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In the fall of 1985. I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University,  36 a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty-one years later I am 37 a bright-eyed dreamer and one  38 quite a different tale to tell.

  My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to  39 that goal. But one year after I started college, she 40 cancer. I made the choice to withdraw from college to  41 for her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.

  Then I got married with another 42 : building my family with a 43 of adopt and biological children. You can imagine how  44 occupied I became, 45 four boys under the age of 81. Our home was a complete zoo.  46 , I never did make it back to college full-time. 47 I never gave up on the dream , either. I had only one choice: to 48 a way. That meant talking as few as one class each semester.

   The hardest part was feeling  49 about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to quit, But I knew I should set an example for them to 50 through the rest of their lives. In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!

I am not  51 , just single-minded. It always 52 me that when you’re looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you’re in the midst of it, it just seems 53 . Everything you want won’t arrive in your life on one day. It’s a  54 . Remember;little steps add up  55 big dreams.

36.A.looking at      B.aiming at       C.focus on       D.relying on

37.A.still           B.already        C.even          D.actually

38.A.about         B.by            C.in            D.with

39.A.miss          B.have          C.reach         D.take

40.A.caught        B.developed      C.found         D.defeated   

41.A.care for        B.look for        C.talk with       D.discuss with

42.A.purpose        B.idea           C.chance        D.dream

43.A.combination     B.connection      C.community     D.committee

44.A.badly         B.fully          C.seriously       D.obviously

45.A.collecting      B.helping        C.raising         D.teaching

46.A.Now surprising  B.Not satisfying   C.Not frightening  D.Not disappointing

47.A.Otherwise      B.Therefore      C.And          D.But

48.A.suggcet        B.push          C.find          D.change

49.A.nervous        B.excited        C.proud         D.guilty

50.A.set           B.follow         C.take          D.make

51.A.famous        B.curious        C.special        D.clever

52.A.struck         B.occurred       C.failed         D.escaped

53.A.terrible        B.great          C.strange        D.normal

54.A.program       B.process        C.competition     D.stage

55.A.make up for     B.live up to       C.make up of     D.add up to



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The film The Tides of Kirawira, which won two prizes at a recent television festival, was made by Mark Deeble and Victoria Stone. The couple are in England to visit friends and family before heading back to Tanzania for their next film. Their work takes them to some of the world’s least-known areas but they still find themselves drawn back to England, particularly to Cornwall, where their work and personal relationship developed.

“We met in London when Mark was studying biology and I was at the Royal College of Art studying photography,” says Victoria. “We both learned to dive at the same pool in London and went on diving weekends in the country. It was a terrible place, freezing cold, where we dived in wet suits full of holes. But that is where our relationship developed.”

After completing their studies they took part in the management of a conservation area in the mouth of the River Fal in Cornwall. “We were shocked. Nobody seemed to understand the river’s ecological importance. So we thought, why don’t we make a film to show people what a special place it is? Neither of us had any experience of filming but we took part-time jobs until we had enough cash to buy an underwater camera and some film.” A television company agreed to provide money for the work and the film they produced about the underwater life of the River Fal was shown on television and won a number of prizes.

By then, they both knew they wanted to work with wildlife in distant places around the world. Alkan Root, a famous East African wildlife film-maker, asked them to work for him. That was seven years ago and the job took them to the Serengeti to film crocodiles. Their films, Here Be Dragons and Devil Fish, were very successful.

“We love Africa but we have to come back to England every year,” says Victoria. “We need to return to see our friends and family. For us, Africa is temporary and England means permanence. It’s the difference between living in a tent in Tanzania and a house in Cornwall. We are lucky… we have the best of both worlds.”


61.Mark and Victoria have returned to England to ___________.

    A. appear on television                               B. make a film about Cornwall

   C. have a break between films                     D. receive a prize for their new film

62.Victoria regards her weekends learning to dive as __________.

    A. a waste of time                                     B. an unforgettable experience

    C. an enjoyable activity                               D. good exercise for health

63.The purpose of filming in the River Fal was to _________.

    A. earn money                                                 B. educate people

    C. gain photographic experience                        D. make a television program

64.What does Victoria mean when she says “we have the best of both worlds” (last paragraph)?

       A. They can live in both a tent and a house.

B. They can film in Cornwall as well as in Africa.

C. They can visit both friends and family at the same time.

D. They are happy and successful both in Africa and England.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The film The Tides of Kirawira, which won two prizes at a recent television festival, was made by Mark Deeble and Victoria Stone. The couple are in England to visit friends and family before heading back to Tanzania for their next film. Their work takes them to some of the world’s least – known areas but they still find themselves drawn back to England, particularly to Cornwall, where their work and personal relationship developed.

“We net in London when Mark was studying biology and I was at the Royal College of Art studying photography,” says Victoria. “We both learned to dive at the same pool in London and went on diving weekends in the country. It was a terrible place, freezing cold, where dived in wet suits full of holes. But that is where our relationship developed.”

After completing their studies they took part in the management of a conservation area in the mouth of the River Fal in Cornwall. “We were shocked. Nobody seemed to understand the river’s ecological importance. So we thought, why don’t we make a film to show people what a special place it is? Neither of us had any experience of filming but we took part – time jobs until we had enough cash to buy an underwater camera and some film.” A television company agreed to provide money for the work and the film they produced about the underwater life of the River Fal was shown on television and won a number of prizes.

By then, they both knew they wanted to work with wildlife in distant places around the world. Alkan Root, a famous East African wildlife film – maker, asked them to work for him. That was seven years ago and the job took them to the Serengeti to film crocodiles. Their films, Here Be Dragons and Devil Fish, were very successful.

“We love Africa but we have to come back to England every year,” says Victoria. “We need to return to see our friends and family. For us, Africa is temporary and England means permanence. It’s the difference between living in a tent in Tanzania and a house in Cornwall. We are lucky … we have the best of both worlds.”

1.Mark and Victoria have returned to England to         .

       A.appear on television                              B.make a film about Cornwall

       C.have a break between films                   D.receive a prize for their new film

2.Victoria regards her weekends learning to dive as         .

       A.a waste of time                                    B.an unforgettable experience

       C.an enjoyable activity                             D.good exercise for health

3.The purpose of filming in the River Fal was to        .

      A.earn money                                         B.educate people

       C.gain photographic experience                D.make a television program

4.What does Victoria mean when she says “we have the best of both worlds” (last paragraph)?

       A.They can live in both a tent and a house.

       B.They can film in Cornwall as well as in Africa.

       C.They can visit both friends and family at the same time.

       D.They are happy and successful both in Africa and England.

