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【题目】Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?

In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It 【1】 (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it 2 (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of3 most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

4 the river wasn’t changed in a few days or even a few months. It took years of work 5 (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is 6 (clean) than ever.

Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit7 is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

While there are 8 (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the9 (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be【10 (patience).




【3】 the


【5】to reduce


【7】which / that






【1】was,根据前句In 1969提示,可知此处应用过去式。这是一个强调句式It was...that...,对污染如此严重的河流还能被清理干净表示惊讶。句意:不可想象的是它能被清理干净。

【2】actually ,副词,这里是竟然的意思,用在so...that...句型里,表示惊讶。句意:这条河污染的如此严重以致于引起了火灾。

【3】 the,the most outstanding形容词的最高级形式前加上定冠词the,表示在三者或三者以上中程度最高,句意:现在,几年过去了,这条河成为环境治理工程最杰出的的案例。


【5】to reduce,It take years to do sth.为常用句型,意为花了好几年去做某事,动词不定式作真正主语。句意:治理工业污染、清理河流花了好几年的功夫。

【6】cleaner ,根据句意可以判断采用形容词的比较级,cleaner than表示一方比另一方干净。句意:最后,功夫没有白费,现在这条河比过去更加干净了。

【7】which / that,考查which/that引导的定语从句,从句修饰habit,句意:也许你有一个让你的家人感觉很崩溃的习惯。

【8】amazing ,用形容词修饰stories,故填amazing。句意:虽然存在一些瞬间转换的惊人故事。


【10】patient,根据句意可以判断这里是形容词,just be patient意为只要你耐心一点。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】American researchers have discovered that human brains and sleep patterns are confused by devices(装置) that give out bright lights. Electronics, such as laptops, mislead our minds into thinking that it is still daytime, preventing sleep and increasing the risk of insomnia.

Sleep experts say human's natural body clock begins to rest and relax from the day between 9 and 10 pm but the use of computers confuses it.

A person's brain biologically becomes awake when the sun is out because bright light after dark causes the brain to stop producing the hormone (荷尔蒙) called melatonin that makes us sleepy.

Researchers say blue light from devices such as iPads, which is expected to become a popular reading tool when it comes out later this month, is particularly disruptive (干扰的)during the night when the brain thinks it should be dark.

Experts say a good book is a far better way of resting the brain and ensuring a good night's sleep because the bedside lamp(灯) light doesn't affect the brain as it does not look straight into a person's eyes.

“Potentially, yes, if you're using an iPad or a laptop close to bedtime... that light can be stimulating (刺激) to the brain to make it more awake and delay your ability to sleep,” Phyllis Zee, a professor at Northwestern University and director of the school's Centre for Sleep & Circadian Biology, told CNN.

“And I think more importantly, it could also be enough to affect your circadian (昼夜节律的) rhythm. This is the clock in your brain that determines when you sleep and when you wake up. ”

Alon Avidan, associate director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the University of California Los Angeles, added, “I wish people would just take a boring book — an oldfashioned book — and read by a lamp.”

【1The underlined word “insomnia” in the first paragraph probably means “________”.

A.being unable to eat properly

B.brain injury

C.being unable to fall sleep

D.lack of energy

【2】Melatonin is the hormone that ________.

A.makes us sleepy

B.helps us relaxed

C.prevents us from waking up

D.makes us excited

【3】The bedside lamp light doesn't affect the brain because ________.

A.it doesn't give out blue light

B.it's not as bright as your laptop

C.it doesn't enter your eyes directly

D.it is adjustable

【4】We can conclude from the passage that ________.

A.one who uses his laptop often before bedtime can have his body clock disturbed

B.using a laptop before bedtime is more harmful than using an iPad

C.we'd better not do anything before going to bed

D.the best time to go to bed is before 9 pm


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Is there an agreement __________ how much aid will be sent?

A. with B. in

C. on D. by


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1Students examined how children a______ language.

【2A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up

【3The lung is an o________________ and so is the heart.

【4An __________(精确的) instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a detailed level.

【5He felt g________________ after he stole some money from the old couple.

【6If you have an a__________ with someone,you have arranged to see them at a particular time,usually in connection with their work.

【7Keeping an o state of mind is good for health.

【8It'll be two years before the ________(过程)is complete.

【9She said it d to challenge me.

【10We should_________(应用)both theories in the language classroom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503. He was working __ a special painting for a church at that time, ____ the church painting was not ____ well. An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his second ____. This is the woman who ___ be seen in the Mona Lisa.

All in all, the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vinci’s ____ and it satisfied the husband. Da Vinci used ____ and light in a clever____ in the painting. Da Vinci loved science and ___. Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何形状) in the Mona Lisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and ____ shapes like____. Even her _ _ can be seen as a small part of a large circle. The woman in the ____ is sitting on a balcony, and ____ can be seen behind her because Da Vinci loved to study rocks, and these can also be seen___ in his other paintings. The woman is sitting with her knees ____ the side. Her head is turned to look out of the painting. Her hands are ____ together in front of her. This way of ____ is now used by many ____ when they are ____. The Mona Lisa is a remarkable master.















【15A.by and byB.here and thereC.over and overD.up and down





【20】A. being paintedB.paintingC.being playedD.played


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My mother loves flowers. As soon as warm weather comes around, you will find her planting, watering and weeding over everything .For many years we lived next door to each other, and she spent as much time in my garden as she did her own. After the flowers became plentiful each summer, she would cut colorful bouquets(花束)to enjoy inside the house—both hers and mine . I would often come home from work and find a beautiful arrangement(布置)of fresh flowers on my coffee table.

Shortly before Christmas one year, a local flower shop offered a bouquet-a-month special. It seemed to be a great way to thank her for all of the flowers she had given me through the years.

After the holidays, in early January, I drove her to the flower shop to pick up her first month’s bouquet. the small fresh colorful bouquet would hardly fill a small vase(花瓶).

I was so embarrassed(尴尬的).However, after we returned home, she began to arrange the flowers she had received.“Mom, I’m sorry, ”I told her.“I can’t believe how skimpy that bouquet is.”She looked at me and smiled.“It’s okay,”she said“It allows me to better enjoy the beauty of each one.”

Mom’s words helped me to realize something bigger and more important—when we have too many good things, we often fail to enjoy the beauty of each one.

Thanks, Mom ,for helping me understand that less is sometimes more.

【1According to paragraph 1 ,which of the following is TRUE?

A. The author’s mother put fresh flowers on the author’s coffee table.

B. The author used to buy some fresh flowers on her way home.

C. The author’s mother usually bought flowers for her daughter.

D. The author and her mother shared a beautiful garden.

【2The author bought her mother flowers to_______.

A. celebrate the coming Christmas

B. express thanks for all her mother’s done

C. bring more flowers to her mother’s garden

D. arrange her mother’s new house

【3The underlined word“skimpy”in Paragraph 4 means_______.

A. beautiful B. colorful C. cheap D. small

【4What did the author learn from her mother?

A. How to grow flowers.

B. How to arrange flowers

C. Enjoying life if possible

D. Considering things in other ways.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Alice’s mother died when Alice was five years old. Alice, who grew up to be my mother, told me that after her mother’s death her family was too poor to even afford to give her a doll.

In December 2012, I had a job at a local bank. One afternoon, we were decorating the tree in the bank lobby(大厅). One of my customers approached me with her beautiful handmade dolls. I decided to get one for my daughter, Katie, who was almost five years old. Then I had an idea. I asked my customer if she could make me a special doll for my mother—one with gray hair and spectacles(眼镜): a grandmother doll. And she gladly agreed.

A friend had told me that his dad who played Santa Claus would be willing to make a visit on Christmas morning to our home to deliver my Katie her presents, so I made some special arrangements.

Christmas Day arrived and at the planned time; so did Santa Claus. Katie was surprised that Santa had come to see her at her own house. As Santa turned to leave, he looked once more into his bag and found one more gift. As he asked who Alice was, my mother, surprised at her name being called, indicated that she in fact was Alice. Santa handed her the gift, with a message card that read:

For Alice:

I was cleaning out my sleigh(雪橇) before my trip this year and came across this package that was supposed to be delivered on December 25,1953. The present inside has aged, but I felt that you might still wish to have it. Many apologies for the lateness of the gift.


Santa Claus

My mother’s reaction was one of the most deeply emotional scenes I have ever seen. She couldn’t speak but only held the doll she had waited fifty-nine years to receive as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. That doll, given by “Santa”, made my mother the happiest “child” that Christmas.

【1】改编Why couldn’t the writer’s mother have a doll when young ?_________.

A. Santa Clause forgot to send the doll to her

B. her daughter couldn’t make a doll by herself

C. her parents left the doll in the Santa Clause’s sleigh

D. her family was badly off when she was a child

【2】改编What can be inferred from the passage ?__________.

A. the writer’s father played the Father Christmas

B. the writer’s mother was already in her sixties when she received the doll

C. the writer urged one of her friends to make the doll for her mother

D. the Santa Clause was too careless to deliver the doll on time

【3】The best title for this passage could be __________.

A. A Doll from Santa

B. An unforgettable Christmas

C. A considerate daughter

D. A help from Santa Claus


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】-I'd like to go to the cinema with you, Dad

-Sorry, my darling, but this film is __________ for adults only.

A. allowed B. designated

C. mentioned D. intended


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As a school teacher, Inderjit Khurana used to take the train to work. And one day, at the station, she saw dozens of children who spent their days begging from train passengers rather than going to school. She learned that it was not a rare problem and that millions of children in India lived on the streets.

Realizing that these children would never be able to escape poor life and homelessness without education, and that it would be impossible to send these children to school, Inderjit decided to create a model program---taking the school to the most out- of-school children.

Khurana’s train platform schools aim to provide a creative school form and give children the basic levels of education. Her last goals reach far beyond the 20 platform schools she and her colleagues have created in India’s Bhubaneswar region. She is determined that her program will become a model for changing the lives of the poorest children throughout India and the world.

Khurana founded the Ruchika Social Service Organization(RSSO) in 1985. The teachers gather the children together between the stops of the train for reading, writing, maths and history taught through songs and other teaching tools.

Khurana recently comes to realize that the education of these children is impossible when the most basic needs of their families are not being met. So she also provides food and medicine for their families.

Khurana insists that every child have the right to an education and that if a child cannot come to the school, then the school must come to him or her.

【1】Khurana’s final aim is to .

A.make the poorest children’s lives better

B. put an end to the problem of children’s dropout(辍学)

C. attract more students to her platform schools

D. set up 20 platform schools throughout India

【2】What can we learn about the RSSO?

A. It has a history of more than 30 years.

B. It provides jobs for the poorest children.

C. It gives money to the out-of-school children.

D. Its work doesn’t only include free education for the street children.

【3】Khurana also provides free food and medicine for the children because_____.

A. the fundamental family needs are included in her model program

B. she wants to draw more people’s attention to the RSSO

C. they are the necessities for the out-of-school children

D. she wishes to improve local people’s living standard

