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   Why do we love junk food

   A lot of money,strategy and effort goes into 1L (design) junk food. The goal is 22 (make) it cheap,convenient and to keep you wanting more,though it has little or no 23 (nutrition) value.

  Our brains require a lot of energy to fimction well,  24 we love high-energy food. Junk food is usually high in things like salt,sugar and fat  25 excite pleasure centers in our brains,encouraging US to keep e?ting    Beyond the high calorie content,junk food 26 (make) have ? million 27 (trick) to make it hard for people to refuse their products. For example,they make the food have a melt-in-the-mouth quality to make US think the calories have 28 (magical) floated away. They also improve flavor. 29 (征服) our brains and we end up wanting more.

   Eating junk food is linked 30 things like obesity,heart disease and even cancer. Though we know it is not good for US,junk food can be really hard to resist

21. designing。考查非谓语动词。介词into后接动 词-ing形式。

22. to make。考查非谓语动词。设空处作表语早 与后面的to keep并列,故填make的不定式形式。

23. nutritional。考查词性转换。设空处作value的 定语,故填nutrition的形容词形式。

24. so。考查连词。设空处起衔接作用,表明前后 句之间为因果关系,故填so。

25. which。考查定语从句的引导词。设空处引导 非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词things ,并在从 句中作主语,故填which。

26. makers。考查词性转换。设空处作句子主语,指“垃圾食品的制作者”,且表示泛指,故填I makers.

27. trickS。考查名词复数形式。设空处作动词I have的宾语,被a million修饰,因为trick为可I 数名词,故填trick的复数形式。

28. magically。考查词性转换。设空处作状语修 饰floated away ,故填magical的副词形式。

29. It。考查代词。设空处指代flavor,故填It。

30. with / to。考查介词。• be linked with / to …为固定搭配,意为“与…"•有关联”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第41期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意: 1.每处错误及其均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Dear Jennifer,

    I’m more than gladly to have received your e-mail yesterday. Thank you very much for your kind invitation to your birthday party to be holding this Sunday. However,I regretted to tell you that I won’t able to come. My grandmother has been ill in hospital receiving a treatment. My parents are quite busy these days,but I have to stay at home,helping with the houseworks,I’ve bought a gift to you and our friend Linda will bring them to you. I do wish you a happy birthday. You can depend on it that I will come to see you unless I am free.


Lin Ling 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     D ★★★★☆

        A London Bus Tour

    A London Bus Tour is one of the most popular ways to experience London. See the sights from the comfort of your seat as y?u,re driven through the streets of the city.


. 1 day hop on / off ticket

. 3 bus routes around London

. 60 hop on / off tourist stops

. Live English awi/io gwzi/e (语音导游) 一available also in French,German,Spanish,Italian,Chinese,Portuguese and Russian Where to hop on and hop off:

Tower of London 

    The Tower of London is one of London's most important and historic buildings. Hop off here and explore it on a Yeoman Warder tour and learn about the tower's history,dating back to the Norman Conquest.

Westminster Abbey 

    This UNESCO World Heritage Site(世界文化遗产) is a must-visit on your bus tour. Hop off and explore the country's coronation (加冕礼)church since the 11th century and walk down the same path that Kate Middleton did to marry Prince William. Westminster Abbey is also famous as a burial ground for some famous people such as Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens.

Tower Bridge 

    The Tower Bridge is one of the most photographed places in London,so jump off here to enjoy a visit of this old Victorian  bascule  briage(吊 桥) .It is a great attraction if you like engineering and a good view.

Buckingham Palace 

    You can't miss a photo opportunity at Buckingham Palace. Home to the Queen of England,Elizabeth II,this beautiful building is a top London attraction and most importantly,is one of the few working palaces left in the world. Hop off at the Buckingham Palace stop and catch the Changing of the Guard before walking through Green Park.

13. A London Bus Tour .

   A. limits the bus ticket to one day

   B. takes visitors to 60 top sights

    C. leads visitors to experience locals’ life   

    D. offers visitors more than three bus routes

14. The Tower of London once served as .

   A. a wedding location

   B. a place to keep criminals

    C. a symbol of the rich history of London   

    D. a battlefield during the Norman Conquest

15. People who are crazy about engineering are advised to visit .

   A. Tower of London   B. Westminster Abbey

    C. Tower Bridge   D. Buckingham Palace

16. Why is Buckingham Palace a major tourist attraction?

   A. It is still a working palace.

   B. It exhibits many photos for visitors.

    C. It is defended by the most devoted guards.

   D. It is the place where Elizabeth II works now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    LondonEscape is one of the longest-serving booking agencies(服务机构) for London apartments,hotels and other 似(住宿) in London.

   It' s your first and last stop for all your London;accommodation needs.

  Why choose LondonEscape for accommodations in London 

  We know London:Based in the heart of London,our deep knowledge of every part will help 'you to find the proper accommodation. We only deal with local businesses in London,so our knowledge of this city is second to none.

  We know the owners: We do not offer just any accommodation. Our honor comes from putting in effort and doing our job properly. That means visiting each hotel in person and continuously making sure that each owner continues to maintain high standards.

  We know you: We are totally customer-focused.You and your needs come first because we know that if we do a good job,you will be back and so will your friends. Most of our business is repeat business,with customers coming back time and time again because no other accommodation provider can match our ;service.

  Save your time,money and health with a kitchen 

  London has some of the world's best restaurants but,for many people, the most imnDrtant r>art of a ser?iced apartment is that it provides you a kitchen.

  Eating out for every meal wastes a lot of time and has a senous effect on both your wallet and your weight. Preparing your own meals gives you control over what you put in your body. When you add up the money you save on taxis,meals and tips,it can often be more than the payment for your apartment!Why pay more?

  If you wish to contact US,you can do so by the following ways: by e-mail,phone,or we can call you if you prefer.

Support by phone Dialing internationally? We re available by phone,Skype or this website's live chat,from 9 am to 11 pm.

13. According to the text,London  Escape.

   A. is a big hotel for tourists

   B. helps book accommodations 

    C. is a famous tourist attraction

   D. is a famous restaurant in Britain

14. Those who LondonEscape serves are mainly

   A. new customers   B. tour guides 

    C. local people   D. regular customers

15. Using LondonEscape’ s  kitchens can .

   A. help you avoid tipping

   B. help you make a bargain

    C. give you a chance to choose a chef   

    D. make you pay less for accommodation 

16. What is the purpose of the text?

   A. To offer tips about foreign travel.

   B. To advertise LondonEscape's service.

    C. To introduce LondonEscape's history.

    D.To encourage people to use their kitchens.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Christie stuck out her head against the lever (操纵杆)to turn her wheelchair toward Ben."Thanksfor ... believing …in me,…Ben,” she said,determined to get the words out 21  “But I don’ t want to. be your 22 want to be like everyone else."

   Ben had said how Christie 23 him. She had learned to do so many things for 'herself since the 24 . She never let someone hand her something if she could learn to 25 it by herself. Sometimes it took hours of 26 and practicing. To Ben that kind of 27 was heroic.

   On 28 like this one,Ben got up early to see Christie before catching the bus to school. Although Christie would come to 29 later in a special bus,Ben didn’ t want to 30 his day without her view on the world. Christie always got up early to catch the latest 31 on TV. She would swmmaWze (概括) it for him. She always 32 (积极的) news that made him feel 33 about life.As Ben stood up to walk to the bus,he 34something. “Where's Alisha?” he asked. Christie' s cat,Lexi,had had ?r?íms (小猫) .Alisha was the last

? kitten to be bom,and Christie's 35 . The kitten had learned to jump onto Christie's lap and lick her hand.

Christie had planned to 36 her.

  “She's at Karen's house,” Christie said.

:“Karen's grandmoth?r 37 last week. Karen is so sad. She really  38 a special friendlike Alisha,”

  “You gate Alisha away?” Ben asked.

  “Karen will be good to Alisha ,” Christie said. aYou are really 39 ,” Ben said. “You are my hero,no matter what yoi? do.

 “No,” Christie said. “I  40 did what you would do, Ben."

21. A. angrily   B. quickly   C. simply   D. clearly

22. A. neighbor   B. hero    C. audience   D. friend

23. A. amazed   B. noticed    C. satisfied   D. forgot

24. A. activity   B. performance

   C. event   D. accident

25. A. get   B. buy   C. control   D. guess

26. A. remembering   B. playing

   C. trying   D. crying

27. A. kindness   B. excitement

   C. determination   D. freedom

28. A. weekends   B. weekdays

  C. holidays   D. festivals

29. A. meeting   B. street  C. school   D. hospital

30. A end   B. start    C. waste   D. make

31. A. movie   B. fashion

   C. means   D. news

32. A. stressed  B. wrote    C. doubted   D. ignored

33. A. curious   B. disappointed

   C. good    D. worried

34. A. understood   B. realized

   C. accepted   D. predicted

35. A. pain   B. pressure

  C. favorite   D. dream

36. A. touch   B. hold   C. sell   D. keep

37. A. passed away   B. ran out

   C. turned up   D. settled down

38. A. trusts   B. needs   C. enjoys   D. misses

39. A. nice   B. strange   C. shy   D. brave

40. A. Still   B. just    C. also   D. already


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                Book Buddies 

Program overview 

  Children in grades 1-8 who are able to read at any level are invited to the shelter to read to the cats in our adoption room. Book Buddies will help children improve their reading skills when helping the animals by providing human interaction Cats find the rhythmic sound of a voice very comforting.

  The program was sotarted by Kristi Rodriguez. Her'son,Sean,who's a. 10-year-old boy,served as an inspiration for the program. He struggled with reading at school and so she brought him in to read to the cats. He loved it so much that he asked to come back. The program officially began in August 2013. Since then Sean has shown a rapid improvement in his reading and now often reads to their dogs at home.

  Sean's story is similar to those of many other children who have taken part in Book Buddies. The program has grown within our community and is taken advantage of by home-schooled children,parents who want their children to play with animals,parents of (患自闭症的) children and many more.

According to studies by researchers at Tufts University:

 Pets can be considered a source of support.

 Human-animal interaction can make the learning process more comfortable and enjoyable for children.

 Autistic children showed increased use of language and had improved social interaction while with the animals.

  They showed focus and kept a better state of awareness,as well as improved attitudes toward school.

  Animals can provide comfort for children without judging them.

Program rewards 

  Children can complete “book tickets” while taking part in the program. Each ticket will require the child to complete five books  (length does not matter) . After each ticket is completed,they can begin a new one. The completed ticket can then be turned in for a prize.

Program update: 4/7/16

13. The Book Buddies program invites children who

A.can read at any level   B. can take care of cats

C. like reading books about cats   D. like interacting with other readers

14. Sean's Story is mentioned to.

   A. tell us how Sean started the program

   B. tell us Sean didn't do well in school 

    C. praise Sean for what he did for animals

   D. show the program has made a difference to Sean

15. According to the studies of Tufts University,reading to cats .

   A. makes cats become more sociable

   B. helps children feel more independent

    C. benefits children socially and academically   

    D. makes children learn to judge themselves properly

16. How can a kid win a prize?

   A. By finishing reading a book.

   B. By designing five book tickets,

    C. By selling the most book tickets.

   D. By handing in h*is finished book ticket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   To make the earth the better place to live,we must do how we can to protect our environment. In my opinions,we' d better not buy bottles or boxes can only be used once. We should turn on lights when we are not using them. When we go shopping,we ought to take a cloth bag rather than to use plastic bags. Measures should be taking to prevent factories from pouring waste water into rivers,or lakes. I s?ong believe that though everyone does that,our world will become more and more beautiful. We only have one planet and we must act now to save them from further pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. I have a t and I think I must see the dentist.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 你应该去拍X光片。 (should)

