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He is looking forward __________his father.

A. of receiving   B. of hearing from   C. to hearing from  D. to hear from



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let's see how she's getting along.

My Diary

MONDAY: I'm officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I've soon got seven friends. I've never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.

TUESDAY: I've received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it's just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.

WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum's on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!

THURSDAY: There's a message from my boyfriend, “so, it's over then, is it?” Obviously I haven't changed my settings to show I'm “in a relationship”, and I haven't even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search  and now every one can see it on their news feed.

FRIDAY: Time to update my status: “Work is boring. Can't wait for the weekend!” Oh, look, I've received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now “like” this status.

SATURDAY: Good news! I've got 100 friends. But wait! Someone has “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.

SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it's time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I've got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .  

In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page says he's a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.

1.Why did Jamie's boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

A. He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.

B. She showed in her Facebook that she was still not dating anyone.

C. Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.

D. He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.

2.Which of the following is expressed in this article?

A. Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie's time and energy.

B. Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.

C. Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.

D. Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.

3.What does the word “un-friend” mean in “Someone has ‘un-friended' me!”?

A. Being unfriendly to others.

B. Having a quarrel with somebody.

C. Removing a name from the friend list.

D. Ending friendship with somebody.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

A. Steve was Jamie's boyfriend in the university.

B. People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.

C. Jamie's mother saw her dancing on the table last night.

D. Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.

5.It can be learned from the passage that the writer's attitude towards Facebook is _________  .

A. subjective           B. objective            C. negative           D. positive



科目:高中英语 来源:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(福建卷解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Your glasses may someday replace your smartphone, and some New Yorkers are ready for the switch. Some in the city can't wait to try them on and use the maps and GPS that the futuristic eyewear is likely to include.

" I'd use it if I were hanging out with friends at 3 a. m. and going to the bar and wanted to see what was open," said Walter Choo, 40, of Fort Greene.

The smartphone-like glasses will likely come out this year and cost between $250 and $600, the Times said, possibly including a variation of augmented(增强的) reality, a technology already available on smartphones and tablets (平板电脑) that overlays information onto the screen about one's surroundings. So, for example, if you were walking down a street, indicators would pop up showing you the nearest coffee shop or directions could be plotted out and come into view right on the sidewalk in front of you.

" As far as a mainstream consumer product, this just isn't something anybody needs," said Sam Biddle, who writes for Gizmodo.com. " We're accustomed to having one thing in our pocket to do all these things," he added, "and the average consumer isn't gonna be able to afford another device (装置) that's hundreds and hundreds of dollars. "

9to5Google publisher Seth Weintraub, who has been reporting on the smartphone-like glasses since late last year, said he is confident that this type of wearable device will eventually be as common as smartphones.

"It's just like smartphones 10 years ago," Weintraub said. "A few people started getting emails on their phones, and people thought that was crazy. Same kind of thing. We see people bending their heads to look at their smartphones, and it's unnatural," he said. " There's gonna be improvements to that, and this a step there. "

1.One of the possible functions of the smartphone-like glasses is to ____.

A. program the opening hours of a bar

B. supply you with a picture of the future

C. provide information about your surroundings

D. update the maps and GPS in your smartphones

2.The underlined phrase "pop up" in the third paragraph probably means " ____".

A.develop rapidly                         B.get round quickly

C.appear immediately                     D.go over automatically

3.According to Sam Biddle, the smartphone-like glasses are ____.

A.necessary for teenagers

B.attractive to New Yorkers

C.available to people worldwide

D.expensive for average consumers

4.We can learn from the last two paragraphs that the smartphone-like glasses ____.

A.may have a potential market

B.are as common as smartphones

C.are popular among young adults

D.will be improved by a new technology



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届重庆市高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As is known to all, colors appear in every language to express people’s feeling and thoughts.Then, what is the situation in American English?

Red is a hot color.Americans may say they are red hot about something unfair.They are red hot when they are very angry about something.The small hot-tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hot for their color and their fiery taste.Fast loud music is popular with many people.They may say the music is red hot, especially the kind called Dixieland Jazz.

Pink is a lighter kind of red.People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health.The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century.It comes from the fact that many babies are born with nice pink skin that shows that they are in good health.

The color black is often used in expressions.People describe a day on which everything goes wrong as a black day.People or things on a blacklist are connected with things illegal now.But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for belonging to unpopular organizations.

The color green is natural for trees and grass.But it is an unnatural color for humans.A person who has a sick feeling in his stomach may say he feels a little green.A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green.

Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has.That person may say he is green with envy.Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars or greenbacks.Dollars are called greenbacks because green is the color of the back side of the paper money.

1.Americans use “red hot” to describe the following EXCEPT _______.

A.something unfair                        B.small hot-tasting peppers

C.the person who is very angry              D.popular music like Dixieland Jazz

2.People use “in the pink” to express they are in good health because _______.

A.the expression has a very long history

B.the color pink makes people feel happy

C.people think the color pink is gentler than red

D.healthy babies are born with nice pink skin

3.When we say someone feels a little green, it means he/she _______.

A.enjoys himself in boating                  B.is hit by a high wave

C.has a stomachache                      D.likes trees and grass

4.In the writer’s eyes, what is related to a black day?

A.Being sent a beautiful gift.

B.Failing in an important interview.

C.Passing a very difficult test.

D.Being invited to an exciting party.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

It was black in the evening. Andy, a 12-year-old boy was unwilling to go outside. But his mother, Lilly, was worried about his father and  36  he go.

About an hour ago, the husband said he had to  37 his car outside their house. ___38  enough, it seemed that the wife hadn’t heard a single  39 for a long time.

“Go and have a look. What on earth is he doing?” she said to Andy.

The boy walked out and called into the darkness “Dad?”

“Andy?”  40 was his father, who spoke slowly, in a strange way. Actually, his voice sounded  41 .   

That evening, when the man had to get  42 the car to fix it, he used a forklift to lift the car. 43   , the man didn’t place the blocks in front of the car’ s front tires to keep it from  44  forward off the forks, which was exactly  45 it did afterwards.

Little Andy saw his dad’s feet  46 out from beneath the car.  47 to take a full breath, his father sank into a sleepy, half-alive  48 .

“Keep calm, mum. Everything will be all right.” The boy  49 the scared mother.

He climbed on and tried to do something to help. Finally, the car started to come off the ground and hung in the   50 .

After a few minutes, the policemen were sent for. Luckily, the father, who  51 under the car, could still breathe, alive.

It wasn’t  52 his dad was carried into an ambulance heading for the hospital that the little boy  53  and couldn’t help crying.

Andy says one satisfying change has come out of the  54 : he is able to spend more time with his dad, who hasn’t touched a car 55 his car fell on him.

1.                A.stated          B.demanded      C.declared  D.announced


2.                A.clean          B.buy            C.fix   D.sell


3.                A.Strangely       B.Interestingly     C.Fortunately    D.Naturally


4.                A.word          B.voice           C.noise D.sound


5.                A.He            B.This            C.There    D.It


6.                A.usual          B.different        C.calm D.upset


7.                A.into           B.onto           C.beneath  D.above


8.                A.Somehow       B.Anyhow        C.Somewhat D.Anyway


9.                A.sinking         B.rolling          C.driving   D.running


10.               A.what           B.how           C.why  D.which


11.               A.bringing        B.moving         C.sticking    D.taking


12.               A.Unable         B.Unlikely        C.Likely D.Able


13.               A.circumstance    B.environment    C.state  D.position


14.               A.encouraged     B.comforted      C.required  D.persuaded


15.               A.shade          B.sky            C.wind  D.air


16.               A.slept           B.sat            C.stood D.lay


17.               A.until           B.unless          C.when D.while


18.               A.broke out       B.broke down     C.broke up  D.broke off


19.               A.matter         B.affair          C.accident   D.event


20.               A.after           B.before         C.when D.since




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省汕头市高三第10周阶段考试英语试卷(帶解析) 题型:阅读理解

What if you could fly like a bird just by thinking happy thoughts? Or you could disappear to a faraway land, never grow old and fight pirates every day? For Peter Pan and his friends, the Lost Boys, these dreams come true.

More than 100 years after this playful boy was “born”, Peter Pan and his friends are to continue their adventure in a sequel(续集)to J.M. Barrie’s original novel. “Peter Pan in Scarlet”(重返梦幻岛),written by British author Geraldine McCaughrean, was published earlier this month.

The sequel brings all the original characters back. Peter Pan’s friends, the Lost Boys, are now grown up and live in the real world. What’s more, at the end of the first book, Peter Pan thinks he has killed his enemy, Captain Hook. But ,new readers discover he is not so dead at all.

For those who are unfamiliar with the original story, Peter Pan lives in faraway Neverland with a group of orphans. But they are eager for a real mother and Peter Pan flies to London with a fairy(仙女), Tinkerbell, to find one. They visit a young girl, Wendy, who loves to read stories, and bring her and her two brothers back to Neverland to live with them. In Neverland, children never have to grow up, and there are no parents to tell them what to do.

Many teenagers dream of a world where they don’t have to grow old and take responsibility. But, the author explains such a world is not the paradise(乐园)when it first appears: adventures can be scary and often dangerous, and, though we all sometimes dream of running away, we all need someone to love and look after us too.

1. The passage is written to ________.

A.tell you about an unrealistic dream

B.introduce novels about Peter Pan

C.analyze the difficulties of growing up

D.explain why Peter Pan can’t grow old

2.“Peter Pan in Scarlet” is about _________.

A.how some children fought against the pirate–Captain Hook

B.the care–free life the children led in Neverland

C.how peter Pan looked for a real mother for the Lost Boys

D.how the Lost Boys return to Neverland for more adventures

3.The stories of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys reflect that those at their age ________.

A.are ready to shoulder responsibility

B.choose adventures in faraway places

C.long for independence but also need someone to love them

D.can’t wait to grow up

4. The place Peter Pan and his friend stay is named Neverland probably because    .

A.they never have to grow up

B.they don’t have parents

C.they never have troubles

D.they never need to worry

5.Peter Pan flies to London _________.

A.to find a fairy

B.to visit a young girl

C.to find a real mother

D.to earn money


