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The iPhone, the iPad: each of Apple's products sounds cool and has become a fad(一时的风尚). Apple has cleverly taken advantage of the power of the letter “i” --and many other brands are following suit. The BBC's iPlayer--which allows Web users to watch TV programs on the Internet--used the title in 2008. A lovely bear--popular in the US and UK--that plays music and video is called “iTeddy”. A slimmed-down version(简装本) of London's Independent newspaper was started last week under the name “i”.
In general, single-letter prefixes(前缀) have been popular since the 1990s, when terms such as e-mail and e-commerce(电子商务) first came into use.
Most “I” products are targeted at(针对) young people and considering the major readers of Independent's “I”, it's no surprise that they've selected this fashionable name.
But it's hard to see what's so special about the letter “i”. Why not use “a”, “b”, or “c” instead? According to Tony Thorne, head of the Language Center at King's College, London, “i” works because its meaning has become ambiguous. When Apple uses “i”, no one knows whether it means Internet, information, individual or interactive, Thorne told BBC Magazines. “Even when Apple created the iPod, it seems it didn't have one clear definition(定义),” he says.
“However, thanks to Apple, the term is now connected with portability (轻便).” adds Thorne.
Clearly the letter “i” also agrees with the idea that the Western World is centered on the individual. Each person believes they have their own needs, and we love personalized products for this reason.
Along with “Google” and “blog”, readers of BBC Magazines voted “I” as one of the top 20 words that have come to define the last decade(十年).
But as history shows, people grow tired of fads. From the 1900s to 1990s, products with “2000” in their names became fashionable as the year was connected with all things advanced and modern. However, as we entered the new century, the fashion disappeared.
(1)We can infer that the Independent's "i" is designed at .
A.old readers
B.young readers
C.fashionable women
(2)The underlined word “ambiguous” means ““.
(3)Nowadays, the “i” term often reminds people of the products which are.
B.environmentally friendly
(4)The writer suggests that.
A.“i” products are often of high quality
B.iTeddy is alive bear
C.the letter “b” replaces letter “i” to name the products
D.the popularity of “i” products may not last long

(3)A细节理解题。根据第五段的However, thanks to Apple, the term is now associated with portability(轻便),可知带有i前缀的产品通常与轻便联系在一起。portable 轻便的; environmentally friendly环保的; advanced 先进的;recyclable可回收的。故选A项。
(4)D推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句But as history shows, people grow tired of ads以及后面的例子可推知作者认为带有i前缀的产品的盛行也维持不了太长的时间。故选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Tips for Confident Decision Making
Are you a good decision maker? Do you sit on the fence?If you'd like to be more content and confident with your decision making, then these four tips are just the things you need.
Do your “homework”
Make choices based on what is the most important to you.You may even want to speak to someone else who has been through this before. Then when you are ready, just decide.
You are in charge.
By blaming others you give your power away. Just believe you have made the right choice and take responsibility for the result. This will be a real encouragement to your self-confidence.

It's great to stick with your decisions. There are times however when you need to change your mind. Don't worry about making a wrong choice. The good thing about being wrong is that you will know where to correct yourself and when to take action.
You're going to make it.
Sometimes it is going to be hard to be persistent(坚持不懈). You know you are doing the right thing and it's just taking so much time, effort, money and energy. After making bold choice, remember you have a reason why.Say to yourself out loud “No matter how hard it is, I'm going to make it.”
Decision making takes courage and there are many things you can do to decide more confidently. So don't delay, you can start right now by deciding to make this new habit.
A. The more confident, the better decision.
B. This will mean you have to do a research and look at all theavailable options.
C. Whatever result you get, you can't blame others.
D. Confident decision making is of great significance.
E. Or are you constantly changing your mind?
F. It's OK to change your mind.
G. Remember you are taking yourself to the next level.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A rainforest is an area(cover) by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year. Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate.the forest cover, these areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere, (warm) the rest of the world. Losing the rainforests may also influence wind and rainfall patterns, potentially causing certain natural disasters all over the world.
In the past hundred years, humans (begin) destroying rainforests in search of three major resources: land for crops, wood for paper and other products, land for raising farm (animal). This action affects the environment as a whole. For example, a lot of carbon dioxide in the air comes from burning the rainforests. People(obvious) have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees, we will suffer much more than we will benefit.
Rainforests are often called the world's drug store. More than 25% of the medicines we use today come from plants in rainforests. However, fewer than 1% of rainforest plants have been examined for their (medicine) value. It is extremely likely our best chance to cure diseases (lie) somewhere in the world's shrinking rainforests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1). 营养均衡的膳食; 2). 经常参加体育锻炼; 3). 乐观的人生态度。
All of us want to live a healthy life. The following are some useful tips.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant 1 Miller King, who was the best 2 at our school.
Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for3.
Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from 4He looked very5, but he didn`t cry.
That season, I6 all of Miller's records while he7the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player,8 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller's 9.
One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 10going over a fence-which wasn't11 to climb if you had both arms. I'm sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 12 from. But even that challenge he accepted. I13him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally 14 on the other side, he said to me, ”You know, I didn't tell you this during the season, but you did 15.Thank you for filling in for16 .”
His words freed me from my bad 17.I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was 18 ahead of me. I was right to have 19 him. From that day on, I grew 20 and a little more real.
(1)A.staying with B.cheering for C.relying on D.beating out
(2)A.coach B.student C.teacher D.player
(3)A.practice B.show C.comfort D.pleasure
(4)A.school B.vacation C.hospital D.training
(5)A.pale B.calm C.relaxed D.ashamed
(6)A.held B.broke C.set D.tried
(7)A.reported B.judged C.organized D.watched
(8)A.and B.then C.but D.thus
(9)A.decision B.mistake C.accident D.sacrifice
(10)A.stuck B.hurt C.tried D.lost
(11)A.steady B.hard C.fun D.fit
(12)A.praise B.advice C.assistance D.apology
(13)A.let B.helped C.had D.noticed
(14)A.dropped B.ready C.trapped D.safe
(15)A.fine B.wrong C.quickly D.normally
(16)A.us B.yourself C.me D.them
(17)A.memories B.ideas C.attitudes D.dreams
(18)A.still B.also C.yet D.just
(19)A.challenged B.cured C.invited D.admired
(20)A.healthier B.bigger C.cleverer D.cooler


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Glacier Bay is one of the most famous parks in America, located in the state of Alaska. This park in the southeastern part of the state covers more than 1 million hectares of Alaskan wilderness. It includes mountains, glaciers (冰川), bays, and even rainforests. Glacier Bay supports hundreds of kinds of animals, including many species of birds, fish, bears, whales and sea lions.

As its name suggests, much of Glacier Bay National Park is covered by glaciers. A glacier is a large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope (斜坡) or valley, or over a wide area of land. Glaciers cover more than 5,000 square kilometers of the park.

Glacial ice has shaped the land over the last seven million years. The glaciers found in the park today are what remains from an ice advance known as the Little Ice Age. That period began about 4,000 years ago.

During the Little Ice Age, the cold weather caused the ice to grow and advance. That situation continued until about 1,700s, when the climate began to warm. The higher temperatures caused the ice to start melting. That melting led the huge glacier to separate into more than 1,000 different glaciers.

The extremely tall and jagged (参差不齐的) mountains seen in Glacier Bay National Park were formed by the ice advancing and then melting over time. The melting of the ice also created water that filled in and created the many fjords (峡湾) within the park. Fjords are narrow parts of the ocean that sit between cliffs or mountains.

The huge amount of water from the melted ice killed off many kinds of plants. Vegetation returned to the area over the next 200 years. The regrowth in plants also brought back many animals to the land. This return of life to Glacier Bay is why it is sometimes called “a land reborn” by people.

1What is mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. The function of Glacier Bay.

B. The climate of Glacier Bay.

C. The area of Alaskan wilderness.

D. The number of animals in Glacier Bay.

2What happened to Glacier Bay during the Little Ice Age?

A. Many slopes or valleys came into being.

B. The glaciers grew and advanced.

C. Different glaciers became a whole one.

D. The fjords became narrow.

3What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. How the water killed off the plants.

B. When vegetation returned to Glacier Bay.

C. What the relationship between plants and animals is.

D. Why Glacier Bay is sometimes called “a land reborn”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree, with honors, in English literature had not (real) prepared me for anything practical. I knew I felt like (make) a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea to do that. That's when I learned about the Lighthouse Project.
I started my journey a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work,that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time. In short, I did not take my (decide) to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. did my family.
Eventually, however, I (win) the support of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for the application. After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I finally received a call(ask) me to report for the duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria. Where? What? Nigeria? I had no idea. But I was about to find out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We spend so much time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, and searching for that special love. Unfortunately, that's not usually how life works. Loving yourself is mainly having self-respect, which is the only dependable way to create love in your own life, so you can share it with others. To be able to be loved, you must love and respect yourself as much as you do others. By doing so, you are enabling positive energy and allowing for great situation to occur in your life.
Bringing joy to other people's lives will help you find joy in your own. In addition, those who you treat well will likely repay you with the same kindness. Gradually, you will start to feel your worth through the smiles of gratitude. However, don't just be very kind to people so you can receive royal treatment.
Don't punish yourself for something you have done in the past. Instead, look at the mistake as a learning experience. Say to yourself now, “I forgive myself for..." Go to look in a mirror, and say it out loud to yourself. Look at yourself right in the eyes, and speak forgiveness like you mean it. If you do, laugh out loud, realizing that was then and this is now. Every day is a new beginning.
We all want a nice house, nice things, and someone to share our life with. Find your true wants objectively. Are you eager for power, a religion, or simply a motive? Sometimes, it's easier to hide the truth from yourself, but figuring out what you really want will help you know yourself better. This will hopefully aid you in answering important questions you often ask yourself.
Write about your experiences, good and bad. When you write down good experiences, allow yourself to feel those feelings. When you remember bad experiences, allow yourself to feel self-compassion(自我同情). Compassion is not self-pity, but rather a willingness to accept one's own pain and regret. Compassion allows us to be present with our pain, so we can acknowledge it and let it go.
(1)What can we conclude from the passage?
A.We must show great respect for others.
B.We should love ourselves in order to get love.
C.We should overcome any difficulty.
D.We must have mercy on everyone.
(2)According to the passage, most people
A.have a dependable way to create love in their lives
B.keep their self-respect hidden in their hearts
C.are longing to get love from family or friends
D.are waiting for chances to give love to others
(3)When you realize you have made a mistake, .
A.you should blame yourself for what you have done
B.you should find a way to bring joy to others.
C.you should face a mirror for a long time.
D.you should learn a lesson from your mistake.
(4)What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To show how smartly he can love himself.
B.To give advice on how to love ourselves.
C.To warn us not to be lost in self-pity.
D.To express a special love for the readers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mom and Dad went back home from vacation a day earlier as expected,and they couldn't wait to surprise their two sons.However,what disappointed them greatly was that the house was in total(完全的)mess,with dirty dishes in the sink and garbages lying everywhere. What was worse, their dog Spot looked like he was starving.Mom and Dad were sure Daniel,which had been left in charge of the house,was to blame.Before Daniel can explain,Dad shouted angry at him.He said that such behavior should not be tolerated,but Mom added that Daniel could not be trust.Daniel felt so upset that he ran into his room.“Why didn't they ask me what had happened? Didn't I deserve a chance to defend for myself?I hate them!”Daniel thought to herself.

