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8.--What do you think of the new English teacher?
--____she is an elegant lady,she can be extremely difficult to work with.(  )
A.WhileB.WhenC.AsD.Even if

分析 --你认为英语老师怎样?

解答 答案:A

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

As we all know,it is necessary for all of us students to protect our campus environment.           .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.In so many ways,cyberspace(网络空间) mirrors the real world.People ask for information,play games,and share hobby tips.Others buy and sell products.Still others look for friendship,or even love.
Unlike the real world,however,your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen.Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace.Rather,a person's thoughts-or at least the thoughts they type-are what really count.So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.
Usually,this"faceless"communication doesn't create problems.Identity doesn't really matter when you're in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies.In fact,this emphasis on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation.Where else can so many people come together to chat about their interests?
But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with.They're looking for serious love relationships.Is cyberspace a good place to find love?That answer depends on whom you ask.Some of these relationships actually succeed.Others fail miserably.
Supporters of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other intellectually first.Personal appearance doesn't get in the way.
But critics of online relationships argue that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace.Why?Because the Internet gives users a lot of control over how others view them.Internet users can carefully craft their words to fit whatever image they want to give.And they don't have to worry about what their"faceless"communication is doing for their image.In a sense,they're not really themselves.
All of this may be fine if the relationship stays in cyberspace.But not knowing a person is a big problem in a love relationship.With so many unknowns,it's easy to let one's imagination"fill in the blanks."This inevitably leads to disappointment when couples meet in person.How someone imagines an online friend is often quite different than the real person.
So,before looking for love in cyberspace,remember the advice of Internet pioneer Clifford Stoll:"Life in the real world is far richer than anything you'll find on a computer screen."
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.We learn about a person in cyberspace only throughthe thoughts they type/the words on a computer screen..
82.Why is the Internet a great place for exciting conversation?Because people focus on the ideas while talking./Because it puts emphasis on the ideas themselves.
83.What makes online love relationship often fail?Communicating with an imaginary person./Not truly knowing a person.
84.From the passage we can learn that the writerdisagree with/objects to/is against looking for love on the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

16.[1]Tere is always a way to be friends with everyone. Don't be afraid to talk to people.meetitrangers is the best way to make new friends!
[2]If the group you want to be friends with is a shy group,and you're a little more sciable,never ask them"Why don't you talk?"or"Why are you quiet?"They hate that. It'srude. Don't do it.If you're shy and you want to get into a sociable gToup,then just try to get a little attention,but try not to overdoit.No one likes a show-off. And remember that each group will be different. Observe what is appropriate for each group,and act accordingly,but don't change yourself just to fit in.
[3]Always be outgoing,and going out.Be outgoing,and you will                    within a group:.Go out a lot so that you will hang out wkh different groups. Being friends with everyone is time and energy consuming,because you must be friendly,outgoing,and willing to hang out,leaving very little time to yourself.That is something you have to consider before go-ing and trying to be so popular.
[4]However,being friends with everyone can be difficult.You may feel tom between  friends;  who to hang out with ifit can't be done at once. And if for any.reason you cannot con-tinue with the demanding time schedule,friends will fade rapidly. Make sure to have a couple strong friends,or it may be possible for all of your friends to become just'acquaintances.
[5]Just remember:Don't forget who your real friends are. Don't become friends with  someone just because they are a cheerleader or reaily popular.
76.What's the best title of this passage?( Please answer within 10 words)How To Be Friends With Everyone/How To Make Friends (With Everyone)
77.Which sentence( s)  in this passage could be replaced by the following one?.
Though you should make some mecessary changes in making friends,you still stick to who you areObserve what is appropriate for each group,and act accordingly,but don't change yourself
just to fit in.
78.Fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence.( Please  answer within 5 words)gain popularity/be popular/be welcome
79.What's your advice about making fnends with others?Why?( Please answer within 30 words )Always smile and have a positive attitude.When you meet someone or see them at work,
smile at them and they will think you're friendly and outgoing.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.务必要有几个亲密朋友,不然,你所有的朋友就可能只是相识而已了..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.The old man tried to save more money ______ he could contribute some to the flood victims.(  )
A.so as toB.now thatC.so thatD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.I thought we had be late for the concert,but we ended up getting there ahead     time.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.It's that time of the year again,______ Apple fans go crazy about the coming of the new iPhone.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17._________ Australia's relatively small population,its outstanding performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing.(  )
A.Having consideredB.Considered
C.ConsideringD.To consider


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-Do you have any plans for the weekend?
-Yes.I _______ for Shenzhen tomorrow.(  )
A.am leavingB.would leaveC.leftD.leave

