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  A good way to pass an examination is to work hard every day in the yearYou may fail in an examination if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the examinationIf you are taking an English examination, do not only learn rules of grammar

  Try to read stories in English and speak English whenever you canA few days before the examination you should start going to bed earlyDo not stay up late at night studying and learning thingsBefore you start the examination, read the question paper over carefullyTry to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to writeWhen you have at last finished your examination, read your answers overCorrect the mistakes if there are any and make sure that you have not missed anything out


You should ________ in order not to fail in the examination

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work hard every day


work hard a few days before the examination


be lazy every day


take an examination every day


If you want to improve your English, you must ________

[  ]


learn rules of grammar by heart


speak English all day long


do a lot of exercises


practise it as often as possible


A few days before the examination it is suggested that you should ________

[  ]


go to bed early


stay up late


get up late


work far into the night


Before you begin to write in the examination paper, you should ________

[  ]


read the examination paper over carefully


try to understand the exact meaning of each question


correct the mistakes you may have made


pay attention to the rules of grammar


The underlined phrase miss out here means ________

[  ]


your examination paper is missing


you want to go out of the classroom


the examination has already been finished


you forget to answer some of the questions


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053



  Lisa is ten years old. She is handicapped(残疾) because she has brain damage. She could not do even the most simple thing until a year ago. She could not comb her hair or feed herself. Her parents loved her. But they treated her like baby.

  Mr Ching has a daughter and a son. They are both grown. They live far from their father. Mr Ching felt lonely. He decided to do something about it. He decided to become a foster grandfather to a handicapped child. And that was how he met Lisa.

  Foster grandparents are grandparents who are not related by birth. But foster grandparents love the children they care for. They love them just as natural grandparents love their grandchildren.

  The foster grandparents also help the handicapped children in special ways. They help to dress and feed the children. They read to them and tell them stories. They also help with the handicapped children's therapy. Therapy is the treatment of a disease or disorder. It helps the children overcome their handicaps.

  Mr Ching became a foster grandparent to Lisa when she was nine years old. At first, Lisa was shy. She was afraid because Mr Ching was a stranger. But he came to see her every day. Gradually, she began to trust him.

  At last Lisa let Mr Ching do things for her. He came at lunch time and fed her. One day he handed her the spoon and guided it to her mouth. He told her she must learn to feed herself.

  “Most of that lunch ended up on us instead of in Lisa's mouth,”Mr Ching remembers.“But it was a start for Lisa. She learned to feed herself in a few months.”

  Then Lisa was ready for more therapy, thank to Mr Ching. She had learned to do one simple thing. She could learn to do other simple things. Mr Ching was trained to help with Lisa's therapy.

  To become foster grandparents, people must be at least sixty years old and in good health. They must be willing to give their time to handicapped children. They are volunteers, so they are not paid. They are given money for expenses, such as transportation.

  Mr Ching speaks for most foster grandparents when he says,“We all benefit. The handicapped children benefit because we help them live more useful lives. And we benefit because we know the children need us and love us. For any person, there's no greater happiness than that!”

1.Why did Lisa need help?

[  ]

A.She was a baby.

B.She had brain damage.

C.She did not want to do anything.

D.She was a blind girl.

2.How often did Mr Ching visit Lisa?

[  ]

A.Every day.      B.Every other day.

C.Every week.      D.Twice a week.

3.Which five things do foster grandparents do for handicapped children?

a.love them      b.dress them

c.live in their homes   d.feed them

e.charge them money  f.read to them

g.tell them story    h.make fun of them

[  ]

A.abdef      B.acefh

C.bcdfg      D.abdfg

4.What does the word“foster”mean?

[  ]


B.related by birth

C.not related by birth


5.How did Lisa first feel toward Mr Ching?

[  ]

A.shy      B.friendly

C.angry      D.happy


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省蚌埠二中2008届高三8月份月考英语试题 题型:050


  Increasing fluid intake(摄入量)by about a liter per day appears to have no negative effects on healthy older men.Dutch researchers report.

  Dr.Mark G.Spigt of Maastricht University and his colleagues note that older people are often dehydrated(脱水),partly because their sensation of thirst may be slow.On the other hand, the elderly can easily become overly hydrated, because their kidneys(肾)tend to work less efficiently.Keeping extra water reduce the level of sodium(钠)in the body, which can have serious consequences.

  To investigate the general effects of increased fluid intake, the researchers examined data from a study involving 141 healthy men aged between 55 and 75.In random(随意的)order they were either advised to increase their water intake by a liter and a half per day, or were given a spoonful of syrup(糖浆)per day.

  After 6 months, the men urged to drink more water had managed to boost their daily fluid intake by an average of about a liter per day.There were no significant differences between the two groups in blood pressure or sodium level.

  The researchers thus concluded that the advice to increase fluid intake had no negative effects.

  Summing up, Spigt added,“It seems unreasonable to worry about the harmful effects of drinking extra water, he warned,”This does not mean that one can drink too much.Extreme intakes of water-more than 10 liters–can be harmful.


The first paragraph is written to ________.

[  ]


attract readers’ attention


introduce some researchers to us


introduce the topic of the passage


tell us the result of a research


According to Spigt and his colleagues, the elderly are often dehydrated ________.

[  ]


because their kidneys can’t work properly


because water can reduce the level of sodium in the body.


because they need less water than before.


partly because their feeling of thirst may be slow.


Which of the following can explain the underlined word“boost”(in Paragraph 4)?

[  ]










The main purpose of this passage is to tell people ________.

[  ]


elderly men like to drink more water


elderly men should drink more water


drinking extra water does no harm to elderly men


drinking too much water does harm to people


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省嘉兴一中2009届高三一模(英语)地区通用 题型:050


  Last year in my high school child-development class, each student had to take the“Think-It-Over”baby home for a night to get a taste of parenthood.

  It was a Friday night when my turn came to take the 10-pound plastic doll home.The doll really did look like a live baby from a distance.It even had a pleasant baby powdder smell.I took the baby home and named him Tyler.

  My frieads and I went out for supper that night.As it was rather cold, I decided to wrap Tyler in a blanket and carry him in that way.When I walked into the restaurant, I noticed some very strange looks and quite a few raised eyebrows.My friends and I decided to make a game out of the whole situation.I stood in the Gorner pretending to rock Tyler to while my friends kept looking into the blanket and said,“Oh, how lovely.”I could not but laugh.And although it was funny to my friends and nme, some of the people did think it was so funy that I had a baby.I overheard one couple say,“Why would she she g a baby here?”These people were giving me rude looks and forming judgments about because they thought I was a teenage mom.Others just smiled at me pathetically(同情地)and felt sorry for me because I was only a child with a chiId.ing our meal, my friends and I received strange looks from the others in the restaurant.S so glad to finally go home.

  I learned a lot through my experience with the“Think-It-Over”baby.The doll ly strengthened my thinking I was not ready to be a parent, but it also made me e aware of the larger picture.It opened my eyes to the judgments people make about rs.People do not realize that some things are not the way they seem.I was only ying it around for a class project.The people in the restaurant were so quick to judge because they thought I was a teenage mom.I sometimes catch myself judging people I not know, just because of the first impression they give.In reality, I have no idea about real stories.We should all be slower to judge others, and realize that some things are as they seem.


The child-development class is meant for students ________.

[  ]


to take a doll home for fun


to gain experience as a parent


to learn to be a good baby-sitter


to learn to better care for others


What did the writer mainly learn from her class project?

[  ]


She should look after homeless babies.


She should take the class project seriously.


She should help those teenage moms at her best.


She should judge people after understanding them better.


The last paragraph of the passage is ________.

[  ]


a description of the class


a conclusion of the project


a comment on the writer's experience


an argument against teenage moms


科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编 精华大字版》、英语 题型:050


  People can be addicted to different things, e.g.alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television.People who have such an addiction are compulsive(难以抑制的); i.e., they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy.According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders; they feel that they must spend money.This compulsion, like most others, is irrational-impossible to explain reasonably.For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accounts are even more exciting than money.In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything.Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasures than they get from the things they buy.

  There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting.To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts.Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don't need just because they are cheap.They want to believe that they are helping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game:when they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning.Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior:a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason.

  It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people.Stores, companies and advertisers use psychology to increase business:they consider people's need for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.

  Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve their personal problems.In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.


According to psychologists, a compulsive spender is one who spends large amounts of money ________.

[  ]


and takes great pleasure from what he or she buys


in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in life


just to meet his or her strong psychological need


entirely with an irrational eagerness


According to the writer, compulsive bargain hunters are in constant search of the lowest possible prices ________.

[  ]


because they want to save money to help their budgets


because they can have the feeling of winning others in getting things for less money


and will not have money problems if they can keep to their budget


but they often admit they feel dissatisfied if they can get things for less money than others


The passage is mainly concerned with ________.

[  ]


the psychology of money-spending habits


the purchasing habits of compulsive spenders


a special psychology of bargain hunting


the use of the psychology of spending habits in business


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


All people spend money for exactly the same reason they need to buy things.


Business people and advertisers can use the psychology of money to increase sales.


Business people understand the psychology of compulsive buying better than scientists do.


Compulsive bargain hunters do not have problems with money.


From the passage we may safely concluded that compulsive spenders or compulsive bargain hunters________.

[  ]


are really unreasonable


need special treatment


are really beyond treatment


can never get any help to solve their problems with money


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省武汉二中2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  News that Microsoft was making a $44.6 billion bid to buy Yahoo was greeted with heated discussion by many Internet users on Friday.Here are some responses:

  Mark Galeassi of Kansas City, Missouri

  This is the best move for both parties.Yahoo has the ideas and Microsoft has the money to finally market these ideas correctly.Microsoft and Yahoo are a perfect fit and the deal will be good for consumers.

  Scott G of New Jersey

  I was a Yahoo user for years along with Hotmail from Microsoft.Then Google came along:Google Earth, Google Toolbar and Gmail.Google is so innovative(创新的)with everything they do.Yahoo and Microsoft…same old story…I don’t think the merger(合并)will do anything for either company except improve the Yahoo shareholders’ bank accounts.

  Michael Glosser of Estero, Florida

  Right now, Yahoo offers a lot of features and tools at no cost for all different levels of Internet users.Microsoft seeks nothing but profit.Undoubtedly, they’ll do nothing other than find ways to start removing Yahoo’s formerly non-priced features.Microsoft’s greed will ruin the great thing that Yahoo currently is.

  Toni Suarez of Hacienda Heights, California

  Perhaps it would bring better high technology innovations to e-mail and help in researching and developing a better Internet!

  Antonio Simmons of Parkville, Maryland

  Microsoft purchasing Yahoo would be nothing more than an attempt from Microsoft to further impose upon the users their poor-quality software and obtain more wealth for the company.In my opinion, they will never be able to compete with Google because Yahoo and Microsoft’s current search engines are too inferior(差的)to compete.Even if combined, they still lack.


Who is in favor of the merger of Microsoft and Yahoo?

[  ]


Antonio Simmons.


Michael Grosser.


Scott G.


Mark Galeassi.


In the opinion of Scott G, ________.

[  ]


the merger will contribute to Microsoft


Yahoo and Microsoft are lacking in innovation


Google is getting short of management experience


the merger will allow Microsoft to overtake Google


Michael Grosser is afraid that ________.

[  ]


the merger will cost Yahoo’s free features


the merger will lead to Microsoft’s defeating Yahoo


the increased competition will force Google out of the game


Internet users will have to buy Microsoft’s expensive software


What is Antonio Simmons’ attitude towards Google?

[  ]









