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Dear Mr Zhang,
    I am Li Hua,a student from Class l,Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because
    Looking forward to your early replay.
    Yours sincerely
    Li Hua.

分析 高分句型一:
  If I am lucky enough to have the chance,I hope to live in a family that are friendly to me and are willing to take me to visit around often.如果我很幸运的拥有了这次机会,我希望我能住在一个对我友好并且乐意带我到附近熟悉地方的家庭.
I would appreciate it if you could help me achieve my dream.如果您能帮我实现梦想,我将非常感激.
句型一family that are friendly to me and are willing to take me to visit around often.该句是一个由that引导的定语从句,that在句中充当主语,替代前面出现的先行词family
句型二 I would appreciate it if you could help…该句的重点是使用了it 位于appreciate后,充当形式宾语,真正的宾语由if引导的条件状语从句充当.

解答 Dear Mr Zhang,
   I'm Li Hua,a student from Class 1,Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because I think it a good opportunity for me to improve my English and I can also learn more about British history and its culture.
   I have many hobbies,for example,Iike surfing the internet and doing sports.My favorite sport is basketball and I often play it on weekends.Besides,I am good at drawing and I like listening to music.(自我介绍)
   If I am lucky enough to have the chance,I hope to live in a family that are friendly to me and are willing to take me to visit around often.(高分句型一)I am sure I can get along well with my host family.I would appreciate it if you could help me achieve my dream.(高分句型二)(提出感谢)
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours Sincerely
 Li Hua

点评 该书面表达为提纲类,该类作文规定了考生的写作思路.考生在写作时应注意结合主题,用准确的、简洁明了的语言将作文阐述清楚.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.In trying to ______ a wider audience,the media usually pay much attention to the private lives of public figures.(  )
A.add toB.appeal toC.figure outD.fall for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.It was Christmas Eve 1881.I was 15years old and feeling like the world was(21)Afor me because there hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle (长枪)that I'd wanted that year.
Pa came back in and there was ice in his beard."Come on,Matt,"Pa said."Dress warmly.It's cold outside.We're going to Widow Jensen's.They are(22)C wood."Widow Jensen lived about two miles down the road.Her husband had died a year or so before and(23)D her with three children,the oldest being eight.
I(24)Dwent out with Pa and we(25)C the sled (雪橇)high with wood.(26)Bwe went to the store and Pa took down a big ham,some bacon,a sack of flour and some shoes,which were put into a smaller sack.We rode the two miles to Widow Jensen's in(27)A.I tried to think through what Pa was doing.I knew we didn't have much money and Widow Jensen had(28)D neighbors than us.It shouldn't have been our(29)B.
Widow Jensen opened the door and let us in.She had a blanket wrapped around her(30)A.
The children were wrapped in(31)Cand were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire that (32)Bgave off any heat at all."We brought you a few things,Ma'am,"Pa said and set down the sack of flour.I put the meat on the table.Then Pa handed her the sack that had the shoes in it.
She(33)D and took the shoes out one pair at a time.I watched her carefully.She bit her lower lip to keep it from(34)A and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her cheeks.She looked up at Pa like she wanted to say something,(35)Dit wouldn't come out."We brought a load of wood too,Ma'am,"Pa said.Then he turned to me and said,"Matt,go bring some in."
I wasn't the(36)Cperson when I went back out to bring in the wood.I choked and as much as I hate to(37)Bit,there were tears in my eyes too.In my mind I kept(38)A those three kids huddled (捲缩)around the fireplace and their mother standing there with tears running down her cheeks with so much (39)B in her heart that she couldn't speak.Just then the rifle seemed very (40)C.Pa had given me the best Christmas of my life.

22.A.in betweenB.forC.out ofD.behind
31.A.oneB.the restC.anotherD.the other


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Last term,our school offered optional courses  for the students in Senior 2.Last term,our school offered optional course for the students in Senior 2.At the beginning of the term,our
teacher introduced several courses to us,including Music Appreciation,Advanced Math,Western Art,and etc.We selected the courses started.We went into different classrooms to begin our study.During the lessons,some of us enjoyed beautiful music,while others learned amazing knowledge in math.(介绍课堂)Everyone gained what they couldn't get in the regular lessons.(高分句型一)Thanks to the optional courses,we had the opportunities to learn what we were really interested in.(高分句型二)(课程作用).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.From a small warehouse in North Salt Lake City,Utah,a little-known company called Go Natural CNG is about to release a new home refueling system after more than two years of research.
The system,backed by technology giant Parker Hannifin Corp,will fill up quicker than some models-about one gallon an hour-and last up to 20 years,according to Go Natural CNG Chief Executive Lucas Kjar.The unit,expected by the end of the year,will use hydraulic technology to compress (压缩) the gas for vehicle use,he said.He did not say how much the unit would cost.
But Go Natural may have a lot of competition.General Electric,Whirlpool and Eaton are all working on home refueling technologies expected to be launched in the next couple of years.
General Electric,which received 1.8 million from the government to develop its system,aims to release a unit that will cool natural gas to minus 50 degrees Celsius to extract(提取)water an dother contaminates before refueling.GE aims to sell the unit at 500,about a tenth of the cost of current models.
General Electric said it was in the development phase and declined to comment on the program's progress.
Honda,which makes the natural gas-fired Honda Civic GX,has contacted GE and Whirlpool to discuss their plans,according to Elmer Hardy,Honda's senior manager of alternative fuel vehicles.
Eaton,which received 3.4millionfromthegovernmenttodevelopthetechnology,isworkingonaunitatitslabsinSouthfield,Michigan,thatwoulduseliquidstocompressthegasinsteadofthetraditionalmetalpistons(活塞).Itaimstomakeaunitavailablefor500 by 2015.
"We are seeing if we can do it in a way that reduces the price point,"said Clark Fortune,who leads the program at Eaton."The adoption will improve if the costs come down."
46.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?C
A.To encourage car owners to use natural gas.
B.To advertise some technology companies.
C.To introduce a new home refueling system.
D.To present some ways of saving energy.
47.Which company may be the first to release the new refueling system?D
A.Eaton            B.General Electric         C.Whirlpool            D.Go Natural
48.Which of the following is true of the system to be launched by Go Natural?A.It can be bought at $5oo now.
B.It has got into market this year.
C.It can be used for twenty years.
D.It is financed by Honda.
49.What is the government's attitude to the new home refueling system?D
A.Doubtful     B.Cautious          C.Negative         D.Supportive
50.What may prevent the system from being widely accepted according to Clark Fortune?B
A.Its refueling speed
B.Its present price.
C.Its compressing technique
D.Its appearance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.I left baseball,not for physical reasons but because it was my season for change.So I decided to walk away and once I did,like the vast majority of players,I was lost.It would be the first time since I learned to swing a bat that I would spend an entire summer without ever putting on a uniform.Once you leaves the pitch it's no longer you against that fastball,it is you against yourself.
So you swim around trying to figure out what young,retired baseball players do with their lives.For me,the moment was completely without the guiding wisdom of my father,who could communicate with me with just a nod of his head,but he passed away two years ago.
Since my retirement,I have searched for the next passion.It is a discouraging journey,and many players never find that next love,even though they kept looking.
Of course my father could never be replaced.His passion was writing.He left behind a body of poetry that guides me now.
I didn't stay lost forever.I found something that I wasn't looking for:a voice through writing.Writing introduced me to people who were otherwise strangers and made them guests at my table.Only later did I understand that this would be a bridge to understanding my father in another way.A way that led me to connect to a passion I didn't realize we both shared.
After my first book was published,I realized that writing was passion and even therapy(疗法),but now I also thought that maybe I'd found my next profession.
Thankfully,I always knew my father was proud of me.But despite living the dream of so many Americans and reaching its highest level,I have no doubt that he would be even prouder of what I am doing with my words.Words that I can leave for my son to read one day.
53.Why couldn't his father offer him any help at the moment?A
A.Because his father had been dead for two years.
B.Because his father was busy writing poems.
C.Because his father was away on business.
D.Because his father had a head injury two years ago.
54.How did the author get over the most difficult time in life?D
A.By swimming the entire summer.
B.By communicating with his father face to face.
C.By turning to his friend for help.
D.By reading his father's works and writing his own.
55.According to the passage,the author was most likely to become aB.
A.reporter          B.writer            C.coach           D.player
56.The author picked up writing as a career mainly becauseC.
A.he couldn't find any other job after he left baseball
B.his father asked him to continue his lifelong hobby
C.writing was another way to understand his father
D.it could help him to make a more comfortable life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Despite great affection for their parents,many Chinese people remain"too shy"to express love for them,according to the survey.
The poll of around 6,000 people,conducted by Beijing-based recruitment website Zhaopin.com,was conducted as the nation gears up for Mother's Day on Sunday.
Although 74.6 percent of participants said they knew their mothers'birthday,only 25.5percent would like to tell her"I love you".
"This figure suggests mothers occupy an important place in most participants'mind.Yet,many people still find it'embarrassing'to express their affection,"the survey's organizer said.
As to the form of celebration on Mother's Day,67percent of participants said they would prepare some gifts,with 70percent saying that they would spend no more than 500yuan,while 51percent said they planned to phone their mother because they would either too busy at work or be away from home.
"I do love my mother deeply but I have never said'I love you'that often.It just feels quite weird for me to say it to her in person,"said Stella Wang,a 27-year-old offiice worker,noting that she prefers to express her feelings in writing in birthday or Christmas cards.
"I have to say that it's difficult for me to express my love for my mother.I think if I did say it out,it might confuse her,"said Liao Hao,a 32-year-old engineer.
"Very few Chinese,at least those I know,are used to saying'I love you'…they may never say it once,"said Mike Denver,an American working in Shanghai as an English teacher.
Hu Shaojun,a sociology professor from Shanghai's Fudan University said,"The personality of the Chinese people is generally quiet,reserved and serious.For Chinese it's unnecessary and even regarded as'odd'to display their affection for relatives and friends."

61.The purpose of conducting the poll is toA.
A.find out how the Chinese will express their love to parents.
B.make preparations for Mother's Day.
C.survey how many people will say"I love you".
D.survey what the Chinese will do on Mother's Day.
62.According to the passage,how many participants will say"I love you"to parents?
A.About 2,300        B.Around 1,350
C.About 4,200        D.About 1,530
63.The underlined word"weird"can be best replaced byB.
A.shy                B.fantastic
C.impossible         D.unnecessary
64.According to the passage,the Chinese are unwilling to say"I love you"to parents becauseD.
A.they have no affection for their parents.
B.they are far away from their parents.
C.they are afraid of confusing their parents.
D.the personality of the Chinese people makes them not do it.
65.According to the surveyC is not the way to celebrate the Mother's Day.
A.Sending gifts to the mother   B.Giving a call to the mother.
C.Writing a birthday email.    D.Buying a beautiful coat for the mother.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Any kind of pollution will do ________ to our health.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.If your password is not ______,you can't withdraw money from your account.(  )

