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The Ice Hotel
Are you going into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in at this hotel during the winter. Why ? Because this hotel is built every December. It has 32 rooms and 80 people can stay there each night. The hotel even has a movie theatre, art gallery, and church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made out of ice.
Because this hotel is so unusual, it is becoming very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designed ice dishes and experience the unique atmosphere (独特的气氛). Some couples have even got married in the hotel's ice church. But all these guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between - 2ºC and - 5ºC. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold-weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep the room cozy and warm until morning.
【小题1】What is the main idea of this reading?

A.How the Ice Hotel is built
B.What makes the Ice Hotel special
C.Why the Ice Hotel is made of ice
D.The services of the Ice Hotel
【小题2】Why is sleeping NOT a problem in the hotel?
A.the rooms are warmB.the temperature is -2ºC
C.the sleeping bags are warmD.the furniture is warm
【小题3】In which part of the hotel would you probably find "plates"?
A.the churchB.the restaurantC.the roomsD.the art gallery




科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011江西赣县中学南北校区高一五月联考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

When I was about 13, my father would take me on short outings on Saturdays. On the way home, Dad  36  stopped at the Dairy Queen for 10-cent ice creams. I couldn’t  37 it, but I could pray from the   38  we started heading home to that corner where we would either go straight for the ice cream or  39  and go home empty-handed. That corner  40  either mouth-watering excitement or  41  .
On one special day, we were heading home, and again I was praying for the  42  sound of his offer. It   43 . “Would you like an ice cream today?” “That sounds great, Dad!” But then he said, “How would you like to  44  today?”
Twenty cents! My mind reeled(震惊). I could afford it. I got a weekly allowance of 25 cents, plus some  45  for odd jobs(零活). But  46 it was my money, ice cream wasn’t a good use of it. In a fit of  47 , I said, “Well, in that case, I guess I’ll   48  .”My father just said, “Okay, Son.”
But as we headed home, I realized how wrong I was and begged him to  49 . But he just said, “That’s okay, we don’t really need one.” I felt  50  for my selfishness and ungratefulness. He didn’t mind, or  51  act disappointed.
I   52 that generosity(慷慨)goes two ways and gratefulness sometimes costs more than “thank you”. On that day gratefulness would have cost 20 cents and it would have been the  53  ice cream I’d ever had.
I’ll tell you one more thing. We  54 another trip the next week. As we  55  the corner, I said, “Dad, would you like an ice cream today? My treat.”

A.extraB. limitedC.littleD.easy
A.turn backB.keep upC.stop byD.give in
A.unsatisfied B.embarrassed C.frightenedD.crazy
A.made outB.prepared forC.went onD.took up


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省邢台一中2009---2010学年度高二下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:完型填空

The climate will be warm and __21___ with prolonged droughts in most of the world’s grain growing ___22__. Because of the increase in temperature, the ice cap will begin to melt and sea level is predicted to __23___ about ten meters, causing flood in many areas.
In the atmosphere, a concentration of carbon dioxide acts like the _24__ in the roof of a greenhouse. It allows the sun’s rays to pass _25___ easily on the way to the earth’s _26__, but prevents heat _27__ by the earth from escaping back into space. __28__, as the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide rises,because of the industrial burning of fossil fuels, this greenhouse effect could __29__ the temperature of the earth. The burning of fossil fuels __30__ carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide accumulates(积聚) in the atmosphere, and __31_ the greenhouse effect, the temperature of the earth’s surface could rise. __32__ this warming up took place, the polar ice caps would begin to melt,__33__raising sea level. The __34__ influence that seems to be cooling the earth is the variable behavior of the sun. As the sun rotates(旋转) on its orbit, it presents hotter or colder faces to the earth, and this seems to have a considerable effect __35__ the distribution of the earth’s atmospheric pressure and on the wind circulation. The heat __36__ of the sun also varied, the latest trend being __37__, the heat output appears to be decreasing and the indications are that the earth’s __38_ is entering a cooler cycle. Scientific models that take __39__ account this __40__ behavior of the sun are also predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age. 
21. A. wet           B. rainy               C. dry                 D. icy
22. A. farms               B. regions              C. towns               D. villages
23. A. rise             B. appear                 C. move              D. raise
24. A. glass            B. shylight(天窗)     C. chimney       D. attic(顶楼)
25. A. by              B. over                    C. in                    D. through
26. A. ground        B. bottom                C. floor              D. surface
27. A. taken in      B. sent out                    C. admitted to     D. taken out
28. A. However     B. Yet                    C. Afterwards        D. Therefore
29. A. benefit               B. forbid                  C. raise             D. effect
30. A. leads to     B. gives off              C. results from      D. joins hands
31. A. as to           B. as for                         C. without         D. because of
32. A. Whether      B. Before                   C. If                   D. After
33. A. so             B. instead                    C. thus            D. but
34. A. natural      B. unusual              C. former                     D. ordinary
35. A. in                      B. on                         C. over                 D. at
36. A. input           B. activity              C. output           D. movement
37. A. downward        B. upward                    C. forward          D. onward
38. A. pressure    B. surface              C. climate         D. appearance
39. A. from         B. into                   C. in                   D. on
40. A. unbelievable B. dull                         C. variable         D. hidden


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山西省高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Today, over six billion people live on the planet. This means that there are very few places on Earth with no people. One place that has very few people is at the bottom of the Earth. In Antarctica, the icy continent surrounding the South Pole, you will not find anyone who lives there all the time.

First, Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. For example, it can be –l30℃ in the winter. Humans cannot live in this kind of environment. Because it is so cold, very few plants or animals live there. This means there are no farms and no places to find wild plants or animals to eat.

Second, Antarctica can be dangerous. Many people think that it is safe to travel to Antarctica in the summer months when it is warmer. However, Antarctica is mostly ice, so when it’s summer, the ice melts. When the ice melts, the ice can break. So, people cannot travel around Antarctica during the summer. If the ice breaks, they could fall into the water and die.

Another serious problem in Antarctica is the sun. Because Antarctica is mostly ice, there are no trees so there is no shade. Also, the ground is mostly white ice so the sun bounces off (反射) it. The light from the sky and the light from the ground can burn people’s skin and hurt their eyes. People must be very careful in this situation. For example, they must wear sunglasses to protect their eyes. They must also cover their hands and faces all the time.

Although Antarctica is a tough place to live, explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swam (沼泽) and forests.

1.This text is mainly about _____.

A. the discovery of Antarctica

B. how people travel around Antarctica

C. different animals found in Antarctica

D. why it is difficult to live in Antarctica

2.We can learn from the text that _____.

A. Antarctica is a place with no animals

B. no people can survive in Antarctica

C. Antarctica is colder than any other continent on Earth

D. the temperature in Antarctica is below zero all the time

3.When is the most dangerous time to travel around Antarctica?

A. In spring. B. In summer.   C. In autumn.   D. In winter.



科目:高中英语 来源:江西省09-10学年高一下学期期中考试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

It was two years ago in winter when I went with my family to Engadine in Switzerland. The journey by car was pleasant until we reached the bottom of the Julier Pass(尤里尔隘口) when it began to snow.

Suddenly, the weather became very bad and soon we found ourselves in a storm. On the top of the pass, the visibility(能见度) was almost zero and we had to guess where the crash barrier(防撞护栏) was. It was terrible, the snow turned into ice and stuck to the windows despite the heating being set at full blast. Several times I had to get out of the car to clear the ice from the windshield(挡风玻璃).

But the way down towards Silvaplana was less stressful and we knew that we would arrive in paradise(乐园). It snowed without interruption the first day of our holidays and not being used to this natural weather, we found it simply magical to watch so much snow falling down on the mountains.

The following day, in this large, amazing area made up of frozen lakes and rivers between white mountains, we discovered a little hut next to the cross-country ski tracks, close to a farm. There was a fridge in this heated wooden cabin that contained milk, cheese and yoghurts for self-service. There was a list of prices for each item. You took what you wanted, then wrote down the total on a notebook what you had taken and put the money into an open box and if necessary took the change.

Where else could you find such trust? As I’ve already told you, Engadine is a paradise.

69.The author and his family were caught in a storm when they_______.

A. began the visit to Engadine                          B. were in Silvaplana

C. were passing the Julier Pass                         D. crashed into barriers

70. According to the passage, in the little hut________.

A. foods were offered to tourists for free    B. tourists had to serve themselves

C. tourists had to enjoy their own food       D. there were several persons on duty every day

71. What may impress the author most?

A. The white mountains.                  B. The Julier Pass.

C. The frozen lake .                            D. The little hut.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省高三九月诊断考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Far from the land of Antarctica (南极洲), a huge shelf of ice meets the ocean. At the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish, the Antarctic cod.

For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death? It must have some secret. The Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work and research has been slow. Now it seems we have an answer. Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish. Scientists studied the fish’s blood and measured its freezing point. The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of -1.88°C and many tiny pieces of ice floating in it. The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to -2.05°C. That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture.

The scientists’ next research job was clear: Find out what in the fish’s blood kept it from freezing. Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein (蛋白质) never before seen in the blood of a fish. When it was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.

Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein. It has many small sugar molecules held in special positions within each big protein molecule. Because of its sugar content, it is called a glycoprotein. So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein, or AFGP.

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. The terrible conditions in the Antarctic.        B. A special fish living in freezing waters.

C. The ice shelf around Antarctica.             D. Protection of the Antarctic cod.

2.Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature?

A. The seawater has a temperature of -1.88°C.   B. it loves to live in the ice-salt mixture

C. A special protein keeps it from freezing.  

D. Its blood has a temperature lower than -2.05°C.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. A type of ice-salt mixture.              B. A newly found protein.

C. Fish blood.                          D. Sugar molecule.

4.What does “glyco-” in the underlined word “glycoprotein” in the last paragraph mean?

A. sugar                B. ice          C. blood            D. molecule


