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6.Teen models are not difficult to find.An online agency features both models young as well as older.Those who are looking for child models to show off their products and make them look better can find what they are looking for by hiring children models from these online modeling agenmes.This is less expensive than trying to go through large modehng agencies that often cost thousands of dollars for the client(客户).
    Many of those who are selling children's products and have websites for parents and children are looking for teen models.As a result,there is more of a need for young models to participate in the field of modeling.The best way for clients to hire models that will not end up costing them a fortune is to use an online modeling site.An online modeling site will have portfolios(档案)of models young as well as old.Someone who is looking for teen models can find a variety of different children when they take a look at these sites.
    Online teen models usually work for less money than offline models,although they   are still paid well enough to make it worth their while to model.Clients who are looking   for young models can go on an online modeling agency to look for portfolios of the teens that they will want to use in their advertising campaigns.Parents or guardians must agree to the modeling offers and the agency will act as a go-between for both the teen models as well as the clients who are looking for young models.A percentage goes to the agency,just as is the case oilline and the rest goes to the teen models.
    Clients can look through portfolios for the young models and get the ones that are right for what they are looking for to advertise for them.It is now affordable for anyone to hire teen models when using an online modeling agency site.Parents of young models can also use these sites to get their teens a chance to get a head start in the world of modeling.
61.What is the main advantage of online modeling agencies?C
  A.They can help the clients to train teen models in a short time.
  B.They can make the products look much better.
  C.They can offer teen models that cost client s less money.
  D.They can advertise for the clients and cost them less money.
62.Why are teen models in greater need?B.
  A.Most parents don't want their children to work as models.
  B.Those who sell children products need more teen models.
  C.Most children don't want to delay their studies because they work.
  D.Teen models earn less money so they don't want to do the work.
63.To hire teen models,the clients are advised toA.
  A.make use of online modeling sites   B.look through newspapers
  C.find modeling agencies            D.advertise on the Internet
 64.According to the author,the agency plays a part ofD.
  A.looking for teen models     B.judging good teen models
  C.hiring good t een models    D.working as a middleman
 65.The online modeling sites can offer teen models a good chance toA.
  A.have an advantage from the beginning
  B.become famous in the future
  C.make a lot of money for future use
  D.beat the other models.

分析 青少年模特很容易就能找到.一家在线代理机构不仅提供青少年模特的资料,而且还为客户提供年龄较大的模特的资料.在线机构充当着中间人的作用,通过在线代理机构寻找模特可以为客户省下一部分费用.

解答 61.C 细节理解题.根据第一段"This is less expensive than trying to gothrough large modeling agencies that often cost thousands of dollars for theclient"可知,通过在线模特代理机构寻找儿童模特比去大型的模特代理机构所花的费用较少,故选C.
62.B 细节理解题.根据第一段的 Many of those who are selling children'sproducts and have websites for parents and children are looking for teen models.可知,许多销售儿童产品和拥有为父母和儿童开设网站的人都在寻找儿童模特儿,故选B.
63.A 细节理解题.根据第二段"The best way for clients to hire models…is touse an online modeling site."可知,雇用儿童模特最好的方法是使用相关的模特网站,故选A.
64.D 细节理解题.根据第三段最后"the agency will act as a go-between for boththe teen models as well as the clients who are looking for young models"可知,在线代理机构充当着联系儿童模特和客户的中间人的作用,故选D.
65.A 细节理解题.根据最后一段"use these sites to get their teens a chance toget a head start in the world of modeling"可知,父母可以使用这些网站来让他们的孩子在模特行业有个好的开始,故选A.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.---Harry,we want to know your view about the reform being carried out in our school.
---OK.I _______ to that.(  )
A.am comingB.have comeC.cameD.come


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ________ in a short period.(  )
A.improvedB.improvingC.to improveD.improve


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.With the land of the city becoming rare,more and more high-rise buildings are under construction around the Jingmen City ___________ space.(  )
A.in search ofB.on behalf ofC.for lack ofD.in charge of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.________,200students went for the picnic,____ some from No.2High School.(  )
A.By total,includesB.In total,included
C.Total,includingD.In total,including


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on air,Man From the Stars,this new mix-match junk food has become popular among young audiences,___________its unhealthy nature.(  )
A.in favor ofB.in terms ofC.in need ofD.in spite of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.He is said to have written and sung the song ______ his wife who died from skin cancer 2years ago.(  )
A.in memory ofB.in need ofC.in honour ofD.in support of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Cultural relics and historic sites are under the protection of local government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Flags are now seen every day,but they were once only used in battles.No one knows for sure (61)where flags came from.However,it seems that China and the Roman Empire were the first ones to use them to identify their armies.The(62)earliest (early) flags were actually wooden statues which were raised up on long poles.Soon,this design changed.People added small pieces that could move in the wind.Later,flags that were made of fabric (63)became(become) the most popular design.
Flags are also important for (64)religious (religion) reasons.Tibetan prayer flags have been used in Buddhism for (65)hundreds of (hundred) years.These flags are strung on ropes in windy places.It is believed that the flags'good luck and prayers are carried around the world by the wind.
In the 13th century,ships began to hang flags.Not only(66)did vessels display their national flags,but sailors also (67)used (use) flags to signal to other boats.Throughout history,the purpose (68)and usage of flags have grown.However,flags are no longer carried into battle.This is simply (69)because the people who carry them would be in too much(70)danger (dangerous).

