精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Back in 2007,I rented a room in Johor Bahru,Malaysia while studying for my Masters programme in Singapore.I travelled daily by__36__across the Johor­Singapore Causeway for my__37__,which were usually in the evening.It was quite__38__by the time I got back to the bus station in Johor Bahru,and I would still need to take another bus home.

One night,I__39__the last bus and didn’t have enough money to take a taxi.With no other choice,I decided to__40__the two­kilometre journey home,which would have been fine__41__I were not so tired that day.It also didn’t__42__that the route was pretty rough  (凹凸不平的)  and dark.But I walked forward with__43__,with the promise of a night’s rest__44__me on.After walking for a few minutes,a car__45__in front of me.The driver,who looked__46__,asked where I was headed.“Not many people walk  through here,” he said,and__47__me a ride.He really__48__me up as he  went out of his way to get me to my apartment.

What was more__49__,however,was the story behind it.During the ride,the driver told me that when he saw me  walking,it made him think of his__50__who used to walk to work by the__51__road and though he often saw his uncle on the way,he had__52__offered a ride as he was headed in a different direction.__53__his uncle passed away because of an illness,and until today he still feels__54__for not being kinder to his uncle.So when he__55__me walking that night,he just had to stop and help.

36.A.bus                                               B.bike 

C.car                                                    D.train

37.A.job                                                B.classes  

C.tasks                                                  D.home

38.A.early                                              B.late 

C.cold                                                   D.hot

39.A.caught                                          B.took 

C.missed                                               D.left

40.A.drive                                             B.enjoy 

C.run                                                    D.walk

41.A.if                                                  B.though   

C.because                                              D.unless

42.A.suggest                                         B.help    

C.say                                                   D.mean

43.A.pleasure                                         B.hunger 

C.fear                                                   D.difficulty

44.A.pushing                                         B.turning 

C.holding                                               D.putting

45.A.pulled                                            B.stopped 

C.broke                                                 D.went

46.A.concerned                                    B.disappointed 

C.excited                                             D.worried

47.A.had                                               B.asked  

C.offered                                               D.got

48.A.cheered                                        B.brought 

C.gave                                                  D.picked

49.A.worse                                          B.interesting 

C.upset                                                 D.meaningful

50.A.grandfather                                   B.uncle 

C.father                                                 D.mother

51.A.busy                                              B.new    

C.main                                                 D.same

52.A.sometimes                                    B.always 

C.often                                                  D.never

53.A.Sadly                                             B.Exactly 

C.Gradually                                           D.Actually

54.A.puzzled                                          B.lucky 

C.guilty                                                 D.grateful

 55.A.knew                                           B.saw 

C.recognized                                          D.followed


36.A 由下文的bus station,take another bus可知,作者每天乘公共汽车去上课。

37.B 由上文的studying for my Masters programme可知,作者是去新加坡上课。

38.B 作者返回Johor Bahru车站的时候,天已经很晚了。下文的dark,night是提示。

39.C 由下文作者步行回家的事实可以判断,作者误了末班车。

40.D 误了公交车,又没有足够的钱打车,作者只好步行回家。下文的walked是提示。

41.A 如果不是那天“我”太累的话,步行回家也未尝不可。

42.B 糟糕的是,路崎岖不平,且一片漆黑。help此处意为“改善状况,促进”。

43.D 作者本身很累,加上天黑,路不好走,所以应该是“艰难地(with difficulty)”往前走。

44.A 回家休息的想法支撑着“我”,促使“我”往前走。

45.B 走了几分钟,一辆车停在“我”面前。

46.A 司机问“我”要去哪里,看起来很关心的样子。concerned关心的,忧虑的。

47.C offer sb.a ride让某人搭车。

48.A 司机绕路把作者送回家,这使作者非常高兴。cheer...up(使)感到振奋,(使)感到高兴。

49.D 然而,更意味深长的是司机让“我”搭车背后的故事。

50.B 作者在夜里步行回家的情景使这位司机想起了他的叔叔。下文多次出现的uncle是提示。

51.D 他叔叔以前常走这条路。

52.D 虽然他经常在这条路上看到叔叔,但是他从来没有让叔叔搭过车。下文的not being kinder to his   uncle是提示。

53.A 叔叔去世是一件让人难过的事情。

54.C 他为未能善待叔叔而自责。guilty感到内疚的。

55.B 有了这种情结,当司机看到作者时,便义无反顾地停下来提供帮助。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After my 21 second-graders finished reciting the text, they settled back in their seats. But Duane remained __1__. Duane was a bright and lovable student, __2__ his mother, a single parent, had many problems such as drinking. __3__ that he might have had a bad night, I walked over to him to see what was wrong. As he looked up, I could see the __4__ in his dark eyes.

“ Mrs. Brown, aren't you going to open my present?” he asked __5__. “I put it on your desk.”

Getting back his gift from my desk, he handed it to me. I noticed my gift __6__ to be a matchbox. Duane told me that this was really a jewelry box __7__ a matchbox. As I opened it, the __8__ of two beer caps surprised me. Duane __9__ me that they were two silver earrings. He had noticed that I  __10__ wore earrings and wanted me to have some pretty ones.

I was __11__ by Duane's creativity and thoughtfulness. __12__ birth, one of my ears was slightly deformed (畸形的). Fearing that wearing earrings might __13__ to the ear, I avoided wearing them. But how could I __14__ to wear these precious earrings given by this __15__ child?

As I placed the earrings on my ears, my __16__ clapped, and Duane stood proudly beside me.

Since then, the matchbox remained on my desk. It __17__ me of Duane's act of kindness and the lessons he taught me. Although his __18__ at home was bad,  Duane continued to see the good in life. Although poor, he still wanted to __19__. Whenever I see Duane's gift on my desk, I feel encouraged. If I am having __20__ reaching a student, I'll try to be like Duane and give that student a piece of my heart.

1. A. sitting            B. crying          C. standing       D. speaking

2. A. unless            B. though          C. so           D. since

3. A. Wondering         B. Thinking       C. Finding       D. Pointing

4. A. hope              B. joy             C. hurt         D. determination

5. A. disappointedly      B. angrily          C. happily      D. shyly

6. A. happened          B. appeared        C. used         D. ought

7. A. as well as          B. more than       C. except for   D. rather than

8. A. shape             B. color           C. design       D. sight

9. A. persuaded         B. fooled          C. told         D. encouraged

10. A. only             B. often           C. once         D. never

11. A. frightened        B. touched         C. knocked      D. influenced

12. A. Since             B. Until          C. Before       D. By

13. A. do harm           B. draw attention

C. add weight         D. have an effect

14. A. refuse            B. offer           C. agree         D. wait

15. A. generous          B. honest          C. special       D. sad

16. A. hands             B. class           C. audience      D. friends

17. A. convinced          B. reminded

C. proved            D. showed

18. A. performance       B. experience

C. situation           D. health

19. A please             B. take            C. give          D. accept

20. A. chance            B. possibility       C. intention      D. difficulty


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市教育考试院2010届高三下学期抽样测试 题型:完型填空

It was a cold Saturday morning. An old man walked slowly into the   36  . With shoulders bent forward, he leaned on his trusty stick with each   37   step.  
His shabby clothes and warm personality made him   38   out from the usual breakfast crowd. Unforgettable were his eyes that shone like diamonds and thin lips   39   in a steady smile.
A young waitress named Mary   40   him drag toward a table by the window. She ran over to him, and said, “Here, sir. Let me give you a   41   with that chair.”
Without saying a word, he smiled and   42  . She pulled the chair away from the table. Steadying him with one arm, she helped him get comfortably   43  . Then she moved the table up close to him, and leaned his   44   against the table where he could reach it.
In a soft, clear voice, he said, “Thank you for your   45  .”
“You’re welcome, sir.” She replied   46  . “And my name is Mary. I’ll be back in a moment, and   47   you need anything at all in the meantime, just wave at me!”
After he had finished his breakfast, Mary brought him the change from his ticket. Then she   48  him out from behind the table. She handed him his stick, and walked   49  him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, “Come back and see us, sir!”
He turned with his whole body and nodded with a   50   smile. “You are very kind,” he said softly.
When Mary went to clean his table, she was   51   to find that under his plate there was a business card and a note on a napkin (餐巾纸). Under the napkin was a one hundred dollar bill!
The note on the napkin   52  , “Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself too. It shows by the way you   53   others. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will   54   through those who meet you.”
The next day she was told that the man she had   55   on was the owner of the restaurant where she was working.
36. A. restaurant    B. shop      C. hospital     D. bank
37. A. big         B. quick       C. urgent     D. unhurried
38. A. get         B. look      C. stand      D. keep
39. A. held        B. made     C. remained   D. put
40. A. felt       B. noticed       C. discovered        D. realized
41. A. table       B. cushion     C. place       D. hand 
42. A. nodded     B. obeyed      C. sat       D. hesitated
43. A. moved           B. stayed       C. seated        D. rested
44. A. chair       B. spoon     C. stick           D. plate
45. A. quickness     B. kindness     C. cleverness D. politeness
46. A. happily     B. sadly      C. nervously  D. vaguely
47. A. until       B. though      C. because     D. if
48. A. called     B. helped     C. took           D. made
49. A. by          B. around      C. with      D. towards
50. A. confident    B. grateful   C. relieved    D. delicate
51. A. Embarrassed B. satisfied    C. disappointed D. astonished
52. A. read       B. told     C. wrote      D. showed
53. A. please     B. admire    C. follow    D. treat
54. A. pass        B. shine       C. go      D. pull
55. A. Depended   B. served      C. waited       D. Agreed


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年海南省嘉积中学高二上学期第二次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

Back in 2007, I rented(租) a room in Johor Bahru, Malaysia while studying for my Masters programmed(硕士课程) in Singapore. I travelled daily by   36  across the Johor- Singapore Causeway(穿越湿地的堤道) for my   37 , which were usually in the evening. It was quite   38 
by the time I got back to the bus station in Johor Bahru, and I would still need to take another bus home.
One night, I   39  the last bus and didn’t have enough money to take a taxi. With no other choice, I decided to    40  the two-kilometer journey home, which would have been fine    41 
I were not so tired that day. It also didn’t    42  that the route was pretty rough(凹凸不平的)and dark. But I walked forward with   43  , with the promise of a night’s rest    44  me on. After walking for a few minutes, a car   45  in front of me. The driver, who looked   46 , asked where I was headed. “Not many people walk through here,” he said, and   47   me a ride. He really    48  me up as he went out of his way to get me to my apartment.
What was more   49  , however, was the story behind it. During the ride, the driver told me that when he saw me walking, it made him think of his   50  who used to walk to work by the
  51  road and though he often saw his uncle on the way, he had    52  offered a ride as he was headed in a different direction.    53  his uncle passed away because of an illness, and until today he still feels   54  for not being kinder to his uncle. So when he    55  me walking that night, he just had to stop and help.

A.busB.bike C.car D.train
A.job B.classes C.tasksD.home
A.earlyB.lateC.cold D.hot
A.caughtB.tookC.missed D.left
A.ifB.thoughC.because D.unless
A.suggestB.helpC.say D.mean
A.pleasureB.hunger C.fear D.difficulty
A.pushingB.turningC.holding D.putting
A.pulledB.stoppedC.broke D.went
A.concernedB.disappointedC.excited D.worried
A.cheeredB.broughtC.gave D.picked
A.worseB.interestingC.upset D.meaningful
A.grandfather B.uncleC.father D.mother
A.busyB.newC.main D.same
A.sometimesB.alwaysC.often D.never
A.SadlyB.ExactlyC.Gradually D.Actually
A.puzzledB.lucky C.guilty D.grateful
A.knewB.sawC.recognized D.followed


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届江西省师大附中、临川一中高三上学期两校联考英语卷 题型:完型填空

Tick, tock, tick, tock. I’m sitting here, watching the movements of my existence pass slowly away. My house has been  36 for such a long time,and I’m lonely and forgotten. Sitting here, by myself, all that I can do is   37   and think about my past. I could tell you stories that only  38  would know. But walls can’t speak.
I came to this place many years ago,along with an old man….  39  , he was with me for on1y three short years before he passed on….
For a time, I was left alone, while people came and  40  the house….  Then, one day a nice couple moved in with a young son.   41 , their son Danny liked to stay with me, and I was completely  42  with him. He always looked as if he loved the stories I told, most of which began with. ‘‘Back in my day…” and ‘‘When I was  43  .…” I sometimes had the kind of idea that he didn’t really understand what I was saying, but it felt good to be  44 .  When Danny went off to college,my heart broke. Soon afterward,   45  sold the house.…
New owners came and  46 . Then, One day it so happened that I was in when a new family was moving into the house. You can’t even imagine my  47  when, unexpectedly, Danny walked through the front door. He had a  48  and kids now. I was so overjoyed when I saw him that I put all my  49  into my daily activities. ... I spent the next twenty years watching his kids grow up, with a mixture of pride and  50  about what would happen next.
The kids finally became  51   and Danny sold the house. That was about five years ago…. Some of the local kids have started the rumor that the house is haunted(闹鬼的)--- and, in a way, it is. It is haunted by   52 of all the people who have lived in it. Every second has  53  me so much. I have been   54 them all day and they are almost up for me.... I hope that someday somebody will  55  me, and drop in on me again. Maybe then I’ll get a new home and an opportunity for a whole new set of memories.

A.crowded B.emptyC.paintedD.sold
A.look back B.enjoy foodC.have a dreamD.chat with friends
A.looked atB.settled inC.bought inD.sold out
A.At lastB.At one timeC.In the endD.From the beginning
【小题10】A .Danny              B. I                       C. his parents         D. the old man
A.pity B.prideC.surpriseD.sadness
A.familiesB.furniture C.housesD.memories
A.impressed B.surprised C.encouragedD.inspired


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


One day Divya woke her mother up in the early morning. She said, “Mummy, it is so _ 36__  since you made my favorite chocolate cake—please make it today!” Mummy smiled and said, “All right, I will get it _ 37_  for you by the time you are back from school.”

Then Divya went to school and  _38_  the delicious cake all that day. That afternoon, her elder brother, Dhruv came home with his friend. Mummy had gone to the market and he  _39_  a plate full of freshly made cakes. He decided to give his friend a __40_  and within minutes the plate was  _41_ !

Just then Mummy _ 42_  and told him the cakes were made specially for Divya. Hearing this, Dhruv was very  _43_ . Soon he got a “good”  _44_ . He put his pet on the plate and placed a lid(盖子)  _45_  it. Then he left home with his friend.

Divya got home in the evening,  _46_  went into the kitchen and opened the plate. A pair of eyes stared at her. Four-year-old Divya was  _47_ . She went to her mother and asked “Mummy, do your cakes have  _48__?”

“Certainly not,” said Mummy. “Go and  _49_  the cake!” This time when Divya went and  __50_  the lid, a frog jumped right at her! The little girl jumped back in  _51_  and went crying to her mother. She told her mother about the frog and they  _52_  for Dhruv to get back that night.  __53_ , when Dhruv came back, their mother first  _54_  to him for what she had said on the phone. Then Dhruv realized his mistake and said   _55_  to Divya.

The next day Mummy made some more chocolate cakes and this time little Divya had her fill!

1.                A.long           B.early           C.nice D.late


2.                A.proper         B.ready          C.tasty D.special


3.                A.thought about    B.cared about      C.talked about   D.worried about


4.                A.broke          B.opened         C.pointed   D.found


5.                A.gift            B.joke           C.treat D.meal


6.                A.bright          B.clean           C.empty    D.gone


7.                A.rang up         B.turned up       C.came back D.set up


8.                A.regretful        B.angry          C.amazed   D.disappointed


9.                A.plan           B.answer         C.way  D.idea


10.               A.for            B.in             C.across     D.over


11.               A.silently         B.slowly          C.excitedly  D.bravely


12.               A.afraid          B.moved         C.surprised  D.happy


13.               A.pets           B.eyes           C.balls  D.vegetables


14.               A.cut            B.bake           C.make D.eat


15.               A.covered        B.lifted          C.pushed    D.touched


16.               A.time           B.relief          C.fear  D.sight


17.               A.waited         B.longed         C.called     D.hoped


18.               A.Besides        B.Anyway        C.At last D.However


19.               A.admitted       B.apologized      C.introduced D.explained


20.               A.nothing        B.good bye       C.hello D.sorry



