 来源: 题型:



Not everyone enjoys 1 (speak) in front of a group. However, with the right preparations, youll do just fine. One of the most important 2 (part) of giving a speech is the introduction. The audience(观众听众) might be 3 (boring) if you dont arouse(激起) their attention right away. There are many ways in ___4___ you can get your audience's attention.

First, you could ask a question, such 5 how many of you believe in aliens? Second, you could tell a story about something you read in a convincing book. Then third, you could make your audience ___6___ (surprise) by telling them some shocking statistics(统计数据). 7 (Final), you can produce curiosity by doing something strange that will make them wonder what 8 (happen) next. And then, youll need to tell the audience why youre able to talk about this 9 (particularly) topic. Last 10 not least, end the introduction with a preview of the main points.


科目: 来源: 题型:


Tang Dynasty poets sang for about three centuries in different tones. There were many famous poets living in the Tang period such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin. Poems of the Tang Dynasty edited in the Qing Dynasty is a collection of more than 48,900 poem that were written by over 2,200 poets. But it didn’t cover all the poems of the Tang Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, poems were recited when lovers walked under the moonlight. Poems were also recited when soldiers fought on the battlefield. People recited them in the open air or at temple fairs.

Tang Dynasty poets wrote poems to win fame and also to develop their temperament(性情). They poured out deep feelings for their friends and criticized in injustice in the world through poems.

In the Tang Dynasty scholars had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of high social position but also common people. Poets recited poems, women singers sang poems and other ranks of people, including old women and children, read Tang poems. This atmosphere affected foreigners who visited the country at that time. As a result, Tang poetry was introduced to some adjacent countries, like Japan and Vietnam.

Tang poetry is a most brilliant page in the history of ancient Chinese literature. It’s a miracle in the cultural history of mankind. The Tang Dynasty was a powerful empire with a vast territory. It inherited(继承)Chinese civilization that went back to ancient times, was combined with the best of other cultures and adopted the benefits of other nations in the world. Tang poetry wasn’t the only spiritual wealth created by the Tang Dynasty people. Philosophy and religion, handwriting and painting and music and dance all gained new peaks of development. Tang poetry, however, was the jewel in the crown and its greatest achievement.

【1】 We can conclude from the passage that_____________.

A. only people in the Tang Dynasty created poems

B. in total there were four famous poets in the Tang Dynasty

C. the Tang Dynasty probably existed for about three centuries

D. in the Tang Dynasty most common people were poets

【2】 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Why the poets created poems.

B. Some other kinds of spiritual wealth in the Tang Dynasty.

C. The significance and influence of the Tang Dynasty.

D. The editors of Poems of the Tang Dynasty.

【3】The underlined word"adjacent"in Paragraph 4 probably means_______________.

A. strong B. neighboring

C. poor D. rich

【4】 What does the author really want to tell us in Paragraph 4?

A. Tang Dynasty poems were quite popular.

B. In the Tang Dynasty all scholars were poets.

C. Many foreigners came to our country during the Tang Dynasty.

D. In the Tang Dynasty many poems were sung by women singers.


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家,文化形式多样,尤其以古诗歌闻名于世。

2. 诗歌有一定的韵律,语言简洁,具有易学、易记的特点。

3. 诗歌富含感情色彩,且富有想象力,深受孩子们的喜爱。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Bob,

I was glad to hear from you. _________________________________ _________________






Best wishes.


Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】His pale face suggested that he well and I suggested he a rest.

A. didn’t feel; had B. wasn’t feeling; have

C. not feel; have D. hadn’t felt; should have


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. Since you like my shirt and I like yours, let’s _________ __________ _________ _________.


2. Every competitor should _______ ________ ________ the following requirements.


3. I _______ ________ ________, but I gave it up two years ago.


4. ______ _______ _______ _______ twelfth grade, American students receive the high school diploma.


5. It was she who first ________ me _______ the pleasure of wine-tasting.


6. By _______ _______ _______ a big tree by the river, the boy saved himself. (hold)


7. You mustn't enter the room unless _______ _______.(allow)


8. I'll never tell you another secret if you _______ _______ _______ _______ .(let)


9. It is entirely appropriate that his music _______ _______ _______at this festival.(play)


10. She _______ _______ _______ ring me tonight. (likely)


