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【题目】【吉林省吉林大学附属中学2016届高三上学期第四次摸底】阅读下面材料 在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

It is really sad news for Guinness World Records. Tiffany Two, the holder of the【1】

(old) cat record, has passed away in her sleep at 2 age of 27 years, 2months and 20 days.

Born on March 13, 1988 in San Diego, California, Tiffany Two 3 (buy) by her owner, Sharon Voorhees, from a local pet shop. At that time, the cat was only six 4

(week) old. Sharon named her Tiffany Two in memory of the cat she once 5 (own)

In the 1970s.

In fact, 6 Tiffany Two celebrated her 27th birthday back in March, she had lived the equivalent (等量) of 125 human years.

Despite 7 unbelievable age, Tiffany Two was reported to have good sight and hearing 8 (recent). Tiffany Two only had minor 9 (ill) such as high blood pressure, and Sharon described her as “strong and still able to go up and down stairs”.

“She’s not afraid 7【10 (play) with anyone or any animal. She walks right past the dogs. She’s very active!” Sharon explained.


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材料 上世纪80年代以来,新疆开始大范围推广使用地膜覆盖技术,截至2014年,新疆农作物覆膜面积已达4700万亩左右,占农作物总播面积的70%以上,年使用地膜总量达185万吨。与此同时,由于新疆使用的地膜厚度薄、易破损,人工捡拾劳动强度大、再加工利用较难,导致人们对农田废旧地膜回收和再利用的积极性不高,全区农田废旧地膜回收利用率还不到10%。废旧地膜在农田土壤中逐年增多,污染持续加剧,目前新疆已成为我国乃至世界上白色污染最严重的区域之一。



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A曾经有过剧烈的地震 B风化作用强烈,成土速度快

C曾经有过剧烈的海陆变迁 D曾经有过大规模的火山爆发







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A增加甘蔗种植面积 B大面积砍伐热带雨林

C完善城市垃圾回收 D进一步提高水稻产量


A东部沿海 B南部高原 C西部河谷 D北部平原


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Polar bears live in such environment that is too cold for most animals. For much of the year, they live and hunt on the 【1】 (freeze) Arctic sea ice. Nature has prepared them for the cold conditions but nothing has prepared them for the danger 2 threatens(威胁) their only home.

The polar bears’ world is melting. Polar bears 3 (suffer) in a warmer world are in danger. Studies show that the polar ice 4 (reduce) by 9.8% every 10 years since 1978.At present , about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears depend on the sea ice for their 5 (survive). “The sea ice is more than just the platform that the bears walk 6 ,” says Andrew Derocher, who studies North American polar bear populations. “Without 7 , they can’t exist.”

Some melting and refreezing of the polar ice is natural. But in a 8 (warm) world, these cycles speed up, and bears have less time to hunt. 9 (normal), they have three months in the spring when they gain more weight and the extra fat is used later, 【10 the bears are not actively hunting. Therefore, it is urgent to protect the environment and maintain the ecological balance.


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624 590


A黑龙江 B内蒙古 C新疆 D西藏







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【云南省玉溪市一中学2016届高三下学期第一次月考】A good laugh is like a mild workout. It exercises the muscles, gets the blood flowing, decreases blood pressure and improves sleep patterns and the immune system. 【1】.

Don’t take life too seriously. We all have obstacles in life and we all make mistakes. 2 In fact, if you can laugh light-heartedly at your own fault, you’ll find that you give yourself that extra happiness and confidence increase that can get you over any obstacle.

Find the humor in a bad situation. Sure , there are some situations where you are really sad. 3 The next time you feel the stress levels rising, take a minute to think about the funny side of the situation and laugh over the things you cannot control. This will lower your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and heart rate.

Remind yourself of funny moments from the past. Perhaps a friend told you a great joke the other day or your children or pets did something amusing. 4 Sometimes just reliving a funny moment can cause the endorphins(内啡肽), natural painkillers, to kick in.

5 As the saying goes, laughter is contagious(会传染的). So make a point of seeking out positive people who aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves and are good at finding humor in life’s situations. Young children are especially skilled at finding laughter and joy in everyday moments.

A. Take control over your emotions.

B. There is no reason to blame yourself for it.

C. However, most situations in life have funny sides.

D. Surround yourself with fun people who like to laugh a lot.

E. The following are some ways to enjoy more laughter and joy in your life.

F. Studies show that people with pets have lower levels of depression and stress.

G.Call on these memories frequently, especially when feeling sad, angry or stressed.


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【题目】广东省华南师范大学附属中学、广东实验中学、深圳中学、广雅中学四校2016届高三上学期期末联考】For college students, graduation signals an exciting new beginning. 【1】 Many students wonder: What do I do now? What career is best for me? Most expert advice on choosing careers boils down to the following points.

Knowing Yourself

What are your interests? Abilities? Skills? 2 The results may surprise you! These can be useful, but they’re not the last word.


Investigating occupations is much more difficult. For most people, there isn’t just one ‘right’ job, but several that could be satisfying. 3 Talk to people who have occupations that interest you. Find out what they like and dislike about their job.


Many people choose their careers because they believe strongly in a particular cause. Some might choose to work in areas like medicine, charity or environmental protection. Some have a strong interest in history or a love for the arts. 5 So in cases like these, the field is often chosen first, rather than the occupation itself. So if you’ve chosen a field, self-assessment will help you find your place in it. Invest some time and effort, and find the right career for you.

A. Try a self-assessment quiz.

B. Search through books and Web sites.

C. Finding your place.

D. But it can also bring a lot of uncertainty and confusion.

E. Serious research helps narrow the possibilities

F. Research your chosen field carefully. What work needs to be done? What training is needed?

G. Then they might think about education, museums or art production.


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I was coming back from home late at night in a‘Sharing’mini van(厢式货车).In Hydera- bad,India,it is a cheap and quick form of .The van driver picked up as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is for the transport of 8.So our van was very

Making her way to the f the van,a school girl with a bag the driver to stop.While getting down,she slipped and fell.None of us it,as it was dark outside.The driver was for her to pay.It was then that we saw that the girl was on her by the side of the road.Another passenger and l got down and held her up.

Even in ,she held up a note and asked us to pay the driver.The other passenger took the note and paid the driver.My was a few hundred meters away.As a girl, I knew I’d get off and stay with her in the .So I paid up the driver for and he drove away with the other passengers.

I neither her nor did I know what to do.But I was there,giving some words to another girl in pain. I asked her to stand for a few while.I then looked for a place for her to sit.Then I 58 her friend and waited there.She was rushed to a nearby clinic later.Before leaving,she thanked me for and we hugged goodbye.

The night breezes were blowing upon my cheek as I walked home,with a feeling of relief.

【1】A.1ife B.transport C.activity /span>D.communication

【2】A.designed B.bought C.organized D.powered

【3】A.heavy B.noisy C.crowded D.awkward

【4】A.driver B.window C.door D.seat

【5】A.guided B.suggested C.admitted D.signaled

【6】A.noticed B.managed C.recognized D.stood

【7】A.caring B.reaching C.waiting D.planning

【8】A.back B.knees C.feet D.own

【9】A.immediately B.doubtfully C.naturally D.anxiously

【10】A.silence B.surprise C.vain D.pain

【11】A.patient B.helpful C.generous D.secret

【12】A.home B.stop C.car D.school

【13】A.dark B.rain C.wind D.van

【14】A.himself B.herself C.myself D.itself

【15】A.ignored B.persuaded C.promised D.knew

【16】A.anxious B.sorrow C.comforting D.satisfying

【17】A.up B.straight C.still D.out

【18】A.found B.phoned C.brought D.saw

【19】A.company B.support C.bravery D.convenience

【20】A.hard B.happily C.willingly D.gently

