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【题目】Long long ago, there was a large mountainside, where rested an eagle's nest with four large eagle eggs. One day 【1】 earthquake rocked the mountain, causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain to a chicken farm 2 (locate) in the valley below. The chickens were kind enough to care for the eagle's egg, and an old hen volunteered to nurture (哺育) and raise the large egg.

One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, 3 , the eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more 4 a chicken. The eagle loved his present family, but his spirit cried out 5 more. While playing on the farm one day, the eagle happened to notice a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds."

The chickens roared with 6 (laugh), “You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar."

The eagle continued staring at his real family up above, 7 (dream) that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his dreams 8 (know), he was told it couldn't be done. That is 9 the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, after time, stopped dreaming and continued to live like a chicken. Finally, after a long life as a chicken, the eagle passed away.

You become what you believe you are. So, if you ever dream of becoming an eagle, follow 【10 dreams... not the words of a chicken.









【8】known/be known




试题分析: 文章记叙了多年前一场地震将鹰巢里的一枚蛋卷入了一个饲养家禽的农场。这枚蛋在鸡群下成长。虽心怀翱翔蓝天之,却整天听信鸡群的冷嘲热讽平庸之,最后放弃扶摇而上的梦想,郁郁而终。

【1】an 考查冠词用法。表示一场地震用an。

【2】located 考查非谓语动词。坐落于山下的农场,用located


【4】than考查固定搭配。nothing more than意为仅仅,只是,这只雏鹰相信自己就只是一跟身边伙伴一样的鸡而已。

【5】for 考查固定搭配。cry for迫切要求,希望雏鹰虽然享受现在的生活和家庭,内心却有着更强烈的声音在召唤梦想。

【6】laughter 考查词性转换。鸡群在周围叽叽喳喳,笑声不。介词后面用名词,laugh的名词形式laughter

【7】dreaming 考查伴随状语。鹰盯着天空,同时也在梦想着自己是否也可以和他们在一起翱翔蓝天。表示伴随,故用dreaming

【8】known/be known 考查非谓语动词每次自己的梦想被大家所知道的时候都被告知不可能所以用 known/be known

【9】what 考查表语从句后面解释为鹰要学着相信的道理,用what来引导

【10】your 考查物主代词。追寻你自己的梦想,所以用your。


cry for 迫切要求,希望nothing more than 仅仅,只是;be located in,坐落于,位于;


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In eighth grade, I decided to try out for my school musical. I only made it through the first verse(节) before the drama teacher stopped me. It goes without saying that my Christmas song didnt get me any role.

Am I embarrassed? NO. Not just because it was ten years ago, but also because its such a great story to share. Why? I think the main reason is that admitting mistakes makes you easier to relate to. Interestingly enough, science confirms this theory.

Researchers have conducted many studies and have concluded that when someone makes a mistake or acts in a clumsy way, they are found to be more likeable. In other words, if you’re able to do well and then you mess up, it shows your human side. This allows others to connect and relate to you, which in turn makes them like you more.

Growing up, I was type of student who had to get straight As and the type of athlete who always had to perform at the top of the game. The problem was that my standards were so ridiculously high that I was never happy. It was only when I learned to let go and forgive myself for my mistakes that I truly felt relaxed.

When one of your close friends or family members makes a mistake, are you quick to forgive and forget? Sadly, many of us often express more sympathy for others than ourselves. With each mistake coming a lesson, you will be better equipped to handle lifes challenges going forward.

More importantly, if you are always worried about looking silly, you will never be able to get improved. Even if you make a fool of yourself, it isnt the end of the world. Think about it: Whats the worst that can happen? In many cases, the reward often outweighs the risk.

1By writing the passage, the author wants to tell us ________.

A. it is time to forgive others

B. everyone may make mistakes

C. its okay to make mistakes

D. what can be done to forgive our mistakes

2What does the underlined part this theory probably refer to?

A. A mistake makes you more likeable.

B. An embarrassed person tends to act clumsily.

C. People mess up in life at times.

D. Its good to share a great story with others

3According to the passage, we know the author ________.

A. is pleased with her hard work

B. was once a person who wants things to be perfect

C. was happy with her high standard

D. never forgives herself for the mistakes she made

4What message is delivered in the last two paragraphs?

A. Making a fool of yourself.

B. Viewing mistakes as learning opportunities.

C. Admitting mistakes is risky.

D. People tend to feel sorry for themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I want to tell you the story of one of my old friends called Bob. His teachers called him A Troublemaker. They also said that he had no future and no hope. But now he owns a small second-hand bookstore store which makes him enough money to live on and also to support his mother.

He told me that after he finished grade nine, he went to study at a technical college. He was a pretty bad student so he became one of the gang (一帮) leaders there. Many of them got caught many times for fighting.

It looked like nothing could change his life. That was until one sad day when his father died. That changed everything.

After his father died, his mother had to work very hard to make enough money to support the family. He told me that he really pitied his mum after his dad died. He felt that he needed to earn some money rather than let his mum work alone. He loved reading cartoon(卡通) books and had been collecting them for years. As his family was short of money, he decided that he should sell them. He did this by the side of the road where his mother was selling food.

Soon he realized that his books were very popular. So he decided to set up his own business. He started his business by going around buying cartoon books from other people. He bought them for 25% and then sold them for half price. He could make enough money to help support the family.

He was a troublemaker to his teachers but he is a hero to me. If you are judged as a bad student or as someone being stupid, I suggest you pay no attention to what they say. Just do your best in everything. Don’t give up so easily. Believe in yourself. If you think that you can do it, then you can. Believe me, one day you could be more successful than those persons who looked down upon you.

1】What does the author want to tell the readers?

A. How a young man helped his mother.

B. How a young man graduated from college.

C. People can change when they are determined to.

D. People can be successful after they lose a family member.

2】Bob felt that he should change his way of life mainly because he ________.

A. pitied his mother

B. got caught for fighting

C. wanted to work with his mother

D. had to sell food by the roadside

3】Bob decided to start his own business when he ________.

A. sold all his cartoon books

B. found others liked cartoon books

C. could write his own cartoon books

D. could buy cartoon books from others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】-Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?


A. Sorry,he is busy at the moment.

B. Why did’t you call earlier?

C. Certainly,may I know your name?

D. Sorry,he doesn’t want to see you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】America is an ________ country.You can hear ________ everywhere.

A. English-spoken;English speaking

B. English-speaking;English spoken

C. speaking-English;English spoken

D. spoken English;English speaking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1---- How was your trip to Beijing?

---- Great. My only r___________ was that I had no time to visit the Great Wall.

2---- What are we having for d___________?

---- Ice-cream, cheese cake and chocolate pudding.

3---- How much are these books?

---- Five dollars each. But if you buy two, you could get the third one for f_______.

4---- May I i___________ myself? I’m Jerry Blom, assistant to Dr. Smith.

---- Nice to meet you.

5---- Why don’t you buy that cellphone? It’s 30% off today!

---- Not unless my parents a____________.

6---- What’s the matter, officer? I was driving at 50 miles an hour. I wasn’t speeding.

---- Sir, you are r___________ by law to wear a seat belt.

7---- What’s your new boss like?

---- Oh, she is hard to p________. Everything should be perfect.

8---- Look at the mistakes! You are not paying a___________ in class!

---- I’m sorry sir. I promise I’ll listen more carefully.

9---- What’s your secret to success?

---- The reason I a__________ good results is that I work hard. So could you!

10---- Do you agree with me?

---- I totally disagree with you, but I r__________ your opinion.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】英语课上,老师要求同桌相互修改作文。假设以下作文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。 错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Once upon a time, it was a boy whose parents named him Odd(古怪的). Other children teased him about his name but kept him at a distance, thinking that he was very strange and behaved stupid. Deeply hurt, he refused to be bothered and struggle to break away from the pain. He tried to keep people off teasing him, but in vain. People continued making fun of his nameeven after he became a successful lawyer. Finally, as a old man, he wrote out his last wish, Ive been the butt(笑柄) of jokes all my life. I’ll let others make fun of myself after I’m gone. He insisted his tombstone not to bear his name. After his death, people passing by noticed the largest blank stone and said loudly,Look, that’s odd.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Here are some top tips for world travelers.

Travel light.1 It’s no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city.Don’t take too many clothes and avoid heavy books and electrical equipment.

2 Always keep your passport on you in an inside pocket or special travel belt.There may be thieves about.It’s a good idea to make a photocopy(复印件)of your passport and travel documents.

Transport sense.Don’t let go of your bags on the train.3 There are always thieves on public transport.If you want to sleep,tie your bag to your arm.When you take a taxi,it’s a good idea to ask for the driver’s permit.Many foreigners pay too much money because they take unofficial taxis.

Keep clean.It’s a good idea to wear dark clothes because they hide the dirt while white clothes attract it!Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant(除臭剂).4

5 You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals.Even if you find their habits and behaviour a bit strange,you shouldn’t show your feelings.Remember,you’re their guest.

A.Be polite.

B.Keep your documents safe.

C.You should carry a spare bag.

D.You don’t want to smell bad!

E.Keep them with you at all times.

F.Make sure your bag isn’t too heavy.

G.It’s a good idea to wear similar clothes to the local people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


请你以“Negative Effects of Computer”为题写一篇英语短文。注意:①词数100左右,②文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称。










