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It is reported gender (性别) differences exist mainly in terms sense of space and language ability. But that doesn't necessarily mean all women have a poor sense of space or all women are good at languages. Women can become excellent drivers as long as they have the courage to challenge (tradition) gender roles and believe in themselves.
In London, only one in ten bus drivers is a woman. Yet, according to the results of recent research, women are better at (deal) with problem passengers, have fewer accidents and are quicker at learning to drive buses than men.
Connie Wilson (become) a bus driver a year ago. “At first, driving bus was quite frightening,” she says. “I had no idea of the size of the vehicle or how (control) it. But after seven weeks of training, I passed the test first time. Trying to keep to the timetable when the traffic is heavy (be) not easy but I like the challenge! Some passengers can be rude, (especial) if they've had to wait a long time for the bus. But most are pleased to have a woman driver. There is no reason women can't do the job just as well as men. I'd say that to any woman.

【答案】that;of;traditional;dealing;became;a;to control;is;especially;why
(1)that it is reported that…为常用句型,其中it作形式主语,真正主语由that引出,意为“据报道….”。
(2)of in terms of 此处表示“在…方面”。 有报道说,性别差异主要存在于空间和语言能力方面。
(3)traditional 此处须填形容词,作定语,修饰名词gender roles。traditional gender roles 传统的性别角色。
(4)dealing 其前为介词at,动词deal作宾语,用动词-ing形式。 根据最近研究结果,与男性相比,女性更擅长于应对问题乘客,事故更少,学习驾驶更快。
(5)became 根据时间状语a year ago “一年前”可以判断,此处谓语动词用一般过去时态。
(6)a 考查不定冠词,表泛指。“起初,开公共汽车挺吓人的。”她说。
(7)to control 疑问副词how之后经常跟不定式形式,在此处与the size of the vehicle并列,作have no idea of的宾语。how to control it如何控制它。
(8)is 分析本句的结构得知,此处为but连接的并列句中前一分句的谓语动词,主语trying to keep to the timetable when the traffic is heavy为动名词形式,视作单数,且一般现在时,因此为is。
(9)especially especially尤其地。副词用来修饰条件状语从句。 有些乘客可能变得很粗鲁,尤其是他们要等很长时间才能坐上公共汽车。
(10)why why用在reason之后引导定语从句。大多数人都很高兴有一个女司机。没有理由说女人不能像男人一样做这份工作。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I like traveling and my dream of visit Beijing, the capital city of our country, come true during the National Day holidays this year. In October 1st, I went to Tian'anmen Square with my parents, there we watched the flag-raising ceremony. As I watched flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem, feeling extremely exciting. Then we went to some other famous tourist attraction, like the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, I felt very proudly. I thought of the old saying that “One who fail to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.” Although I was tired, but I really had a good time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One of the most important rule of finding happiness in life is to do what you love. I remember when my mom takes me to an English class in primary school, I suddenly found that learn English was fun and I really enjoyed it. The voice at the bottom of my heart said, “Maybe I can learn English well and become English teacher.”
It was not easy at first. For almost one and a half year, I didn't do very well in all my English exams. Disappointing and frustrated, I doubted that whether I could follow my dream. But I told me not to accept this reality. Gradual, my grades started to improve and I had much confidence than before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There was a rich man who carried many treasures to look into happiness. But after a long march, he fails to find happiness. Annoyed, he sat by a path of the mountain while a farmer carrying a large bunch of firewood came down from the mountain. The rich man said, “I'm a wealth man. Can you tell me that why I'm unhappy?” The farmer put down the heavy firewood, wiped the sweat pleasant and said, “Happiness is very simple: put down and you'll be happy!” The rich man inspired suddenly. Anxious and tiring all day, he carried that heavy jewelry, afraid of being robbed or murdered. How could you be happy? So the rich man helped the poor with jewelry and money, doing some good deed. He enjoyed the taste of happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华。你的美国笔友Tom对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣。恰好你校今年暑假将为外国学生举办一场汉语夏令营活动(Chinese Summer Camp),请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括








Dear Tom,

Here comes a piece of good news.










Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In a strange example of “art inspires life”,the selfdrying jacket that Marty McFly wore in the movie,Back to the Future ,has actually become a reality. A model has already been created and a Kickstarter campaign plans to raise funds for mass production.

The jackets,named SDJ01,are classified as wearable tech,because of the inner air circulation(环流;循环) system that speeds the drying process from the inside out. Under normal circumstances,you can expect the jacket to dry in about 1-2 minutes after being exposed to rain or a spilled drink. If you jump into a pond to escape danger,it will probably take longer.

“Think of how quickly your clothes dry when you turn a standard fan on them. Now imagine how quickly breathable(透气的),water resistant(……) material dries when exposed to concentrated,highpressure air. In lab tests,our jacket consistently experienced noticeable drying effects after just 30 seconds,with the average time of about a minute to achieve a 90% drying effect,” explained Aaron Coleman,lead designer at Falyon Wearable Tech,which is producing the jacket.

“This is something that has been on my mind for years,” he said. He didn’t want it to be just a movie prop,but an actual usable jacket. “We wanted to follow the basic design of the jacket from the movie Back to the Future but update it a bit,adding more pockets for all the things people carry around these days.”

Eventually,Coleman and his team hit upon the perfect combination of water resistant material and highpressure air circulation to achieve complete drying in just one minute. The outer layer is made of water resistant nylon,with insulation(绝缘材料) made of polyester fibre on the inside. It dries itself through a couple of socalled “air amplifiers(放大器)” attached to the sides,which force more air through the jacket.

According to the makers,the SDJ01 is ideal for rainy days and spills,and the fans are perfect to cool off on days “when you’re just a little too warm,but it’s too cold to take off your jacket”.

1How long does the SDJ01 take to achieve a 90% drying effect,on average?

A. About 30 seconds.

B. About a minute.

C. About 1-2 minutes.

D. Longer than 2 minutes.

2According to Aaron Coleman,in what way is the design different,compared with the jacket in Back to the Future

A. The number of pockets.

B. The function of pockets.

C. The colour of pockets.

D. The shape of pockets.

3What is the main achievement by Coleman and his team in developing the SDJ01?

A. The noticeable drying effects of high pressure air on wet clothes.

B. The inner air circulation system can speed the drying process from the outside.

C. The perfect combination of water resistant material and highpressure air circulation.

D. The various functions of water resistant materials during rainy days and spills.

4What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The ideal design of a selfdrying jacket.

B. Marketing strategies for a selfdrying jacket.

C. The development of a selfdrying jacket.

D. A basic introduction to a selfdrying jacket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As is known, China is a great country with a time-honored history and profound culture. While (mention)Chinese culture, Chinese tea culture cannot be missed. It is the culture of making tea and drinking tea in China, which is (difference) from that of Europe, Britain, and Japan.
In China, drinking tea . (refer)as tasting tea, which not only means distinguishing the quality of tea, but also enjoying the pleasure of falling into the dream about life while drinking tea. A short retreat from a much busier life, make a cup of tea . taste it in a quiet place on your own, not only relieving tiredness but also refreshing (you) soul heartily.
China is a country with a time-honored civilization,is quite particular about ceremony and etiquette(礼节). When guests pay a visit, etiquette of making tea for guests is(basic)required. When making tea, proper blending of tea (leaf)is quite necessary, so that favorable flavor would be created. When drinking tea with guests, pay attentions to the tea left in cup of guests and it should be refilled when the cup is half-full. If (accompany)with tea dessert, candies and dishes, drinking tea would be more tasteful and joyful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1).简单描述以上现象; 2).你的建议;
1)严格遵守交通规则; 2)不隔窗抛物; 3)礼让他人,不闯红灯。
注意:1). 词数100左右;
参考词汇:规则regulations 让路give way to 闯红灯run the red light
Dear drivers,
At present, more and more cars have entered the homes of ordinary people.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We've all heard about the power of our attitude, and it's our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life.
All the things that you have been through, all the people you have met and interacted with can have an impact on your attitude. If you think that all these factors have molded you into a person with a poor attitude towards life, there is no need to worry.
1).Identify and understand what you want to change.
The first step towards change is clearly understanding what needs to be changed.When it comes to changing your attitude, you need to do an honest and in-depth self-evaluation so you could point out exactly which of your traits need to be improved or totally changed.
Find someone who has the kind of attitude that you want to have, and let his or her life give you inspiration and encouragement to move beyond your temporary failures in your journey towards becoming a better person.
3). Choose the right company.
As they say, “Bad company corrupts good character.” You don't expect yourself to be able to change if you go on surrounding yourself with people who possess all the negative traits that you want to change. Consider befriending new people, especially those who are optimistic and have a healthy attitude towards life.
4). Believe that you are able to change.
If you don't believe in yourself or believe that you or your life can change, it just won't happen—you will either never start, or give up quickly that you won't have even given yourself the opportunity to succeed.
A. Your effort to change will be easier with these people as friends.
B. Setting clear goals is the key to success in any endeavor.
C. The greatest obstacle is our inability to trust in what we can do.
D. Look for a role model.
E. Think about how your attitude change will affect your life.
F. There is always an opportunity for change.
G. Fix your mind on the things that would come as a result of your attitude change.

