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A Love Oriented “Family”

“Jia” or “Family” in English, is one of the most widely read novels by Chinese literature giant Ba Jin. It has been again adapted into a TV series, with its main plot telling the love story between the young heroes, according to a report by the Beijing Times. “Family” is among Ba Jin’s most acclaimed(受称赞的)novels and is one of his three semi-autobiographical novels known as the “Torrent” trilogy(三部曲), composed of “Family”, “Spring” and “Autumn”. Written between 1931 and 1940 in pre-revolutionary China, the novel attacked the traditional Chinese family structure and depicted the struggles and tragedies, love and hatred of the young generation in a story of family decline. It has attracted extensive readers for its anti-feudal(封建的) thoughts and unique artistic charm, winning an important position in contemporary Chinese literature.

In China, family is closely related to country, hence the appearance of the very country of five thousand years' civilization. The ideal of ancient people, namely, “self-cultivation, regulating the family, managing the nation, and establishing peace all over the world”, fully reflects the close relation between the family and the country.

“Our version is not as depressing as the original story. It is modern and cater to a younger audience,” said the director Wang Jun at the press release in Beijing. Starring family faces including Huang Lei, Huang Yi and Li Xiaoran, the drama focuses on the complicated relationships between the characters and throws light on the resistance against feudal(封建的) restrictions. “We have to act as teenage boys, it is quite a challenge,” said Huang Lei, an experienced actor who is 36 years old. Huang Yi said “Family” is a good chance for her to switch style because she has to play a virtuous wife whose life ends in tragedy.

81. What are the three novels known as the “Torrent” trilogy by Ba Jin?


82. According to paragraph three, we know the original story is ____________.


83. The underlined word “depicted” probably means ____________.


84. What’s the TV series “Family” about?




81. They are ‘Family’, ‘Spring’ and ‘Autumn’

82. depressing

83. described

84. It’s about a love story between the young heroes who fight against the feudal restrictions.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


King Lear, in his old age, decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. He devices a “love test” so that he can tell which daughter loves him most.        loves him the most will get the most land. Goneril and Regan show him with sickening drops of praise and       (admire). When Cordelia       (ask) how much she loves the king, she says she loves the king, “no more or less”    she should. So he divides the kingdom      Goneril and Regan, and leaves Cordelia with       . The duke of Burgundy,      is Cordelia’s suitor, decides to leave her because she no longer has any wealth. The King of France decides to marry her instead.

     Lear’s friend Gloucester has an      (adopt) son named Edmund as well as a true son named Edgar. Edmund wants to be in charge, so he makes Gloucester       (believe) that Edgar is trying to kill him. Edgar has to run away. Kent stays by the king and continues being his loyal servant. Later, Lear begins to see that Goneril is not such a good daughter        he thought that she was. Lear sends Kent as a messenger to Gloucester.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You must have been troubled by when to say “I love you” because it is one of the greatest puzzles in our life.

  What if you say it first and your partner doesn’t love you back? Or if they do say it but you don’t feel they mean it? Being the first to declare your love can be nerve racking(紧张)and risky and can leave you feeling as vulnerable as a turtle with no shell. But is the person who says it first really in a position of weakness? Doesn’t it pay to hold back, play it cool and wait until the other half has shown their hand fast?

 A really good relationship should be about “being fair and being equal,” says psychologist Sidney Crown. “But love is seldom equal.” All relationships go through power struggles but, he says, if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in. “That feeling of ‘I’ve always loved you more’ may be subverted(颠覆,破坏) for a time, but it never goes away completely and it often emerges in squabbling(大声争吵).”  In love, at least, the silent, withholding type is not always the most powerful. “The strongest one in a relationship is often the person who feels confident enough to talk about their feelings,” says educational psychologist Ingrid Collins. Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees. “The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initiative. In fact, the person who says ‘I love you’ first may also be the one who says ‘I’ m bored with you’ first.” Hall believes that much depends on how “I love you” is said and the motivation of the person saying it. “Is it said when they’re drunk? Is it said before their partner files off on holiday, and what it really means is ‘Please don’ t be unfaithful to me’ ?” By saying ‘I love you’, they are really saying ‘Do you love me?’ If so, wouldn’t it just be more honest to say that. Collins agrees that intention is everything. “It’s not what is said, but how it’s said. What it comes down to is the sincerity of the speaker.”

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The importance of “I love you” 

B. The meaning of “I love you” 

C. The time of saying “I love you” 

D. The place of saying “I love you” 

In the first sentence the author means that _________.

 A. it is easy to say “I love you”   

B. it is hard to say “I love you” 

 C. we have many troubles in our life

 D. people usually do not know when to say “I love you” 

According to the expert, a good relationship should be _______.

 A. fair and equal        B. fair and kind

 C. powerful and equal   D. confident and fair

In the third paragraph, the phrase “with the upper hand” means _________.

 A. being low in spirit   B. having only one hand

 C. being active        D. being passive


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省枣庄市第十六中学高三九月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

A Love Note to My Mom
When I was a little girl,I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modeling__21__  in your life. Little did I know you were_22__  every penny you earned to go to__23__ school.
I cannot thank you enough for__24__ you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I wandered into the dining room where you were buried__25__ piles of law books. I was  __26__.Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for__27__? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’ t know Moms__28__be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”
As young as I was,that statement kept___29__ in my ears. I watched as you faced the___30_of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a_31__ and a Mom of five kids. I was exhausted  just watching you__32__.With your words of wisdom in my__33__mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world__34__.I set out to live my life filled with__35__,seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.
Your words became my motto. I__36__found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) __37__one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said, “Yes, I’ ll try that.”
Encouraged by your__38___, I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’ s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and__39__meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’ m__40__ it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

A.businessB.fashion C.lawD.medical
A.whatB.that C.whichD.where
A.mustB.ought toC.needD.could
A.in dangerB.in action C.in troubleD.in charge
A.weakB.powerful C.youthfulD.empty
A.came backB.closed downC.went byD.opened up
A.hopeB.hardship C.harmonyD.sadness


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省鹤壁高中2010届高三下学期第一次压轴卷 题型:阅读理解

When I worked in Swaziland, one day we went to an orphanage. There we found a beautiful little girl named Tanzile. I gave her a sweet and she said something back to me in Si-swati, which the nurse next to me translated, “She wants another one — to give to her little sister.” I said “of course”. When we were going to leave, we passed by Tanzile’s house to say goodbye. To our surprise she seemed to be holding on to that extra sweet I had given her. I remember saying to the nurse “this little darling is clever — she has taken two for herself.”
But the nurse told us, “Tanzile is 7 now. Two years ago her mum and dad both died of AIDS. She was separated from her sister who was three at the time. Tanzile has not laid eyes on her since. But from then on whenever Tanzile receives anything from anyone, including food — she refuses to accept it, unless they give her two.” In fact, in the little mud hut where she lives, we find a pile of old things which she has been collecting to give to her sister one day.
People sometimes look at faces of African children and think that they are somehow different from our kids — that somehow they don’t feel pain or love. But that is not true. Their pain is deep. And so is their love. I can still remember the nurse trying to convince her that “if someone gives you food, you must accept it — even if it is only one piece and not two — for your own health.” And it was so hard for us to keep the tears from our eyes as she shook her head. Her hope and her love was all that she had. It mattered more than anything else. When I returned home that day, I was shocked to find that this was not an isolated story but others in the hospital knew of orphans just like Tanzile — waiting with a little pile of things in their hut, for their lovers who they haven’t seen so long.
I think of that old song — “when we’re hungry, love will keep us alive.”
56. From the passage we can learn Tanzile__________.
A. is very clever        B. knows her sister has died
C. has stored a lot for her sister       D. doesn’t like sweets
57. How old was her sister when the author met with Tanzile?
A. Three years old.    B. Four years old.
C. Five years old.     D. Six years old.
58. What has the author learned from her experience in Africa?
A. Love is more important in life than anything else.
B. African children are different in a way.
C. African children should be treated fairly.
D. We should express our love in time.
59. The best title for the passage would be __________
A. Give every child two sweets      B. Tanzile’s love for her sister
C. One for my sister               D. Change your attitude to African children


科目:高中英语 来源:广西南宁市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语 题型:短文改错








I am in Montessori school through Grade 6. we             76. _________         

had no homeworks unless we wanted to bring some home.    77. _________          

After the school I had time to read, play outside, or do             78. _________         

sports and music. I think it promotes a balance life and            79. _________          

allow children to spend time with family and friends and      80. _________          

learn to fill their time as they like. Children are natural            81. _________         

curious. Give them freedom and time, or they will learn and        82. _________         

discover amazing things! At the meantime, promoting        83. _________         

a love of learning and helping students figure out                 84. _________         

how to learn are important than knowledge itself.                85. _________         


