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A. B. C. D.







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In a world where storing wealth is considered the norm, giving money to complete strangers seems like a unreasonable idea. Yet, for the hundreds who have taken part in Free Money Day since its beginnings in 2011, there is a knowing that greater sharing is needed in this world. More than this, our experiences on Free Money Day(each September 15) confirm that people feel more comfortable giving, than receiving. In 2014, for example, Jennifer Hinton said it took her and three friends over an hour to give away 35 Euros in Athens, Greece.

Its true that few are willing to jump straight into the vulnerability of receiving from a stranger. So we encourage Free Money Day participants to use a simple technique: suggest to receivers that they keep half the money you’re giving them, and pass the other half on to someone else. This technique increases people’s willingness to engage in the experiment, and makes people feel a need to view the giving as legitimate(合法的), which in turn legitimizes the receiving.

Perhaps many Free Money Day participants have reported unwillingness to receive partly because we have a cultural connotation that receiving help is linked with weakness. Also it can come, in part, from generosity for others, and the caring ethic that the Free Money Day experiment hopes to grow. Also it may come from a deeper belief: that we are not worthy of love and support, especially not from people who we’ve never helped. Additionally, insecure people feel unable to fully receive the riches they’ve been given and yet, when people are supported and loved, they tend to naturally give with generosity.

Thus, what can you do to encourage people to receive more willingly? Perhaps they will feel your heart. And, if so, what a wonderful opportunity for growth because the expression “give and ye shall receive” should actually be reversed: receive, and you shall give. As we become more able to receive love, we’re more able to give in a healthy way.

【1】 In Paragraph 1, Jennifer Hintons finding is mentioned just to show that .

A. giving strangers money is a strange idea

B. people tend to prefer giving to receiving

C. its more necessary for people to learn to share

D. more and more people are unwilling to receive

【2】 According to the text, Free Money Day .

A. is intended for homeless people

B. takes place in September every year

C. is meant to build a more secure society

D. aims to prove peoples unwillingness to receive

【3】According to Hinton, when given free money, people would most probably say .

A. It is really nice of you to give me so much help

B. Dont worry and Ill pass part of it to someone else

C. Please give it to someone who needs it more than me

D. Thank you, and would you please give me more

【4】In the authors opinion, how can we make one willing to help others?

A. By ensuring he feels secure emotionally.

B. By increasing his ability to receive help.

C. By teaching him healthy ways of giving.

D. By convincing him giving is related to receiving.


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随着中国人出境游的不断增多中国游客的不文明行为(poor behaviors)越来越受到广泛关注。如随地吐痰(spitting)、乱扔垃圾(tossing garbage)、不尊重当地习俗等。调查显示,中国游客世界第二不受欢迎的游客请简要分析导致游客不文明行为的原因及其影响,并从社会和个人行为两方面谈谈你得到的启示,写一篇100120个词的英语短文。





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煤—电—钢 煤—焦—化 煤—气—液 煤—电—铝

A. B. C. D.


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A.中国 B.日本 C.美国 D.新加坡







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A. Follow a proper exercise program.

B. Dont eat desserts in between meals.

C. Keep a daily check on what you consume.

D. Have soups or salads before a normal meal.

E. Reduce the use of red meat in your food.

F. Cut down on the intake of sodas and sweetened drinks.

Almost every overweight person wants to lose weight fast and healthy. However, to lose weight fast does not mean you have to go on crash diets (急速节食) or go to extremes (走极端). But by changing a few things, you can lose weight fast and in healthy ways. There are some really easy methods to lose weight fast that include a healthy diet and a proper exercise program which are really effective when it comes to weight loss.

【1】 Red meat is high in calories and other factors that are responsible for weight gain. Instead, you can replace red meat with poultry or fish in your burgers or sandwiches. This will be a healthier choice as white meat has lower cholesterol (胆固醇) and fat than red meat.

【2】 Soups and broths made of vegetables will give a feeling of fullness and also boost nutrients in your body. Salads must include green leafy vegetables that will make you get more fiber and make you feel full.

【3】 Sodas and sweetened drinks are packed with calories. Simply cutting out a can of soda or one sports drink can save you 150 calories span>or more each day. Drinking enough water everyday will not only help in losing weight but will also clear your body of harmful toxins (毒素) and other waste products.

【4】 Its very likely to finish a meal with something sweet, for instance, dessert. But it also increases the calorie count in the body. However, for healthy weight loss, replace them with fruits to reduce fat and calories. The body will also be benefited with extra fiber, minerals and vitamins.

【5】 There are some simple exercises that will help in weight loss in a healthy way such as walking, bicycling, swimming and dancing. They are considered to be the best exercises to burn calories. Besides, it helps to build muscles, which will give you a strong and healthy body.


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A. 小于全球的一半 B. 大于全球的一半

C. 正好等于全球的一半 D. 等于全球的三分之一


A. 北京白昼达到一年中的较短的时段

B. 赤道附近物体正午影子达到一年中最短时段

C. 北印度洋海区的洋流呈顺时针方向流动

D. 正值南极考察的最佳时机


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One Saturday morning in September I 【1】 (go) to a local music festival. I left it early 2 I had an appointment later that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with 3 (I) until the bus arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 4(sit) at the front. He pretended that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be 5 (mental) disabled.

Behind him 6(be) other people to whom he was trying to talk, but after some 7 (minute) he walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed. I didn’t want 8(laugh) at for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him on his own either. After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next 9the man and introduced myself. We had 【10 amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.

I’m glad I made the choice. It made both of us feel good.


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