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【题目】 Having confidence isn’t always an easy thing to gain no matter who you are. Let me help you by giving some tips on how to improve your self-confidence.

Make sure you understand the concept of acceptance. You must accept who you are. 1Everyone has good qualities and it’s important to understand that about yourself.

Make a list of the positive things about you. Forget your flaws or what you aren’t good at. 2If you aren’t really sure, then ask family and friends.

Go out and experience challenges.3 Learn more about yourself. We don’t know everything about us. Try new things. Challenging yourself to experience other things will make you learn more about who you are. This will help you feel prouder of yourself.

4 Set your own standards and realize everyone is different. You don’t have to live up to what others expect to feel confident. They don’t know what is best for you. Everyone’s idea of being successful can differ from others’.

Make sure you’re honest with yourself and others. I’ve discovered if people aren’t honest with themselves, others usually aren’t very confident in them.5Honesty is the secret to many good things. Start being honest with yourself and others, and it can make you a better person with more confidence.

A.Forget the idea of having to please others.

B.It’s easy to lie, while it’s hard to tell the truth.

C.Don’t be afraid to do something you’ve never done.

D.Feel confident in yourself no matter what happens to you.

E.Write down what you enjoy doing and what you are good at doing.

F.It is necessary for you to find out the reasons why you are less confident.

G.You can’t change who you are and must realize you have good qualities.










根据上文You must accept who you are.(你必须接受真实的自己)以及后文Everyone has good qualities and it’s important to understand that about yourself.可知每个人都有好的品质,了解自己的品质很重要。由此可知,此处是在告诉我们要认清我们自己,认识到自己的好的品质。故G选项“你不能改变自己,必须认识到自己有好的品质”符合上下文语境,故选G


根据上文Make a list of the positive things about you. Forget your flaws or what you aren’t good at.可知列出你的优点。忘记你的缺点和你不擅长的东西。由此可知,本段在讨论对我们来说积极的事情,如喜欢做的事情和擅长做的事情。故E选项“写下你喜欢做的和你擅长做的”符合上下文语境,故选E


根据前文Go out and experience challenges.可知走出去体验挑战。由此可知,本段在鼓励我们多尝试新的事情,不要害怕从未做过的事情。故C选项“不要害怕做你从未做过的事”符合上下文语境,故选C


根据后文Set your own standards and realize everyone is different. You don’t have to live up to what others expect to feel confident. 可知树立自己的标准,认识到每个人都是不同的。你不必遵守他人的期待来感到自信。由此可知,本段在告诉我们要注重自己,少在意他人的看法。故A选项“忘记取悦别人的想法”符合上下文语境,故选A


根据本段第一句Make sure you’re honest with yourself and others.可知确保你对自己和他人诚实。以及后文Honesty is the secret to many good things. Start being honest with yourself and others, and it can make you a better person with more confidence.可知诚实是许多好东西的秘诀。开始对自己和他人诚实,这会让你变得更加自信,变得更好。由此可知,本段是关于诚实的,本句是在强调人们要说真话,虽然这很困难。故B选项“说谎容易,说真话难”符合上下文语境,故选B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where did the woman return from?


2What does the woman say about the city?

A.It’s quite dirty and noisy.B.She dislikes the weather.C.It looks like a country town.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下 作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单 词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。






Miss White is our English teacher. She always impresses us deep with her lively English classes. One day when the first bell ring, our monitor said, "Our English teacher is said to have an operation today. Whoever will give us the lesson has not been decided yet. " The class fell silent at his word. In fact, we were afraid of that Miss White would no longer be with us. Just at that moment, Miss White entered the classroom, look tired and pale. " I'll be missing you badly," she said at a low voice. "My operation will be put off till tomorrow though I don't want you to miss a single class. ” She went on, “A new teacher will take my place tomorrow I'll come back as soon as possible. "Hearing this, we were both moved to tears. What a good teacher she is!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What happened to the speaker?

A. He transferred to another post in another city.

B. His colleagues started to get along well with him.

C. His hard work got paid off.

2What contributions did the speaker make for the company?

A. He helped increase the sales.

B. He helped build a branch company.

C. He helped make new products.

3Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The speaker’s pay rose to $15, 000 per year.

B. The speaker’s department sales increased a lot last year.

C. The speaker refused the rise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What does the man mean?

A. He would like to make an appointment for the woman.

B. He thinks it worthwhile to try Santerbale’s.

C. He knows a less expensive place for a haircut.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1He was surprised that his question should have caused such a strong _______________(反应).

2Your _______________(表现) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

3Don’t you believe in _______________(平等) between men and women.

4This is a copy of the famous picture, and the _______________(原来的) work is now in the British Museum.

5The US wants big cuts in European _______________(农业的) export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance..

6E_______________ your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.

7Most people would rather the c_______________ were sentenced to life in prison.

8One of the s_______________ to the heavy traffic problem is to reduce the number of vehicles.

9We have v_______________ summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.

10Roger turned down the i_______________ to speak at the science conference.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A designer is recently creating floral installations (花篮) on the streets of Manhattan, New York, that are meant to brighten the days of healthcare and other important workers.

Lewis Miller’s most recent creation is an arrangement popping out of a rubbish can at the corner of West 58th Street and 10th Avenue. “They were very simple. It was just cherry branches. ” Miller said. “ We didn’t disclose the location(位置) so nobody could necessarily go and find them. But plenty of people did find them and then they found his Inslagram information. A post with pictures of the “flower flash” as Miller calls them has gotten more than 16,000 likes in less than a day. “Listen, I’m kind of bored. I’m a creative person. I did something new and it took off,’’ Miller said. It still surprises me reading the comments from yesterday like really how much it feeds peopled souls.

Miller has been dotting Manhattan with floral sunrises for a few years with his arrangements popping out of those New York City hot dog carts (推车) and even construction equipment.

“ And the combination of which is so hard aggressive, compared with flowers which are the exact opposite of that,” Miller said.

Vogue magazine once wrote about him but it’s the reaction from the public many of whom have been restricted inside for weeks that he values most.

“If you can just stop, pause and just have one second of joy - that’s amazing because that’s one of the things that’s so lacking and it’s hard,” Miller said.

As one person on Instagram put it, New York City rubbish has never looked so pretty.

1Who are the floral installations mainly intended for?

A.Medical workers.B.Busy pedestrians.

C.Cleaning staff.D.Very important persons.

2What do the citizens think of Miller’s idea of the floral installations?



3The design is creative because .

A.it is simpleB.it is made of rubbish

C.it pops out of a rubbish canD.it is the symbol of New York City

4Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Street ArtB.A Big Surprise

C.Lewis Miller’s Creation Is AmazingD.Flower Flash Brightens Streets


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


There was a rich couple who was throwing a big new year party at their house. So they went shopping at the market where everything was of high cost and fixed price. They wanted to maintain their high living standard so they didn’t mind paying a lot for it. After purchasing everything they needed, they called a porter to carry everything and drop it off at their home. The porter who came was of an old age, not very healthy looking. His clothes were torn and he looked as if he wasn’t even able to meet his daily needs.

They asked the porter about the charges for delivering their goods at their home. The old porter quoted just a $20, a price well below the market rate for delivering goods at couple’s home in his cart. Yet, the couple argued and bargained with the porter and finally settled for $15. The porter was struggling to make money for every single meal so he needed anything he could earn.

The couple was very happy thinking how well they bargained with the poor porter and paid him $15 in advance and left after giving the porter their address for delivery. They reached their home and one hour passed, two hours passed, but the porter still hadn’t delivered their stuff.

The wife started to get angry at her husband, “I always tell you not to trust such person but you never listen to me. Such a person is not even able to earn to feed himself for one time in a day, and you handed him everything we purchased for our big party. I am sure instead of delivering at our home, he must have disappeared with everything. We must immediately go back to the market to inquire and then to the police station to file the complaint against him.”

They both left towards the market. On their way, near the market, they saw another porter. They stopped him to inquire about the old porter and noticed that he was carrying their stuff in his cart!


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

The angry wife asked him, “Where is that old thief? This is our stuff.”____________________


Paragraph 2:

Upon hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned to his wife._______________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】England is the perfect place for you to travel to if you’re thinking about taking your first abroad trip. You’ll need to prepare for the trip with some international travel basics and map out a realistic itinerary(旅程)to make the most of your experience.

Get Your Paperwork Done

1 If you don’t have a current passport, you’ll need to bring your pictures and some proof of your citizenship—a birth certificate, a certificate of naturalization, or a certificate of citizenship—to a post office. Fill out a passport application, and in a month you’ll have your passport.

Plan Your Trip.

Plan your trip to England in early to mid—October or in mid— to late March, because that’s when flights are the cheapest. During the winter, the days grow very short. Besides, sunlight is sometimes limited to less than eight hours per day. 2

Settle Yourself in England

Find affordable accommodations by staying at a hostel. Hostels vary in shapes, forms and sizes. 3 If you can afford to stay at a hotel, make sure you are aware of check—in times and policies.

To get around England, the most common methods are bus and rail 4 Passes for a full day, week, or month can save you money if you’re going to take the Tube for even a few stops.


Buy a budget travel book to find attractions and sites in cities such as: London, Bath, Cambridge Oxford, Canterbury, Leeds and Wimbledon. Popular attractions include: Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Portobello Market and the Tower of London in London; Bath Abbey in Bath; the colleges of Cambridge; and the Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury.

A. Budget your trip

B. Find the Best Things to Do

C. You can get a visa from any British Embassy.

D. You’ll need a passport and visa to visit England.

E. The summer brings in record—breaking numbers of tourists.

F. If you decide to use the underground rail system, get a pass.

G. But they generally provide affordable housing with minimal pleasures

