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4. 1’m a bit (puzzle) that I haven’t heard from Lucy for so long.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

II.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空 (每个短语限用一次) 。

bring up,     go ahead,    account for,     by accident,    stare at,     on the contrary

1 . Tom behaves in the strangest way; I can't his actions at all.

2. Her mother left her when she was one year old and she  by her grandmother and her father.

3. Don’t people like that; it's rude.

4. I found her letter . as I was looking through my files.

5. —Can I have the sports section?

 I've read it.

6. —I suppose your wife doesn,t understand you.

- , she understands me very well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart below. Try to understand how life began and developed on the earth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. That really concerned her was how .unhappy the child was. 

2. If they will go there or not to try another experiment hasn’t been decided. 

3. Why caused dinosaurs to disappear from the earth is still a puzzle.

4. What we lived ten years ago had changed so much that I nearly lost my way while visiting there. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Many people enjoy taking trips by themselves. Unluckily,they do not always have the best 41 . Instead,people should consider gfoup tours. Taking a group tour is a wise choice for people to

42 themselves.

      First,group tours plan travelers’ routes,so people don't have to 43 where they are going next or how they are getting there. They can just 44 and enjoy their trip. 45,my family once took a group tour to China. The travel agency 46 everything for us. We just looked at the . schedule the travel agency had. 47 and followed it. Thanks to the travel agency,we had a 48 trip. This made things 49 on my father since he didn’ t have to worry about where we would go next and 50 at night.

    Another 51 of group tours is that they allow .people to communicate with one another while traveling. Travelers are able to develop 52 with people they would never have met 53 they are traveling together for a number of days. As I know,my parents 54 Russia on a group tour for their honeymoon (蜜月) . They 55 another couple on that trip,and everyone had a great time together. Even after many years,they still 56 together from time to time. If my parents had traveled by themselves,it would have been 57 for them to get to know this couple.

    In short,there is 58 better than a group tour when traveling. Group tours schedule everything on the trip,and they give us the 59 to meet others and make friends with them. Group tours are the 60 way to travel when taking a trip.

41 A. maps    B. cars   C. places   D. vacations

42. A. help   B. enjoy   C. praise   D. encourage

43. A. guess   B. prove   C. worry about   D. talk about

44. A. relax   B. stop   C. walk   D. show

45. A. In all   B. So far   C. As usual   D. For example

46. A. made use of   B. took care of    C. ran out of   D. caught sight of

47. A. provided   B. found   C. changed   D. bought

48. A. short   B. strange   C. pleasant   D. terrible

49. A. earlier   B. easier   C. slower   D. worse

50. A. work   B. practice    C. stay   D. perform

51. A. rule   B. question   C. purpose   D. advantage

52. A. skills   B. programs    C. friendships   D. treatments

53. A. because   B. unless   C. while   D. although

54. A. left   B. visited   C. forgot   D. missed

55. A. met   B. invited    C. followed   D. recognized

56. A. dance   B. learn   C. cook   D. travel

57. A. certain   B. important   C. impossible   D. unnecessary

58. A. something   B. nothing   C. somebody   D. nobody

59. A. gift   B. hope   C. method   D. chance

60. A. best   B. last   C. only   D. new


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

连接代词who, what, which引导主语从句时, 在从句中充当主语、宾语或


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. They kept the dog on a(n) (链子) all day long.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The couple brought up their children on low incomes. Now the children, (轮到他们) ,should look after their elder parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. I made a promise to myself I would get a week's rest after those busy days. 

