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Pushing children too hard is a really big social problem that seems to be getting worse.Now we have 6-month-olds in music classes and swimming classes.Parents fear that if other children are attending these classes,they will be holding their own children back if they do not enroll,too.

    The other extreme,simply taking a laissez-faire approach and letting children do—or refuse to do—whatever they want,is not the answer either,of course.

    Dr Taylor emphasizes that parents need to push their children based on what is best for the children,not what is best for themselves.If children understand that an activity is in their best interests,then they will accept it, he finds.

    Dr Taylor and other family experts remain pessimistic about the possibilities for widespread social change.“The force of our popular culture,driven by money and superficial(表面上的) values,cannot be resisted,” he says.But change can take place at a“micro-level,” in families and schools.

    When changes do occur,the rewards can benefit everyone in the family.One mother supporting this new approach toward parenting mentions the advantages her family experienced after her children cut back on activities.“The biggest thing is that since we have done this,we are rested,” she says.“Not only are our kids rested,because they're not in a ton of stuff, but my husband and I are rested,because we're not driving them everywhere.We weren’t living in the moment when we were always busy.We were living by the schedule.The return on our investment of spending time together has been enormous.”

49.One of the reasons why parents push children so hard is that they________.

A.believe in early development in children  

B.are too busy to take care of their children  

C.don't want their children to lag behind    

D.want to repeat what their parents did to them

50.The phrase“a laissez-faire approach”(in Line 1,Paragraph 2)most probably refers to______.

A.denying them what they need         

B.controlling children in a flexible way  

C.developing a keen interest in children    

D.letting children do whatever they want

51.The best way to encourage children to work hard is___________.

A.to make them believe it’s in their best interests

B.to consider the matter from parents' standpoint  

C.to emphasize the importance of hard work from time to time  

D.to make it interesting and enjoyable to them

52.The new approach toward parenting mentioned in the passage most likely refers to _______.

A.relieving children’s hard work and unnecessary activity  

B.resisting the superficial values of pop culture  

C.reducing more activity off their school schedule  

D.spending more time with their children


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届内蒙古高一下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s    36    as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old woman who lived    37  .

When she came home she sensed    38   unusual. Had someone got in? The back door and the    39   were all locked and there was no sign of forced entry ( 进入). Had anything been     40  ? She went from room to room, checking, and found her camera and watch     41    .

The following Thursday she went out at her    42    time, but she didn’t go to the club.     43   , she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home,     44   herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would    45  .

It was 4 o’clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making tea at the time. The bell rang again, and    46   she heard her letter-box being pushed open.    47   the kettle(壶)of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a    48   . The wire turned and caught around the knob (圆型旋包钮) on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and    49 _ the water over the hand.    50 __ was heard outside as the    51    fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was    52   by the sound of running feet.

It wasn’t long    53  the police caught the thief. And Mrs. Clarke was greatly    54   at the club for her successful     55  .

1.                A.organization     B.party           C.movement D.club


2.                A.lonely          B.alone          C.away D.busily


3.                A.everything      B.nothing         C.something D.anything


4.                A.windows        B.rooms          C.doors    D.gates


5.                A.found          B.opened         C.taken D.broken


6.                A.losing          B.missing         C.leaving   D.disappearing


7.                A.same          B.spare          C.special   D.usual


8.                A.Therefore       B.However        C.Instead   D.Again


9.                A.pushing        B.letting          C.pulling   D.leading


10.               A.appear         B.follow          C.happen   D.continue


11.               A.the next moment B.for a while      C.in time    D.at once


12.               A.Putting down    B.Laying aside     C.Picking up D.Taking away


13.               A.knife          B.hand           C.letter D.key


14.               A.spread         B.dropped        C.poured    D.covered


15.               A.A sad voice      B.A sharp cry      C.A warning shout D.A strange noise


16.               A.key            B.kettle          C.door-lock  D.wire


17.               A.followed        B.caused         C.produced  D.ended


18.               A.before         B.since          C.until  D.when


19.               A.surprised       B.admired        C.inspired   D.supported


20.               A.self-satisfaction  B.self-protection   C.self-respect    D.self-service




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省灵宝市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The three superstars were arriving at the airport and a large crowd of young people had already gathered there to welcome them.The police found it  36  to keep order after the plane landed and the performers 37 .They smiled and waved cheerfully at everybody.Dressed in the same pink shirts and light blue trousers, with long hair and musical instruments over their shoulders, they all looked   38 

Although there were many policemen   39 , the Blare were not able to get to their waiting car _40__ at all. Word spread that they had composed a new song which would be _41  when they performed at the concert that evening.They were now 42 _ with loud cries of " Play your new song! Play your new song!"

When the stars prepared to sing as the   43  for getting away, even the policemen looked   44 , too. The fans settled down and listened to the first  45 _ of the new song.Once it was over, everyone started jumping, clapping and shouting _46 . Several young women even fainted(昏倒) with excitement and were carried away immediately by the   47  standing by. The fans were greedy for more,   48  a repeat performance.Once again, the performers had no choice but to   49  , but when they were asked for still another song, they cheerfully but firmly refused.Closely 50  by the policemen, they walked towards their car some distance  51  . The fans pushed forward, but the policemen, _ 52  arm, prevented anyone getting trough. It took the stars quite a long time to reach their   53  !

Finally, however, they all got in and were just about to leave when a young woman, who had somehow  54  to get past the policemen, jumped onto the roof of the car.She shouted loudly and crazily as two policemen dragged her away and the car started to move very slowly through the   55  crowd.She had just wanted to have a photo taken with the stars !

1.                A.dangerous      B.terrible         C.impossible D.difficult


2.                A.arrived         B.appeared       C.left  D.settled


3.                A.famous         B.nervous        C.alike D.special


4.                A.present        B.enough         C.available  D.serious


5.                A.successfully     B.completely      C.easily D.directly


6.                A.heard          B.broadcast       C.received  D.tried


7.                A.covered        B.greeted         C.crowded  D.called


8.                A.way           B.excuse         C.gift  D.price


9.                A.pleased        B.surprised       C.puzzled   D.worried


10.               A.scene          B.part           C.sound D.performance


11.               A.loudly          B.madly          C.strangely  D.proudly


12.               A.doctors        B.fans           C.policemen D.workers


13.               A.signing         B.enjoying        C.suggesting D.demanding


14.               A.give cut        B.give away       C.give in D.give up


15.               A.surrounded     B.followed        C.watched   D.supported


16.               A.out            B.away           C.apart D.off


17.               A.stood          B.fought         C.protected  D.locked


18.               A.car            B.theatre         C.hotel D.group


19.               A.attempted      B.managed       C.started    D.rushed


20.               A.shouting        B.crying          C.cheering  D.pushing




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 It’s 5:00 in the morning when the alarm (闹钟) rings in my ears. I roll out of bed and walk blindly through the dark into the bathroom. I turn on the light and put on my glasses. The house is still as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully. Usually I go for a long run, but today I choose my favorite exercise DVD, Insanity. Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes. My heart races as I face my body to finish each movement. As I near the end of the exercise ,I feel extremely tired, but a smile is of my face. It’s a smile because the DVD is over , but a smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.

  Some people enjoy shopping, smoking , food, work, or even chocolate. But I need exercise to get through each day. Some shake heads when they see me run through the town. Others get hurt when I refuse to try just one bite of their grandmother’s chocolate cake. They raise their eyebrows, surprised by my “no thank you,” or by my choice to have a salad. Over the years , I have learned it’s okay to just say “no.” I shouldn’t feel sorry for refusing food that I don’t want to eat.

So what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m.? What gives me the reason to just say no to ice cream? Commitment. A commitment to change my life with a way that reduces daily anxiety, increases self –confidence and energy, extends life and above all improves my body shape. This is the point where a smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that now fit just right. It’s through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out.

1.Why is there a smile on the author’s face in the morning?

A. Because she sees her family sleeping peacefully.

B.  Because she finishes her favorite exercise

C. Because she enjoys the interesting DVD       

D. Because she feels a sense of achievement

2. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph?

A. She doesn’t like others r politely          

B. She likes to make others surprised

C. Others don’t understand what she does     

D. Others try to help her by offering her food

3.What does the underlined word “commitment” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Good health       B. Firm belief       

C. A strong power       D. A regular habit

4.What can we learn about the author from the text?

A. She acts in a strange way               

B. She wants to look different from others

C. She aims to develop a good body shape    

D. She has difficult getting along with others



科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2009-2010学年高二下学期第三次月考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Night after night,she came to tuck me in,even long after my childhood years.Following her longstanding custom,she'd lean down and push my long hair out of the way,then kiss my forehead.

I don't remember when it first started annoying me—her hands pushing my hair that way. But it did annoy me,for they felt work—worn and mush against my young skin.Finally,one night,I shouted out at her,"Don't do that anymore--your hands are too rough!" She didn't say anything in reply.But never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar expression of her love.

Time after time,with the passing years,my thoughts returned to that night.By then I missed my mother's hands,missed her goodnight kiss on my forehead.Sometimes the incident seemed very close,sometimes far away.But always it lurked,in the back of my mind.

Well,the years have passed,and I'm not a little girl anymore.Mom is in her mid—seven—ties.and those hands I once thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.She's been our doctor,reaching into a medicine cabinet(医药箱)for the remedy(药物)to calm a young girl's stomach or soothe(安慰)the boy's scraped knee.She cooks the best fried chicken in the world…gets stains out of blue cans, like I never could…

Now, my own children are grown and gone.Mom no longer has Dad,and on special occasions.I find myself drawn next door to spend the night with her.So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run across, my face to brush the hair from my forehead.Then a kiss,ever so gently,touched my brow(额头).

In my memory,for the thousandth,time,I recalled the night my young voice complained,"Don't do that anymore--your hands are too rough!" Catching Mom's hand in hand,I blurted (冲口说出)out how sorry I was for that night.I thought she'd remember ,as I did.But Mom didn't know what I Was talking about.She had forgotten--and forgiven—long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her carrying hands. And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.

1.What would be the best title for the text ?

A.Mother's Hands        B.Appreciation for Mother.

C.My Childhood Years.  D.My Unselfish Mother.

2. The author began to get annoyed because—

A.her mother's hands were really old and tough

B.she thought she didn't need her mother's care

C.she didn't like her mother any more

D.her mother stayed in her room too long

3. What do we know about the author?

A. With time passing, she began to understand her mother.

B.She was an only child in the family.

C.She never forgave herself.

D.Her mother was a doctor.

4.By saying "Then a kiss,ever so gently,touched my brow.",the author means


A.children need Mother's kissing     B.mothers kiss their children gently

C.mothers love their children forever  D.children depend on their mothers

5.It can be inferred from the text that _____________

A.the author began to spend nights with her mother

B.her mother  never kissed  author again

C.her mother forgave her at last

D.the author felt guilty of what she did to her mother



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江西省高三10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In bringing up children, every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition (学会) of each new skill in the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.

    Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters. Others are severe (严格的) over time of coming home at night or punctuality for meals. In general, the controls represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness.

    As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality (道德). Also, parents should realize that "example is better than precept". If they are not sincere and do not practice what they preach (说教), their children may grow confused when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to some extent fooled.

    A sudden awareness of a marked difference between their parents' principles and their morals can be a dangerous disappointment.

1. Eagerly watching the child’s acquisition of new skills_________________.

  A. will make the child lose interest in learning new things

  B. sets up dangerous states of worry in the child

  C. is universal among parents

  D. should be avoided

2.In the process of children’s learning new skills, parents _________________.

  A. should encourage them to read before they know the meaning of the words they read

  B. should achieve a balance between pushing them too hard and leaving them on their own

  C. should expect a lot of the children

 D. should create as many learning opportunities as possible

3.The second paragraph mainly tells us that _________________.

  A. parental restrictions vary, and are not always for the benefit of the children alone

 B. parental controls reflect only the values of the community

  C. parents should be strict with their children

  D. it’s parents’ and society’s duty to control the children

4. The word “precept” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_________________”.

  A. opinion          B. punishment       C. instruction    D. behavior   

5. In terms of moral matters, parents should _____________________.

  A. follow the rules themselves

  B. be aware of the huge difference between adults and children

  C. always ensure the security of their children

  D. forbid their children to follow hook teachings


