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11."_____ to Michelle and having two beautiful girls in my house never allows me to look down upon women,"said Obama.(  )
A.MarryingB.Being marriedC.Having marriedD.Married

分析 奥巴马说:"我和米歇尔结婚并且拥有了两个漂亮女儿(我的妻子和女儿都很优秀),这让我我从来不会看不起女性."

解答 答案B  
本题考查非谓语动词  be married to意思是"娶,嫁",在句中作主语,应该使用其动名词形式being married to,故答案为B.

点评 此类试题不仅考查了非谓语动词的知识,而且考查了某些动词的固定用法,这就需要学生平时多总结积累,灵活运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Since 2010,much new and high technology has been introduced from abroad,resulting(result)in great increase in production.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.I'm not sure whether,I can persuade him to give up this adventure _____,I will try my best.Believe me!(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.On the wallhang/hung(hang) two beautiful pictures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.I would rather Ihad not adapted(not adopt)his plan last week,because it was of no practice at all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.______ to too much sunlight,as is generally considered,will add to the potential of catching skin cancer.(  )
A.Being exposedB.ExposedC.ExposingD.To expose


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-Is the teacher at the office?
-No,I'm afraid she _______out.(  )
A.is goingB.goesC.has goneD.had gone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The Virgin Oceanic Submarine (潜水艇)is an entirely new type of vessel that can dive to 37,000feet and fly through the ocean using wings.similar to an airplane's wings.It will be able to dive 7miles straight down to the deepest place on the planet,the bottom of the Mariana Trench (海沟)where only one other vessel has ever gone before.Unlike the last Mariana Trench dive,the Virgin Oceanic Submarine will be able to fly around and explore while it is there.
This amazing new submarine is what Richard Branson invented for his fellow adventurer and dear friend,Steve Fossett,who had dreamed of piloting it himself,but when he was flying over the Nevada desert he failed to return.Branson has now Finished what Fossett wished,and he hopes that the successful Virgin Oceanic Submarine will open the door to new exploration and scientific discovery.
This undersea adventure is very much like Branson's space adventure.Branson's company,Virgin Galactic,travels into space using a space plane.The space adventure rose from the success of the vehicle Space Ship One which has completed its task and Branson's boyhood dream of exploring space:Virgin Galactic is now testing the first Space Ship Two model,with a plan for tourism in space when all testing is finished.
16.The Virgin Oceanic Submarine (潜水艇)is an entirely new type of vessel that can dive to 37,000feet and fly through the ocean using wings.similar to an airplane's wings.It will be able to dive 7miles straight down to the deepest place on the planet,the bottom of the Mariana Trench (海沟)where only one other vessel has ever gone before.Unlike the last Mariana Trench dive,the Virgin Oceanic Submarine will be able to fly around and explore while it is there.
This amazing new submarine is what Richard Branson invented for his fellow adventurer and dear friend,Steve Fossett,who had dreamed of piloting it himself,but when he was flying over the Nevada desert he failed to return.Branson has now Finished what Fossett wished,and he hopes that the successful Virgin Oceanic Submarine will open the door to new exploration and scientific discovery.
This undersea adventure is very much like Branson's space adventure.Branson's company,Virgin Galactic,travels into space using a space plane.The space adventure rose from the success of the vehicle Space Ship One which has completed its task and Branson's boyhood dream of exploring space:Virgin Galactic is now testing the first Space Ship Two model,with a plan for tourism in space when all testing is finished.
Just as Branson uses new technology to explore our planet and beyond it,he also uses it to save our planet.He created a challenge witha 25 million prize for technology which would remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.Naturally,this challenge is called the Virgin Earth Challenge,This idea came from seeing the X-Prize succeed in stimulating (刺激)the invention that finally created Space Ship One.No new technology has yet hit the marketplace as a result of this challenge.
Branson's genius for seeing something great and making it happen first became apparent when he started selling"cut-out"records.He was soon able to create his own recording studio with the.profits.From there,Branson proceeded to discover and promote new musical artists.His instinct for finding innovative (创新的)artists is the same instinct he now applies to finding innovative technology.
While the new Virgin Oceanic Submarine has not yet proved itself,there is little doubt that it will.

47.What do we know about the Virgin Oceanic Submarine from the passage?C
A.It is able to fly across the Pacific Ocean.
B.It has ever gone to the Mariana Trench before.
C.It's advanced because it can fly and explore in deep water.
D.Its wings are much bigger than an airplane's wings.
48.Branson created a challenge with a $25 million prize in order toB.
A.explore our planet and the universe
B.remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere
C.stimulate people to create a new space ship
D.finish his boyhood dream of exploring space
49.What is the author's attitude towards the new Virgin Oceanic Submarine?A
50.What is this passage mainly about?D
A.An introduction to Richard Branson,
B.Richard Branson's and Steve Fossett's dream.
C.The achievements in exploring the earth.
D.The new Virgin Oceanic Submarine.

