What most people don’t realize is that wealth isn’t the same as income.If you make $1 million a year and spend $1 million, you’re not getting wealthier: you’re just living high.Wealth is what you accumulate(get together), not what you spend.
How do you become wealthy?There, too, most people have it wrong.It’s rarely luck or inheritance or even intelligence that builds fortunes.Wealth is more often the necessary and natural result of a person’s hard work, determination, perseverance and most of all, self- discipline.
The most successful accumulators of wealth spend less than they can on houses, cars, vacations and entertainment.Why?Because these things offer little or no return.The wealthy would rather put their money into investments or their businesses.It’s an attitude.
The best wealth-builders pay careful attention to their money and seek professional advice.Those who spend heavily on cars, boats and houses, I’ve found, tend to skimp(spend little)on investment advice.Those who skimp on the luxuries are usually more willing to pay top dollar for good legal and financial advice.
The self-made rich develop clear goals for their money.They may wish to retire early, or they may want to leave some concrete possessions to their children.The goals are different, but two things are consistent: they have a dollar figure in minds.The amount they want to save by age 50, perhaps?And they work hard toward that goal.One thing may surprise you.If you make wealth---not just income---your goal, the luxury house you’ve been dreaming about won’t seem so attractive.You’ll have the attitude.