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11.American writer Theodore Seuss Geisel-better (61)known(know) as"Dr.Seuss",is one of the world's most famous authors of books for children.
March 2,2017 was his 113th birthday.He was born in 1904in Massachusetts and (62)died (die) in 1991.(63)In his honor,March 2 is called both"Dr.Seuss Day"and,in many places,"World Book Day."The aim of the observance is to celebrate literature and urge children around the world to read.
Dr.Seuss is famous for his fantastical and (64)humorous (humor) books for young children.His books (65)are filled (fill) with colorful pictures and fun rhymes.Dr.Seuss'(66)works(work) include"The Cat in the Hat,"Green Eggs and Ham"and"The Lorax."
Dr.Seuss helped generations of children learn to read-and to love reading.His books have been published in some 20languages.
Many people used"World Book Day"(67)to express (express) thanks for Dr.Seuss'books.If you missed out on World Book Day,you will have (68)another chance later this year to celebrate books and reading.The United Nations marks World Book and Copyright Day on April 23.That is the date on (69)which several of the world's (70)greatest (great) writers died.They include England's William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes of Spain.

分析 短文主要介绍了美国作家Theodore Seuss Geisel对文学做出的贡献,并介绍了世界读书日.

解答 61.known,考查非谓语,此处know与其逻辑主语American writer Theodore Seuss Geisel构成被动的关系,因此使用其过去分词充当后置定语.
62.died,考查谓语动词的时态,根据时间状语in 1991,可知应使用动词的过去式,故答案为died.
63.In,考查固定搭配,in one's honor"像某人表达敬意",故答案为In.
65.are filled,考查固定搭配,be filled with"充满…",此处指他的书满是无颜六色的图片和有趣的歌谣.
67.to express,考查动词不定式,此处使用动词不定式充当目的状语,故答案为to express.

点评 对于语法填空这类题,一是懂得分析句子结构,二是知道充当各个句子成分的词类或词性,从语法上确定答案,当然,对于某些固定搭配也要牢记,在平时的学习中要多积累这些词汇或短语,对于句子使用的时态语态也要通过语境进行确定.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Children under 14 must beaccompanied(陪伴)by an adult.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.As more and more books become movie adaptations,I can't help but think how this will affect English classes in America.Thinking back to my years in middle and high school-ten years ago,I would be rewarded if I had read a number of classics.Today,a majority of those books are now also movies:Life of Pi,The Great Gatsby,Much Ado About Nothing and Anna Karenina,to name a few.
Even modern books such as The Hunger Games and Harry Potter have been adapted for the big screen.In discussion with my students,I often hear them say they are not going to read books because movies will come out soon,which makes me wonder what effect movie adaptations have on modern-day students.Will the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) encourage them to read books more carefully or to use movies to improve their understanding of the text?
The CCSS requires students to provide text-based evidence when reading and discussing a book.By focusing on such evidence,teachers can pull specific details from a book that may have not made the final cut when the book was adapted for the big screen.For instance,after reading and watching The Hunger Games,there were a number of details from the book that were missing from the film-many people were disappointed with Rue's meek(温顺的) movie role.A student who failed to read The Hunger Games would not quite understand Rue's impact on the games in the same way as someone who had read the book and remembered all the details that went into her death.
I am not saying the CCSS will stop students from cutting corners,but I believe if teachers use the support the CCSS provides,it can be a great roadway to ensure all students are digging deep into texts and not just hitting the play button.

29.Ten years ago,students in America wereD.
A.fond of reading all kinds of novels     
B.forbidden to discuss movies in class
C.not allowed to watch movies in the cinema       
D.encouraged to read many literature works
30.Which of the following might be the effect that movie adaptations have on modern-day students?C
A.They spend less time in studying.
B.They can't understand English texts.
C.They spend less time in reading.
D.They discuss movies more frequently.
31.What can we learn from the third paragraph?C
A.The Hunger Games is the worst movie adaptation.
B.It is a waste of time reading and discussing a book in class.
C.Movie adaptations may bring trouble in understanding the books.
D.Rue's impact on the games is perfectly presented in the movie.
32.According to the text,it seems that the CCSSD.
A.prevents students watching movies      B.provides students with well-known movies
C.encourages students to write novels    D.provides guidance on teaching and learning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-Though I'm worn out now,the journey was fantastic.
-Take a warm bath,together with a sound sleep,and you       .(  )
A.recoverB.have recoveredC.will recoverD.are recovering


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

6.Philadelphia is a city known for many things.It is where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776,and it was also the first capital of the United States.(36)D It is home to nearly 3.000 mural(壁画) painted on the side of homes and buildings around the city.That's more murals than any other city on Earth.(37)A
More than 20years ago,a New Jersey artist named Jane Golden started a program pairing troubled youth with artists to paint murals on a few buildings around the city.(38)E The teenagers involved helped to create magnificent pieces of art,and there were other,even more important,benefits.The young people learned to cooperate and get along with many different kinds of people during the painting.They learned to be responsible,because they needed to follow a schedule to make sure the murals were completed.(39)C It is hard for anyone to see the spectacular designs and not feel proud to be a part of Philadelphia.
Take a walk around some of the poorest neighborhoods in Philadelphia and you will find beautiful works of art on the side and fronts of buildings.Of course the murals are not just in poor neighborhoods,but richer ones as well.Special buses take tourists to different parts of the city to see the various murals,which show the diverse ethnic groups that call Philadelphia home.
(40)G It is also a model for other cities throughout America seeking to help troubled youth.

A.How did this come to be?
B.What happened to the murals on Earth?
C.They also learned to take pride in their community.
D.But one fact about Philadelphia is not so well-known.
E.From this some project,something magical happened.
F.The program encouraged troubled youth to paint together with their teachers.
G.As a result of its success,the murals program has now become the nation's largest public art program.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.When Mrs.Gabica went out of the teaching building after finishing the last class in her career,she saw a lot of pupils on the playground,wearing uniform clothing,like an activity of celebrating the coming Teachers'Day.Before realizing what happened,she was presented a bunch of flowers by two pupils and led to the playground.Then the loving words"Thank you.Wish you health and peace!"from the broadcast wafted (飘荡) over the playground.As she stood in the middle of the playground,teachers switched on an iPod and around 350 schoolchildren,aged three to seven,broke into a specially designed formation.The teacher was moved to tears when pupils broke into a flash mob dance to mark her final day after 25years.
In fact,taking her health into account,the leadership of the school has advised Mrs.Gabica to retire from school many times,but she refused firmly.Despite having diabetes in 2011,suffering from pain after being hit by a car in 2014 and even having a sick son to care for many years,Mrs.Gabica persevered in teaching and staying with her pupils.If she did not come to the age for retirement,she would be bound to stay with her pupils because she has a deep love for her career.Her pupils spent three weeks learning their routine to The Lion King's He Lives in You,which was one of the music lover's favorites,being careful not to let their secret out of the bag.Obviously,Mrs.Gabica wasn't prepared for such a memorable send-off.
The headteacher Luke Mansfield said,"It was a wonderful way to celebrate all that Mrs.Gabica has done for the school.Since posting it we have had so many messages from former pupils who remember their happy times in her class.It's a testament to the hard work and I think she deserves everything that she receives."

25.Which words can best describe the scene of the send-off?B
A.Surprising and inspiring.
B.Touching and surprising
C.Sorrowful and unforgettable.
D.Educational and memorable.
26.Mrs.Gabica had to end her career because ofC.
A.a car accident
B.a serious disease
C.her retirement age
D.the need of her family
27.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.Mrs.Gabica is an experienced music teacher.
B.Mrs.Gabica directed the flash mob dance secretly.
C.Mrs.Gabica's family may need help after her retirement.
D.Mrs.Gabica is thought highly of by her leadership.
28.The passage mainly tells us Mrs.GabicaC.
A.received many gifts on Teachers'Day
B.has achieved many honors in her career
C.was given quite a surprise on her final teaching day
D.was extremely welcomed by teachers and pupils.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.We face problems in our everyday life.(16)EDon't worry.As long as you are breathing,you can solve problems.
Be aware of problem.
First of all,it is important to know and understand the problem clearly.(17)DFollowing questions like why,what,how,when,where and who will take you to the root cause of the problem.
Analyze the problem.
Analyzing the problem will give you time to think of a proper solution.(18)BThey can be diagrams,flowcharts or a lists,etc.
Plan a strategy.
Planning a strategy will help you waste less energy and time in attempting all the solutions.This step includes knowing the pros and cons of applying a solution.In this way,you can abandon the strategy that you don't find worthy to apply.
Leave out the information that is not required for the solving of the problem.You need to be accurate with the details.Keeping the unrelated information can sometimes complicate the simple problem as we tend to overlook the important information.
Carry out the solution
Putting the solution into effect in a correct way to get the result expected is important while solving a problem.You need to be creative while actualizing a solution just in case some other problem arises while applying the solution.(20)G

A.Delete irrelevant information
B.You can use various tools to study the problem
C.Use yes or no questions to get better information
D.Knowing the problem means solving half the problem itself
E.They can be social problems,relationship problems,or problems at work.
F.Spend 10% of the time analyzing the problem and 90% on the solution,not the opposite.
G.Being ready with alternatives is also important in case a solution works only half way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.No one knows exactly how the earth began.Each(61)religion (religious) and culture has its own ideas about how life began on earth.However,according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a"Big Bang".It exploded (62)violently (violent) with fire and rock.They were in time to produce carbon dioxide,nitrogen,water vapour and other gases.Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars (63)but it had disappeared later.(64)Whatmany scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve (65)harmful (harm) gases and acids into the oceans,which made it possible for life (66)to develop (develop).Many millions of years later,the first extremely small plants (67)multiplied (multiply) and tilled the oceans and seas with oxygen.Later when the plants grew into forests,reptiles appeared for the first time.They produced young generally by (68)laying (lay) eggs.After that,some huge animals,(69)called (call) dinosaurs,developed.However,(70)65million years ago the age of the dinosaurs ended.These disappearance made possible the rise of mammals on die earth.These animals where different from all life forms in the past,because they gave birth (71)toyoung baby animals and produced milk to feed them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.In my living room,there is a plaque(匾) that advises me to"Bloom (41)Where you are planted."It reminds me of Dorothy.I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s,when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville,Kentucky.The job(42)responsibility/responsibilities (responsible) required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program.Dorothy stands out in my memory as the one(43)who"bloomed"in her remote area.
Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County,Kentucky,Appalachian Mountain area.To get to her school from the town of Harlan,I followed a road(44)winding (wind) around the mountain.In the eight-mile journey,I crossed the same railroad track five times,giving the possibility of(45)being caught (catch) by the same train five times.Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains,I found it depressing.The poverty level was shocking and the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of  (46)hopelessness (hope).
From the moment of my arrival at the little school,all gloom(忧郁) disappeared.Upon arriving at Dorothy's classroom,I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen.The children(47)had prepared (prepare) to show me their  (48)latest (late)  projects.Dorothy told me with a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for"dinner"(lunch).
Lonely  (49)as she was far away from the modern civilization and convenience,she never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students.Her enthusiasm never cooled down.She passed all the tests(50)excellently(excellent) and I found that Dorothy was really blooming where life had planted her.

