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            There were rumors (传闻) on the Internet on Thursday that Teen Voguey started in 2003,would be stopped. Vogue, however, announced on Thursday afternoon in a statement that it would absorb Teen Vogue only from the business side,with the editorial side of Teen Vogue remaining complete as of now.

            The younger magazine has become the most read magazine for both teenage and adult fashion lovers alike over its 13-year run. It has recently received high praise for featuring three models of color on its August 2015 cover.

            Teen Vogue will continue to roll out on digital platforms,in its monthly print form and on social media,according to a spokesperson for the magazine. A statement released by Vogue announces Jason Wagenheim,a publisher of the magazine,is leaving,and the teams at Vogue and Teen Vogue will be marketed together. Teen Vogue will continue to operate independently,and have its unique voice.

            The news came in a hopeless year for fashion magazines at parent company Conde Nast. The publisher announced back,in August,2015 that Lucky Magazine would be removed before finally closing the brand completely in Noyember,2015. Last week Conde-owned GQ (a monthly fashion magazine for men) reportedly suffered a round of lay-offs(裁员) in an effort to focus,more on digital,with another rumor that Glamour (a weekly fashion magazine for women) may soon face staff or budget cuts as well.

            Teen Vogue has long been considered a survivor in the teen magazine landscape. As The New York Times noted in 2013,the year the magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary, “It has outlasted(比…持续时间长) YM, Elle Girl,Teen People,Cosmo Girl!and Teen.”

           However,like many other print magazines,The New York Times also reported that the magazine had seen a drop in sale of “half of what they were when,the magazine began”. Only time can tell what will come next for the magazine,but for now,it lives to see another day.

13. What did the rumors mainly say about Teen Vogue?

   A. Its editorial side would be changed.

   B. It would be stopped from coming out.

   C. It attracted more adults than teenagers.

   D. Vogue would absorb it from the business side.

14. What has been changed about Teen Vogue according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Its marketing. B. Its unique voice.

   C. Its digital platforms. D. Its monthly print form.

15. Paragraph 4  mainly shows that fashion magazines.

   A. received high praise

   B. had quite a terrible year

   C. were popular on the Internet

   D. competed against each other

16. According to The New York Times,Teen Vogue .

   A. faced staff or budget cuts

   B. didn’t  sell as well as it began

   C. had a shorter histwy than Teen

   D. celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003

13. B 14. A 15. B 16. B


网上传闻及Teen Vogue從将被停刊,而事实上它除了市场营销和阶gwe合二为一外,其他的照旧。

13. B. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的There were rumors on the Internet on Thursday that Teen Vogue,started in 2003.would be stopped 可知,网上传闻Teen Vogue将被停刊。

14. A. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的the teams at Vogue and will be marketed together 可知,Teen Vogue除了市场营销和Vogue合二为一外, 其他的都不变。

15. B. 推理判断题。根据第四段中的The news came in a hopeless year for fashion magazines 以及后面所列举的例子可知,时尚杂志在这一年处境艰难。

16. B. 细节理解题。根据末段中的Times also reported that the magazine had seen a drop in sale of “half of what they were when the magazine began”可知,Teen Vogue的销量没有最初的大。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第37期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        The next (绣球花) you grow could really save your life. A biologist at Colorado State University has taught plant proteins how to spot exp/osfves1 (炸药) . 

        Picture this at an airport: A terrorist rolls through the sliding doors of a station with a bomb packed into his luggage. All of a sudden,the leafy,green hydrangea ringing the gates goes white 往s a sheet. That's  the proteins inside the plants telling the authorities that they* ve picked up the chemical trace of the terrorist's  explosive.

       “Plants can't run and hide,” says June Medford,the biologist who's spent the last seven years figuring out how to get the plant to fight against terrorism. “If an insect comes by,it has to respond to it. And it already has its own particular way to respond.”

        That would be the “receptor (受体)” proteins in its DNA. which respond naturally to threats. If an insect chews on a leaf,for instance,the plant releases a series of chemical signals called terpenoids,Medford says,that thickens the surface of the leaf in defense.

         Medford and her team designed a computer model to direct the receptors: Basically,the computer program instructs the protein to react when it comes in contact with chemicals found in explosives or common air or water pollutants.

Right now,Medford's  labs have genetically designed plants going white when they come into contact with explosives. But that's in a research lab,where the amount of light is constant.

Medford says her goal is to get her plants as sensitive as a dog's nose. But there is one big problem: Medford probably thinks it's   not easy to get the plants to react to ammonium nitrate,a common chemical used for home-made bombs.

9. If the hydrangea discovers explosives,it will .

   A. change color              B. produce flowers

   C. make its leaves thinner   D. give off a special smell

10. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to.

   A. the explosive     B. the plant

   C. the insect        D. the terrorist

11. What do we learn about Medford's  technology?

   A. It will come into use in two years.

   B. It has been studied for seven years.

   G. It is chiefly based on medical science.

   D. It can help spot ammonium nitrate easily.

12. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Fight against terrorism in your garden

   B. Plants know how to respond to threats

   C. Biologist develops bomb-spotting plants

   D. Plant proteins hav^ been used to attract insects


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


         Hip-hop music doesn’t typically remind us of the description “kid-friendly”. But Syracuse musicians Samar Moseley and Tyrone Jackson have found inspiration in their work as bus drivers for the Syracuse City School District. While other performers may rap about street violence or ill-gotten riches,this pair — known as 1306 — apply catchy beats to cautionary raps on bus safety and working toward graduation.

         Last year,1306 put out a three-song record,Mr. Bus Driver,with positive raps on school-related issues. They also performed at city schools. In an interview,Moseley said that he thought 1306 could find a sizable market for its positive messages. Moseley is the songwriter while Jackson handles the beats and engineering. The pair,who started driving buses in 2011,are enthusiastic about what the foture holds.

         They met during their bus driver training. The name 1306 came from Moseley's Bus Route 13 and Jackson's Bus Route 06. The concept behind that is going down a new journey and taking a new route to success. The first songs they did were club songs. One day,they both had a bad day on the bus,so they started talking about what happened and came up with the Mr. Bus Driver song.

        “Driving a school bus isn’t  an easy job. You have to let kids on the bus know that there are rules they should follow. The best way to teach something is to make it constructive and fun. Kids can learn the rules and have fun singing songs and dancing. It's a good feeling,” Jackson said. .

        Their CDs have now become popular in other states. In Minneapolis,people play them in day care centers. After more than a year,1306 is still the only thing the kids in the centers want to listen to.

9. What makes 1306 different from other rappers?

   A. Their club songs.

   B. Their sunny smiles.

   C. Their special experiences.

   D. The themes of their songs.

10. Why did Moseley and Jackson choose the name 1306?

   A. It was their new bus route number.

   B. It combined their bus route numbers.

   C. It reminded them of their bad days.

   D. It is the combination of their birthday dates.

11. What's the purpose of 1306’s songs according to Jackson?

   A. To comfort bored drivers.

   B. To make kids learn music.

   C. To teach people how to drive.

   D. To help,kids behave themselves.

12. How is the last paragraph developed?

   A. By time.       B. By contrast.

   C. By example.    D. By space.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

          I love reading very much. My elder cousin Susan is 21 (interest) in reading,too. We often borrow books from each other. One day last month while I 22 (look) around in her study,I w^s drawn to a book called The Wedding Dress. It was written by Rachel Hauck. Before opening it,I didnt know 23 it was good or not. However,I 24 (attract) to it after I read a few pages. What a treat I found inside!

          In The Wedding Dress there are several characters,but the main one is a wedding dress. We follow it 25 when it was created for a young bride in Birmingham in 1912 to the next owner in 1939 and then to another bride in 1968. Each one of the brides has 26 story that the current owner of the dress,Charlotte,attempts 27 (discover) . Besides being woven with pearls and delicate details,the dress is fitted together with faith and courage 28 seem to be passed on to each young lady who wears it.

This is 29 (certain) a great book for young girls who love reading love stories. Don’t miss it if you love reading 30 (romance) love stories.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



         Reading is important for children to grow up. If you want touching or funny or unusual or classic picture books,there are some books to excite your interest.

The Day the Crayons Came Home 

by Drew Daywalt,illustrated by Oliver Jeffers 

        Duncan has some interesting crayons. Mine just sit there until I use them to color things. Duncan's crayons,however,get fed up and leave home or take adventures. They* re anything but dull. If your child loved The Day the Crayons Quit,this newest colorful adventure should be at the top of your reading list.

Little Red Gliding Hood 

by Tara Lazar,illustrated by Troy Cummings 

        The newest take on Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale full of fun. Little Red needs a new pair of ice skates,but the only way to get them is to win a competition. With most of the fictional characters having partners,she may need to team up with someone unexpected.

Finding Winnie 

by Lindsay Mattick,illustrated by Sophie Blackall 

         Most of us are familiar with Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear,but few people realize that Pooh grew out of the imagination of A. A. Milne who was a playwright and was inspired to write stories for his son Christopher Robin. In 1914,a vet named Harry Coleboum rescued a baby bear,took it to war with him,and later brought him back to England and then to the London Zoo where the bear met the real Christopher Robin. The rest,as they say,is history.

Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova 

by Laurel Snyder,illustrated by Julie Morstaa 

Aspiring dancers will be fascinated by both the story and artwork of Swan. The story captures a small girl's enchantment(着迷) with ballet and her rise to become one of the world's most respected woman dancer in ballet.

13.Which of the following books is illustrated by Troy Cummings?

   A. Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova.

   B. The Day the Crayons Came Home.

   C. Little Red Gliding Hood.

   D. Finding Winnie.

14. The book Finding Winnie tells the story of.

   A. a little girl   B. a baby bear

   C. some swans      D. A.A. Milne 

15. Who wrote the book about a ballet dancer?

   A. Lindsay Mattick.  B. Drew Daywalt.

   C. Laurel Snyder.    D. Tara Lazar.

16. The main purpose of the text is to .

   A. introduce four picture books

   B. inspire us to write a picture book

   C. encourage children to buy the picture books

   D. tell us the importance of reading picture books


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

           I ran to the basement of my home after a long day at school. “Bang!Slam!Kick!” These are the 21 that quickly became part of my everyday life as I beat the drums. After spending long,hard,countless days working at 22 I need a way to get rid of all that. 23 . Playing the drums is the only way I can 24 that. It just relieves all of my stress.

           Ever since I was a young boy,I've been brought up in 25 . My dad had been playing the drums since he was ten,and he 26 me how to play them when I was nine,and drilled me so that I could get 27 . “Left,left,right,right,left,left,righi,right. ” I 28 this over and over. Music was a(n) 29 part of my life when I grew up,but later on in the summer of my eighth grade year something 30 . My dad moved out,and I wouldn' t  be getting much 31 from him anymore. I sat in the basement that afternoon,thinking about how I would never get 32 at drums. .Then I realized I had to do it 33 . My passion for music just rose extremely quickly and I began to not

only like playing music but 34 it. I began practicing at least an hour a day,sometimes even more,and I would keep this 35 every day so that my 36 would increase. I wanted to be great.

            Now,37 alternative rock,I can start playing jazz,Latin and many other 38 and graoves (音乐节奏),This 39 has taught me that drumming is very time-consuming,40 it is everything I love. I still practice every day and hope to become a great musician in the future.

21. A. messages   B. marks  A. sounds   D. signals

22. A. office   B. school   C. hospital   D. home

23. A. regrets   B. complaints  C. danger   D. stress

24. A. do   B. remember   C. prove   D. understand

25. A. literature   B. music   C. opera   D. sports

26. A. taught   B. reminded  C. reported   D. asked

27. A. braver   B. taller  C. healthier   D. better

28. A. turned   B. guessed  C. practiced   D. wrote

29. A. strange   B. difficult  C. private   D. important

30. A. decreased   B. failed   C. changed   D. left

31. A. instruction   B. friendship  C. cooperation   D. challenge

32. A. serious   B. good   C. confused   D. mad

33. A. on my own   B. one by one  C. in a hurry   D. right away

34. A. record   B. improve   C. create   D. love

35. A. mind   B. trend   C. pattern   D. standard

36. A. power   B. knowledge  C. salaries   D. skills

37. A. like   B. through   C. besides   D. regarding

38. A. types   B. games  C. brands   D. instruments

39. A. experience   B. relationship   C. course   D. job

40. A. so   B. but  C. if. D. unless


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

            After I entered high school,I found most girl in my school were from rich families,They were dressed up beautiful clothes. I thought how one was dressed meant everything. I didnt have much beautiful clothes. In order not to be laughing at by others,I asked my mother buy new clothes for me. I remember one time I even cried when my mother refused to buy a new dress for her. So as time went by,I stopped compare myself with other girls in my school.Instead,I focus more on my studies. Now I think I really made up the right decision.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

69. I tried to clean the watch,but only (succeed) in breaking it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. We’re going to the theater this evening. (Would / Could) you be interested in coming?

