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【题目】Particulate Matter

There are things floating around in the air. Most of them, you can not even see. They are a kind of air pollution called particles or particulate matter. In fact, particulate matter may be the air pollutant that most commonly affects people’s health.

Have a Look.

Particles can come in almost any shape or size, and can be solid particles or liquid droplets.1 These two groups differ in many ways. One of the differences is size, we call the bigger particles PM 10 and we call the smaller particles PM 2.5.


The big particles are between 2.5 and 10 micrometers (from about 25 to 100 times thinner than a human hair). These particles are called PM 10 (we say ―PM ten, which stands for Particulate Matter up to 10 micrometers in size).2


The small particles are smaller than 2.5 micrometers (100 times thinner than a human hair).3We say ―PM two point five, as in Particulate Matter up to 2.5 micrometers in size.The smaller particles are lighter and they stay in the air longer and travel farther. PM 10 particles can stay in the air for minutes or hours while PM 2.5 particles can stay in the air for days or weeks.And travel? 4 PM 2.5 particles go even farther; many hundreds of miles.

Particulate Matter and Your Health.

When you breathe, you take in the air along with any particles in the air, like heavy metal sand cancer causing organic compounds. Both PM 10 and PM 2.5 particles can cause health problems, specifically respiratory (呼吸的) health.5 Exposure to particulate matter leads to increased use of medication and more visits to the doctor or emergency room.

A.These particles are called PM 2.5.

B.We divide particles into two major groups.

C.These particles cause less severe health effects.

D.PM 10 particles can travel as much as 30 miles.

E.Air pollution is a growing problem in the whole world.

F.PM 2.5 can have worse health effects than the bigger PM 10.

G.Air pollutants have great effects on our environment and our health.








本文为说明文。大气中有很多悬浮颗粒物,从大小上可以分为PM 10PM 2.5,它们不但造成大气污染,而且还影响人们的身体健康。文章主要对颗粒物的分类及特点进行了介绍。

1考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。空格后面“These two groups differ in many ways. One of the differences is size, we call the bigger particles PM 10 and we call the smaller particles PM 2.5.”这两个群体在许多方面都不同。其中一个区别是大小,我们称较大的颗粒为pm10,称较小的颗粒为pm2.5。可知,我们可以把这些颗粒分为the biggerthe smaller两类。分析选项可知B We divide particles into two major groups(我们把粒子分成两大类)意义一致,而且有词(two groups)复现,故选B

2考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。空格前提到了PM 10的相关知识,后面理所当然应提到它对人类健康的影响,且在第一段就已经提到了颗粒物会对人类的健康造成影响,所以答案CThese particles cause less severe health effects(这些微粒对健康的影响较小)符合题意,故选C

3考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据Have a look下面一段最后一句“we call the smaller particles PM 2.5(称较小的颗粒为pm2.5)”,结合空格前的“The small particles are smaller than 2.5 micrometers” 这些小颗粒小于2.5微米。可知这些小于2.5微米的叫做PM2.5。可推断出AThese particles are called PM 2.5.(这些粒子叫做PM 2.5)是 符合题意的,故选A

4考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。空格前提到And travel? 空格后面PM 2.5 particles go even farther; many hundreds of milesPM 2.5粒子甚至走得更远;数百英里),even farther含比较的意思,综合看可知,空格处应该是提到PM 10可以漂浮到多远。分析选项可知D. PM 10 particles can travel as much as 30 miles PM 10粒子的行程可达30英里)符合题意,故选D

5考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。前文提到“The smaller particles are lighter and they stay in the air longer and travel farther”更小的颗粒更轻,它们在空气中停留的时间更长,移动的距离更远。而本段小标题为Particulate Matter and Your Health可知本段谈颗粒对人类健康造成影响,以及空格后“Exposure to particulate matter leads to increased use of medication and more visits to the doctor or emergency room.”暴露在颗粒物中会导致用药增加,去看医生或急诊室的次数增加。既然小颗粒在空中呆的时间更长,飘的更远,自然危害更大。分析选项可知,F选项PM 2.5 can have worse health effects than the bigger PM 10. PM 2.5对健康的影响比较大的PM 10)更严重,符合题意,故选F


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the afternoon, Tom and Jerry sat side by side, _____ how they could solve that problem.

A.discussedB.having discussedC.to have discussedD.discussing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where did the story take place?

A.In a desert.B.In a forest.C.In Hollywood.

2How did the old native American man help the film director?

A.He directed him to the right way.

B.He sponsored him a lot of money.

C.He predicted the weather exactly.

3Why couldn’t the old native American man help any more?

A.He fell ill.B.His radio didn’t work.C.He lost his magic power.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Whose advice did the woman follow?

A.Her mother’s.B.The shop assistant’s.C.Her sister’s.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last weekend, my British friend, Jim, spots a paper-cutting booth when we were wandering on street. Having never seen paper-cuts, he immediate bought one. However, the seller shook her head when see the 100-yuan note Jim handed to her. She had no changes! How disappointed Jim was! He was about to quit while I took out my cellphone, scanned the QR code on the booth and paid for five yuan. Jim was very surprising. I explained to her that nowadays we could pay with a cellphone for almost everything. “Wow!” Jim said, “The paper-cut looks great, and the payment method seems even great!”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The most effective way 1(fight) global warming is to plant lots of trees, a study has said. And there is enough space for new trees to cover 3.5 million square miles, Swiss 2(scientist) reported in Science. That area is roughly the size 3the United States.

The study calculated that over the decades, those new trees could suck up nearly 830 billion tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. That’s about as much carbon pollution 4humans have caused in the past 25 years.

Six nations with the most room for new trees 5(be) Russia, the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil and China.

Study co-author Thomas Crowther 6(figure) that there were other more effective ways besides 7(cut) emissions ( 排放物 ), such as people switching from meat-eating to vegetarianism. But, he said, tree planting was by far the cheapest climate change solution.

Thomas Lovejoy, a George Mason University conservation biologist, called it “a good news story” because planting trees would also help promote the 8(protect) of biodiversity.

“It is not easy or realistic to think the world will suddenly start planting trees everywhere, although many groups have started,” Crowther said. “It’s 9(certain) a monumental challenge, 10 is exactly what people are saying about the problem of climate change.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Pillow fighting in its natural state is a display of chaos, a safe-ish outlet to most children. You grab the nearest pillow and whip it at the nearest body.1

But pillow fighting has been appropriated for high school students as a real sport in Ito, Japan with the set rules. The All-Japan Pillow Fighting Championship consists of two teams of five players each side. Before the match begins, all team members pretend to sleep beneath the quilt on individual futons (垫子).2They cross the dividing line, grabbing a pillow as they go.

3The pillows are thrown, not swung. Any team member struck by a pillow is knocked out of play. A designated player can bring the quilt along and hold it up as a shield for teammates. A second player is appointed "king." When one team strikes the other's king, that team wins the match.

The pillows are designed and produced specially according to strict size and weight regulations. They're filled, not with feathers, but with rubber to achieve the required weight and bounce.4The youngest player so far recorded was 9, the eldest 75.

Two one-minute matches make up a game. As a sport, it's speedy, zany and growing fast. No word yet on its Olympics prospects. But with skateboarding officially in, 5.

A. There are no rules.

B. There are no age restrictions.

C. pillow fighting can't be far behind

D. As a sportpillow fighting has a long history.

E. it is uncertain whether it'll have a promising future

F. The rules in this competitive game are not complicated.

G. When the referee blows the whistlethe players leap to their feet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In the latest beauty craze (狂热) 1 (sweep) social media in China, women and even some men are boasting (自夸) that they are paper thin, by posting photographs of their waists behind a piece of A4 paper. To qualify, the waist must 2 (hide) by the paper entirely. A piece of A4 paper is 8.3 by 11.7 inches, roughly 3 size of a sheet of American letter paper.

With the A4 waist, the trend is attracting hundreds of photographs and thousands of comments on Weibo and other social media networks like WeChat. Being 4 (normally) thin is a widespread standard of beauty for women, 5 has been criticized as an unhealthy ideal of female attractiveness.

Several commentators have found the A4 trend 6 (disturb). In a telephone interview, an expert said, “I find 7 completely stupid. Using a single size 8 (define) all human beings then thinking you have created new standards 9 (be) foolish.” The A4 waist challenge 10 (annoy) him, saying that it allows certain people to gain bragging (吹嘘的) rights, while leaving others in depression.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 For years, life went something like this: We'd grow up in one place, head off to college, and then find a city to live in for a few years at time to pursue a job or higher education. The end goal was to find somewhere to settle down, buy a house, start a family, and begin the whole cycle all over again.

But a new model for living is emerging: More and more people are moving from city to city throughout their entire lives, sometimes as frequently as every month. Just ask Alex Chatzielefteriou, who has had a front-row seat watching this evolution unfold.

Six years ago, he launched a startup called Blueground that rents out beautifully designed, fully furnished apartments for a month at a time, at rates that are cheaper than hotels. Today, the company has 3,000 properties in six U.S. cities, along with Dubai, Istanbul, London, Paris, and Chatzielefteriou's native Athens, and a staff of 400. The company just invested $78 million to continue its rapid expansion and make each one feel unique and cosy, rather than standardized, like what you might find in a traditional hotel.

Chatzielefteriou first came up with the idea for Blueground while he was working as a management consultant for McKinsey. “The accommodation of choice for consultants is the hotel,” he says. “I had to spend five years in a hotel room, living in 12 different cities. I loved seeing the world, but I didn't love feeling like I didn't have a home.” As he spoke to his friends and coworkers, he realized that many people were frustrated with this restless lifestyle. And what's more, hotels aren't a particularly cost-effective solution for companies either. In Chatzielefteriou's case, McKinsey sometimes paid S10,000 or more for him to stay in a major city for a month, which was far more expensive than local rents.

1What's the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To tell the end goal of our life.

B.To introduce the topic of the text.

C.To stress the importance of buying a house.

D.To explain the reason for people's flooding into cities.

2What motivated Chatzielefteriou to set up a company?

A.His urge to have a home.

B.His desire to make money.

C.His friends' encouragement.

D.His experience in living in hotel.

3Why is Blueground a success?

A.It has obvious price superiority.

B.It has good geographical location.

C.It has beautifully designed apartments.

D.It has unique and comfortable environment.

4What does the text mainly talk about?

A.The fall of traditional hotels.

B.The rise of a new living model.

C.The advantages of Blueground.

D.The disadvantages of traditional hotels.

