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China improved the quality health care to its population, but observers say continued reforms are still needed to solve the problems caused by high costs and uneven ( 不均衡的) spread.

O’Leary, a Britain-based medical researcher who focuses on China, is "greatly impressed" by Being’s success in making sure the insurance programmers cover a very large percentage of the population.  But he says medical costs are still high, even for the insured."So when health care costs are higher there are still out-of-pocket expenses, and that remains a major challenge," he says.Observers say out-of-pocket expenses are not affordable for many in rural areas, where a serious illness can make lower-income residents fall into poverty.

Another challenge is the uneven spread of China's health care reform.Compared with the urban areas many rural areas are still served by medical workers with little training."At the village level rural doctors are often people who don't have regular medical training.But they're often providing all the services for the poorest people." says O'Leary.

High drug prices, a lack of qualified doctors and nurses, and an aging population are still the problems as China improves its health care system.

China says that its healthcare system still fall far short of the public's demands for healthcare as well as the requirements of economic and social development.But many observers, including O'Leary, agree that China is making steady and positive progress toward providing quality health care for its citizens."They are moving in the right direction," says O'Leary."Trying to provide a universal health care system for 1.3 billion people is a huge task.But China will surely do better with its continuous efforts."

61.O'Leary expressed satisfaction with the ______ of the insurance programmes of China.

       A.rules                                   B.costs

       C.coverage                                D.challenge

62.The underlined phrase "the insured" in Para 2 refers to______.

       A.the qualified doctors and nurses

       B.the people who have health insurance

       C.those old people without any children

       D.the farmers who get richer and richer

63.According to O’Leary, China faces many problems in improving health care system except________.

       A.high drug prices                         B.lack of qualified medical staff

       C.an aging population                         D.lack of support of the people

64.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

       A.The urban areas don-, need Ac health care reform.

       B.Rural areas has a long way to go in health care reform.

       C.People in rural areas have no doctors to consult.

       D.Rural doctors are more qualified and hospitable.

65.From the passage we can learn, that Chinese health care            

       A.has improved, but more reforms are needed

       B.seems an impossible project

       C.has achieved the greatest success

       D. are often criticized by foreigners


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Nowadays more and more people are sending their children, even middle school children, overseas for farther study. Some people think their


children can receive a better education and learn foreign language


as well. The most valuable thing is what they can learn to depend


on themselves and improving their understanding of the world.


But some people are not in favour for this. They think studying


abroad cost over ten times as much money as in China. Besides,


children are too young to take care of them. Many parents


worry the safety of their children. What’s more, they might follow bad


examples. In my opinion, the government should set up various schools


and colleges to meet with the needs of people.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Gu Changwei was the first Chinese cinematographer to be nominated (提名) for an Oscar, he is regarded by Zhang Yimou as the best cinematographer in China. Gu was behind the camera for many of Zhang Yimou’s famous films including the one that rocketed Zhang to fame: “Red Sorghum (高粱)”. And now this master of the visual has taken on his first directing role with the film “Peacock”. So Gu Changwei has come out from behind the camera into the spotlight (聚光灯).

Gu Changwei is very serious about his directing “Peacock”. To get the authentic atmosphere, Gu took his film crew to the city of Anyang in central China’s Henan province where the story takes place, to shoot the film. He chose all new actors because he didn’t want “star” appeal to weaken the power of the story, and he also had his actors trained in the local dialect. For this film Gu has been able to get out from behind the camera to manage every aspect of the film, and to realize his own ideals in movie-making.

“Peacock” is about the life of an average family in a small town in Henan province in the late 70s and early 80s. Gu chose this story for his first movie because he grew up during this same period and it struck a chord with him.

“Peacock” wrapped up production in June, 2004. It’s aimed at the foreign film market and will be entered in February’s Berlin Film Festival, and released in China at the same time. But at the end of last October, Gu took “Peacock” to his Alma Mater, the Beijing Film Academy, one of the most famous film colleges in China, to hold a preview. The film was warmly received by both teachers and students.

The underlined word “cinematographer” refers to a person who _____.

       A. has been nominated for an Oscar            B. uses a camera to shoot films

       C. directs first-class films                           D. arranges for cinema shows

Gu didn’t employ “stars” in his film because _____.

A. stars usually stick to their own acting styles

B. the stars may not be able to speak the local dialect

C. the stars may share the audience’s attention with the story

D. it was not easy for him, a fresh hand, to invite stars to join him

Gu chose such a story for his first movie because _____.

A. he was born in the early 1970s              

B. he grew up in Henan province

C. he was popular in Henan province     

D. the story had to do with his own experience

From the passage we can learn that “Peacock” _____.

A. is the film for which Gu is likely to win an Oscar prize

B. has already become popular both at home and abroad

C. has its production started last summer

D. will be publicly shown in spring, 2005

Please choose a proper title for this passage.

A. From behind the camera into the spotlight

B. Chinese cinematographer to be nominated for Oscar

C. New faces to appear in “Peacock”

D. “Peacock” to enter foreign film market


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







2.私家车多会消耗(consume)更多的汽油, 加剧环境污染;



要求:1.词数:100左右。  2.开头部分已给出,不计入总字数。

Recently, our class have had a discussion about whether China should develop its private car industry. The results are as follows:______________________________________________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The word’s largest aircraft made its public debut last week at Europe’s biggest factory, a purpose built assembly line in Toulouse, souther, n France.The Airbus A380 will have 50 per cent more floor space than American rival Boeing’s 747 Jumbo, with room for duty-free shops, restaurants and even a sauna.This new arrival is expected to change the face of air travel.

The A380 will enter service in early 2006 with Singapore Airlines.

Airbus claims the A380 will burn less fuel, make less noise, create less pollution and cost 17 per cent less per seat than the 747.It will also reduce traffic problems in the skies.

The aircraft, which cost between £140 million(US$250m) and £157 million (US$280m) each compared with £84 million (US$150m) for Boeing’s new Dreamliner jet, is being built at 16 factories in Germany, France, Spain and the UK.

But activists have warned of more noise and pollution from the Superjumbo, while Boeing believes huge aircraft will not be in great demand over the next decade.

As a result, it is putting faith in the much smaller 7E7 Dreamliner.But Airbus is pinning its hopes on the “big is beautiful” theory, gambling on size being the key factor in the US-European battle for the skies.

Airbus said it was in talks with half a dozen global airlines about buying the A380. China Eastern Airlines, already an Airbus customer, is said to be targeted, while executives made it plain that they wanted to fight for the Japanese market, which had traditionally been controlled by Boeing.

Over the next 20 years, Airbus hopes to sell 750 of the new planes into a market worth £185billion (US$330bn).The company already has129 firm orders for the A380, with 52 options.

According to Airbus, which of the following is not the advantage of A380 compared to Boeing 747?

       A.Making less noise, causing less traffic problems

       B.Using less fuel, costing less money

       C.Creating less pollution, having less weight

       D.Having more floor space, creating less pollution

From the passage, we can infer that _________

       A.Airbus is not aiming at the Japanese market.

       B.Boeing is not a rival of Airbus.

       C.A380 hasn’t been used yet.

       D.Boeing is better than Airbus.

In the Airbus A380, passengers cannot find ___________.

       A.duty-free shops       B.restaurants      C.banks     D.a sauna

According to the news, the prospect of A380 may be ___________.

       A.not so good          B.cheerful         C.undesirable          D.gloomy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

America belongs to the ___country while China and India are both ___countries.

A.developing; developed  B.developed;developed  C.developed;developing  D.developing;developing

