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20.-Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?
-It ______ be Father,but I'm not sure.(  )
A.can; mustB.can; mayC.must; canD.may; must

分析 --可能在谁在敲门呢?

解答 答案是B.本题考查情态动词辨析.在疑问句中表示可能性的推测往往用can,may和must表示推测不出现在疑问句中,所有答案在A 和B中选择;must表示推测时是非常肯定的有依据的判断,may表示不确定的推测;根据下文的not sure判断不确定是父亲,所以第二空选择may,故答案选择B.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.I wonder what's happened to John.He _______ around for at least two weeks.(  )
A.wasn'tB.won't beC.hasn't beenD.hadn't been


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.It is the third time that the president _____ to China for a visit.(  )
A.comeB.comesC.will comeD.has come


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Women might have a higher position at work,but at home their careers tend to give way to their husband's job,with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours,according to a U.S.study.
Researcher Youngjoo Cha,from Cornell University,found that working women with a husband who worked 50 hours or more a week found themselves still doing most of the housework and the care giving and were more likely to end up quitting their jobs.
An analysis of 8,484 professional workers and 17,648 nonprofessionals from dual-earner (双职工) families showed that if women had a husband who worked 60 hours or more per week it increased the woman's possibility of quitting her paid job by 42 percent.Cha said the possibility of quitting increased to 51 percent for professional women whose husbands work 60 hours or more per week,and for professional mothers the possibility they would quit their jobs jumped 112 percent.
However,it did not significantly affect a man's possibility of quitting his job if his wife worked 60 hours or more per week,according to the study published in the American Sociological Review in April.For professional men,both parents and non-parents,the effects of a wife working long hours were negligible,according to the study.
"As long work-hours introduce conflict between work and family into many dual-earner families,couples often solve conflict in ways that prioritize husbands'careers,"Cha,who used data from the U.S.Census Bureau,said in a statement."This effect is magnified (突出) among workers in professional and managing occupations,where the criterion of overwork and the culture of looking after children tend to be strongest.The findings suggest that the popularity of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a traditional family pattern-breadwinning men and homemaking women."

66.According to the text,we know thatD.
A.men prefer work long hours      
B.women prefer to work outside
C.men's careers are unimportant                    
D.women are more likely to quit jobs
67.The underlined word"negligible"in Paragraph 4 most probably meansA.
A.unimportant    B.limited          C.different      D.obvious
68.Which statement is true according to the text?B
A.When there's conflict between work and family,a husband will give up his work.
B.Women may still do most of the housework and care for babies or children.
C.Professional women are more likely to quit the job than professional mothers.
D.A man's chance of quitting jobs was influenced if his wife works long hours.
69.We can infer from the last sentence thatC.
A.all the workers pay more attention to looking after children
B.overwork may have no influence on dual-earner couples
C.traditionally,men usually worked to support the family
D.most dual-earner couples will return to a traditional family pattern
70.In which column of China Daily can you find this passage?B
A.Health         B.Life           C.Sport          D.Entertainment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-What's the weather like?Is it raining?
-Not at the moment,but it _______ rain later.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.---Will you stay for the dinner?
---Sorry,__________.The cookers I bought online will be sent to my house this afternoon.(  )
A.I can'tB.I mustn'tC.I needn'tD.I shouldn't


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.---Can I smoke in this hall?
---No,you can't.If you _________,please go to the smoking room.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.It has been more than twenty years since pioneering British computer programmer,Sir Tim Berners Lee,created the World Wide Web.But could he have ever imagined how much the web would change our lives?And would he approve of how some British students are taking advantage of his invention?
Universities and exam boards around the UK are becoming increasingly concerned with the rising number of cases of plagiarism,many of which are facilitated (助长) by the Internet access.
In the UK most school and university students complete coursework throughout the academic year which contributes toward their final mark.In many cases coursework makes up the main part of the qualification.Since coursework is completed in the students'own time it cannot be monitored by teachers in the same way as an exam.
Derec Stockley,director of examinations in the UK,explains,"Plagiarism affects coursework more than anything else,and in the cases that come to our attention,more and more are linked to the Internet."
At a university level recent reports suggest that plagiarism has evolved from separate cases of individual cheating to systematic and even commercial operation.Students can now pay for bespoke essays to be written for them by experts.
It is estimated that the market in online plagiarism is now worth 200 million pounds a year.Every month more and more websites offering to write student's essays for them appear on the Internet.
Barclay Littlewood,owner of Degree Essays UK employs 3,500 specialist writers and charges between 120 pounds and 4,000 pounds per essay.However,Mr.Littlewood refutes the accusation that he is helping students to cheat.
51.What dose the underlined word"plagiarism"in Paragrha 2 mean in the passage?A
A.cheating    B.problems of the Internet     C.learning pressure    D.coursework
52.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?C
A.With the help of online plagiarism,students can write more creative coursework.
B.There will be no problem if online plagiarism is a systematic and commercial operation.
C.The Internet seems to have contributed much to the problem of online plagiarism.
D.Teachers should lay more emphasis on exams than coursework.
53.It can be inferred from the text that the author seems toB.
A.blame Sir Tim Berners Lee for having created the World Wide Web
B.worry about the quality of students'coursework influenced by the World Wide Web
C.be in favour of Littlewood's defence against the accusation of him
D.have studied the problem of online plagiarism for nearly 20 years
54.Who should be blamed for online plagiarism?A
A.Barclay Littlewood.B.Sir Tim Berners Lee.C.Derec Stockley.D.Nobody.
55.The paragraph following the passage will most probably be aboutD.
A.the author's opinions of Mr.Littlewood
B.different people's opinions on plagiarism 
C.how students use the website of Mr.Littlewood
D.Mr.Littlewood's defence against those who accused him of his website.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Jim spent three months studying abroad.His wife,________,took care of the children on her own.(  )

