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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With the development of modern society and high technology, children wear more and more beautiful and fashionable clothes. More children 1 (allow) to choose their favorite clothes, which is 2 relatively new trend. Many years ago, children had to suffer the whims(突发奇想)of adults as far as clothes were concerned. Like 3 (adult) clothes, children’s clothes followed fashions as well. About 120 years 4 , boys in Europe and America wore white ankle-length dresses, just like their sisters, until they 5 (reach) the age of five. Older boys from wealthy 6 (family) were then dressed in pretty velvet(丝绒) suits 7 lace collars. Their hair was grown to shoulder length 8 longer. For many unlucky boys, these carefully planned and organized costumes were nor reserved for special occasions; they had to wear the same 9 (restrict)and uncomfortable outfits for everyday play. Clean and proper clothes say that the person has both self-respect and respect for other people. Clothing can tell quite a lot about the person, sometimes more than we would like to reveal. So we should pay more attention to 10 (wear) proper clothes in different occasions.


科目: 来源: 题型:



①积极购买小汽车,以节约时间提高工作效率 ②实现废物的循环利用,大力倡导节俭节约 ③建筑高层楼房和城市地铁,节约土地资源 ④由城市末端治理变为污染源头控制

A. ①② B. ③④ C. ①③ D. ②④


①养殖—种植—沼气池配套组合 ②煤炭开采—火电厂—炼铝厂 ③建设完善的道路设施—普及家庭轿车 ④家庭装修采用新型绿色环保装饰材料

A. ①② B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ③④


科目: 来源: 题型:



Around 5:30 a.m. Todd Steinkamp left the hotel and drove to attend a funeral in Green Bay, Wisconsin. About half an hour into his journey, he noticed a small 1 coming from his front tire. By 7 a.m., he still had 70 miles 2 , but the noise was so loud that he knew he had no choice but to 3 .

Steinkamp figured there was little chance that anyone in Wild Rose, Wisconsin a 4 town with a population of 725 could help so early in the morning. 5 , he still wanted to take his chances at a repair shop. Geib, the owner, 6 the car and told Steinkamp the wheel bearing was failing. 7 it would take a few hours, but the car wasn’t likely to make it that 8 without repairs.

Disappointed, Teinkamp 9 if he could rent a car at such short-notice. Geib 10 the store across the street, but was told its only rental car wasn’t 11 . Finding another place to rent would require a 40-mile drive.

“I must have looked pretty anxious at that time 12 Geib then reached into his pocket, pulled out his 13 and said ‘Take my truck. Fill it up with gas and get going,’ Steinkamp said later. Geib 14 that the truck could go 120 miles per hour if needed.

The men had 15 just 10 minutes before and didn’t know each other’s names, but Geib 16 on lending his truck to Steinkamp. So Steinkamp drove the truck and made it to the 17 . When he returned to the garage seven hours later with a 18 heart, he stuck around to chat with Geib.

Geib turned a terrible day into a good one with a great 19 . That is: Just be 20 and help others if you can.

【1】A.flash B. sign C. tune D. sound

【2】A.forward B. behind C. ahead D. away

【3】A.stop B. race C. leave D. arrive

【4】A.huge B. medium C. large D. tiny

【5】A.However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Furthermore

【6】A.checked out B. took apart C. broke up D. switched off

【7】A.Taking B. Fixing C. Sending D. Keeping

【8】A.speed B. distance C. limit D. interval

【9】A.supposed B. believed C. thought D. wondered

【10】A.searched B. opened C. contacted D. managed

【11】A.flexible B. practical C. available D. necessary

【12】A.because B. when C. until D. though

【13】A.coin B. tool C. key D. phone

【14】A.replied B. decided C. learned D. added

【15】A.started B. met C. showed D. agreed.

【16】A.insisted B. kept C. depended D. passed

【17】A.garage B. hotel C. funeral D. house

【18】A.generous B. grateful C. responsible D. merciful

【19】A.example B. subject C. change D. lesson

【20】A.patient B. wise C. kind D. energetic


科目: 来源: 题型:








城镇数量猛增,城市交错分布 城市规模迅速扩大

逆城市化现象凸现 城市人口比重提高,城市分布密集

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④


A.工业基础 B.自然条件 C.侨乡 D.政策


科目: 来源: 题型:


Moby-Dick (1851) is a novel by Herman Melville, considered an outstanding work of Romanticism and the American Renaissance. Ishmael narrates the crazy quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler Pequod, for revenge(报仇) on Moby Dick, a white whale which on a previous voyage destroyed Ahab's ship and severed his leg at the knee.

Our narrator, Ishmael, signs up as sailor on a whaling voyage to cure depression. On board the Pequod, Ishmael meets the mate honest Starbuck. Captain Ahab remains in his cabin and never shows himself to the crew.

Just when Ishmael’s curiosity about Ahab has reached a fever pitch, Ahab starts appearing on deck and we find out that he’s missing one leg. When Starbuck asks if it was Moby Dick, the famous White Whale, that took off his leg, Ahab admits that it was and forces the entire crew to swear that they will help him hunt Moby Dick to the ends of the earth and take revenge for his injury.

Despite first mate Starbuck’s worries and a variety of bad omens (e.g., all the navigational instruments break, a typhoon tries to push the ship backwards, and the Pequod encounters other ships that have lost crewmembers because of Moby Dick), Ahab insists on continuing to pursue the whale.

Finally, just when we think the novel’s going to end without ever seeing this famous White Whale, Ahab sights him and the chase is on. For three days, Ahab pursues Moby Dick, sending whaling boat after whaling boat after him only to see each one wrecked (使下沉)by the whale. Finally, at the end of the third day, the White Whale attacks the ship itself, and the Pequod goes down with all hands.

Even while his ship is sinking, Ahab, in his whaling boat, throws his harpoon at Moby Dick one last time. He misses, catching himself around the neck with the rope and causing his own drowning death.

【1】We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. Ishmael signs up as sailor for making a fortune.

B. The crew on board the Pequod was unwilling to help the captain to hunt Moby Dick

C. The captain was very kind to the crew on board the Pequod

D. The captain successfully captured Moby Dick and returned home.

【2】The underlined word “omens ”in paragraph 5 most probably means ________.

A. troubles B. accidents

C. stories D. signs

【3】What does the author think of Captain Ahab?

A. Selfish B. Knowledgeable C. Considerate D. Bad-tempered

【4】In a newspaper, this passage is most probably in the section of ________.

A. Lifestyle B. Travel C. Career D. Entertainment


科目: 来源: 题型:



A.土层薄 B.降水变率大 C.坡度大 D.植被覆盖率低


A.调节大气温度 B.提高土壤肥力

C.增大空气湿度 D.增加日照时数


科目: 来源: 题型:


Ensuring that disabled people have an easy life is very important, not just because they are human, like all of us, but because their dignity and social well-being should not be ignored just because of a disability. Disabilities can occur through illness, aging, accidents and other different causes that may happen to anyone or affect us all at some stage in life. 1

We are all human beings and so have the same basic needs. But we should remember that there is a wide range of what we call a disability, and while the basic needs are all the same for everyone, the different lifestyle needs are entirely individual. 2 It is best to find out people’s needs from spending time with them.

3 Even the most attractive homes can feel like a cage, so it makes a huge difference to be able to go out to a park or a shopping center, or to plan a day trip such as a picnic or a trip to the beach. Even if a trip can only be organized one day a month, it is more than nothing and does really make a difference.

If they are interested or able, pets can be great companions. 4 Some may be able to take care of a cat or dog; some prefer goldfish or birds in a cage. Very often, people who are cared for don’t feel that they have the chance to care for someone or something else, so caring for pets can improve their confidence and/span> mental health, which can take their mind off their own troubles.

Do not let pets be their only companions. Book a regular appointment with a social worker to visit them at least once a month. This is to check on their mental and physical health as well as ways of improving their living conditions. 5

A. Plan regular trips.

B. Stay with them in a friend way.

C. It is wise to check the abilities of the individuals.

D. You won’t know if they can help if you don’t ask them.

E. It is important because they may need to talk to someone.

F. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all method to improve quality of life.

G. The great thing is that it is not hard to make disabled peopled lives easier.


科目: 来源: 题型:



青海湖 稻田 黄河 水库 海洋

A.①③⑤ B.③④⑤ C.①②③④ D.①③④⑤







科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The giant panda 1 (love) by people throughout the world. Chinese scientists 2 (recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby. She was a very 3 (care)mother. For 25days,she never left her baby, not even to find something 4 (eat)!She would not let any other pandas come near. She licked the baby constantly to keep it clean. Any smell might attract natural 5 (enemy)that would try to eat the little comforting pats. The mother held the baby in her front paws much the way a human does. 6 it cried, she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats, The mother continued to care for the young panda 7 more than two years. By that time, the panda no longer needed 8 (it)mother for food .However, it stayed with her and leaned about the ways of the forest. Then, after two and a half years, the mother 9 (drive)the young panda away. It was time for her to have a new baby, 10 it was also time for the young panda to be independent.

