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I do feel _____________ Chinese language is _____________ most difficult one.

    A. a; the             B. the; a             C. /; a               D. the; /


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Flowermouse,?

Thank you for your comments on how Americans and Chinese view each other. This is an important subject. Modern technology has given many nations the chance of destroying other nations. This is a cruel picture but it is a realistic one. It means that every nation should make sure that these weapons of great destruction are never used. This requires greater acceptance of differences among people and nations in all parts of the planet.?

Your letter asks specially about Chinese-American relationships but I want to let you know my feelings on a global scale. Because China and America are the most powerful nations and I believe they have a special responsibility for promoting better understanding and for leading the way toward peaceful solutions to the world's problems.

You ask how Chinese and American people view each other. This is an important question. Because I know so little about China that I am not able to judge how Chinese view Americans. I am sure that the view differs according to individual experiences that persons might have. And it is not easy to describe America to foreigners. America is a vast mass of people and cultures. These people came from all parts of the world, from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Australia. Each brought a different culture and a different set of values within a single nation.

  I believe that the vast majority of Americans like the vast majority of Chinese want peace and friendship between our two nations. Both China and America have suffered through generations from war and violence in our history. And I believe that it is the special responsibility of all Chinese and all Americans to impress this need for mutual understanding on our neighbors in other.?

So my friend, this is my response. Please know that I write to you as a private person living in America. I do feel strongly that people everywhere have more in common than they have in differences. We all share the same basic needs for existence and we all depend upon the same need for the survival of this beautiful planet earth. Maybe we can begin to encourage better communication and better understanding through my columns. I hope so.?

From the passage we can know that Flowermouse_______.?

A. loves Americans

B. has read about the writer's articles?

C. is an American

D. knows little about Americans?

It is likely that the writer_______.?

A. disagrees with Flowermouse?

B. thinks it possible for nations to be destroyed due to modern technology?

C. thinks American government share the same opinions with its people?

D. believes the weapons of great destruction are never used?

The letter that Flowermouse wrote to the writer, maybe have referred to .?

A. American culture     

B. American society?

C. Chinese-American relationships

D. Chinese society?

The writer's purpose to write the passage is to_______.?

A. introduce Americans to us

B. make friends with Flowermouse?

C. speak for the government of America

D. call on nations to understand each other??


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

My friend had mentioned that her father had a lot of children’s toys that he was looking to give away. She knew I had a three-year-old daughter so she thought of me first. I told her I would 36   it if I could get some nice things for my daughter, which I wouldn’t otherwise have been able

to  37  .

When I met her father, he began to explain that he was 38   once too and that he would hate to  39   things that could be very 40  . At first, he thought of taking everything to the Salvation Army but then he  41  to see if anyone he knew could use them first.

  When he was  42  me around, I saw a bed, a slide(滑板),a kitchen set and many other things that made me surprised. As my eyes were wide and beginning to tear up a bit, he told me not to feel guilty. He said I was  43  him by getting rid of them.

  As I was looking around, I did feel guilty, but I tried to remain more grateful than guilty because he told me to. Every time I tried to  44  him for giving my daughter all these  45  things, he would thank me right back and was grateful that these toys would be put to good use.

  So, sometimes when we are helped by others, the others that helped us are helped as a side –effect. In the  46  of charity , it makes sense to feel grateful, but guilt is just as normal, I know we could have lived without a slide, which is why I do feel guilty, but I am grateful all the same because my daughter  47  enjoys all these nice things!

A. wear                     B. repair                C. appreciate       D. check

A. believe           B. afford            C. see                    D. spare

A. handsome       B. young            C. poor                 D. healthy

A. throw away     B. hand out            C. add up                  D. pick out

A. suitable          B. expensive          C. useful            D. dangerous

A. continued              B. forgot            C. had                   D. decided

A. driving           B. showing            C. turning              D. sending

A. helping           B. saving            C. troubling           D. guiding

A. praise             B. move                C. call                   D. thank

A. wonderful       B. cheap                C. strange              D. foreign

A. habit                     B. end                   C. eyes                  D. corners

A. sadly              B. hardly            C. secretly             D. really


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I’m ________Chinese and I do feel ________Chinese language is ________most beautiful language .    

    A. /, the, a          B. a, /, the         C. a, the, /           D. a, /, a        


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省八县(市高一下学期期末联考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Learning Chinese has been like climbing a steep(陡峭的)mountain.

My mother was born in Tokyo,while my father moved from Shanghai to Hong Kong when he was seven years old. At home we speak English. I know some basic Chinese customs :to use chosticks gracefully (得体地)and what to say on Spring Festival to get a red envelope. But I never truly learned to speak Chinese.

Why should I need to learn the language ,anyway? I live in America where everyone speaks English.

I realized I was wrong in ninth grade when I arrived at Philips Academy,a famous boarding school in Massachusetts.The school encourages a global outlook(视野). There I decided to welcome the opportunity to learn Chinese. I met other American-born Chinese and together we spoke Ching-lish outside of the classroom.

I searched for ways to access Chinese culture through dramas such as Meteor Garden (《流星花园》)and music by singers such as S.H.E,Wilbur Pan and Jasmine Leung(梁静茹). Listening to Chinese music is where I found my favorite singer in the whole world:Jay Chou. Even if I cannot understand what he is crooning(哼唱), I do feel more Chinese whenever I listen to his music.

Last summer I spent five weeks in China,four of which were taking a language course at a Beijing high school. I was proud when I could understand the dialogue in Intitial D(《头文字D》) and when I could easily translate Fairy Tale sung by Kong Leung(光良).

Learning Chinese has been a rocky trek(艰苦跋涉), and I know it will continue to be that way before I arrive at a relative plateau(高地) of fluency(流利).I hope that one day I will be able to work and maybe even live in China as a true Chinese.

1.The author wrote the text mainly to___.

A.share her experience of learning Chinese

B.tell us why she is interested in learning Chinese

C.show off(炫耀) the progress she made in learning Chinese

D.give advice on how to learn Chinese

2.The author's attitude to learning Chinese changed because___.

A.she found Chinese was interesting to learn

B.she wanted to take a course to pass easily

C.she realized she should have an open mind to the outside world

D. she made friends with some American___born Chinese at the school she studied

3.The author tried all of the following to learn Chinese EXCEPT___.

A.listening to Chinese music

B.practicing speaking Chinese with her parents

C.enjoying Chinese dramas

D.taking a Chinese course in China

4.We can learn from the text that___.

A.S.H.E.is the author's favorite singer[来源:Zxxk.Com]

B.dialogues in Meteor Garden are easy to guess

C.the author enjoys learning Chinese though it is difficult

D.the author can speak fluent Chinese now



科目:高中英语 来源:09-10年福建省高二上学期期末考试 题型:单项填空


I’m Chinese and I do feel ________ Chinese language is _____most beautiful language. What’s your opinion?

A. the; a    B. 不填; the     C. the;  不填   D. 不填; a


