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【题目】【原创】第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Recently we had a discussion about whether it is necessary to have daily homework. 70% of my classmates are willing to accept as daily homework. They think homework helps them review that has been taught in class. Besides, by doing daily homework, they can well understand and memorize their lessons. Furthermore, their skills in managing time can too be improved. However, 30% the students have different idea. They believe that homework reduces their amount of time with their families, not mention the time for other activities. With much homework to do, students feel tiring, and will gradually lose interest in their lessons. In my opinion, daily homework is necessary, and it must serve a purpose and be fit to a student's ability. Also, the amount of homework should be limiting.














【1】第二句:去掉as;accept是及物动词,daily homework是其宾语,as多余。





【6】第七句:mention前加to;not to mention sth.“更不用说某事物了”,是固定短语。



【9】第九句:to改为for;be fit for“适合……”,是固定搭配。

【10】第十句:limiting改为limited;limiting改为limited。the amount与limit是被动关系,故用limited。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the pressure upon every one of us Senior Three students. At the meeting, all of us were very active in the discussion, expressed our opinions on how to relieve pressure.

Pressures comes from many aspects. It may be from the heavy load of learning and from fierce competitions, and it may also come from our teachers or parents. Pressure has too much to do with the result of our studies. Too much pressure has a bad effect to our studies while a proper amount of it may help push us ahead.

Whatever I’m faced with too much pressure, I chose to do some sports or listen to some

music, which is quite beneficial to me. As for the effective way to let go of pressure, I strong recommend that when we feel much too stressed, we stop whatever we are doing, taking a deep breath, and start thinking of something positive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Not only I but also Jane and Mary __________ tired of doing the same thing all the time.

A. is B. are

C. am D. be


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Thousands of taxi drivers in Shenyang, Liaoning province, reportedly blocked streets with their vehicles on Sunday in protest against unlicensed vehicles using taxi-hiring apps(打车软件) and apps-based car rental companies providing passenger services, including high-end cars. Although the drivers also complained about the withdrawal of the fuel subsidy by the government, their main complaint was the loss of business because of the rising number of Internet-based car services companies.

On Wednesday, news reports came that Beijing transport authorities will take measures to stop the illegal “taxi business” of private cars through the newly rising Internet apps, following the footsteps of Shenyang and Nanjing.

It is not yet clear how the Shenyang city government will handle the issue and whether it will declare the services offered by market leaders such as Didi Dache, a taxi-hiring app provider backed by Tencent Holdings, and Kuaidi Dache illegal. But Shanghai transport regulators have set a rule, by banning Didi Zhuanche, or car services offered by Didi Dache in December.

Such regulations will cause a setback to the car-hiring companies and investors that are waiting to cash in on the potentially booming business. Just last month, Didi Dache got $700 million in funding from global investors, including Singapore state investment company Temasek Holdings, Russian investment company DST Global and Tencent. Besides, the market is uncertain that Kuaidi Dache is about to finalize its latest round of funding after getting $800 million from global investors.

Regulatory uncertainties, however, could cast a shadow on the future of the Internet-based car-hiring services, which have become popular in most of China’s big cities. To be fair, these companies’ business model is anything but bad. For example, Didi Zhuanche works side by side with established car rental companies to provide high-end car service mainly for businesspeople through the Internet and mobile phone apps.

Every link in this business model chain has legal companies and services. Hence, it is hard to define it as illegal and ban it.

【1】Why did taxi drivers in Shenyang block the streets with their vehicles?

A. Because they wanted the government to increase their driving allowances.

B. Because they wanted to be educated how to use the taxi-hiring apps.

C. Because they wanted to make their main complaints known to the government.

D. Because they wanted to call on passengers not to hire the private cars.

【2】The author’s attitude to banning internet car-hiring service is______.

A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. unclear

【3】Which of the following statements is false according to the passage?

A. The problem referred to in the passage exists in all cities

B. App-based car rental is helpful to some degree

C. The government should regulate the app-based car rental market

D. Didi Dache is a China-foreign joint company

【4】From the passage we learn ___________.

A. Shenyang banned apps-based car rental companies

B. Shanghai is the second city banning Didi Zhuanche

C. some international investment companies have faith in the future of apps-based car rental companies

D. it is easy to describe the apps-based car rental companies illegal


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】Zheng Xiyu works at an office in Beijing's Central Business District. Every day, it takes her roughly 40 minutes to go to work by bus. But she is thinking of _【1】 (switch) to a different way of transport-a bicycle. She's also adapting to a vegetable diet as Iivestock can make many contributions 2 today's most serious environmental problems. A recent survey shows that 78% of all the 17,000 people 3 (question) have developed environmentally_4 (friend) habits in their daily lives. They are doing things, such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at5 temperature above 26 C in summer. On many popular social networking 6 (website), people are advocating a low-carbon lifestyle.Their tips include using the stairs and public transport more frequently7 _ using elevators and cars. They hope this lifestyle will become more than just a trend within certain groups. As the most populous nation on the planet with the world's 8 (fast) growing economy, China has become the second biggest emitter(排放者) of greenhouse gases. The recent extreme weather in the southern regions 9 (reflect) a serious environmental challenge.Experts say there is no time 【10 (delay) with the effort to reduce carbon emissions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


背景: 随着经济的发展,更多的温室气体被排放,其中大约70%为二氧化碳,这也是全球变暖的主要原因之一。


措施: 1.多使用清洁能源,少用煤、油;



要求: 短文必须包括以上提到的的所有内容要点,可适当发挥。 2. 词数:100左右。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】They lived __________ a small island __________ the coast of Fujian for five years.

A. on; on B. in; off

C. at; on D. on; off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My 16-year-old son, Anton, had gone to the local swimming hole. Most of the kids who swim there are fit and strong teens, and there are plenty of rocks for them to use as safe harbors, so I had no fears for his well-being. Still, the firefighter’s first words, “You need to come up here to the Stillwater River,” made me catch my breath.

When I got to the river, I saw Anton sitting quietly on a low platform of the fire engine, with a towel wrapped about his shoulders.

I hurried over to him. “You OK?” I asked.

“Yeah,” was all he said. But my eyes begged for an explanation. I didn’t get it from my son.

The story was this: A couple in their 20s, unfamiliar with the Stillwater, had gotten caught in the current and began screaming for help. Without hesitation Anton and his friend dived into the water, swam out to the drowning(溺水的) woman, and brought her safely to shore.

In an age in which the world “hero” is broadcast with abandon(随意)and seemingly applied to anyone, I realized the real thing in my son and his friend—the disregarding of personal safety for the sake of another human being. I know that teens are headstrong and self-centered, but this didn’t lower the gravity of the event and the desire to do good.

Along the way home I tried to get some more information from him, but the only words were, “What’s for supper?”

I thought twice about the tragedy(悲剧) that might have been. Questions flew across my mind like a flight of swallows: Would I have risked my life to save a drowning person? Or would I have chosen to dial 911? Would I have told the story over and over to anyone who’d listen?

The next morning, when Anton got up, I half expected him to tell me the story from his point of view, now that he had some distance from the event. But all he did was to toast a pie, pull himself together, and head for the door to begin the new day.

1】The writer caught her breath when she heard the fire fighters’ first words because_______.

A. her son saved a woman

B. she was scolded by fire fighters

C. she was anxious about her son’s safety

D. her son was to blame for a fire

2】We can infer from the passage that _______.

A. firefighters always turn up in case of emergency

B. parents are always worried about their children

C. it’s dangerous to swim in an unfamiliar river

D. teens are more responsible than expected

3】Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. My Mother, My Love B. My Son, My Hero

C. A Narrow Escape D. A Silent Boy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Keeping a diary in English is one of the ___ 【1】__ (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability.

___2___ (compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes ___3__ (little)time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. ___4___ we persist in this practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many _5__ (difficult). In the first place, _6___ often happens that we have trouble __7___ (find) appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.

As far as I__8___ (concern), my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is ___9__ great use to keep a diary in English for __【10___ development of our writing skills.

