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19.The forest ______a week ago and the natural fire ______in the heavy rain at last.(  )
A.on fire; put outB.on fire; went out
C.caught fire; went outD.caught fire; put out

分析 这片森林一周前着火了,并且这场自然火灾终于在大雨中熄灭.

解答 答案是C.本题考查动词短语辨析.catch fire着火(动作);on fire着火(状态);put out扑灭,(动作,及物);go out 熄灭(状态,不及物).题干中第一空缺少的是表示动作的谓语动词,所以排除A和B;第二空后面没有宾语,所以用不及物的短语go out;由此判断答案选择C.

点评 关于短语动词的解题,首先要积累识记尽可能多的短语动词及其含义,然后结合语境进行合理的推断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Since the time human beings started gardening,we ________ to make our environment more beautiful.(  )
A.will tryB.would be trying
C.are tryingD.have been trying


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.A few degrees can make a big difference when it comes to food storage.Foods can go bad if they get too warm.But for many of the world's poor,finding a good way to keep food cool is difficult.Refrigerators are costly and they need electricity.Yet spoiled (变质的)food not only creates health risks but also economic losses.Farmers lose money when they have to throw away products that they cannot sell quickly.
But in 1995a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.He developed the "Pot-in-Pot Preservation/Cooling System."It uses two round containers made of clay(粘土),A smaller pot is placed inside a larger one.The space between the two pots is filled with wet sand.The inner pot can be filled with fruit,vegetables or drinks.A wet cloth covers the whole cooling system.
Food stored in the smaller pot is kept from spoiling through a simple evaporation (蒸发)process.Water in the sand between the two pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot,where drier outside air is moving.The evaporation process creates a drop in temperature of several degrees.This cools the inner pot and helps keep food safe from harmful bacteria.Some foods can be kept fresh this way for several weeks.
People throughout Nigeria began using the invention.And it became popular with farmers in other African countries.Mohammed Bah Abba personally financed (资助)the first five thousand pot-in-pot systems for his own community and five villages nearby.
In 2000,the Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland honored him with the Rolex Award for Enterprise(劳力士英才奖).This award recognizes people trying to develop projects aimed at improving human knowledge and well-being.
A committee considers projects in science and medicine,technology,exploration and discovery,the environment and cultural history.Winners receive financial assistance to help develop and extend their projects.The awards are given every two years.The next awards will be presented in late 2016.

32.We can learn from the first paragraph that farmersB
A.are in great need of a way to keep food properly
B.expect more people to buy their products in time
C.don't have enough money to use electricity in life
D.usually suffer from bad health and economic losses
33.According to Mohammed Bah Abba,the food isA
A.placed between the two pots        
B.packed with a wet cloth
C.kept in the inner pot               
D.covered with wet sand
34.The Cooling System works well depending onD
A.the moving air                    
B.the evaporating
C.the cloth covers                     
D.the flowing water
35.Mohammed Bah Abba was awarded in 2000probably because heD
A,devoted himself to technology    
B.was great in the cultural history
C.made an important discover        
D.made a practical invention.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.He said he wouldrecommend(推荐) me to Mr.Li as his assistant but he didn't.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.I shall never forget those years________ I lived in the country with the farmers,________ has a great effect on my life.(  )
A.that; whichB.when; whichC.which; thatD.when; who


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

    On my fourteen birthday,I received lots of presents.Which present is the best in my eye?It's hand-made notebook,that my best friend Jane gave to me.Jane makes it by herself.On each page of the notebook,there's a picture for Jane and me with some words.She eit her encourages me or tell me how she feels about our friendship.Every time I look at the notebook,I'm touching by something warm.This present is a memory of the wonderfully time we've spent together.I will be keep this special gift forever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.The defeat of Lee Sedol,the world's strongest Go (围棋) player,by a Google artificial intelligence (AI) program,looks like another milestone towards a world where computers can do almost anything a human can.It is not.There are uncountable things that only a human can do,and that no computer seems close to.The problem is that the purely human things are not economically useful to anyone.The things that computers can be taught to do are by contrast economically fantastic.But even the most powerful programs are not human,just as a shovel (铲车).They have no feelings.What they have is power,but this power is growing at a rate that should frighten us a ll.
It might be less frightening if computers were truly intelligent,but even the most powerful networks are less human than monstrous Martians (火星人).Their power will be used to make money for the firms that finance their development,and then for others quick and clever enough to take advantage of the new world.It is far more likely that they will increase inequality and still further remove the middle classes as we move towards an hourglass (以金钱来衡量的) society in which everyone is either very rich or very poor and likely indebted.
One of the ill effects of the spread of more intelligent computer networks is,at the same time,the spread of what might be called artificial stupidity.If AI is employed largely to replace unskilled labour,it is most productive when labour is kept unskilled or redefined that way.So much of the work in service industries is now simplified until it might be automated (自动化).And robots will never need pensions.AI is slowly reducing skilled work,like some forms of medical diagnosis,at the same time,as older doctors complain that the traditional human skills of diagnosis are falling out of medical training.The belief that everything worthwhile can be measured and then managed is far more damaging to humanity than the threat of artificial intelligence on its own.
But no victory in complicated Go games can bring us closer to truly human-like computers.
51.By mentioning the defeat of Lee Sedol,the author intends to tell us thatC.
A.computers can completely replace humans in everything
B.humans are of no practical economic values to the society
C.the power of computers is growing at a frightening rate
D.AI programs can not compare with humans economically 
52.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that the power of computers willD.
A.improve the quality of human life
B.promote equality at work places
C.make contributions to human development
D.widen the gap between the rich and the poor
53.What does"artificial stupidity"in Paragraph 3 mean?B
A.Unskilled workers become stupid.
B.AI discourages skilled work.
C.Computers don't need pensions.
D.AI is ruining medical training.
54.What is the author's attitude towards the future of artificial intelligence?C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.The students sometimescomplain(抱怨)to their teachers that the homework is too much for them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.The British new visa policy allows tourists to leave and return to the country without _____ paperwork again for two years.(  )

