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29. On March 12, the students were planting trees ____ the classroom.

A. in the back of           B. at the back of           C. to the back of           D. on the back of


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省慈溪中学高三第一次月考英语试题(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, made his first public appearance since going on medical leave six weeks ago, taking the stage at a San Francisco media event to introduce the iPad 2, the second generation of the company’s tablet computer.
Thin but energetic, Mr. Jobs showed off a thinner iPad. “ We’ve been working on this product for a while and I just didn’t want to miss this day,” he said.
His absence has concerned investors, especially since the group has given no details of his condition. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2004 and had a liver transplant during almost six moths of medical leave in 2009. People close to him said last month his health had been changing.
Apple’s stock rose more than 2 percent in the minutes after Mr. Jobs began speaking, then gave up some of its gain as he detailed the iPad 2.
The iPad 2 will go on sale in black and white versions in the US on March 11 and in 26 other countries, including the UK and Germany, on March 25. The table is Apple’s biggest product launch since the iPhone three years ago, and is comparable to the iPhone as the most expected in Apple’s history.
Most of the improvements in the latest version had been expected, including front and rear-facing video, which allows video conferencing between iPads, Mac computers and the most recent iPhones and iPods, a larger speaker, a faster processor and other upgrades. The iPad 2 is one-third thinner than the original tablet and slightly lighter, with a 9.7-inch touchscreen. It can run movies, books, games and a complete range of applications. In the US it will work with AT&T and Verizon, the top two mobile carriers. The pricing will be the same to the 2010 iPad at its introduction, ranging from $499 to $829 in six models. But Apple dropped prices on the older iPad on Wednesday by $100 across the board.
Apple has made the most of its year-long head start in tablets, selling 15,000,000 units of the older iPad last year and taking about 85 percent of the market. Forrester predicted that the iPad 2 would clain 80 percent of the US market this year, or 20,000,000 out of 24,000,000 total shipped. This prediction was based on both the technical improvements to the iPad 2, and the distribution difficulties and higher prices for Apple’s rivals.
Motorola, BlackBerry maker Research in Motion, Samsung and others have brought out competing tablets, many based on Google’s Android software.
Mr. Jobs said the rest of the field was still catching up with the first iPad and their markets for applications designed for tablets had, at best, 100 small programs. This compares with 65,000 on Apple’s applications store.
【小题1】Why are the investors of Apple worried according to the text?

A.Apple’s stock price changes a lot
B.Steve Jobs’ health condition is not stable
C.The iPad 2 has some technical drawbacks
D.Apple faces strong competition from other companies.
【小题2】In what respect are the iPad 2 and the 2010 iPad exactly alike?
A.the weightB.the speaker
C.the thicknessD.the pricing at the introduction
【小题3】How many tablet computers were sold in the market last year?
A.about 15,000,000B.about 17,000,000
C.about 20,000,000D.about 24,000,000
【小题4】What makes Apple’s tablets superior to the competing tablets of other companies?
A.the low price
B.the Android software
C.the full kinds of models
D.the tens of thousands of applications
【小题5】What is the best title for the text?
A.Jobs on Stage to Introduce iPad 2
B.iPad 2 Better than the Original
C.Best Applications for iPad 2
D.iPad 2 vs. Competitors


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届福建省高一上学期期末模块测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解


Ten Chinese PhD students are demanding that Beijing Normal University Professor Yu Dan be away from her television show on CCTV10. They argue that her on-air explanations of Confucius’s Analects (孔子《论语》) are “incorrect and misleading”.

Yu is known for explaining Confucius’s Analects to a TV audience. But some complain that her explanations are unfaithful to Chinese tradition.

But Yu doesn’t seem to worry too much about her critics, saying, “It’s a matter of personal choice. Some like KFC, while others like McDonalds.”


   STEALING some online gamer’s password might seem less harmful than credit card theft. It does keep the victim from wearing himself out all night playing. But it is not all that nice, says 19-year-old Zhang Qiwen, in Shanghai.

   Last August, Zhang accidentally downloaded a Trojan while playing Warcraft. The Trojan is a type of virus used by hackers to steal people’s passwords. Overnight the Trojan transferred all the “gold” (game credits) from Zhang’s private account to an unknown account. Zhang hopes the police will find and punish the thief, who can also pocket some cash since the stolen “gold” can go on sale online.


   New England’s largest indoor public garden has opened here in a historic park, and officials expect it to become a center for learning about plants as well as a top attraction for visitors.

   The glass-walled Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, which opened on March 2, offers a tropical garden, an orchid garden, and a Mediterranean room with a collection of citrus trees. The center also has two classrooms and will offer gardening classes provided by the University of Rhode Island.

   Roger Williams Park, named for the city’s 17th-century founder, also has a zoo. The park already attracts more than 2 million visitors a year, and Providence Mayor David Cicilline said that he expects the new center will attract more and more visitors to Providence.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Confucius’s Analects is like KFC or McDonalds in China now.

B. 19-year-old Zhang was angry because a hacker stole his “gold”.

C. The Trojan is a new online game.                 

D. The garden is run by a university.

2. We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. there are four gardens in Roger Williams Park Botanical Center.

B. No one likes Yu Dan’s explanation of Confucius’s Analects.

C. Yu Dan won’t show up on CCTV any more for explanations of Confucius’s Analects.

D. Some people make money by stealing online gamers’ game credits and selling them.

3. Where is Roger Williams Park?

A. It’s in England.                            B. It’s in Providence.       

C. It’s in a botanical center.                    D. It’s in a famous zoo.

4. You are very likely to read the passage in ______.

A. a biology textbook       B. a fashion magazine     C. a newspaper        D. a book review



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Western New Bridge Library Announcement

Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break

Library Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day (9:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m.) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.

Coming Events

On Monday, March 24, at 10:30 a.m., Scott Sutton, a children’s writer, will tell stories to kid over seven. Sutton’s attractive style will surely inspire everyone present!

At 1:00 p.m., on March 26, the Geogetown Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant books for the rest of the week!

On Thursday, March 27, at 2:00 p.m., the annual Children’s Gathering will take place in Room 201, the second-floor. Pick up an invitation in the Children’s Room and return your RSVP(回复) to reserve your seat at the table by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25. Only children are allowed in the Gathering.

At 10:30 a.m. on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kid’s science show, Enzoology, will bring Fossils Live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more. Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show—come and see him at the library!

Please note:In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926-3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The call-down service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year around! For questions about all these, please contacthld@wnbl.corg.

Come for the great Fun; Stay for the relevant Books!

1.To attend the annual Children’s Gathering, one has to _____.

A.buy a ticket

B.apply in advance

C.make a reservation

D.contact the call-down service

2.According to the passage, Enzo Monfre will ______.

A.show the children around a zoo

B.tell stories to children over seven

C.be present at the science show in person

D.lead the children to the Ellen DeGeneres Show

3.We can learn from the passage that children can ______.

A.attend all the activities with their parents

B.borrow some relevant books for the activities.

C.participate in the activities form 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

D.choose only one of the activities according to their interest



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省高三下学期模拟考试(一) 题型:阅读理解

Recently, my class went on a three-day trip from Shanghai to Nanjing with only 200 yuan. It was fun and inspiring. We left for Nanjing early in the morning (4:52 a.m. on March 19) by train. Unfortunately, because the tickets were difficult to get, we took the train without seats. The carriage quickly became crowded with students. We stood on the train for over five hours until we arrived at our destination —Nanjing. By that time we all understood how hard it is for migrant workers to return home from a big city.

We had an educational campaign in front of the Memorial Hall to the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders on the first day. We all felt the heavy weight of history as we walked quietly around the Memorial Hall. Relics of the war on display frightened and shocked us. We could imagine how hard life must have been for the Chinese people at that time.

On the second day we were divided into groups of seven to nine students. We were assigned to do research about the city, so we had to visit local people and talk with them. As we were told not to take taxis, we traveled around the city by bus or subway. At the end of the day, we were so tired that no one touched the remote control of the television in our bedroom. However, we were all happy that we had learned to get around a strange city and that we understood Nanjing more.

On the last day we went to Yuhuatai. Some students handed in applications to join the Communist Party there. We learnt about the martyrs(烈士) stories and most of us were impressed by their noble spirits. They sacrificed their lives but they won great respect.

Our three days soon came to an end. Sitting on the train back to Shanhai, we happily shared our adventures in Nanjing. Though we were tired, it was a really meaningful trip.

64. How did the students find their three-day trip in Nanjing?         .

A. It was funny but difficult        B. It was happy but tiring

C. It was tiring and meaningless     D. It was inspiring and meaningful

65. What description is the best for the fourth paragraphs?         .

A. A happy ending.             B. Noble spirits.    

C. A hard beginning.             D. Tough living.

66. What is the right time order during their three-day trip in Nanjing?          .

A. having an educational campaign→doing research→going to Yuhuatai

B. leaving for Nanjing→doing research→going to Yuhuatai

C. having an educational campaign→doing research→sharing adventures

D. getting tickets for traveling→having an educational campaign→going

to Yuhuatai

67. What can we infer from the trip on the first day in Nanjing?        .

A. China’s history in the thirties is miserable

B. The students were too frightened and shocked to go on visiting

C. What hard lives the Chinese people lived

D. Some great Chinese people should be respected



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011新疆农七师高级中学高二下学期期中英语试题实验班 题型:阅读理解

A university graduate described as a “respectable and intelligent” woman is seeking professional help after being convicted of (证明有……罪)shoplifting for the second time in six months.

 Ana Luz, recently studying for her PhD, has been told she could end up behind bars unless she can control the desire to steal from shops .

 Luz ,who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road ,Cambridge ,admitted stealing clothes worth £9.95 from John Lewis in Oxford Street ,London ,on March 9.

    Phillip Lemoyne ,prosecuting(起诉),said Luz selected some clothes from a display and took them to the ladies’ toilet in the store .When she came out again she was wearing one of the skirts she had selected ,having taken off the anti-theft security alarms(防盗警报装置).

She was stopped and caught after leaving the store without paying ,Mr Lemoyne said.

He added that she was upset on her arrest and apologized for her actions.

Luz,28, was said to have been convicted of shoplifting by Cambridge judges last October ,but Morag Duff, defending ,said she had never been in trouble with the police before that .

  “She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesn’t really have any explanation why she did this ,” Miss Duff said . “She didn’t intend to steal when she went into the store .She is at a loss to explain it . She is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady .She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is anything in particular that caused her to do this.”

   Judge David Azan fined Luz £ 50,  and warned : “You’ve got a criminal record .If you carry on like this ,you will end up in prison ,which will ruin your bright future you may have.”

   Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her native Spain ,went on to a famous university in Berlin , Germany for her master’s degree and is now studying for a PhD at Cambridge University ,UK.


.What is Ana Luz’s nationality?

   A.American.    B.British.     C.Spanish.    D.German.


What does the underlined sentence “She is at a loss to explain it” mean?

   A.In her opinion it was a loss to the clothes shops where she stole things .

   B.She doesn’t have any idea why she has the desire to steal from shops .

   C.She thinks it is a loss for her to explain why she stole things from shops.

   D.Personally she feels ashamed and embarrassed for her shoplifting actions.


Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “shoplifting” used in the passage?

   A .Carrying goods in a lift for a shop.    B.Taking goods to the ladies’ toilet .

   C.Selecting some goods from a display. D.Taking goods from a shop without paying.


.From the passage we can learn that           .

  A.Ana Luz is already got her PhD at Cambridge University ,UK

  B.Ana Luz is ashamed and embarrassed and knows why she often did so

  C.the university graduate will be put in prison if she steals in shops once more

  D.Phillip Lemoyne is the “respectable and intelligent” woman’s defense lawyer


What would be the best title for the passage ?

  A. Shoplifting Shame of a PhD Student  B.Apologizing for the Actions in Shops

  C. Seeking Professional Help from Experts 

  D.Controlling the Desire to Steal from Shops


