精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

A.      Write clearly.

B.      Review your notes.

C.      Compare your notes.

D.     Organize your notes.

E.      Write down questions.

F.      Come to class prepared

                             How to improve your note taking

61. ________________

   There is nothing that will help you take better notes than coming to class prepared. Before coming to class make sure that you have read all assigned reading and that you have reviewed your notes from the previous class. Coming to class prepared will help you take much better notes. You’ll be able to take more detailed notes on items you don’t fully understand.

62. ________________

   It doesn’t matter how many notes you can take if you can’t make sense of your notes after the lecture is over. Taking clear notes will ensure that you understand the subject matter being discussed, help to remember what is being taught in your mind and will provide you the means to g back after class and review the subject matter being taught..

63. ________________

  When class is over, compare your notes to those taken by other students. Sometimes other students will pick up on things discussed by the teacher that you missed or didn’t find important. Comparing notes will help ensure that your notes are complete and correct. Also, you’ll find good ways to take notes from others.

64. ________________

  Often after class, you will find out that you can’t remember what the teacher was saying. Review your notes as soon as you can. Reviewing your notes directly following a lecture will make sure that you understand your notes and the lecture. Also, it will help you remember the information you learned.

65. ________________

    Quite often you’re going to find that it can be difficult to understand everything the teacher is talking about. Make sure to write down any questions you have or concepts you didn’t understand so that you can go back after class and ask the teacher specific questions or use reference resources to better understand difficult concepts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

                                                                                     Want to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.


Five waiters and Ten Waitresses

---Aged under 22

---At least high school graduate

---Good looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women 1.65

---Those knowing foreign languages preferred

---Paid 1600---2200 dollars per month

One Secretary

---Aged under 30

---Female preferred

---Good at writing and skilled at computer

If interested, call 465-4768 or write to: Mr Jack Hundris

Room 0825, Fairmont Hotel

567 Wood Street, San Markers, 78003

Fax: 6954828



---Aged between 25 and 40

---With an experience of at least two years

---With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书)

---Paid3000-4000 dollars monthly

---With a knowledge of computer


---Basic education of 12 years or more

---Good at computer

---Paid 1800-2200 dollars monthly

Tel: 447-4398          Fax: 3485269

If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can just apply for the position as _____.

A. a secretary    B. a waiter or a waitress    C. an accountant    D. a salesclerk

If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore, you have to satisfy the following conditions EXCEPT _____.

   A. being a woman             B. knowing well how to use a computer

   C. having been an accountant    D. having an accountant certificate

If you want to try for a job in Fairmont Hotel, you _____.

have to be a woman and know foreign languages

should be a university graduate

have to be taller than 1.72 meters 

should be younger than 30 years old


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor”! I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary. Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary. However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if your attitude is positive. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.

Second, they are afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY(准确性). Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly. However, in speaking your aim is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn’t matter because the person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.

The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing was necessary for you to start speaking.

Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English, they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

If you do not use your English beyond the classroom, you will forget what English you know. Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT! You can learn how to speak English better by speaking English more.

What is most probably the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To improve your reading.                 

B.To improve your listening.

C.To improve your spoken English.        

D.To improve your vocabulary.

It can be inferred from the third paragraph that______.

A.don’t be fluency , Just be accuracy

B.don’t be nervous ,don’t be shy . Just write!

C.don’t be afraid of making mistakes . Just speak!

D.don’t be shy ,don’t be fluency. Just listen and write!

The last paragraph is possibly close to the meaning of “_____”.

A.more hurry, less speed             B.better late than never

C.silence is gold                    D.practice makes perfect

The text is most probably taken from a ______.

A.teacher’s diary                     B.report on study     

C.sports newspaper                 D.movie magazine


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河南省高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We tried so hard to make things better for our kids but we made them worse. For my naughty boys, I’d know better. I’d really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatloaf. I really would.

My cherished boys, I hope you learn humility (谦逊) by surviving failure and that you learn to be honest even when no one is looking. I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in. I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother. And it is all right to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl (爬) under the covers (被子) with you because he’s scared, I hope you’ll let him. And when you want to see a Disney movie and your kid brother wants to tag along, I hope you take him.

  I hope you have to walk uphill with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely. I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books, and when you learn to use computers, you also learn how to add and subtract (减) in your head.

May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on the stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole (旗杆). I hope you get sick when someone blows smoke in your face. I don’t care if you try beer once, but I hope you won’t like it.

I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your grandpa or go fishing with your uncle.

I hope your father punishes you when you throw a baseball through a neighbor’s window, and that your mother hugs you and kisses you when you give her a plaster of pared mold (一个石膏模型) of your hand.

  These things I wish for you—tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness.

1.Who wrote the letter?

A.A grandmother.     B.A grandfather.      C.A father.          D.A mother.

2.What does the author hope for the boys?

A.they learn a lesson from a fight with others.

B.they know how to calculate with computers.

C.they get on well with family members.

D.they burn their hand on the stove and stick their tongue on a frozen flagpole.

3.It can be inferred from the text that the boys _________________.

A.often fight with others                   B.are to develop good qualities

C.always keep their grandpa company         D.score high in the exam

4.Why does the author write the letter?

A.To show the boys it’s not easy growing up.

B.To teach the boys dos and don’ts on the way growing up.

C.To help the boys to avoid making mistakes on the way growing up.

D.To encourage the boys to fully experience life on the way growing up.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃省高三第二次检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class. Teaching was a profession I had never seriously considered, though several of my stories had been published. I accepted the job without hesitation, as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr. Davis. My father went by the same name, and I liked to imagine people getting the two of us confused. “Wait a minute,” someone might say, “are you talking about Mr. Davis the retired man, or Mr. Davis the respectable scholar?”

   The position was offered at the last minute, and I was given two weeks to prepare, a period I spent searching for briefcase (公文包) and standing before my full-length mirror, repeating the words, “Hello, class. I’m Mr. Davis.” Sometimes I would give myself an aggressive voice. Sometimes I would sound experienced. But when the day eventually came, my nerves kicked in and the true Mr. Davis was there. I sounded not like a thoughtful professor, but rather a 12-year-old boy.

   I arrived in the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape of maple leaves. I had cut them myself out of orange construction paper. I saw nine students along a long table. I handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them to their breast pockets as I required.

   “All right then,” I said. “Okay, here we go.” Then I opened my briefcase and realized that I had never thought beyond this moment. I had been thinking that the students would be the first to talk, offering their thoughts and opinions on the events of the day. I had imagined that I would sit at the edge of the desk, overlooking a forests of hands. Every student would yell. “Calm down, you’ll all get your turn. One at a time, one at a time!”

   A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I inspected the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay related to the theme of deep disappointment.

1.The author took the job to teach writing because ______.

   A. he wanted to be expected

   B. he had written some storied

   C. he wanted to please his father

   D. he had dreamed of being a teacher

2.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 2 ?

   A. He would be aggressive in his first class.

   B. He was well-prepared for his first class.

   C. He got nervous upon the arrival of his first class.

   D. He waited long for the arrival of his first class.

3.Before he started his class, the author asked the students to ______.

   A. write down their suggestions on the paper cards

   B. cut maple leaves out of the construction paper

   C. cut some cards out of the construction paper

   D. write down their names on the paper cards

4.What did the students do when the author started his class?

   A. They began to talk.        B. They stayed silent.

   C. They raised their hands.     D. They shouted to be heard.

5.The author chose the composition topic probably because ______.

   A. he got disappointed with his first class

   B. he had prepared the topic before class

   C. he wanted to calm down the students

   D. he thought it was an easy topic



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年安徽省六安市高三考前仿真模拟测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The most frightening words in the English language are, “Our computer is down.” You hear it more and more when you are on business. The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, “I’m sorry, I can’t sell you a ticket. Our computer is down.”

“If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket.”

“I can’t write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so.”

I looked down on the computer and every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen. Then I asked her, “What do all you people do?”

“We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not.”

“So when it goes down, you go down with it.”

“That’s good, sir.”

“How long will the computer be down?” I wanted to know.

“I have no idea. Sometimes it’s down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours. There’s no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it’s down it won’t answer us.”

After the girl told me they had no backup(备用) computer, I said. “Let’s forget the computer. What about your planes? They’re still flying, aren’t they?”

“I couldn’t tell without asking the computer.”

“Maybe I could just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he’s flying to Washington, ” I suggested.

“I wouldn’t know what gate to send you to. Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn’t take you if you didn’t have a ticket.”

“Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?”

“I wouldn’t know, ” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “Only ‘IT’ knows. ‘It’ can’t tell me.”

By this time there were quite a few people standing in lines. The word soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down. Some people went white, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.

1.The best title for the article is _______.

A.When the Computer Is Down

B.The Most Frightening Words

C.The Computer of the Airport

D.Asking the Computer

2.What could the girl in the ticket office do for the passengers without asking the computer?

A.She could sell a ticket.

B.She could write out a ticket.

C.She could answer the passengers’ questions.

D.She could do nothing.

3.Why do you think they had not a backup computer?

A.Because it was easy down

B.Because it was very expensive.

C.Because it was not advanced enough.

D.Because it was not as big as the main computer.

4.The last paragraph suggests that _______.

A.a modern computer won’t be down.

B.computers can take the place of humans

C.sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people

D.there will be great changes in computers


