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18.-Is Jack on duty today?
-It ________ be him.It's his turn tomorrow.(  )

分析 --今天杰克值日吗?

解答 答案:C.
mustn't禁止,不许;won't,将不会;can't不可能;needn't不必.根据"It's his turn tomorrow"可知今天不可能是他值日;mustn't表"禁止",常译为"不许",不能表推测,can't不可能.故选C.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.In recent years some extreme weather events have arisen from global warming because of human activities,with studies indicating an increasing threat from extreme weather in the future.Scientists were certain that global warming is being caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human activities.
Its effects include warming global temperature,rising sea levels and expansion of deserts in the subtropics(亚热带).Warming is expected to be greater over land than over the oceans and greatest in the Arctic,with the continuing loss of glaciers,permafrost and sea ice.Other likely changes include more frequent extreme weather events including heat waves,droughts,heavy rainfall with floods,heavy snowfall and species extinction due to great change of temperature.Bad effects on humans include the threat to food security from decreasing crop yields and the loss of populated(住人的) areas because of rising sea levels.
Possible responses to global warming are reduction of emissions(排放),adaptation to its effects,building systems resilient to its effects,and possible future climate engineering.Most countries are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC),whose objective is to prevent dangerous climate change.It has adopted a range of policies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to assist in adaptation to global warming.It is agreed that future global warming should be limited to below 2.0°C (3.6°F) relative to the pre-industrial level.
On 12November 2015,NASA scientists reported that human-made carbon dioxide continues to increase above levels that have not been seen in hundreds of thousands of years:currently,about half of the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels remains in the atmosphere and is not absorbed by vegetation and the oceans.

28.What does the underlined word"resilient"mean?B
A.be easily damaged                  
B.be able to recover easily
C.can be bent easily                   
D.be difficult to change
29.Which of following is NOT mentioned as an effect of global warming?D
A.rising sea levels and expansion of deserts
B.more frequent extreme weather events
C.species extinction
D.increasing crop yields
30.Which of the following can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?A
A.It is likely for us to deal with global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions,adapting to its effects and climate engineering.
B.There is no solution to too much carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.
C.It is common that human-made carbon dioxide keeps on increasing greatly in the previous several centuries.
D.Future global warming should be limited to below 3.6°C.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9."Beating is a sign of affection,cursing (骂)is a sign of love."
Many may not expect to hear the words of the old Chinese saying in these modern times-with parents wealthier and better educated than they have ever been-but experts say they still ring true.
Today,it seems,Chinese parents are more likely to send their children to pre-college military academies in the United States in the hope that some tough love will pave the way to success.
"Good education doesn't mean letting your child enjoy privileges,especially our boys,"said Song Wenming,an entrepreneur (企业家)in Jinhua,East China's Zhejiang province."They should be raised in tough conditions to know what to fight for in the future."
In August,Song sent his 17-year-old son to Valley Forge Military Academy (VFMA) in Pennsylvania.And he is far from alone,even though it takes a lot of money-around $48,000per year-to send a child to a strict military school.
Statistics shows that an increasing number of Chinese students have been registering with such academies.
A few years ago,there were no Chinese students at Valley Forge.Today,there are 28."All of the Chinese students at Valley Forge came from wealthy families,some of them were spoiled,"said Jennifer Myers,director of marketing and communications at the school.
Song's only son,Song Siyu,had a rocky start during his first six weeks at the school.The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult.
Now,three months later,he has perfected the art of taking a bath in 35seconds,finishing a meal without looking at his food,and making his bed with precision.He can even take criticism,no matter how unreasonable.
"The training is hard but I know it is good for self-development of individuals,"said Song Siyu.'The endless training and scolding are just ways to build up our character,they are not personal."
But his enthusiasm is not universal.Ten of the 13Chinese students who joined the academy this year have transferred to other schools.
But for those who stick with it,there is a reward for all the hard work.

51.From the second paragraph,we can know the old Chinese sayingC.
A.is out of date in modern times.
B.is disagreed by rich parents.
C.is still worth trusting                 
D.is deeply believed by better educated parent.
52.The underlined sentence means thatC
A.Song sent his only son to military school,so he feels lonely.
B.Song is the only one who sends his child t to military school.
C.There are other people sending their children to military school besides Song.
D.The fee of the military school is so high that only Song can afford it.
53.Song Siyu got some achievements in the military school exceptB.
A.taking a bath in a short time
B.having his meal with his eyes closed
C.taking unreasonable criticism 
D.improving his character.
54.How many Chinese students are there at Valley Forge before this year?D
A.10        B.13      C.15        D.25
55.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A.
A.It's likely that more and more Chinese students will attend VFMA.
B.Most Chinese parents approve of educating their children by beating and cursing nowadays.
C.Song Siyu had no difficulty in adjusting to the life at VFMA.
D.Most Chinese students support the way of education at VFMA.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.LONDON:What could possibly be wrong with planting trees?The benefits are obvious; they  firm the soil,soak up (摄取) extra water and take carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) our of the atmosphere.
However,it now turns out that planting trees could add to global warming.
Tree roots do a great job of keeping soil firmly on the ground and out of the wind's power.The problem is that some of those dust clouds play an important part in soaking up carbon dioxide.
Huge dust storms blow out over the oceans from dry parts of North Africa and central Asia.Tons of dust are lifted and left as a thin film over the ocean surface.The dust fuels oceanic life.
Dust from China is carried east and left in the Pacific Ocean.If a tree-planting programme there is successful and the dust supply reduced,the net result may be that less carbon dioxide gets locked away in the ocean.
Andy Ridgwell,an environmental scientist from the University of East Anglia,has spent the past few years studying dust and says his work"shows clearly that the complexity of the system and the importance of not tinkering(粗劣地修补) with it without understanding the results.For this reason the need is to focus(集中) on cutting carbon dioxide giving off rather than monkeying (瞎弄) about with the land surface."
An American scientist,Robert Jackson,has shown that when native grassland areas are invaded(侵入) by trees,carbon is lost from the soil."We are studying why the soil carbon disappears,but one theory is that trees do a lot more of their growing above ground compared to grasses,so less carbon goes directly into the soil from trees,"says Jackson.
In wet areas of the world,the gain from trees absorbing carbon dioxide above ground seems to be outweighed(超过) by the loss of carbon from the soil below ground.Countries that plan to combat global warming by planting trees may have to think again.
Solutions to environmental problems are often more complex than they first appear,and understanding the Earth's climate is a very great challenge.
63.People usually hold the opinion thatC.
A.huge dust storms can destroy carbon dioxide
B.huge dust storms can destroy the oceans on the earth
C.huge dust storms can't do anything beneficial for man
D.planting trees is the only way to control huge dust storms
64.Andy Ridgwell,the environmental scientist,believes thatD.
A.dust plays a more important part than trees
B.trees should't have been planted in dry places
C.carbon dioxide is harmful to everything on the earth
D.environmental problems are more complex than expected
65.Robert Jackson's experiment proves thatB.
A.grassland areas should be covered by forests
B.trees hold more carbon than grasses
C.carbon can turn grass into dust
D.less carbon can make trees grow faster
66.The underlined word"combat"in the last paragraph meansB.
A.learn about            
B.fight against          
C.live with                  
D.give up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.BEIJING,Nov.30-The Bird's Nest may have been built for last year's Summer Games but Beijing's Olympic stadium will soon be aiming at fans of winter sports.
As temperatures have begun to drop in recent weeks,so too has the number of visitors to the 80,000-seater venue,which cost 3.6billion yuan (﹩527million) to build.
And,fearing another harsh (寒冷的) winter,National Stadium Co Ltd,which owns the Bird's Nest,yesterday planed to spend 50million yuan on a"snow festival".
From Dec 19,visitors will be able to pay 120yuan to enjoy skiing and snowboarding,among other things,on its newly constructed slopes.
The stadium owners expect to attract more than 20,000visitors a day-twice as many as it currently does-during the two-month festival,which will include events for both the Western and Chinese new years.
Officials revealed it would take just 5,000visitors a day to cover the costs of the project.
"It's not a bad idea.You can ski on man-made snow in Dubai,so why not here?"said Heiko Grasse,a tourist from Germany,yesterday.
Famous outdoor equipment makers and local brands are in talks over sponsorship for the event,the Bird's Nest owners said yesterday,while the capital's television network will also provide 500hours of coverage.
"The Bird's Nest will not have a cold winter again,"Wu Jingjun,the new president of National Stadium Co Ltd,told China Daily yesterday."We will create seasonal events almost every month from now on with assistance from the government and,importantly,the public."
Yang Cheng,a newly appointed vice-president of National Stadium Co Ltd,said the snow festival would run for five consecutive winters if successful.

60.How many people visit The Bird's Nest a day before the"snow festival"?C
A.About 80,000.       B.About 20,000.
C.About 10,000.       D.About 5,000.
61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?D
A.The"snow festival"will attract more visitors from China than the Western countries.
B.People aren't allowed to visit The Bird's Nest before Dec 19.
C.The"snow festival"would run for at least five winters.
D.More than 2.4million yuan a day is expected to be made in the"snow festival".
62.What does Wu Jingjun mean by saying"The Bird's Nest will not have a cold winter again"?C
A.The Bird's Nest will be kept at high temperatures in winter.
B.Winter Olympic Games will be held in The Bird's Nest.
C.The"snow festival"will provide many events in winter.
D.The Bird's Nest will get much more assistance from the government
63.Which of the following may NOT be included in the"snow festival"events?A
A.A football game.      B.Skiing.
C.Snowboarding.         D.A New Year's Party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.When I was small and my grandmother died,I couldn't understand why I had no tears.But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up,my laugh turned into crying.
So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain.Just as laughing has many health advantages,scientists are discovering that so,too,does crying.
       Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional (情感的) health,and crying seems to work well.One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.
       Besides,tears attract help from other people.Researchers agree that when we cry,people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more ready to provide support and comfort.Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we're very sad until we cry.We learn about our emotions through crying,and then we can deal with them.
       Just as crying can be healthy,not crying---holding back tears of anger,pain or suffering---can be bad for physical health,Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure,heart problems and some other illnesses.If you have a health problem,doctors will certainly not ask you to cry.But when you feel like crying,don't fight it.It's a natural---and healthy---emotional response (反应).
33.It can be inferred from the text thatD.
A.crying does more good to health than laughing     
B.there are two ways to keep healthy
C.crying and laughing play the same roles
D.emotional health has close connection with physical health
34.According to the author,which of the following statements is true?A
A.Fighting back tears may cause some health problems   
B.Crying is the best way to get help from others.
C.We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.
D.We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.
35.What might be the most suitable title for the text?A
A.How to Keep Healthy
B.Power of Tears
C.A New Scientific Discovery
D.Why We Cry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an (71)amazing history.This gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.The amber which was  (72)selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.The design of the room was in the(73)fancystyle popular in those days.It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels,which took the country's best artists about ten years to make.
Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.I have become very important in communication,(74)finace and trade.I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations.I have even been put into space rockets and sent to (75)explore the Moon and Mars.Anyhow,my (76)goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human (77)race!
Daisy smiled."That's good news.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but I'd like to help as the WWF suggests."The carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest.A monkey watched them as it rubbed itself."What are you doing?"asked Daisy."I'm protecting myself (78)frommosquitoes,"it replied."When I find a millipede (79)insect,I rub it over my body.It contains powerful drug which (80)affects mosquitoes….


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.We will consider your recent illness when marking your exams.
We willtake your recent illness intoconsideration when marking your exams.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The towers,called the Bosco Verticale,are under construction in Milan.Towering over the city skyline,these are the world'S first forest in the sky apartments.
With trees equal to 10,000 square meters of forest covering 27 floors,the twin towers will be home to an astonishing 730 trees,5,000 bushes and 11,000 ground plants.
Michele Brunello,director of Boeri Studios,explained,"The idea of a vertical forest came when we were involved in a local tree planting project.We imagined the building that allowed the landscape(景观)to enter it."
Brunello'S concept is designed to save on land,which is a precious resource in the centre of a major city."We can provide the quality of life of expensive housing without consuming the resources that conventional housing would demand."he said.
Bosco Verticale has been designed as a home to a variety of plants,which planners hope will act as a filter(过滤器)to pollution from traffic,shade people from the sun and will change its appearance each season.
"People live with the trees but they don't own them-they are communal,"said Brunello."All the plants have been picked by the designers to be suitable to the height and correct side of the building.So the people aren't just choosing an apartment based on the size and view,but also they need to consider which trees and plants they will be living with."
Safety is also a major factor.If a tree Was blown down in the wind from a great height,this could be a huge problem.So we tested various trees to make sure we had the right ones.
When the sky forest is completed by the end of 2012,the structure will house the same amount of people as 50,000 square meters of conventional urban area.What'S more,it will be home to insects,birds and animals that usually live in the parks of Milan.
61.By saying"allowed the landscape to enter it"Brunello means thatC.
A.trees will be planted inside the building
B.the towers are part of the tree planting project
C.the landscape of trees and plants is part of the towers
D.the landscape of trees can be moved into the building freely
62.What does the underlined word"communal"probably mean?B
A.Expensive.    B.Public.    C.Dangerous.     D.Unaffordable.
63.Which of the following may not be considered when buying an apartment in Bosco Verticale?D
A.The size of the apartment.
B.The view of the apartment.
C.The different trees on the towers.
D.The amount of birds living with the trees.
64.Which isn't the benefit that the Bosco Verticale can bring to Milan?B
A.Cleaning the polluted air by traffic.
B.Lowering the conventional houses'price.
C.Changing its appearance with seasons.
D.Shading people from the sun.
65.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?D
A.Brunello creates a special park   
B.Bosco Verticale consumes less land
C.Italy will plant a variety oftrees  
D.Milan constructs towers of trees.

