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16.Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season.
"Seventy-six percent of consumers who plan to buy holiday gifts say that they will spend money or buy at least one technology product; definitely a solid vote of confidence for technology."
Steve Koenig is with the Consumer Electronics Association.He says the group's latest research also shows that Americans this year are spending more on technology products"Here in 2012,dollar﹩252 on average--the technology spend for consumers this year."
From tablet computers to smart phones,American shoppers have been lining up to get the newest and coolest electronic devices on the market.There are more choices today than ever before."It's kind of hard to make a decision."
Tablet computers are one of the best-selling products this year.Brian Tong is Senior Editor of CNET.com.The website reports on tech news and examines the latest electronic products.He says the Apple iPad Mini is one of the most popular tablets.Its starting price is dollar﹩329.One of Apple's biggest competitors is the Google Nexus=7.It starts at dollar﹩199.
"Its hardwareis more powerful than what's in the iPad Mini,but also it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple's maps.
But Brian Tong says there is one reason why people may like the iPad Mini more than the Nexus 7."If you just want to read books and surf the Internet,you don't really need to get an iPad Mini,but if you want the largest robust group of apps (应用软件) that's where the iPad and Apple's ecosystem shines the most."
Elman Chacon is with the electronics store Best Buy.He says another hot product this season is smart cameras.They connect to the Internet through WiFi.This makes it easy for users to email or upload photographs directly from the camera.
"You can literally take a picture and upload it into your Facebook in a matter of seconds.These things are pretty cool because they do a lot of things."
Streaming media boxes also connect to the Internet.People are able to watch web content such as movies and YouTube videos on their televisions.Another popular item is wireless speaker systems.The newest ones work with any device that has Bluetooth technology,including smart phones,laptops and tablets.
41.What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?D
A.Every technology product costs an average of dollar 252.
B.Consumers are spending dollar 252 more on technology products than last year.
C.Consumers should spend dollar 252 on their technology products.
D.It is estimated that  dollar 252 on average might be spent on electronics by consumers in 2012.
42.According to Brian Tong,why may people prefer the iPad Mini to the Google Nexus 7?B
A.Because it is cheaper.
B.Because it has more functions.
C.Because you can read books and surf the Internet with it.
D.Because it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple's maps.
43.What does"Its hardware"in Paragraph 6refer to?C
A.The hardware of tablet computers.
B.The hardware of the Apple iPad.
C.The hardware of the Google Nexus 7.
D.The hardware of the iPad Mini.
44.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.People will spend most of their money on electronics.
B.Photos can be uploaded from the camera when connected to a computer.
C.A streaming media box is a box which can contain CDs.
D.Most people would like to buy electronics as gifts.
45.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?A
A.Electronics:People's Most Favorite Gifts this year
B.Which is More Popular,the Apple iPad Mini or the Google Nexus 7?
C.Latest Technology Products
D.More Electronics to Choose from.

分析 本文叙述了消费类电子产品再次高居今年节日最心仪礼物名单之列.最新研究还表明,今年美国人在科技产品上花费更多.从平板电脑到智能手机,美国消费者一直在排队购买市场上最新最酷的电子设备.另一种受欢迎的产品是无线音箱,这种最新的产品可以连接任何具有蓝牙技术的设备,包括智能手机、笔记本和平板电脑.

解答 41.D句意猜测题.根据He says the group's latest research also shows that Americans this year are spending more on technology products.可知据估计2012年平均252美元可能花在电子产品上. 故选D.
42.B 细节理解题.根据But Brian Tong says there is one reason why people may like the iPad Mini more than the Nexus 7."If you just want to read books and surf the Internet,you don't really need to get an iPad Mini,but if you want the largest robust group of apps (应用软件) that's where the iPad and Apple's ecosystem shines the most."可知它有更多的功能,故选B.
43.C 细节理解题.根据One of Apple's biggest competitors is the Google Nexus 7.It starts at $199."Its hardwareis more powerful than what's in the iPad Mini可知 hardware指的是the Google Nexus 7. 故选C.
44.D 细节理解题.根据Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season.可知大多数人想买电子产品当成礼物,故选D.
45.A 标题归纳题.根据Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season.及全文来看应选A.

点评 文章标题是文章的点睛之笔.标题归纳题在英语阅读理解题中属深层理解题,它要求考生在通读全文的基础上,准确把握文章大意及作者的写作意图.一般说来,标题应该具有概括性、针对性、简洁性三个突出特点.其中概括性,是指标题应最大程度地覆盖全文,囊括文章的主要内容,体现文章的主题;针对性,是指标题的含义要直接指向文章的主要特点;而简洁性,则是指标题应言简意赅,能吸引读者的注意力,并唤起读者对文章的阅读兴趣等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Heobjected(object) that the police had arrested him without enough evidence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4."Where is the bus?Why is it always late?"I asked myself.I was going to be late (26)B the manager wasn't going to be pleased."Thank God,here it is!"The bus came round the corner and I got on.Ten minutes later I was walking into the(27)C  where I work."Twenty-five past nine.I (28)D the manager doesn't notice."But I was not (29)A.
"Smith!"shouted the manager."Late again.What's your(30)A this time?""I am afraid the bus was late,Mr.Brown.""(31)D up earlier tomorrow!Anyway,go to your place at the counter (柜台).We'll be opening in a few minutes."
My first customer(顾客) was a pretty girl wearing a red dress.(32)B  her was a young man of about 25.He seemed very(33)A,and every few seconds he looked towards the main entrance.The girl took out some money and (34)C about opening an bank account(账户).I gave her necessary(35)A and she went out.(36)B,I noticed a tall man by the door,carrying something (37)D with brown paper.Turning to my next customer,I was frightened to see a gun sticking out of his coat.The next moment a loud noise (38)C my ears.Everything went black.I was falling…After(39)A seemed a very long time,I opened my eyes and I found myself-------in bed!(40)B  shaking from the memory of this terrible dream,I got dressed and ran out of the house.As(41)A,the bus wasn't on time,and I got to the bank at 9:25.
"Smith!"the manager cried out in a voice like thunder."I am(42)C  to listen to your excuses!Start work at once!"To my (43)B,the first customer was a girl(44)D a red dress and behind her stood a man carrying something wrapped in brown paper.The(45)A!Wasn't that the surprise of my life!



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.A.Get to know yourself.
B.Take care of your body.
C.Practice basic respect towards yourself.
D.Be honest with yourself and with others.
E.Think about what it means to respect someone.
F.Recognize when people disrespect you and take steps to stop it.
How to Respect Yourself A lack of self-respect can prevent you from fulfilling your potential and developing healthy relationships.Here are some steps to help you know how to respect yourself.
61.E  The  qualities  that  we  respect  vary  from  person  to  person,and  the  way  we express it varies from culture to culture.Generally,we respect people who have more experience and are more accomplished  than ourselves.But  there  is  also a basic  level of  respect  that most people will  agree  is  a  right,and  does  not  need  to be  earned.So  think  about what  it means  to respect others.Here are some widely agreed-upon signals of respect:You don't steal from,harm,
or  insult  them; you are honest with  them; you  listen  to what  they say,consider  their opinions,and avoid interrupting them.
62.C We  often  do  things  for  ourselves  that  we  would  never  dream  of  doing  for someone we care about.Whatever you believe to be respectful,apply it to yourself.Don't harm yourself.Don't insult yourself.Don't steal from yourself.Be honest with yourself.Develop your own opinions and don't be afraid to stand by them.
63.F A person with self-respect doesn't allow others to treat them badly,and would rather not be around someone who is disrespectful.This might seem obvious,but there are many times when we accept being  treated badly.When someone doesn't give you basic  respect,you need to be able to say,in one way or another,"You just disrespected me and that's not acceptable!If you don't respect me,I won't spend time with you any more."Can you say that,and mean it?Can you turn your back on someone who's clearly shown that they don't respect you?Once you do,you'll feel your sense of self-respect go up.
64.B When you make an effort to keep your body in good working order,you'll not only feel better physically,but also  feel a sense of pride.Respecting your body also means not insulting it for what it is,naturally.Make an effort to get fit and stay healthy.Focus on the things you can change and improve,and do them because it feels good.
65.A The more  you  know  about  yourself,the more  you'll  see  and  appreciate  how unique you  really are.And you'll  respect yourself more.Discover your principles,personality,and  talents.Stop waiting  for other people's approval and start developing your own standards.Develop a unique and original way of expressing your opinions while at the same time being a good listener.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

Meaning and name origin
Ashanti\a-shan-ti,ash (a)-nti\as a girl's name is of Ghanaian  origin.From the name of a powerful  African  empire  (17th  to early  20th  century ).Today,names associated with the empire  bring to m  power  and victory.The name is used as a surname  by the Akan  people of Ghana,and also in modern  American  black  families  as a link to the African  past.
Ashanti has 15variant forms:Asante,Ashanta,Ashantae,Ashantay,Ashante,A,Ashaunta,Ashaunte,Ashauntee,Ashaunti,Ashuntae,Shantee,Shanti,Shauntae  and Shauntee.
For more information,see also the related name Shanei.
View a list of the 3names that reference Ashanti.
Popularity of Ashanti
Ashanti is a somewhat popular first name for women (#3282out of 4276)but an uncommon surname or last name for all people.(1990U.S.Census)
Meaning and name origin
Kwame\k-wame,kwa-me\as a boy's name is of Ghanaian  origin,and the meaning of Kwame is"born on Saturday".Akan  name.Kwame Nkrumah,the first president  of Ghana,led his people to independence  from Great  Britain  in 1957,and is considered by many as one of the greatest  Afri  statesmen.
Kwame has 2variant forms:Kwami  and Kwamina.
Baby names that sound like Kwame are Kam,Cam,Kaimi,Kim and Kimo.
Popularity of Kwame
Kwame is not a popular first name for men and an equally uncommon surname or last name for all people.(1990U.S.Census)
Meaning and name origin
Halley\ha (l)-ley\as a boy's name (also used as girl's name),is of Old English  origin,and the meaning of Halley is"meadow  near the hall; holy".Different from the homonym  Haley.Hallie  is popular  as a girl's name.Astronomer  Edmund Halley.
Popularity of Halley
Halley is not a popular first name for men but a somewhat popular first name for women (#3646out of 4276)and an even more popular surname or last name for all people (#7330out of 88799).(1990U.S.
Meaning and name origin
Wadsworth\wa-dswor-th,wad-swo-rth\as a boy's name is of Old English  origin,and the meaning of Wadsworth is"village  near the ford".Place  name.Surname  of a family  prominent  on the American  cultural scene.Poet  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Wadsworth has 1variant form:Waddsworth.
View a list of the 3names that reference Wadsworth.
Popularity of Wadsworth
Wadsworth is not a popular first name for men but a very popular surname or last name for all people (#3046out of 88799).(1990U.S.Census)
Meaning and name origin
Cherokee\ch (e)-ro-kee\as a boy's name is pronounced CHARE-oh-kee.It is of Native American Indian  origin,and the meaning of Cherokee is"people of a different speech".The name of one of the largest  Native  American  tribes,used as a given name.The Cherokee originally lived in the southeastern America.They were farmers,and one of the first tribes  to produce a written  language.
A baby name that sounds like Cherokee is Shiriki.Another similar baby name is Cheroot.
Popularity of Cherokee
Cherokee is not a popular first name for men and an equally uncommon surname or last name for all people.(1990U.S.Census)
Meaning and name origin
Alvina\a-lvi-na,al-vina\as a girl's name is of Old English  origin,and the meaning of Alvina is"elf  or magical  being,friend".Feminine form of Alvin.
Alvina has 22variant forms:Alveena,Alveene,Alveenia,Alvena,Alvie,Alvine,Alvineea,Alvinia,Alwinna,Alwyna,Alwyne,Elveena,Elvena,Elvene,Elvenia,Elvina,Elvine,Elvinia,Vina,Vinni,Vinnie  and Vinny.
For more information,see also related names Allie  and Albinia.
Baby names that sound like Alvina are Olivine  and Alfo.
Popularity of Alvina
Alvina is a very popular first name for women (#1167out of 4276)but an uncommon surname or last name for all people.(1990U.S.Census)

46.Madison,whose name can be used by either male or female,wants to give her new-born baby a name used by girl only.She has traveled to many places such as southeastern America,England and even Ghana in Africa.She wants to give her baby a very popular first name because she finds that if a name if popular,it will be convenient when traveling.F
47.Adam's wife has just given birth to a baby.They want to give their boy a name of Old English  origin.As the couple are both fans of poems,they want their boy to share his a name with a famous poet.D
48.Ashanti has just given birth to a boy.As an African American,she wanted to give her baby a name of African origin.She doesn't care whether or not the name is popular in the USA.B
49.Alexia is pregnant.She still doesn't know whether it is a boy or a girl,but she wants to choose a name for her baby in advance.She intends to find a name of Old English  origin.She doesn't care whether the name is popular or not.C
50.Zuni is a man of multiple interests.He is interested in Astronomy.He is also crazy about poetry.However,as an Indian,he wants to give his boy a name of Native American origin.It doesn't matter whether the name is popular or not.E.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.As young people spend more time on computers,iPads and other TV sets,researchers are asking how all that screen time affects children's and teenagers'ability to focus and  learn-even drive cars.
An online survey offers a new question:how is technology affecting their happiness and emotional development?The answer,from girls ages 8 to 12 having the habits,is that those who say they spend amounts of time using multimedia describe themselves in ways that suggest they are less happy and less socially comfortable than other teenagers who say they spend less time on screens.
    Among the key questions that the researchers are not able to answer is whether the heavy use of media is the cause for the relative unhappiness or whether girls who are less happy to begin with are drawn to heavy use of  media,in fact,coming to a virtual(虚拟)world.But the researchers assume that heavy use of media is a main factor to the social challenges of girls.
    The reason the researchers is that on a basic level girls need to experience the full face-to-face communication  such as learning to read body language and facial expressions.
    Lucy Gray,45,who lives in Chicago,said her daughter,Julia,13,has been a heavy consumer of media for several years-she watches movies on her laptop,and has an iPad,an iPhone and a Nintendo DS portable game machine.Ms.Gray said that Julia can have trouble getting on with other people especially adults in face-to-face interactions,but she is not ready to blame her daughter's heavy use of  technology
    In fact,she things that,on the whole.the technology has helped her daughter navigate(航行)the world socially."she'd be missing out on an opportunity if she wasn't connected,"she said:
    At the same time,Ms.Gray said she worries that her daughter,who is using Facebook more,is  playing out her social life online sometimes without the benefits of the full emotional range that comes from face-to-face interaction.
"It's a double-edged sword."Ms.Gray said to social media
51.What is the disadvantage of online habit for young girls?C
    A.They are more likely to cause car accidents.
    B.They are less likely to be liked by teachers at school
    C.They may feel uncomfortable and unhappy in social life.
    D.They may be cheated into doing something bad at school.
52.With heavy use of media,girls may tend to beA.
    A.led into a world breaking away form the reality
    B.inspired to devote themselves to learning science
    C.directed to come to a world of happiness and luck
    D.encouraged to face the challenges  of the unhappy life.
53.Girls may face more social challenges because theyB.
    A.are not good at making friends online
    B.lack real communication experience in general
    C.are careless at seeing others'facial expressions.
    D.spend too much time  studying at and after school.
54.What will Ms.Gray do with Julia's heavy  use of technology?D
    A.She will allow her to use her iPad and  iPhone only.
    B.She will forbid her to use any kind of media.
    C.She will allow her to use the media on weekends.
    D.She will allow her to use all the media as usual.
55.What does Ms.Gray concern when it comes to Julia's use of social media?C
    A.Their quarrels are about whether she should use the media.
    B.Julia  likes to meet the real people knowing of on Facebook
   C.Julia's performance isn't good enough in real social life.
    D.Julia spends too much time sending text messages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.On my first job as a sports editor for the Montpelier Leader Enterprise,I didn't get a lot of fan mail,so I was intrigued by a letter plopped on my desk one morning.The envelope bore the logo of the closest big-city paper,the Toledo Blade.
When I opened it,I read:
"Sweet piece of writing on the Tigers.Keep up the good work."
It was signed by Don Wolfe,the sports editor.Because I was a teenager (being paid the grand total of 15cents a column inch),his words could not have been more exciting.I kept the letter in my desk drawer until it got rag-eared.Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread Don's note and walk on air again.
Later,when I got to know him,I learned that Don made a habit of writing a quick,encouraging word to people in all walks of life."When I make others feel good about themselves,"he told me,"I feel good,too."
Why are upbeat note writers in such short supply?My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious.They are afraid they will be misunderstood,sound old-fashioned or flattering.Also,writing takes time and it is far easier to pick up the phone.The drawback with phone calls,of course,is that they do not last.A note attaches more importance to our well-wishing.It is a matter of record,and our words can be read more than once,appreciated,and treasured.
What does it take to write notes that lift spirits and warm hearts?Perhaps just a desire and a willingness to express our appreciation.The most successful people write notes that are short on words and long on feeling,sincere,short,specific,and usually spontaneous in nature.
It is difficult to be spontaneous,however,when you have to hunt for letter writing materials; so,keep paper,envelopes,and stamps close at hand,even when you travel.Fancy stationery is not necessary; it's the thought that counts.
So,who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval?A neighbor,your librarian,a relative,your mate,a teacher,or your doctor?You do not need to be poetic.If you need a reason,look for a milestone,the anniversary of a special event you shared,a birthday,or holiday,and do not hold back your praise.Such words as:"greatest,""smartest,""prettiest"make us all feel good.Even if your praises run a little ahead of reality,remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.

63.On seeing the letter on the desk,the author feltB.
A.annoyed     B.curious      C.doubtful      D.shocked
64.According to the author,many people don't write upbeat notes mainly because they areD.
A.afraid of being out of date             B.too shy to flatter others
C.prepared to make phone calls            D.too concerned about what others think
65.It can be learned from the last paragraph thatB.
A.praises often run ahead of reality
B.praises help in pursuing a dream
C.parents often write upbeat notes
D.parents expect children's success
66.What might be the suitable title for the passage?A
A.The Power of a Positive Note            B.Notes Help to Fulfill Dreams
C.The Necessity of Writing Notes          D.Note or Phone,Your Own Choice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.In the year 480BC the Greek allies (联军) faced invasion by the King of Persia,Xerxes,who commanded a huge army of about half a million men.When the Persian army marched into northern Greece,the Greek states,led by Athens and Sparta,were ill equipped to deal with the threat.The Persians were well supplied with food and weapons.Their army included infantry,cavalry,and a large navy.It seemed that they would easily defeat the Greeks.
The Greek allies decided to send 10,000men northwards to slow down the Persians,while the rest prepared to defend their homelands.A group of 300best Spartan soldiers were chosen to lead the force going north,with Leonidas in command.Leonidas realized that the only hope of slowing the Persians would be to block the narrow passage of land at Thermopylae.The Pass of
Thermopylae was the route between the mountains and the sea,and was so narrow that only a few men could get through at a time.
When the Persian army arrived at Thermopylae,they found Leonidas'tiny army opposing them.The Persians attacked,but could not get through.They attacked again and again,but each time they were driven back by the Greeks,led by the fearless Spartans.Leonidas'plan worked well until a Greek traitor called Ephialtes went m Xerxes.He told the Persian king about a goat's path in the mountains that would take the Persian army past Thermopylae.When Leonidas saw the enemy crossing the mountains,he realized that he could no longer hold Thermopylae.He sent all the Greek soldiers except the 300Spartans back to their homelands.
The Spartans waited for the 500,000Persians at the goat's path.Although hopelessly outnumbered,the Spartans fought bravely.They all died,but the other Greeks were able to get home to strengthen the defenses.

61.Compared with the Persian army,the Greek allies were veryC.
A.powerful        B.wise           C.weak          D.foolish
62.The Pass of Thermopylae was very important for the Greeks becauseA
A.it was easy to hold but hard to attack
B.only very small boats could get through it
C,it was a secret pass unknown to the Persians
D.a huge number of soldiers could be stationed there
63.Why did Leonidas send most of his soldiers back to their homelands?D
A.Because their homelands were under attack.
B.Because he found they were not brave enough.
C.Because the Persians gave up attacking Thermopylae.
D.Because he found it impossible to hold Thermopylae.
64.Which of the following is NOT ture according to the passage?B
A.Leonidas was a great commander.
B.The Persians failed to pass Thermopylae.
C.Ephialtes betrayed his own country.
D.The 300Spatans would be regarded as heroes by the Greeks.
65.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?B
A.The Greek Allies      B.The Goat's Path  
C.The King of Persia    D.Xerxes and Ephialtes.

