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14.San Francisco's Chinatown is the biggest and oldest in the country.It's the third most visited tourist destination in the city.It's also the city's most densely populated neighbor-hood.So why are.businesses in Chinatown struggling?
   In this week's paper,I outline some of the reasons for why Chinatown's crowded streets and busy shops might be declining.Underneath the surface,Chinatown is falling.And the city,local organizations and businesses are trying to figure out what they can do to turn things around.
While numbers of people visit Chinatown,they don't stay long and they don't spend a lot of money.And beyond annual festivals,1ike Chinese New Years,this month's Moon Festival and last month's Sunday Streets-which drew about 15,000 t0 20.000 people-the neighborhood has a hard time attracting locals.
Can you remember the last.time you went to Chinatown?If you can't,You're not alone.Locals told me that Chinatown doesn't have much to offer them-that the stores are all the same.There are some good eating joints,people said,but they don't know how to find them.Some people even told me that they sometimes go to extreme measures to avoid the neighborhood altogether.But when asked if the-v would like to see Chinatown gone,the answer was always a strong no.
Locals are hopeful that things will get better and traffic will increase when the Central Subway is complete.But chat's not for another five years.at least.And if'new shops or restaurants don't make their way into Chinatown.the same problem of attracting locals will exist.
   Not that Chinatown's going to die.The dragon still has some fire in its belly.And many people are rooting for positive change.The question is,how does Chinatown change without losing the very importance of what makes it unique?
29.Which can we know about Chinatown according to the passage?C
A.Businesses in Chinatown are going well.
B.Local people like going shopping there.
C.A great number of people visit it every year.
D.No period has seen a more prosperous Chinatown.
30.According to the locals we can know thatB
A.Chinatown doesn't love to offer them assistance
B.shops in Chinatown lack their own characteristics
C.it is hard to buy quality goods at proper prices
D.they feel annoyed to see so many familiar faces
31.What is the author's attitude towards Chinatown?C
32.It can be inferred from the passageA
A.the Central Subway is under construction
B.Chinatown has to make way for subway
C.many restaurants have been closed down
D.the locals hope Chinatown will be extinct.

分析 这篇文章介绍了旧金山唐人街是北美洲最古老的唐人街,亚洲以外最大的华人社区.但是近几年一直状况不佳,这种低迷的状况令华人和当地人感到担心.

解答 29.答案:C.细节理解题:依据文中第一段前两句San Francisco's Chinatown is the biggest and oldest in the country.It's the third most visited tourist destination in the city.可知唐人街仍是客流量很大.故选C.
30.答案:B.细节理解题:依据文中的Locals told me that Chinatown doesn't have much to offer them-that the stores are all the same.可知,当地人认为唐人街不能满足他们的需要,唐人街的商店都是一样的,故选B.
31.答案:C.推理判断题:依据文中的Not that Chinatown's going to die.The dragon still has some fire in its belly.可知,作者认为唐人街不会就这样消亡.故选C.
32.答案:A.推理判断题:依据文中的Locals are hopeful that things will get better and traffic will increase when the Central Subway is complete.可知,当地人都希望当中央地铁完工时,事情会有所好转、交通会有所改善.由此可知中央地铁正在建设中.故选A.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.You have broken your promise again!How ______ you expect me to believe you?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.The best family vacations are the ones where everyone is entertained and everyone gets along Not sure how to do that,especially if traveling with kids is involved?A travel agent is your answer.
    A travel agent can recommend the best destinations,resorts and cruises for family-friendly vacations.For vacations with kids,simply share the interests of your children as well as what the adults going on the vacation enjoy doing,and your travel egent can put together the ideal trip for your family,with activities and kids'clubs for the children and entertainment for the adults.Travel agents can even arrange trustworthy childeare,so you can have a kids-free evening on your vacation.
    Travel agents can also help plan memorable pleasure trips during your vacation.They can advise on the best water parks and get you front-of-the line tickets,or they can give tips on what time to visit certain natural wonders for the best views and fewer crowds.They can also recommend which restaurants are the most family-friendly and take care of the reservations for you.
   Vacations for kids can be stressful enough (packing,keeping everyone entertained on the plane ride,finding kid-friendly foods,etc)without having the added worry of"what if something goes wrong?''A travel agent will take over if any accident occurs on your trip and will spend time calling companies and researching options until your problem is solved-whether that means you need to re-book a flight or find a trustworthy doctor for your child who has suddenly come down with an illness.
    Finally,a travel agent will make it easier to bond with your family by recommending the perfect vacation for your family's interests and needs.By taking the planning stress and trip organization off you and giving it to a travel agent,you'll be able to simply enjoy spending time with your family.

46.What might be the best title of the text?A
A.Family Vacations with Travel Agent's Help
B.How to make a family travel plan
C.Travel agents:your only choice
D.How to arrange a memorable trip
47.What can we learn from the text?D
A.It's easy to meet everyone's needs when traveling.
B.Kids don't like to travel with their parents.
C.Travel agents prefer to arrange a vacation with kids.
D.Traveling with kids is a little bit stressful for a family.
48.Which of the follwing services might not be offered by the travel agent?D
A.Childcare at night.        
B.Hotel booking.
C.Finding trustworthy doctors.
D.Taking care of your house.
49.What will the travel agent do when some accident occurs in a trip?C
A.Leave you alone and go on the trip with others.
B.Call your company to come and handle it.
C.Take over and help you out.
D.Re-book a flight and send you home.
50.What is the text trying to persuade you to do?C
A.To choose the travel destination from the travel agent
B.To leave your kids behind when travelling
C.To arrange your trip with the help of the travel agent.
D.To stay home and spend more time with your family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.In India,most of the women wear a red dot between their eyebrows.While it is generally taken as an indicator of their marital(婚姻的)status,the practice is primarily related to the Hindu(印度教的)religion.The dot goes by different names in different Hindi dialects,and"bindi"is the one that is most commonly known.Traditionally,the dot carries no gender restriction:Men as well as women wear it.However,the tradition of men wearing it has faded in recent times,so nowadays we see a lot more women than men wearing one.
The position of the bindi is standard:center of the forehead,close to the eyebrows.It represents a third,or inner eye.Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes:The two outer ones are used for seeing the outside world,and the third one is there to focus inward toward God.As such,the dot means piety(虔诚)and serves as a constant reminder to keep God in the front of a believer's thoughts.
Red is the traditional color of the dot.It is said that in ancient times a man would place a drop of blood between his wife's eyes to seal their marriage.According to Hindu beliefs,the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple.Today,people go with different colors depending upon their preferences.Women often wear dots that match the color of their clothes.Decorative of sticker bindis come in all sizes,colors and variations,and can be worn by young and old,married and unmarried people alike.Wearing a bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom.
28.Why did people in India start wearing a red dot on their forehead?C
A.To stress their family background
B.To indicate their social rank.
C.To show their religious belief
D.To display their financial status.
29.What is the function of the third eye in Hindu tradition?D
A.To help the other eyes see better.
B.To look to the distance.
C.To see the outside world.
D.To pay respect to God.
30.Why was red chosen as the original color of the bindi?B
A.The word"bindi"means"red"in some Hindi dialects.
B.Red was believed to be a lucky color for husband and wife.
C.The red dot represented the blood of God.
D.Red stood for a wife's love for her husband.
31.Which of the following statements is true about bindis today?A
A.Bindis are now used to make people look better.
B.Bindis are worn anywhere on the face now.
C.Most Indian women do not wear bindis anymore.
D.More men than women wear bindis in India.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.No one knows why people dream,but some dreams might be connected to the mental processes that help us learn.In a recent study,scientists found a connection between nap-time (午睡时间) dreams and better memory in people who were learning a new skill.
So perhaps one way to learn something new is to practice,practise,practise---and then sleep on it.
"I was surprised by this finding,"Robert Stickgold,a Harvard University scientist who led the study.
In the study,100 college students each spent an hour on a computer,trying to get through a virtual maze (虚拟迷宫).The maze was difficult,and the study participants had to start in a different place each time they tried---making it even more difficult.
Then,for the first 90 minutes of a five-hour break,half of the participants were required to stay awake while half were told to sleep.Participants who stayed awake were asked to describe their thoughts.Participants who slept were asked to describe any dream they had.
Stickgold and his colleagues wanted to know about NREM,or non-REM sleep.REM stands for"rapid eye movement",which is what happens during REM sleep.This period of sleep often brings strange dreams to a sleeper,although dreams can happen in both kinds of sleep.Stickgold wanted to know what people were dreaming about when their eyes weren't moving,during NREM sleep.Other studies have found a connection between NREM bring activity and learning ability.
Four of the 50 people who slept said their dreams were about the maze.Later,when these four people tried the computer maze again,they were able to complete it faster.
Stickgold believes the dream itself doesn;t help a person learn---it's the other way around.He suspects that such dreams are caused by the brain processes associated with learning.
All the maze-dreamers had done the task poorly the first time,which makes Stickgold wonder if the NREM dreams show up when a person finds a new task particularly difficult.People who had other dreams,or people didn't sleep,didn't show the same improvement.
36.In the first stage of the study,the participants were asked toB
A.design a maze on computer
B.find their way out of a maze
C.decide where to begin a maze
D.remember a location in a maze
37.What happened to the participants during the break?D
A.Half of them were woken up when they started to dream.
B.Half of them were asked to dram about the maze.
C.All of them were asked to describe their thoughts.
D.Half of them were asked to sleep for 90 minutes.
38.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.Everyone will dream about a new skill after learning it.
B.Stickgold was the first to study dreams and learning.
C.During NREM sleep,people usually don't dream.
D.Unusual dreams often occur during REM sleep.
39.In the first stage of the study,the participants were asked toB
A.design a maze on computer
B.find their way out of a maze
C.decide where to begin a maze
D.remember a location in a maze
40.Which of the following statement best summarizes the study's conclusion?A
A.Dreams have a role in learning.
B.Dreams have no basis in reality.
C.Dreams are important for health.
D.Dreams are the best way to study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Do you know that the first documented use of OMG (oh my god) was in 1917,or that LOL was once a common term meaning little old ladies in 1960?That's what the world learned when OMG,LOL and FYI (for your information) were added to the Oxford English Dictionary last week.This dictionary is considered by many people to be the reference book that defines the English language.
    Words added to the Oxford English Dictionary are truly considered new members of the language.People invent new words all the time,but only a few become popular enough to get defined in dictionaries.
Typed online or in text messages,LOL,OMG and FYI are initialisms(首字母缩略词),which can be said aloud letter by letter.Faster to type than the full phrases,initialisms like these have been used online since the 1990s.But these three online terms are now spoken outside the Internet too,making them different from other online lingo (行话).Dictionary editors thought that the words were used so commonly that they had to be defined this year.
    Another important addition to the dictionary this year was,as in"I   NY".This
is the first graphic (图形的) symbol ever defined in the Oxford English Dictionary.The editors added   as a verb under the definition of"heart",meaning"to love".
Some slang words-informal language used more commonly in speech than in writing-were also added,like wassup,a shortened way to say"What's up?"Even the words that have been in use for many years,like biker and happy camper,were finally added to the dictionary.
The Oxford English Dictionary now defines more than 600,000 words.That adds up to more than 21,730 pages!Guinness World Records calls it the longest dictionary in the world.The Oxford English Dictionary is known for recording words of all kinds-popular,outdated,and even foreign words used by English speakers throughout the language's long history.
68.The passage is mainly about the fact thatA
A.expressions like LOL and FYI have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary
B.many English words change their meanings with the time passing by
C.the English language is becoming more and more difficult to learn
D.the Oxford English Dictionary breaks Guinness World Records   
69.What cannot be used to prove that the Oxford English Dictionary has been updated?D
A.Some online terms are added to it.
B.Graphic symbol is first introduced into it.
C.Some slang words are collected in it.
D.Some outdated words are left out by it.
70.Before any new word is added to the update of the Oxford English Dictionary,itC
A.must be spread widely on the Internet
B.must be used commonly by the editors
C.must be used widely in either spoken or written language
D.must be shortened with large letters
71.It can be inferred that the Oxford English DictionaryB
A.includes all words from all languages
B.gets one of the Guinness World Records
C.changes some words'meanings at times
D.is the most respected dictionary in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.Once upon a time,there was a seed and because he was (36)A  a tiny seed,nobody paid any attention to him.So,(37)D  kind of inferior (自卑的),the seed gave no importance to his (38)C.
(39)B,the wind blew him up and threw him on an open field (40)A  the hot sun.He wanted to know why.But without any (41)B,he was provided with (42)C  besides sunlight,sometimes light and sometimes water.
Time flew and years later he saw a traveler (43)A  by his side."Thank God for this.I (44)D  need a rest,the seed heard the traveler (45)B,
(46)C  are you talking about?"the seed asked.He thought the man was laughing at him.(47)B,he had seen many people taking a rest by his side but no one ever (48)Ato him like that."Who is this?"the man was (49)D
--(50)C  A seed."
"A seed?"the man (51)Dthe big tree."Are you(52)C  me?You're a big tree!"
A moment later the seed,now a great tree,thought and (53)B  for the first time in his life."Oh!That means I'm not a small seed any longer!I won't (54)A  unnoticed but was born to help (55)D people.Wow!Now that's a life worth a thousand gems!"

39.A.HoweverB.Then one dayC.ThusD.Unexpectedly
50.A.Can't you see?B.Why ask?C.It's meD.Don't you know?
51.A.replied toB.turned toC.asked forD.stared at


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Mike,have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy?
-Yes,of course,but I haven't decided whether to buy _____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Ammie Reddick from East Kilbride,Lanarkshire,was only 18 months old when she had the accident that had scarred(留下创伤) her for life.The curious child reached up to grab the wire of a hot kettle in the family kitchen and poured boiling water over her tiny infant frame.
Her mother Ruby turned round and,seeing Ammie horribly burnt,called an ambulance which rushed her daughter to a nearby hospital.Twenty percent of Ammie's body had been burned and all of her burns were third-degree.There,using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie's body,doctors performed complex skin transplants to close her wounds and control her injuries,an operation that took about six hours.Over the next 16 years,Ammie underwent 12 more operations to repair her body.
When she started school at Maxwelton Primary at age 4,other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn't play with her."I was the only burned child in the street,the class and the school,"she recalled,"some children refused to become friends because of that."
Today,aged 17,Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars; pain is a permanent part of her body.She still has to have two further skin transplants.Yet she is a confident,outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burns victims.
She is a member of the Scottish Burned Children's Club,a charity set up last year.This month,Ammie will be joining the younger children at the Graffham Water Center in Cambridgeshire for the charity's first summer camp."I'll show them how to get rid of unkind stares from others,"she says.Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops,and she plans to show the youngsters at the summer camp that they can too."I do not go to great lengths to hide my burns scars,"she says,"I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago."
56.How many operations has Ammie already had?B
A.Twelve            B.Thirteen           C.fourteen           D.Fifteen
57.What did other children do when Ammie first went to school?D
A.They were friendly to her.B.They showed sympathy to her.
C.They were afraid of her.D.They looked down upon her.
58.Ammie will teach the younger children at the Graffham Water Center toA.
A.face others'unkindness bravely             
B.hide their scars by proper dressing
C.live a normal life                           
D.recover quickly
59.Which of the following words can't properly describe Ammie?C
A.Courageous        B.Confident          C.sensitive          D.Outgoing
60.What can be the best title of the passage?D
A.A Seriously Burned Girl Survives         
B.Ways to Get Rid of Unkind Stares
C.Permanent Scars And Pain For a Girl          
D.A seriously burned angel of Hope.

