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Russian police have launched a novel attempt to get drivers to slow down at zebra crossings by having stripe-painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets in some of the big cities in an attempt to improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia's notoriously careless drivers.

The light grey horses,painted with black stripes,carried signs on their backs reading: Careful,children are on their way to school. The police dispatched (派遣) the fake zebras to several different locations in the Russian capital,where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out flyers to passing drivers.

Some held up rainbow-coloured umbrellas over the painted animals to protect them from rain,footage aired on television showed.

Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely take the initiative to avoid pedestrians. Nearly half of all traffic accidents in the country5s big cities are caused by cars hitting pedestrians,and a third of those occur on crossings,according to traffic police figures published last month.

In the first six months of this year,378 people were killed and more than 6 ,600 injured on pedestrian crossings in Russia,according to police. In Moscow alone,43 people were killed,including two children. Though police officials said that only safe paints would be used on the animals,animal rights activists still disagreed with the idea,accusing the police of “treating animals like garbage”.

“Children understand that paints are bad for animals: they can cause internal swelling”’ the Interfax news agency quoted president of Vita animal rights group Irina Novozhilova as saying.

41. Why do Moscow police have stripe-painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets?

   A. Tb raise people's awareness of protecting animals.

   B. Tb inform people zebras are in danger of extinction.

   C. To make drivers better aware of road safety.

   D. To tell people it is dangerous to cross the streets.

42. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?

   A. The zebras. B. The horses.

   C. The policemen. D. The drivers.

43. From the passage we can see that .

   A. most of the Russian drivers are careless

   B. the driving skills of Russian drivers are bad

   C. Russian drivers often ignore traffic lights

   D. Russian drivers seldom give way to pedestrians

44. According to the police,pedestrian crossings.

   A. are where people can cross the streets safely

   B. offer animals the best place to cross the streets

   C. are not safe for people to cross the streets

   D. are the most dangerous place for people to cross the streets

45. What do animal rights activists think?

   A. Road safety should be improved.

   B. Drivers must slow down at pedestrian crossings.

   C. The paints used on the horses are safe.

   D. These animals are badly treated by the police.

41. C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “…in an attempt to improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia's notoriously careless drivers”.可知,他们这样 做是为了提高司机的安全意识。

42. B解析:词义猜测题。根据上文的“The police dispatched the fake zebras to several different locations in the Russian capital…”可知,这里的them指的就是the fake zebras ,也就是 the horses。

43. D解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的 “…drivers still rarely take the initiative to avoid pedestrians. ”可知,司机很少主动 避让行人,也就是很少给行人让路。

44. C解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的 “• and a third of those occur on cross-mgs.和第五段可知,从人行横道上过 马路也不安全。

45. D解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的 “ accusing the police of 4 treating animals like garbage 可知,动物保护主义者指责警察虐待动物。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷4阶段性测试(一)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. As there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel.

   A. alternative   B. academic

   C. attractive   D. addictive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




1. Try not to start every sentence with “the”.

the beginnings of your sentences.

   A. Vary   B. Exchange   C. Form   D. Describe


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sometimes people add to what they say even when they don't talk. Gestures are the “ silent language” of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to show what we want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood.

In the US,people greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak,it is a sign of “weakness or unfriendliness”. Friends may place a hand on the other's arm or shoulder. Some people,usually women,greet a friend with a hug.

Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other,they usually stand about two and a half feet away and at an angle (角度) ,so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident,they say ,“Pardon me” or “Excuse me”. Americans like to look at the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you don't do so,it means you are bored,hiding something,or are not interested. But when you stare at someone,it is not polite.

For Americans,thumbs-up means yes,very good,or well done. Thumbs-down means the opposite. To call a waiter,raise one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check,make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger (食指) . Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them.

Learning a culture's body language is sometimes confusing (令人困惑的) .If you don't know what to do,the safest thing to do is to smile.

41. From the first paragraph we can learn that.

   A. Americans like to use gestures

   B. gestures can help us express ourselves

   C. gestures don't mean anything while talking

   D. we can learn a language well without body language

42. If you are introduced to a stranger in the US,you should .

   A. greet him with a hug

   B. shake his hand firmly

   C. shake his hand weakly

   D. place a hand on his shoulder

43. Which behaviour is acceptable when people talk to each other in the US?

   A. Not looking at the other person in the eyes.

   B. Facing each other directly.

   C. Not standing too close.

   D. Touching each other.

44. When your American friend gives you a thumbs-up,he may .

   A. express his satisfaction to you

   B. express his worries about you

   C. show his rudeness to you

   D. show his anger to you

45. In the last paragraph the author tells us that .

   A. we should always talk to others with a smile

   B. it is not difficult to learn body language

   C. body language is very helpful to us

   D. smiling is a good choice for us


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


9. What class does the woman want to take?

   A. Drawing class. B. Dance class.

   C. Language class.

10. How many classes are there in the evening?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Four.

11. Which class does the woman choose?

   A. The morning class. B. The afternoon class.

   C. The evening class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Michael Faraday was the son of a blacksmith (铁匠) .There were four children in his family and,with his father often ill and unable to work,Michael Faraday had to earn his living from an early age. This meant little or no schooling. However,the family belonged to a religious group,and Faraday learnt to read and write at Sunday school.

When he was only 14 ,Faraday found a job as a bookbinder (装订工) .He used to read the books he was given to bind and he became very interested in the scientific books,particularly the ones about electricity. His interest soon took a practical path and he began making his own experiments. These were very basic because Faraday had to make all of his equipment himself. However,he was very careful and kept a clear written record of all his findings.

One day,he was given an entrance ticket to the Royal Institute chemistry lecture by Humphry Davy. Determined to work for this great scientist,he sent Davy a job application (申请) including his laboratory reports on the experiments he had carried out. In 1813,Davy offered Faraday a job as one of his laboratory assistants. Faraday learnt quickly and soon was recognised as a very able chemist. Later,he went to work at the Royal Institute.

Michael Faraday was,perhaps,the greatest practical scientist of the 19th century. As a chemist,he discovered the benzene,which is now the central point of chemical study. He also proved the relationship between electrical bonding. As a physicist,he invented the dynamo (发电机) ,which led to the later invention of the electric motor.

41. Why did Faraday attend Sunday school?

   A. He had to learn how to be a bookbinder.

   B. He would like to learn religious knowledge.

   C. He hoped to read many of the scientific books there.

   D. His family couldn’t afford his normal school education.

42. When working as a bookbinder,Faraday .

   A. published his great findings on electricity

   B. was famous as a practical scientist

   C. read many books lent by Humphry Davy

   D. made equipment for his experiments on his own

43. In order to get a chance to work for Davy,Faraday .

   A. sent his experiment reports to Davy

   B. offered to do laboratory work for free

   C. bought tickets to attend Davy's lecture

   D. went to the Royal Institute to visit Davy

44. We can learn from the last paragraph that.

   A. the electric motor was invented by Faraday

   B. electricity was Faraday's best-known finding

   C. Faraday's research covered different fields

   D. Faraday was more a chemist than a physicist

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Michael Faraday,a Great Scientist

   B. The Contribution of Michael Faraday

   C. Michael Faraday,a Born Bookbinder

   D. The Sufferings of Michael Faraday


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. I'm willing to go to work in a village after I from university.

   A. graduate   B. hear   C. learn   D. remove


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. It is early spring,but most of the trees here have already been with colourful flowers.

   A. full   B. loaded   C. heavy   D. filled


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言 错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面 写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修 改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

My neighbour Li Hua is going to graduate college and he hasn't found the job yet. He was once advising to learn computer skills,so he thought it was difficult. When he saw others learning English,he shook his head,says it was too hard to remember the new word. He enjoyed watching TV,playing cards,smoking and so on. He felt it hard for him to give up all this habits. Not long ago,he went to look for a job. When he knew that talents were great needed,he sighed and regretted the time that what he had wasted. How he wished he has worked hard in college.

