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A chef is the chief cook of a large kitchen staff.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Japanese foods even have a soul. Do you believe that eating   16   bowl of ramen (日本拉面)can influence your mood? In making ramen, a chef’s emotion will change into the food taste. When a chef is sad, people   17   eat ramen the chef makes will be sad, too. That’s why people say Japanese foods have a soul.

Japanese foods are very beautiful and that is why you are suggested to enjoy them with your eyes first, before starting to feed them into   18   stomach. The colors arrangement in the dishes you enjoy is based   19   the colors of four seasons. This is the only way   20  (feel)Japan’s seasons without going there!

Japanese people call it harmony(和谐), which is born from Japanese people’s   21  (enjoy)of artistic sense and beauty. Through Japanese foods, you can feel the cherry blossoms in spring, the   22   (color) leaves in autumn, and the warmth of the sun in summer. You can also find tuna, herring and bamboo shoots in summer, or chestnuts and mushroom in autumn. They are not only good in your eyes, but also good for your health.

According to some results of a research, Japanese people have lower rates of heart disease than most other countries. They also have   23  (long)age! Many Japanese can reach more than 100 years of age, and they can work normally as the young. The secret may be their diet. There is no doubt to say Japanese cuisines(料理)are one of the healthiest in the world!

Over the past years Japanese businessmen   24  (open)a large number of Japanese restaurants all over the world and they are so famous and becoming very popular   25   the locals. You may be eating a bowl of soba and miso, having sushi, or enjoying a cup of green tea right now.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     When their parents were children, they imagined a future standing in front of a class of pupils or doing the
rounds as a doctor.
     But today's British teenagers, a survey suggests, seem to have set their sights only on becoming the next
Leona Lewis or Wayne Rooney.
      Researchers questioned 3,000 teenagers about their ambitions and also asked parents about their youthful
career hopes.
     According to the survey, youngsters dream of a celebrity (明星) lifestyle, perhaps after finding fame
through shows such as the X Factor, and of being actors or sports stars.
     Copying the likes of Rooney and David Beckham was the top career ambition of today's teenagers,cited by
12 percent.
     Almost as many,11 percent, wanted to be pop stars, and the same proportion dreamed of being actors.
     The success of celebrity chefs such as James Oliver and Cor don Ramsay is likely to explain why becoming a chef is now the dream of 5 percent, a career ambition which did not figure in the list of 25 years ago.
      A quarter of a century back teaching was the top career choice, cited by 15 percent. These days the job is
chosen by only 4 percent.
     Of the traditional professions, only law has risen in popularity. The survey also suggests that more girls
dream of becoming doctors and boys want careers as astronauts or firefighters.
     Child psychologist Laverne Antrobus said the findings reflect today's celebrity culture and warned children
against unrealistic dreams.
     "Children see footballs, pop stars and actors on TV and their lives look exciting, glamorous and fun," she
said."It is hard for them to realize that, they are the end product of a lot of ingredients including talent,
determination and years of hard work. Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch by chance."
     As Antrobus pointed out, there is absolutely nothing wrong with children having big dreams, but" these have
to be based on reality," she said.
1. The study suggests today's British teenagers want to___ sports stars, pop stars and actors.
A. have the talent of
B. work as hard as
C. enjoy the celebrity lifestyles of
D. become successful by chance like
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.12 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to become chefs.
B. 22 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to be pop stars or actors.
C. None of the traditional professions are favored by today's British teenagers.
D. Teaching, though less popular, seems to remain one of the top career choices on the list.
3. According to Laveme Antrobus, the change in career ambitions___.
A. represents progress
B. mirrors today's celebrity culture
C. shows how realistic youngsters are
D. suggests British teenagers watch too much TV
4. What does the underlined sentence" Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch by chance." mean?
A. Wayne Rooney does not get to play much today.
B. Wayne Rooney didn't get into sport by chance.
C. Wayne Rooney doesn't believe in luck when he is playing.
D. Wayne Rooney didn't become successful by luck.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When their parents were children, they imagined a future standing in front of a class of pupils or doing the rounds (巡诊) as a doctor.

     But today’s British teenagers, a survey suggests, seem to have set their sights only on becoming the next Leona Lewis or Wayne Rooney.

     Researchers questioned 3,000 teenagers about their ambitions (strong desire to achieve sth.) and also asked parents about their youthful career hopes.

     According to the survey, youngsters dream of a celebrity (明星) lifestyle, perhaps after finding fame through shows such as the X Factor, and of being actors or sports stars.

     Copying the likes of Rooney and David Beckham was the top career ambition of today’s teenagers, cited (说到) by 12 percent.

     Almost as many, 11 percent, wanted to be pop stars, and the same proportion (比例) dreamed of being actors.

     The success of celebrity chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay is likely to explain why becoming a chef is now the dream of 5 percent, a career ambition which did not figure in the list of 25 years ago.

     A quarter of a century back teaching was the top career choice, cited by 15 percent. These days the job is chosen by only 4 percent.

     Of the traditional professions (职业), only law has risen in popularity.

     The survey also suggests that more girls dream of becoming doctors and boys want careers as astronauts or firefighters.

     Child psychologist Laverne Antrobus said the findings reflect(反映)today's celebrity culture and warned children against unrealistic dreams.

     “Children see footballers, pop stars and actors on TV and their lives look exciting, glamorous (光鲜的) and fun,” she said. “It is hard for them to realize that they are the end product of a lot of ingredients including talent, determination and years of hard work. Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch (球场) by chance.”

     As Antrobus pointed out, there is absolutely nothing wrong with children having big dreams, but “these have to be based on reality,” she said.

UK career ambitions of two generations

Today % citing

1. sports star 12

2. pop star 11

3. actor 11

4. astronaut 9

5. lawyer 9

6. emergency services worker7

7. medicine 6

8. chef 5

9. teacher 4

10. vet 3

25 years ago % citing

1. teacher 15

2. banking/ finance 9

3. medicine 7

4. scientist 6

5. vet 6

6. lawyer 6

7. sports star 5

8. astronaut 4

9. hairdresser 4

10. archaeologist

1.The study suggests that today's British teenagers want to ______ sports stars, pop stars and actors.          

A.have the talent of                B.work as hard as

C.enjoy the celebrity lifestyles of     D.become successful by chance like

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE? 

A.12 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to become chefs.

B.22 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to be pop stars or actors.

C.None of the traditional professions are favored by today's British teenagers, the survey suggests.

D.Teaching, though less popular, seems to remain one of the top career choices on the list.

3.What does the underlined sentence “Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch by chance.” mean?

A.Wayne Rooney does not get to play much today.  

B.Wayne Rooney didn't get into sport by chance.

C.Wayne Rooney doesn't believe in luck when he is playing.

D.Wayne Rooney didn't become successful by luck.

4.The expert quoted in the article believes ______.

A.there's no point in teenagers having dreams  

B.it is wrong to desire to live the life of a celebrity

C.young Britons have the same ambitions as their parents

D.children should set practical goals when they think of their career


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



When their parents were children, they imagined a future standing in front of a class of pupils or doing the rounds (巡诊) as a doctor.

   But today’s British teenagers, a survey suggests, seem to have set their sights only on becoming the next Leona Lewis or Wayne Rooney.

   Researchers questioned 3,000 teenagers about their ambitions and also asked parents about their youthful career hopes.

   According to the survey, youngsters dream of a celebrity (明星) lifestyle, perhaps after finding fame through shows such as the X Factor, and of being actors or sports stars.

   Copying the likes of Rooney and David Beckham was the top career ambition of today’s teenagers, cited (说到) by 12 percent.

   Almost as many, 11 percent, wanted to be pop stars, and the same proportion (比例) dreamed of being actors.

   The success of celebrity chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay is likely to explain why becoming a chef is now the dream of 5 percent, a career ambition which did not figure in the list of 25 years ago.

   A quarter of a century back teaching was the top career choice, cited by 15 percent. These days the job is chosen by only 4 percent.

   Of the traditional professions (职业), only law has risen in popularity.

   The survey also suggests that more girls dream of becoming doctors and boys want careers as astronauts (宇航员) or firefighters.

   Child psychologist (心理学家) Laverne Antrobus said the findings reflect today's celebrity culture and warned children against unrealistic dreams.

   “Children see footballers, pop stars and actors on TV and their lives look exciting, glamorous (光鲜的) and fun,” she said. “It is hard for them to realize that they are the end product of a lot of ingredients including talent, determination and years of hard work. Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch (球场) by chance.”

   As Antrobus pointed out, there is absolutely nothing wrong with children having big dreams, but “these have to be based on reality,” she said.

   UK career ambitions of two generations

Today % citing

1. sports star 12         2 .pop star 11          3. actor 11        4. astronaut 9

5. lawyer 9             6. emergency services worker 7            7. medicine 6

8. chef 5               9. teacher 4           10 .vet 3

25 years ago % citing

1. teacher 15       2 .banking/ finance 9       3. medicine 7        4. scientist 6

5. vet 6           6. lawyer 6                7. sports star 5       8. astronaut 4

9. beautician/hairdresser 4                     10. archaeologist 3

61. The study suggests that today's British teenagers want to ______ sports stars, pop stars and actors.         

  A. have the talent of                B. work as hard as

  C. enjoy the celebrity lifestyles of     D. become successful by chance like

62.Which of the following statements is TRUE? 

A. 12 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to become chefs.

B. 22 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to be pop stars or actors.

C. None of the traditional professions are favored by today's British teenagers, the survey suggests.

D. Teaching, though less popular, seems to remain one of the top career choices on the list.

63. According to child psychologist Laverne Antrobus, the change in career ambitions suggested by the study ______.  

A. represents progress     B. mirrors today's celebrity culture

C. shows how materialistic youngsters are    

D. suggests British teenagers watch too much TV

64. What does the underlined sentence “Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch by chance.” mean?

A. Wayne Rooney does not get to play much today.  

B. Wayne Rooney didn't get into sport by chance.

C. Wayne Rooney doesn't believe in luck when he is playing.

D. Wayne Rooney didn't become successful by luck.

65. The expert quoted in the article believes ______.

A. there's no point in teenagers having dream 

B. it is wrong to desire to live the life of a celebrity

C. young Britons have the same ambitions as their parent

D. children should set practical goals when they think of their career

