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Central Park covers more than three hundred and forty hectares(公顷). It was the first public park built in the United States.

In 1858, a design competition was held to find the best idea for planning the huge area in the center of New York City. The winners were two landscape designers, American Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux from Britain.

It was not easy to create this park. It may look like a natural environment of lakes and woodlands, but it was entirely built by human labor.

Workers moved millions of cubic meters of stone and earth to clear the area. They brought in more than fourteen thousand cubic meters of fertills soil from New Jersey to make it possible to grow trees and other plants.

It took fifteen years to complete the project. Central Park was a huge success and helped create a movement across the United States for creating public gardens.

Here are a few facts that help show just how big and busy Central Park is. It contains seven kilometers of paths for horseback riding and about 93 kilometers of walking paths, When you get tired from all that walking, there are more than 9,000 benches where you can sit down.

There are 21 playgrounds for children as well as areas to play basketball, baseball, football and even chess. There is also a zoo. And, every summer, visitos can watch plays by William Shakespeare in an out-door theater. About twenty-five million people visit Central Park each year to enjoy its many sights and activities.

The park is also important for natural life. It contains more than twenty –six thousand trees. And hundreds of kinds of birds have been sighted in the park which serves as a stopping area for birds as they fly to other places.

60.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

       A.The design competition that took place in 1858.

       B.How workers built Central Park.

       C.Central Park attracts millions of visiters every year.

       D.The first public park in the United States.

61.Central Park is a good place for natural life, so           .

       A.migrating birds stay in Central Park and then go on with their journey

       B.hundreds of kinds of animals can be seen

       C.more than nine thousand benches are provided for birds to stay for a rest

       D.many kinds of birds like it and live there for many centuries

62.We can infer from the passage that           .

       A.the building of Central Park is a miracle

       B.the soil used to be fertile before Central Park was built

       C.large quantities of stones were brought in from New Jersey to build Central Park

       D.people can enjoy plays by William Shakespeare in an outdoor theater throughout the year

63.Visitors can enjoy doing the following EXCEPT       in Central Park.

      A.playing basketball B.visiting animals

       C.riding horses                                       D.swimming



科目:高中英语 来源:新教材新学案 配合普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语⑤ 必修(配人教版) 人教版 题型:001

听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.At a railway station.

B.In a travel service.

C.At the airport.

2.What does the man mean about the bowls and plates?

A.He prefers to have them wrapped quickly.

B.He would like the store to send them to him.

C.He will take them with him to save time.

3.Why is the man worried?

A.He doesn't like biology.

B.He can't get the books he needs.

C.He has too much reading to do.

4.When does the woman's class begin on Mondays?




5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Making a new plan for the computer club.

B.Borrowing more laptops(笔记本电脑).

C.Getting more computers and e-mail addresses.




6.What was the man's problem?

A.He lost his money.

B.He didn't know where the ticket machine was.

C.He didn't know how to get a ticket.

7.Where should the man get off the train?

A.At State Street Station.

B.At Star Palace Station.

C.At Central Park Station.


8.What does Carol have to do on Saturday morning?

A.Do some washing for her mother.

B.Go to the shopping center at 11∶00.

C.Go to the doctor's after doing some shopping.

9.What will Carol do after she has lunch?

A.Help a girl with her studies.

B.Do her history homework.

C.Play soccer with her brother.

10.What can we know about Carol?

A.She is not content with her mother's time planning for her.

B.She has promised to go to see Jim in the evening.

C.She will send her brother to play soccer.


11.On which day has the man decided to leave?

A.The 22nd.

B.The 23rd.

C.The 29th.

12.What flight will the man take from New York to Berlin?

A.Flight BA 2701.

B.Flight BA 7101.

C.Flight PA 2701.

13.How long will the man have to wait at Kennedy Airport?

A.Half an hour.

B.One and a half hours.

C.Two hours.


14.What's the matter with Simon?

A.He has caught a bad cold.

B.He has the flu.

C.He has some trouble with his feet.

15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Simon has been ill in bed since Sunday.

B.Eva suggests Simon seeing another doctor.

C.Simon is anxious about the speech he is to give.

16.What has Simon decided to do?

A.Go to the party to dance.

B.Follow Eva's advice

C.See the same doctor again.


17.What will happen if rainforests are not protected?

A.All the rainforests will disappear within 400 years.

B.The world will become colder and colder.

C.More than 130 kinds of life forms will die out every day.

18.What is the percentage of life forms on Earth living in rainforests?

A.15% to 17%.

B.15% to 70%.

C.50% to 70%.

19.If we want to protect rainforests, what should we do?

A.Buy some products made from rainforests.

B.Offer some money or help with the work.

C.Join the organization of the environment.

20.Which of the following doesn't the speaker mention?

A.Learning more about rainforests.

B.Growing more rainforests.

C.Reading the books about saving the rainforests.

