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My husband and I insisted that our children were old enough to clean their rooms and make their beds. But they thought . My complaints, even self-justified shouting, were always landing on ears. Very often a whole hour’s scolding would end with their into tears, I felt very frustrated. I realized I needed to my method of “mothering”.

One day when they were at school, I spent some time their rooms. On their desks, in plain , I left the cards: “Dear Bill (the other card was to Sarah), your room was messy this morning and I’m sure you like it clean. Love, the Room Fairy.” arriving back, the children were excited to receive the little note from the Room Fairy. The next day, their rooms were fairly tidy. Sure enough, there was another note from the Room Fairy __ for them, thanking them for their nice “gift” of a clean room and asking them to play a certain violin . Each day, thank--you notes would be written differently to keep the ideas .

Sometimes the Room Fairy would propose a little : “If you can finish your homework and your lessons before dinner, I’ d like to watch a particular television program with you tonight.” Sometimes some colored markers or other little items would be left in of well done jobs the day .

I can’t remember how long “the Room Fairy” continued leaving her love notes. When they were age appropriate, we used various versions of Post-Its(贴条). The bathroom mirror became the centre of our home. Appointments, notices about visiting relatives, lesson schedules, and changes in plans could be posted.

We all benefited from and the idea of sharing reminders and daily details of life through notes. I believe the true advantage of the Room Fairy notes survives in our frequent and enjoyable communication.

1.A. indifferently B. gratefully C. doubtfully D. otherwise

2.A. side B. deaf C. neither D. either

3.A. crying B. breaking C. bursting D. bumping

4.A. adjust B. adopt C. access D. addict

5.A. clearing B. tidying C. emptying D. searching

6.A. distance B. words C. speech D. sight

7.A. sent B. read C. delivered D. addressed

8.A. As B. At C. In D. Upon

9.A. more than B. rather than C. no more than D. other than

10.A. asking B. waiting C. praying D. expecting

11.A. politely B. happily C. gently D. toughly

12.A. music B. song C. piece D. tone

13.A. respectable B. uninteresting C. incredible D. fresh

14.A. challenge B. question C. suggestion D. advice

15.A. go with B. look up C. go over D. look into

16.A. response B. answer C. praise D. honor

17.A. ahead B. before C. over D. ago

18.A. Actually B. Even so C. Even if D. Though

19.A. life B. main C. memory D. reminder

20.A. learned B. appreciated C. shared D. thanked






















试题分析:本文主要讲了,聪明的妈妈换了一种与孩子的交流方法,取得了意想不到的效果!作者通过the Room Fairy 的便条教育孩子要保持房间整洁和努力学习,并一直保持这种习惯,作者和孩子都从中受益了。

1. indifferently漠不关心地B. gratefully感激地C. doubtfully怀疑地D. otherwise另外地,不同地。根据上下文的意思可知孩子的想法和我们的不一样。故选D。

2. side边B. deaf聋 C. neither 也不D. either也,landing on deaf ears 不予理睬。根据句意可知孩子们对我的抱怨根本不理睬,充耳不闻。 故选B。

3. crying 哭B. breaking 打破C. bursting爆发D. bumping撞。句意:经常是一个小时的责备让孩子们泪流满面。burst into tears是固定结构,意为“突然大哭起来”。故选C。

4. adjust 调整B. adopt 收养C. access 接近 D. addict有瘾。前面的这些失败让我很沮丧,于是想到了要调整我的方法。故选A。

5. clearing清理B. tidying整理C. emptying倒空D. searching搜寻。句意:我花了一些时间整理他们的房间。 故选B。

6. distance 距离B. words话语C. speech演讲D. sight视野。结合句意可知我在卡片上留下了话。故选B。

7. sent送B. read读 C. delivered发表D. addressed给…….写(信)。文中指我另外一张卡片是写给Sarah的。be addressed to sb.写给某人。故选D。

8. As 做为B. At在…地方C. In 在…里面 D. Upon一…就,一回来。句意:孩子们一回家就非常兴奋。故选D。



11. politely 礼貌B. happily高兴C. gently温柔地D. toughly困难地。便条上感谢他们把房间整理的干净,并温柔的请他们演奏一首小提琴。故选C。


13. respectable值得尊敬的B. uninteresting无趣的C. incredible难以想象的D. fresh新鲜的。句意:每天这个便条写得都不一样,这样可以保持这种想法新鲜感。故选D。







20. learned学习B. appreciated欣赏C. shared分享 D. thanked感谢。句意:我们都很




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高三3月阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The naughty boy found himself ____ by his teacher when he looked up from his picture book.

A. to watchB. being watched

C. was watchedD. watching


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三下开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My first job was working for a women’s clothes manufacturer at the age of 15. It made me realize what I didn’t want to do for my future employment.

The only advantage of this job was receiving a wage at the end of the week and sometimes getting clothes for free if they were to my taste. I carried on doing this for only a year, as my studies at school were getting more serious and I wanted to study more to get the right grades.

After I had finished college, my first real job was working for a play publisher in central London. I remember writing a letter of application for the post of administration for Samuel French Limited. I had put so much effort into writing it, not realizing that this would be my first step in the process of finding out what I really wanted to do for my future employment. I didn’t think I would get the job, but as it turned out, I got a telephone call quickly and started a week later. I remember being excited that I would be working for a publisher in London. Although I had thought I would prefer to work for a book publisher, a play publisher was just as enjoyable.

Looking back now, not all first jobs turn out to be enjoyable. Some of my friends worked in supermarkets while they were at college just to earn a bit of money. I remember thinking how much happier I felt working in a clothes factory than in a supermarket.

Years later, I can see how good it is to experience work at an early age, as it gives people the opportunity to decide what kind of career will be most suitable for them one day. The boring task of a job will make a person want to pursue an education to get into the right type of employment, which was what I had realized in the end.

1.The author did her first job for only a year because _______.

A.the clothes made there didn’t suit her taste

B.she really didn’t like such a boring job

C.she wanted to get the right grades at school

D.she didn’t get well paid at the end of the week

2.What can we learn about the author in the third paragraph?

A.She was confident that she could get the first job.

B.She telephoned Samuel French Limited for a post.

C.She was aware of the importance of writing the application letter.

D.She used to think she would prefer to work for a book publisher.

3.It could be inferred from the text that the author _______.

A.took her first job in order to support her poor family

B.realized what her first job meant to her future employment

C.had a great interest in her first job in a clothes factory

D.thought her friends’ job in supermarkets was more interesting

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.My Experience in a Clothes Factory

B.The Qualities of a Play Publisher

C.Importance of Early Work Experience

D.The Secrets to Get the Right Grades


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三下开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The singer’s music video _____ nearly 9 million times since it was posted on the Internet four weeks ago.

A.viewed B.was viewed

C.has viewed D.has been viewed


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都外国语学校高三下3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The forces that make Japan one of the world's most earthquake-prone (有…倾向的) countries could become part of its long-term energy solution.

Water from deep below the ground at Japan's tens of thousands of hot springs could be used to produce electricity.

Although Japanese high-tech companies are leaders in geothermal (地热的) technology and export it, its use is limited in the nation.

"Japan should no doubt make use of its resources of geothermal energy," said Yoshiyasu Takefuji, a leading researcher of thermal-electric power production.

The disastrous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 caused a reaction against atomic power, which previously made up 30 percent of Japan's energy needs, and increased interest in alternative energies, which account for only 8 percent.

Artist Yoko Ono has called on Japan to explore its natural energy, following the example of Iceland which uses renewable energy for more than 80 percent of its needs.

For now, geothermal energy makes up less than 1 percent of the energy needs in Japan, which has for decades relied heavily on fossil fuels and atomic power.

The biggest problem to geothermal energy is the high initial cost of the exploration and constructing the factories. Another problem is that Japan's potentially best sites are already being developed for tourism or are located within national parks where construction is forbidden.

"We can't even dig 10 cm inside national parks.” said Shigeto Yamada of Fuji Electric, adding that regulations protecting nature would need to be relaxed for geothermal energy to grow. Researcher Hideaki Matsui said, “Producing electricity using hot springs is a decades-long project. We also have to think about what to do for now as energy supplies will decrease in the short term.”

The Earth Policy Institute in Washington, US, believed Japan could produce 80,000 megawatts(兆瓦)and meet more than half its electricity needs with geothermal technology.

Japanese giants such as Toshiba are already global leaders in geothermal technology, with a 70 percent market share. In 2010, Fuji Electric built the world's largest geothermal factory in New Zealand.

1.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Alternative energies in Japan

B. Japan thinks of geothermal energy

C. Japan takes the lead in geothermal technology

D. World's largest geothermal plant

2.What percentage of Japan's energy needs is geothermal energy?

A. About 8%. B. Around 30%.

C. Below 1%. D. Over 80%.

3.According to Shigeto Yamada, the growth of geothermal power in Japan needs ____.

A. high technology B. financial support

C. local people's help D. a change of rules

4.Geothermal energy is considered as a long-term program by _____.

A. Hideaki Matsui B. Yoshiyasu Takefuji.

C. Shigeto Yamada D. Yoko Ono

5.It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that _____.

A. the world's biggest geothermal plant was built by America

B. Japan will not export its geothermal technology

C. it is hard to find geothermal energy in Japan

D. the potential of Japan's geothermal energy is great


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都外国语学校高三下3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Life did not _____ the way we thought it would, but we still need to have a positive attitude toward it.

A. get along B. turn out

C. go on D. keep up


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都外国语学校高三上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I can't remember those grammar rules!

—_________. Practice more.

A. You're not alone B. It's hard to say

C. I'm afraid not D. It's up to you


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州市高三上学期期中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Café en Seine

The wildly luxury (奢华) new art style of this huge bar has been a huge hit since it first opened in 1995, and while it may not be the “in” place it once was, it is still very popular with the after-work crowd and out-of-towners.Maybe it’s the glass frames, or the real 12m-high trees; but most likely it’s the beautiful people supporting the wood-and-marble bar.

Good for: decoration, cocktails, amazing food and service

Address: 40 Dawson St

Transport: all city centre

Phone: 01 677 4369

Gravediggers (aka Kavanagh’s)

The gravediggers from the neighboring Glasnevin Cemetery had a secret serving hatch (舱口) so that they could drink on the job – therefore the pub’s nickname.Founded in 1833 by one John Kavanagh and still in the family, this pub is one of the best in Ireland, almost unchanged in 150 years.In summer time the green of the square is full of drinkers bathing in the sun, while inside the hardened locals ensure that never a hint of sunshine disturbs some of the best Guinness in town.An absolute classic.

Good for: Guinness, traditional pub, pub food

Address: 1 Prospect Sq Glasnevin

Transport: 13 from city centre

Phone: 830 7978

Davy Byrne’s

James Joyce, an Irish author and a poet (1882-1941), would hardly recognize the bar that Leopold Bloom rushed into for a gorgonzola sandwich and a glass of wine in Ulysses.It doesn’t stop Davy Byrne’s from making the most of its Joyce’s connections, even though today's version is strictly for out-of-towners and the rugby crowd.

Good for: socializing with the locals, tasty Irish food, watching TV

Address: 21 Duke St

Transport: all city centre

Website: www.davybyrnes.com

Phone: 01 677 5217

1.People choose Café en Seine most probably because they enjoy _____as well as its cocktails and service.

A.its location B.its decoration

C.its history D.its environment

2.“Guinness” in Gravediggers probably refers to ________.

A.a kind of tea B.the name of the boss

C.a kind of beer D.the name of the town

3.We can infer that Davy Byrne’s is ________.

A.a newly-opened bar

B.an old-fashioned bar

C.a bar with a long history

D.a bar popular with foreigners

4.What do Café en Seine and Davy Byrne’s have in common?

A.Their represent the same architecture style.

B.They give the same description about transport.

C.They both serve cocktails and tasty Irish food

D.They are both popular with the rugby crowd.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省高三第六次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I wonder what makes you a good salesperson.

—I as a waiter for three years,which contributes a lot to my today's work.

A. serve B. have served

C. had served D. served

