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 Mother suggests you should find out the point_________________________(你失败的地方).  (lie)

where your failure lies/lay         



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We are quite sure that Mr. Smith will_____ be successful because he works so hard with efficiency.   

   A. probably        B. likely       C. nearly      D. possibly     


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There was plenty of time. You____________(没有必要担心) about how long it would take.  (need)   


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do you want to live another 100 years or more? Some experts say that scientific advances will one day enable humans to last tens of years beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span.

“ I think we are knocking at the door of immortality (永生),” said Michael Zey, a Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future. “ I think by 2075 we will see it and that’s a conservative estimate.”

At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology(纳米技术) make it likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. “ There is a great push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years,” he said. “ Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years.”

However, many scientists who specialize in aging are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last about 120 years. Even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, they say failure of the brain and organs will finally lead all humans to death.

Scientists also differ on what kind of life the super aged might live. “ It remains to be seen if you pass 120, you know; could you be healthy enough to have good quality of life?” said Leonard Poon, director of the University of Georgia Gerontology Center. “ At present people who could get to that point are not in good health at all.”


73. By saying “ we are knocking at the door immortality”, Michael Zey means_____.

   A. they believe that there is no limit of living

   B. they are sure to find the truth about long living

   C. they have got some ideas about living forever

   D. they are able to make people live past the present life span

74. Donald Louria’s attitude toward long living is that_____.

   A. people can live from 120 to 180

   B. it is still doubtful how long humans can live

   C. the human body is designed to last about 120 years

   D. it is possible for humans to live longer in the future

75. The underlined “ it” (Para. 4) refers to_____.

   A. a great push

   B. the idea of living beyond the present life span

   C. the idea of living from 200 to 300

   D. the conservative estimate

76. What would be the best title for this text?

   A. Living longer or not

   B. Science, technology and long living

   C. No limit for human life

   D. Healthy lifestyle and long living


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Everyone present at the conference agrees that the suggestion __________________ (学生应该学点实用的东西) is worth considering. (learn)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of water, if he isn’t breathing, you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed. Support his neck, tilt his head back and press his chin upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again.

If that doesn’t work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until help arrives.

To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue-gray color, and you can feel no pulse,then pressing is the last chance of saving his life.

With arms straight, rock forwards, pressing down on the lower half of the breastbone. Don’t be too hard or you may break a rib. Check how effective you are by watching if his color improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressing. If this happens, stop the pressing. Otherwise continue until help arrives.


65. This passage is mainly about how to              .

A. save drowning people out of water

B. give first aid to drowning people

C. do mouth-to-mouth breathing

D. bring a drowning child back to life

66. Once you get a drowning person out of water, if he isn’t breathing, you must         first.                           

A. get him breathing again

B. take him to the nearest hospital

C. find someone to help you

D. call the First Aid Center

67. If a drowning child has no pulse,              .

A. pressing his chin upwards is enough to get him breathing again

B. blowing air into his mouth can surely save his life

C. pressing his nostrils together with your fingers can work

D. pressing is the last possibility to save his life

68. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. If a drowning man can’t breathe again in four minutes, his brain will be completely destroyed.

B. If you see someone drowning, you must give him mouth-to -mouth breathing.

C. When you bring a drowning child back to life, you should give him as many breaths as possible.

D. When pressing, you can do it as hard as you can.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The monument was built ______ the soldiers who died for the country.

    A.in case of                B.in favour of             C.in honour of            D.in view of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Main Holiday Islands

Channel Islands

The two main islands, Jersey and Quernsey, are remarkable in that they present a combination of enjoyment and peace and quiet. Neither island is very big(only ten miles long)and so all parts of these coasts are easily reached from the main centres―St Helier and St Peter Port. In both these towns, and particularly in Jersey’s St Helier, are concentrated(集中)the amusements of really big resorts(休养胜地). The nearness of France gives a continental atmosphere; the weather is far better than that in England. The other three islands, Jethou, Herm, and Sark, are small and quiet.

Isles of Scilly

The islands are really small and quiet; the weather is warm but windy. The islands are excellent for those who enjoy exploring small inlets(水湾), creeks and bays on foot, or even better, in a boat.

Isle of Wight

The island is 24 miles across and therefore quite large. The scenery is good and varied. The resorts are neither overlarge nor showy, the crowds seeming content with entertaining but quieter holidays.

The island has the best sunshine record in Britain.

Isle of Man

An island with a unique atmosphere―in some indefinable(难以描述的)way it is different from England, Scotland or Wales. Thirty miles long, with good roads and good public transport, the mountains, hills and glens(幽谷)are easily reached. Douglas is a major British resort and other resorts are lively.


69.Which of the following has good transport?

       A.Herm.                                                 B.The Isle of Man.

C.The Isle of Wight.                                D.Jersey.

70.If you want to be fairly sure you will have a lot of sun on holiday, which island will you choose?

       A.The Channel Islands.                            B.The Isle of Man.

C.The Isle of Wight.                                D.The Isles of Scilly.

71.If you were having a holiday on Jersey, where would you go for amusement?

      A.Douglas.                 B.Sark.                      C.St Helier.                 D.St Peter Port.

72.In which way are the Channel Islands different from all the other islands as holiday places?

       A.The coasts are easily reached from other islands.

B.There are more islands there.

C.There is some French food.

D.Its nearness of France.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular, because new functions _____________________(正在增加)the phones.(add)

