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Robots make me nervous—especially the ones which seem to think for themselves. I was embarrassed to admit this till I heard that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, felt the same way.

Gates said in an interview with the social networking and news website Reddit: “I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence. First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent.That should be positive if we manage well. A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern.”

Well, maybe I don’t have to worry about my computer and kitchen equipment yet. After I use them I can always pull the plug. But in the future, machines might find a way to prevent us from switching them off. There’s a terrible thought!

Maybe the problem with computers too clever for us is not that they are evil like some we’ve seen in sci-fi movies. What could put us in danger is that they might be too efficient. That’s what philosopher Nick Bostrom from Oxford University believes. He says that machines are indifferent (漠然) to humans and in pursuit of their own goals,the destruction of people might be just additional damage. Bostrom gives us an example: A machine which might have as its only goal to produce as many paperclips as possible might look at human bodies as extra material for paperclips and go after you. Because it is, well, a machine, it would not take pity on you.

It’s a good thing that American writer Isaac Asimov thought about how far robots can go and left us his three rules of robotics. They state that a robot may not hurt a human being or allow the human being to come to harm.

I’m glad my machines at home are “dumb”. All my cleaner wants to take over is the carpet in my living room. Let’s hope they don’t create an appliance which wants to take over the world!.

1.The author quoted Bill Gates’ words in Paragraph 2 in order to make the text________.

A. better-known B. more persuasive

C. better-organized D. more interesting

2.An intelligent paperclip machine would harm us because _______.

A. it is much cleverer than us

B. it would take over the world

C. it would see us just as material

D. it has the strong feeling of destroying us

3.How does the author feel about Isaac Asimov’s rules of robotics?

A. Optimistic B. Sympathy

C. Disappointed D. Regretful

4.What does the text mainly focus on?

A. The benefits of future robots.

B. The new applications of robots.

C. The concern for super intelligence.

D. The popularity of robots in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆八中高三上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In the United States and several other countries , 2.5 million children play baseball in an organization called Little League . They play on teams in their hometowns . Their parents and other adults in the community coach or instruct them and serve as umpires(裁判员)to make sure that everyone follows the rules . Local businesses give money for the ball fields and the uniforms . Local teams compete against each other and the winners get to play teams that are more distant . Eventually , the top teams go to the Little League World Series .

One hundred years after Abner Doubleday invented baseball in Cooperstown , New York , in 1839 , Little League got started in Pennsylvania . Three men started the game for neighborhood boys with a smaller playing field and fewer innings(局)than adult baseball . Little League became popular after World War II when the game spread across the United States . By 1955 it was played throughout North America and within five years it had spread to Europe . Children’s baseball really caught on in Japan and Taiwan of China and teams from those areas won the World Series seven out of eight years . After this , the organization tried banning foreign teams from the World Series , but the ban came to an end after one year .

At first , Little League was only for boys aged nine to twelve . However , in 1974 , the parents of girl baseball players brought a law suit . The courts ruled that Little League had to include both boys and girls . Later Little League added on softball and other games for teenagers up to age eighteen . Occasionally , a Little Leaguer becomes a professional player . For example , Gary Carter went from Little League to play nineteen seasons in the Major Leagues , ten of them as an All-Star player . By and large , youngsters play baseball for fun , but their parents are pround of them .

1.The mothers and fathers of Little League players __________ .

A. travel with the children

B. help run the games

C. give the teams money

D. play in the World Series

2.When had Little League spread to Europe ?

A. By 1839 . B. By 1955 . C. By 1960 . D. By 1974 .

3. Most players take part in Little League __________ .

A. to enjoy the game

B. to become professionals

C. to play in All-Star games

D. to make their parents proud

4.What is TRUE about players today ?

A. Girl have to buy their suits .

B. Only boys can play in Little League .

C. Girls and boys can participate up to age 18 .

D. Foreign players are banned from the World Series .


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届东北师大附中高三第六次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most foodies (吃货) agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets and their dining out experience.

Open Table

Open Table helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. Open Table users can also make restaurant reservations directly through the app or website. Open Table gives userspoints when they make reservations. The points can add up to discounts on restaurant visits.

Cheese & Wine Pairing app

Wine and cheese can be a great combination. But which wines go best with which cheeses? Max McCalman’s cheese and wine app can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each. Max McCalman’s Cheese & Wine Pairing app is free for iPhone and iPad.

Calorific app

What does 200 calories look like? It can be hard to picture. Calorific provides images of 200 calories worth of food. The pictures can help people on a diet and those who just want to eat healthier. The app is free for iPad and iPhone. There is also a version that provides more information for a price.

HappyCow app

Vegetarians do not eat animal meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. The HappyCow app is made for both groups. Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world. A free version of HappyCow is available for Android that has ads and requires an Internet connection.

LocalEats app

Restaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals. The website and app LocalEats is designed for that. It lists locally owned restaurants so users can try foods from that area. The app costs about a dollar.

1.If people want to go on a diet, they need________.

A. Cheese & Wine Pairing app B. LocalEats app

C. Calorific app D. Open Table

2.Which of the following apps is NOT free for iPhone or Android?

A. HappyCow app.

B. LocalEats app.

C. Calorific app.

D. Cheese & Wine Pairing app.

3. What is the main purpose of this article?

A. To show the differences in food apps.

B. To advertise the best apps for iPhones.

C. To introduce some healthy eating habits.

D. To inform foodies of some useful apps.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东泰安一中高三5月高考拉练模拟(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


What can't be overlooked is that a mother's greatest gift is the smallest details of her child's life freely shared. Can you imagine that?

In the midst of my housework in the , I was surprised to find the front door was open. Julie, our oldest child, came in. She’d been married for three months. I was still trying to her living elsewhere. Much to my , Sometimes I even set her place at the table. Julie handed me a small bunch of daffodils (水仙花) and said, "Guess what!" as she opened the refrigerator to see what was inside. As I put the flowers in water, I answered , "What?"

She began telling me some small of her new life as she made a sandwich. We sat at the kitchen table, and I watched her eat, hanging on her every . It was a visit in fact Julie had to go to work. I thanked her for the flowers and for ; then I walked to the door with her and as she drove out of the driveway.

When coming back to the kitchen, I sat and looked at the daffodils. My daughter’s visit set me thinking a lot. It was as bright and as the early spring daffodils. Suddenly, I picked up the phone and my mother’s number. She lived a hundred miles away. When she , I said, "Guess what!"

"What?" she answered . Like Julie I didn’t have any big , just little details of the day. But I’d like to come to in the last hour how a small talk could be. Just before I hung up , my mother said, "You my day."

1. A. Study B. Kitchen C. bedroom D. balcony

2. A. get used to B. run out of C. put up with D. look up to

3.A. Gratitude B. Sadness C. Admiration D. excitement

4.A. Unfortunately B. Unwillingly C.Uninterestingly D. unconsciously

5.A. Confidently B. Frequently C. Happily D. patiently

6.A. Details B. Experiments C. Theories D. jokes

7.A. It B. Herself C. them D. him

8. A. Plan B. Hobby C. Word D. letter

9.A. Difficult B. practical C. Short D. boring

10.A. Unless B. While C. Though D. since

11.A. stopping by B. dropping out C. giving in D. getting across

12.A. Celebrated B. Waved C. Bothered D. searched

13. A. Clean B. Pure C. Mile D. dear

14.A. Dialed B. Copied C. Reserved D. obtained

15.A. Returned B. Complained C. Answered D. left

16.A. Peacefully B. Hopefully C. Generally D. formally

17. A. Achievements B. Customs C. News D. ambitions

18.A. Recommend B. Understand C. Explain D. declare

19. A. Precious B. Steady C. Familiar D. complex

20. A. Realize B. Treat C. Organize D. Make


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北衡水中学高三上期小二调考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







On a later summer evening, my father and I was walking happily home. We have just had a big meal in a restaurant near our home. As we were walking slowly down the street, I asked my father in a low voice, "What does the word 'drunk' mean?" "That's easily, boy," said my father. "Do you see these two policemen over there? If I look at them, I see four instead two, and I'm drunk. Understand?" Hearing at this, I pretended to be puzzled, and said, "My God, and there are six policemen over there. Can't you see?" My father looked at me in great surprised. "You are really drink, son."


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆市高三9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







Stress is a state of being upset that happen when we are under pressure. We students have all experienced stress over problems in our daily life, test results, or too many homework. Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn what to deal with it. When you are stressful, don’t forget your hobbies. If you are fond music, just turn on the radio. Generally, people think TV may interfere with their children’s studies. However, if you worry about that your English and don’t know what to do, you can get help from English TV programs. It is also help to share your worries to your friends. They will surely give you some advices and help you out of trouble. As long as we treat stress proper, we can relax ourselves and keep away from its bad effects.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆市高三9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Are you looking for something to do? You might like to try one of these four experiences.

Crocodile watching

Do you fancy getting up close to some of the most terrifying animals on earth? Crocosaurus Cove, in Darwin (Australia) has the “Cage of Death”. It’s an enclosure(围场) that’s lowered into a pool. This gives you a 360 degree view of a crocodile as it’s being fed. The cable broke once and the cage sank to the bottom, but they’ve fixed it since then.

Edge walk

How about walking along the edge of a building several hundred meters up in the air? If that sounds like fun, head off to the CN Tower in Toronto (Ontario, Canada). Built in 1976, the tower is 553.33 meters tall.

The Edge walk consists of a 20-30 minute stroll along a 1.5 meter wide platform that runs around the tower’s restaurant roof. During the walk, you’re encouraged to lean forwards as you look over Toronto’s skyline (轮廓线).

Plastic ball rolling

Do you fancy rolling down a hill in a plastic ball?

Plastic ball rolling is popular all over the world, but the place to give it a go is in Rotorua (New Zealand). Brother David and Andrew Akers came up with the idea in 1994. A typical orb (球) is about 3 meters in diameter, with an inner orb size of about 2 meters. There’s no brake or steering mechanism, but the inner layer of the plastic ball helps absorb the shock.

Volcano bungee jumping

If you’re looking for the adventure of a lifetime, how about going bungee jumping off a helicopter into the crater of a live volcano? As part of the jumping, a helicopter ride takes you to the Villarreal volcano, one of the most active in Chile. Once you’re at the drop zone, you leap off the helicopter and fall into the volcano. Finally, you enjoy the ride back to the airport flying at 130kph.

Attracted by the above? If so, please contact us. Only half price from March 22 to April 25th For more information, please click here.

1.According to the passage, there was an accident once when people _____.

A. jumped into the Villarreal volcano

B. walked along the platform of the CN Tower

C. rolled down a hill in a plastic ball in Rotorua

D. watched crocodiles in the “Cage of Death” in Darwin

2.Which of the following was first invented in New Zealand?

A. Edge walk. B. Crocodile watching.

C. Plastic ball rolling. D. Volcano bungee jumping.

3.It can be inferred that all the four experiences are ______.

A. interesting sports B. exciting and extreme

C. held on high places D. fit for middle to old people


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北石家庄一中高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As a boy, Sanders was much influenced by books about the sea, but by the age of fifteen he had decided to become a doctor rather than a sailor. His father was a doctor. So he was often with the doctors and got along very well with them. When he was fourteen, he was already hanging around the hospital where he was supposed to be helping to clean the medicine bottles, but was actually trying to listen to the doctors’ conversations with patients in the next room.

During the war Sanders served in the army as a surgeon(外科医生). “That was the happiest time of my life. I was dealing with real sufferers and on the whole making a success of my job.” In Rhodes he taught the country people simple facts about medicine. He saw himself as a life-saver. He had proved his skill to himself and had a firm belief that he could serve those who lived simply, and were dependent upon him. Thus, while in a position to tell them what to do he could feel he was serving them.

After the war, he married and set up a practice deep in the countryside, working under an old doctor who hated the sight of blood. This gave the younger man plenty of opportunities to go on working as a life-saver.

1.When he was a small boy, Sander was influenced by books about ________.

A. the hospitalB. the warC. the seaD. the countryside

2.At the age of 14, Sanders ________.

A. worked as a doctor in the hospital

B. got along well with the patients

C. was interested in talking with doctors and patients

D. helped to clean the medicine bottles in the hospital

3.When the war was over, he ________.

A. had the happiest time of his life

B. started to hate the sight of blood while working

C. served the countrymen under an old doctor

D. had few chances to be a “life-saver” because he was younger


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江牡丹江一中高三9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






One of my happiest childhood memories were having dinner with my parents and two sisters. As a result, found that we seldom had a chance to get together, then we decided we would set aside three evenings the week for a sit-down dinner. First we tried setting three fixed days for our experiment—Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. After a couple of week of trying this plan, almost everyone was unhappy. For a while, the kids began to resist the idea. They said they would rather to spend the time with their friends or take part in some activities. Gradual, though, they began to see these evenings together for a very different way. We laughed a lot and we discussed about each other’s problems. Since a few months, we all felt that we had been able to build much strong relationships with the family than we had before.

