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To our surprise, Tom and John, neither of whom regular training, very excellent.

A.have gone through; is B.has gone through; are

C.have gone through; are D.has gone through; is


【解析】考查时态和主谓一致。neither of whom作主语,谓语动词用单数;Tom and John,谓语动词用复数。且这里neither of whom regular training,是插入语。句意:令我们惊讶的是,Tom和John都没有接受正规的训练,但是却表现得很出色。故选B。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Success starts in your mind. ______ doubting yourself, think positively.

A. In case of B. Instead of

C. In spite of D. For fear of


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省德阳市四校高三3月联合考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A recent study, while showing a generally positive attitude toward science, also suggests a widespread worry that it may be “running out of control”. This idea is dangerous.

Science can be a force for evil as well as for good. Its applications can be channeled either way, depending on our decisions. The decisions we make, personally or collectively, will determine the outcomes of science. But here is a real danger. Science is advancing so fast and is so strongly influenced by businesses that we are likely to believe whatever decisions we come to will make little difference. And, rather than fighting for the best possible policies, we may step back and do nothing.

Some people go even further. They say that despite the moral and legal objections, whatever is scientifically possible will be done-somewhere, sometime. They believe that science will get out of control in the end. This belief is dangerous too, because it fuels a sense of hopelessness and discourages them from making efforts to build a safer world.

In our interconnected world, the lack of agreement in and out of the world of science can lead to the failure to control the use of science. Without a common understanding, the challenges of “controlling” science in this century will be really tough. Take human cloning for example. Despite the general agreement among scientists on its possible huge impact(影响) on traditional moral values, some countries still go ahead with the research and development of its related techniques. The outcomes are hard to predict.

Therefore, discussions on how science is applied should be extended far beyond scientific societies. Only through the untied efforts of people with hope, can we be fully safe against the misuse of science and can science best serve mankind in the future.

1.What can we conclude from the recent study?

A. People think highly of science.

B. People hold mixed opinions about science.

C. Science is getting dangerously out of control.

D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes.

2.According to the passage, what will happen if we hold that science is getting beyond control?

A. The development of science will hopelessly slow down.

B. Businesses will have even greater influence on science.

C. The public will lose faith in bringing about a bright future.

D. People will work more actively to put science under control.

3.The discussion should reach beyond scientific societies because_______

A. scientists have failed to predict the outcomes

B. the ties between different areas need strengthening

C. united efforts are necessary for the development of science

D. people need to work together to prevent the bad use of science

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Science and its applications bring us many dangers.

B. The development of science mostly lies in people's attitudes.

C. Mankind can largely take control of science with their efforts.

D. The future of science will be influenced by the dangerous ideas.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三下开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

The Siberian tiger is one of the most beautiful animal in the world.

It is also one of rarest.

Today only about 1,000 are left, some of them are in the Hunchun Nature Reserve.

The Chinese government has created the reserve to help saving the tiger’s natural habitat.

But the Siberian tiger is the only endangered species.

Other famous animal in a danger is the giant panda, whose habitat is in China.

The panda was the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature.

Thanks of scientists’ hard work, the number of the pandas lived in the wild has increased to about 1590.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三下开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

It was a cool spring evening in Melbourne, Australia. I drove to my boxing gym for a Friday night training session. After up, I started training. Then I noticed a tall and slim young man walking through the doors.There was something about him that caught my .

Before long, I realized that he might have a mental illness. Having volunteered for mental illness support groups, I really his problems when I looked at him.

He paid for the session, put on a pair of gloves and then started hitting the punchingbags. I watched him from a and wanted to help him to punch straighter andbetter. Then I felt it was best to leave that up to the trainer who was watching him.

After a few seconds of punching the bag, he stopped and started staring at the . The trainer went up to him and to help him. It was almost like he woke up from a dream. He eye contact with the ceiling at once.

Then the bell rang and it was the end of the round. rounds we are required to do five pushups (俯卧撑), all the boys that were training that night did five pushups. He to complete his five pushups. The bell sounded again and the next round began. He punched the bags for a few seconds and then he . This time he was staring at the walls which were decorated with boxing posters.

It was clear to me that he could not for long.

When I finished training, I decided to go up to him and offer him my help. I held the bag for him and asked him to punch. He the bag a few times and then stopped again.

I smiled at him and asked, “Do you like boxing?”

He replied with a very shy on his face, “Yes, boxing is alright.”

What else could I dothan this man and his willingness to give it a go? Most people put self-imposed (自我强加的) on their lives and stop themselves from having a go. I kept thinking about this man while admiring him for even turning up to a boxing gym, let alone training at what appeared to be his .

There are many lessons to learn from this man. What I admired about this man was that he had a go! That is what ordinariness from greatness.

So what will you have a go at?

1.A.lifting B.running C.warming D.going

2.A.heart B.attention C.breath D.imagination

3.A.experienced B.mentioned C.overcame D.understood

4.A.distance B.box C.poster D.screen

5.A.still B.even C.also D.ever

6.A.bags B.walls C.ceiling D.trainer

7.A.offered B.promised C.seemed D.planned

8.A.made B.broke C.kept D.avoided

9.A.Before B.Through C.During D.Between

10.A.for B.but C.or D.so

11.A.struggled B.preferred C.refused D.decided

12.A.slowed B.stopped C.continued D.hesitated

13.A.stand B.stay C.concentrate D.remember

14.A.hit B.felt C.grasped D.watched

15.A.view B.look C.sight D.scene

16.A.accept B.appreciate C.motivate D.notice

17.A.targets B.burdens C.limitations D.minds

18.A.worst B.fullest C.greatest D.hardest

19.A.really B.hardly C.merely D.nearly

20.A.prevents B.protects C.transforms D.separates


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三下开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Have you ne to the airport yet?

—Right. According to the time table the plane at 9:00.

A.leaves B.is leaving

C.will be leaving D.has left


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都外国语学校高三下3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It appears that people don't need any phone box now. In a small British village, people decided to turn a red phone box into a library a few years before. Now, the phone box is one of the country’s smaller libraries. About 150 books placed on shelves in the phone box. Villagers there can take whatever they want and leave their own books for exchange. They can use the library around a clock so it opens 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. Since the library opens its bright door, people from all parts of the village have paid it a visit. Among it there're senior citizens living in the neighbourhood, children getting off school buses and university students are stopping by late at night. It is convenient for them to use such a wonderful library.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都外国语学校高三下3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Rather than______ on a crowded bus, he always chooses to run to school.

A. riding B. to ride C. ride D. rides


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西省六校高三3月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Three months before graduating from university, my son started to hunt for a job. the financial crisis, fewer companies would like to new staff. My son targeted a company that was 43 to hire only one person there were more than twenty people filling their resumes(简历).

After the interview, there would only be three who could enter the final round, which would later one person to be employed. Everything seemed to go quite and my son passed the first round and entered the final round in a week.

On the day of the final interview, my son and other two arrived at the interview place on time, the test. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably . The interviewer only said to them," All of you are very super. Please go home and wait for our . We will tell you the in three days. Good luck to all of you!" On the morning of the third day, my son received a text from the company shortly after breakfast that he was not employed. We all felt very .

In nightfall that day, my son suddenly told me on the phone,"Dad, I have been employed!" Greatly surprised, I could not wait to ask him,"What's the whole ?"My son told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. Actually the first text sent to my son was also of the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this morning and only my son's was "Thank you" while the others said "Goodbye".

Only then did I know that my son's "hope" in that way.That is,when you feel disappointed, do not to say "thank you" to the one who disappoints you.Saying "thank you" shows respect for others' work and shows your grand . Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of compared with others!

1.A. Owing to B. As to C. Instead of D. Contrary to

2.A. promote B.train C. discover D. employ

3.A. encouraged B. allowed C. intended D. supposed

4.A. since B. while C. as D. if

5.A. meet B. attract C. represent D. decide

6.A. smoothly B. slowly C. secretly D. silently

7.A. members B. staff C. candidates D. friends

8.A. watching over B. waiting for C. thinking about D. looking into

9.A. simple B. formal C. funny D. strange

10.A. notice B. information C. order D. return

11.A. mark B. choice C. result D. idea

12.A. annoyed B. puzzled C. disappointed D. shocked

13.A. excitedly B. doubtfully C. calmly D. worriedly

14.A. cause B. matter C. conclusion D. interview

15.A. middle B. ending C. part D. course

16.A. way B. reply C. problem D. question

17.A. changed B. grew C. developed D. came

18.A. expect B. forget C. dislike D. regret

19.A. generosity B. curiosity C. dignity D. personality

20.A. abilities B. strengths C. challenges D. opportunities

