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---- You’re going to publish my book. Are you serious?

---- _______ . It’s to be published next month.

    A. No, I am not       B. No, I was just joking

    C. Yes, I do         D. Yes, I have never been more serious


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


W: Good evening, sir. I was told that you were robbed.

M: I certainly was.

W: When did that happen?

M: About two hours ago.

W: Why didn’t you r______ it then?

M: I couldn’t. I was tied to a chair and my mouth wasf______ with something.

W: Please tell me exactly what happened.

M: I was sitting in this room watching TV when someone )k         at the door.

Without thinking, I opened it.

W: That wasn’t very wise, sir.

M: I know. I was e_____ my wife, you see, and I t______ it was her.

W: You should never open a door without going to see who it is.

M: Yes, I regret that now.

W: What happened?

M: Two men pushed inside and then t______ me with a knife.

W: Did you take a good look at them?

M: I’m afraid not, They were both w       stockings over their faces.

W: What did they take?

M: My wallet with $200 in it, my watch, and some of my wife’s j______ from my bedroom.

W: They don’t seem to have done much damage to the flat.

M: No. They had just begun to search when the dogs next d______ began to bark. They ran off. It was some time b         my wife returned and set me free. I phoned the police at once.

W: My men began searching the area as soon as we received your call. I can’t promise you that we’ll recover your property, but we’ll certainly do our best.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届吉林长春外国语学校高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The car was so badly damaged that it couldn’t be repaired and had to be _____(放弃) as a total loss.

2.One’s appearance is not _______ (有关的) to whether he can do things well.

3.We believe that young children should never ________(反驳) what their parents say.

4.My first two shots missed the ______(靶).

5.There is no _______ (通路)to the street through that door.

6.Lily, could you r______ me a latest movie which is popular among your people?

7.I have a______ myself to the new work environment.

8.The new employees were presented to the rest of the s______ at the company’s meeting.

9.Terry was chosen by our class to p_______ in the sports meeting in the school.

10.The new discovery is b_____ to be of great benefit to humans,” the researcher said confidently.



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2009----2010学年度高二下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:单词拼写



76.Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

77.Can you r________me some new books on this subject?

78.The medicare cost is e________ to be one billion dollars.

79.F________causes a rolling ball to stop finally.

80.There is a general a________that smoking is harmful.

81.I asked the photographer to e________ the picture to fit in with the big frame.

82.A d________ man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

83.He is always very p________. He is never late.

84.Golf has gained p________ among the wealthy in my country.

85.In order not to let water through, the company will come up with a new technique for w______walls.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届江西省高三第四次月考 题型:其他题


第一节   对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


R—Rose                L—Lisa

L: Hi, Rose, you look pale today, What’s (76) h    to you?

R: Nothing serious, I was told that I had been (77)a        to Zhejiang University.

L: Well, you should have been happy about that, That’s exciting news, (78) a          all. And your parents will take pride in you.

R: That’s true, but that means a problem, too. You know, school (79) e       have been increasing

rapidly these years. What worries me is that my family is too poor to afford them.

L: Well, what do your parents do? Do they have (80) j          with fixed income (收入)?

R: My father (81) u        to, but he was laid off years ago. With my mother earning the bread for the  

family of five, it is often hard to make ends meet.

L: That’s really a problem then. But you can consider (82) b       money from your relatives and

even from the bank.

R: Yes, I think so. And my head teacher told me that a few days ago.

L: By the (83) w       , what will you learn there?

R: Computer science is my (84) m      .

L: That sounds great! I wish I could go to the same university and learn the (85) s        subject too.

R: you surely can. I know you are a top student in your class. Work hard and good luck!



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



R—Rose                L—Lisa

L: Hi, Rose, you look pale today, What’s (76) h     to you?

R: Nothing serious, I was told that I had been (77)a         to Zhejiang University.

L: Well, you should have been happy about that, That’s exciting news, (78) a           all. And your parents will take pride in you.

R: That’s true, but that means a problem, too. You know, school (79) e        have been increasing rapidly these years. What worries me is that my family is too poor to afford them.

L: Well, what do your parents do? Do they have (80) j           with fixed income (收入)?

R: My father (81) u         to, but he was laid off years ago. With my mother earning the bread for the family of five, it is often hard to make ends meet.

L: That’s really a problem then. But you can consider (82) b        money from your relatives and even from the bank.

R: Yes, I think so. And my head teacher told me that a few days ago.

L: By the (83) w        , what will you learn there?

R: Computer science is my (84) m       .

L: That sounds great! I wish I could go to the same university and learn the (85) s         subject too.

R: you surely can. I know you are a top student in your class. Work hard and good luck!

