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5.A new set of images(图象),by Dr,Kettering,tries to tell differences between cat vision and human vision.Whereas humans are able to see more bright colors during the day,their cats have the advantage when it comes to night vision.
Cats have a wider field of view-about 200degrees,compared with humans; 180-degree view,Cats are also better at finding a mouse or toy moving in the corner because of a greater peripheral vision(周边视觉)
Cats are active at dawn and dusk.That may be why they need such good night vision,their eyes have six to eight times more rod cells,which are more sensitive to low light,than humans,do Their extra rod cells also allow cats to sense movement in the dark much better than their human companions can,In addition,cats'special eye lenses(目镜)shape can help gather more light as well.
But cats don't have the advantage in all areas,"Humans have 10to 12times better motion detection (移动侦测)in bright light than the cat,since bright-light vision is a cone function(视锥细胞功能)",kettering said.
Humans also have three types of cones,allowing them to see a broad range of colors,with sensitivity peaks at red,green and blue,While cats may have three types of cones,the number and distribution of each type varies,In behavioral tests,cats don't seem to see the full range of colors that most humans do.
Humans can see objects clearly at 100to 200feet (30to 60meters)away,but cats need to be no more than about 20feet (6m) away to see those same things sharply,And because cats lack the muscles necessary to change the shape of their eye lenses,they can't see things clearly quited as close as humans can and need to be further wasy,Kettering said.

51、How did kettering carry out the research?A
A、by studying some pictures
B、By doing a survey  among cats
C、By asking people some questions
D、By measuring their sight degrees
52、Cats can spot a moving object in the corner becauseD
A、they have a narrower range of view
B、they move vary faster that the objects
C、they are good at catching mouse
D、they have a greater peripheral vision
53、Compared with cats'eyes,B
A、human eyes are more sensitive
B、human eyes have less rod cells
C、human eyes are good at sensing movement
D、human eyes can gather more light
54、Which of the following statements is true?C
A、Cats'eves are superior to humans;
B、Humans are better at detecting directions
C、Humans'eyes can see more colors
D、Cats can see full range of colors
55、We can learn from the last paragraph thatD
A、cats are nearsighted at night
B、cats can change their eye shape easily than humans
C、cats don't need to see things from far away
D、human eyes can adapt to a greater range of distance than cats.

分析 本文为科教文,文章主要介绍了猫的眼睛的特殊之处,并与人眼作对比.

解答 51---55 ADBCD
51.答案A.细节理解题.根据第一段A new set of images(图象),by Dr,Kettering,tries to tell differences between cat vision and human vision可知,Kettering是通过图象进行研究的.故选A.
52.答案D.细节理解题.根据第二段Cats are also better at finding a mouse or toy moving in the corner because of a greater peripheral vision(周边视觉)可知,猫可以捕捉到角落里移动的事物是因为它们的周边视觉很广.故选D.
53.答案B.细节理解题.根据第三段their eyes have six to eight times more rod cells,which are more sensitive to low light,than humans可知,猫眼睛中的杆体细胞是人的六到八倍.故选B.
54.答案C.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段Humans also have three types of cones,allowing them to see a broad range of colors,with sensitivity peaks at red,green and blue可知,人的眼睛可以看到更多的颜色.故选C.
55.答案D.推理判断题.根据Humans can see objects clearly at 100to 200feet (30to 60meters)away,but cats need to be no more than about 20feet (6m) away to see those same things sharply可知,人的眼睛能看到100-200英尺内的物体,猫的眼睛只能看到20英尺内的.故推断人的眼睛比猫的眼睛看见的范围更广.故选D.

点评 答题策略如下:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

15.[1]Many people spend a lot of time making money because they believe the money itself will make them happy,or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy.They make great efforts to achieve that perfect relationship,the perfect house,the beautiful body,the approval of others,all in an attempt to be happy.
[2]Sometimes these things make people happy; other times,people stress over not having reached the goals,or reach them and find they're still unhappy.Other times,people focus on just one goal and don't have time for other things that will make them truly happy.
[3]Some experts studying human happiness and the factors that contribute to it have identified several key areas of life that seem to be more related to personal happiness.Some of them are the things like money,friends,health and living conditions; others are things you may not think of in your daily life,such as your neighborhood and sense of meaning in life.
[4]So while setting your goals,remember all of the areas of life that are important to you and find a balanced lifestyle including social support,personal development,physical health and meaningful pursuits(追求) besides career success and financial security._____________,your attitude about life and the things that happen to you each day can also have a great effect on your level of happiness and life satisfaction.In addition to being optimistic,happy people tend to believe they are the masters of their fate,rather than the victims of circumstance.
[5]Explore the state of your life,assess how truly happy you are,and find a direction to work toward that will likely bring more happiness.Reach your goals,set new ones and live a life that truly makes you happy.
76.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?(Please answer within 15 words.)Many people make great efforts to make money in an attempt to be happy.
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
It's impossible for those that stick to one thing only to experience happiness from other things.
People focus on just one goal and don't have time for other things that will make them truly happy.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(Please answer within 5 words.)Moreover/What's more/In addition
79.Do you think money could bring true happiness?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)No,because it's very common that people surrounded by expensive cars and designer clothes still have less personal satisfaction with life than they had without all the things.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.实现你的目标,设定新的目标,过一种能够真正使你幸福的生活..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The real secret to successful learning lies in students____an interest in what they are doing.(  )
A.to takeB.takingC.takenD.having taken


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Here____!Where is Xiao Liu?-There____.(  )
A.comes the bus,is heB.comes the bus,he is
C.the bus comes,is heD.the bus comes,he is


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Unless strong measures       ,the smog will continue to damage our health(  )
A.will be takenB.are takenC.have takenD.are taking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.A team of nurses ________ the doctor ________ performing the operation.(  )
A.left; outB.assisted; inC.helped; withD.conducted; in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.-Why was the teacher angry with her?
-That is because she arrived late ______.(  )
A.like usualB.as usualC.as a resultD.as a rule


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Although they are twins who are similar __________each other In appearance,but they have
nothing _________common in terms of character.(  )
A.to; toB.in; inC.to; inD.in; to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.We can't complain that children are cheating in examinations ______ adults themselves have set such a bad role model for them to follow.(  )

