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I remember when I was a child ________ with how many toys my cousin had.

A. impressing B. to impress

C. being impressed D. impressed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏六盘山高级中学高三第四次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


City College Union Company


The Union is a student-run organization with a permanent staff of 20. Typing speed: at least 60 wpm.

The ability to take shorthand dictation and a working knowledge of filling procedures are essential requirements.

The basic salary for the position is $ 18,500 per year.

Enquires to R. Barbar 387-5075.

Emu Airline


Emu Airline is now offering a part-time position for a secretary.

The position offers at least 20 hours’ work a week, with a view to full-time work in the future. Monthly salary is about $ 1,400.

Phone 899-3264 for an appointment.

Word Processor

Operator (full-time)

We need an operator to work in an office associated with the building industry. Only experienced operators are expected to apply.

Starting salary: $ 17,950 yearly.

Apply in writing to: the Personnel Officer Hill Morgan Pty Ltd 38 Green Hill Rd.

Sewing Machinist Wanted

Jeans Industry

We are an expanding clothing company located south of the city. Our products include jeans, skirts, shorts and so on. We are looking for sewing machine operators.

The factory works a 38-hour week over 4-5 days. Wages for this are $ 18,050 per year.

If you are interested, come over and pick up an application form from Ripper Jeans, 23 North Ave, Beaudesert.

1.What do these four advertisements have in common?

A. Each of them is commented by their manager.

B. They are located in the south of the same city.

C. Their companies are introduced in detail.

D. They all want people in the proper position.

2.The applicants for the post of a secretary in City College Union Company should have the following qualities EXCEPT .

A. ability of organization.

B. knowledge about filling the form.

C. typing skill.

D. writing rapidly.

3.The attractiveness of the post in Emu Airline is .

A. its promising future.

B. its free flying.

C. its good salary.

D. its nice working conditions.

4.If you want to be a sewing machine operator, you may contact this company by

A. visit. B. fax.

C. phone. D. email.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都外国语学校高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



Gandhi, an Indian national hero, was honored ___1.______ the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians.

He was born in India in 1869. Following the local custom, he got____2.____(marry) at the age of 13. In 1888 he sailed to England, ___3.____ he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. On his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case.

In South Africa he ___4._____ (surprise) to find that the problem of racial discrimination (种族歧视)was serious. There he formed an organization and started a magazine to fight _____5._____ equal rights.

Gandhi returned to India in 1915, ______6.___ India was controlled by the British. He led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and ____7.______ (depend) for his country. In the political movement many Indians including Gandhi were put in prison. ____8._____, the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give _____9._____and India won its independence in 1947. ____10.____(fortunate), Gandhi was shot by an Indian who opposed his views and died on January 30th, 1948.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都外国语学校高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

John opened the door. There he had never seen before.

A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood

C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

How many licks (舔) does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop (棒棒糖)?

The first time I heard this in the Tootsie Pop commercial, I was five years old. I immediately started _________ and counting. After about two hundred licks or so, I stopped. The _________ of the chewy center had proven to be too great, and I _________ my way through the hard shell (外壳) to the very center. Besides, I _________ knew how many licks it took to get to the center—three. That’s how many licks it took the owl (猫头鹰) in the commercial to get to the center, so that, to me, was the _________ answer.

In high school, I held to the Tootsie Pop _________ . To me, the answer was still always three licks.

In my freshman year, I joined the Model United Nations _________ in my school. The Chair position had _________ the center of the Tootsie Pop and my _________ had become various other students. The first so-called “owl” was Eric who had luckily _________ the prestigious (声望高的) Chair position. So, I decided, _________ Eric reached the center in only one lick, that’s how many licks it should take me. I went to the tryouts with a view to obtaining the position but _________ .

At the end of my sophomore (高二) year, a new owl named Iris had _________ achieved the chair position after trying twice. I began working hard again. But then again, I did not make a _________ of it.

Now, slightly frustrated after _________ two owls, I found a new owl, Evan. It had taken him three licks to get to the “center”. Three was all I could _________. It was widely known that senior year was the _________ year to become Chair. I thought about _________ the program, but on second thoughts, I decided to continue.

Eleven years later, I visited the official Tootsie Pop website to find the real answer to the question that had _________ me my entire high school life. I finally understood. However many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop depends on however many licks I _________ to take—not how many the other owls take.

1.A. dreaming B. admiring C. licking D. chewing

2.A. temptation B. appearance C. power D. discovery

3.A. fought B. followed C. made D. bit

4.A. seldom B. never C. already D. nearly

5.A. brief B. right C. random D. temporary

6.A. commercial B. plan C. philosophy D. custom

7.A. program B. conference C. title D. activity

8.A. become B. changed C. determined D. explored

9.A. shell B. hope C. owl D. companion

10.A. noticed B. shifted C. improved D. landed

11.A. unless B. if C. before D. until

12.A. failed B. quitted C. survived D. struggled

13.A. yet B. even C. still D. also

14.A. promise B. success C. point D. joke

15.A. interacting with B. frightening away C. going through D. dealing with

16.A. afford B. hold C. admit D. expect

17.A. middle B. gap C. last D. initial

18.A. winning B. criticizing C. quitting D. arranging

19.A. motivated B. troubled C. attracted D. instructed

20.A. learn B. agree C. refuse D. choose


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We must be in a place of peace and faith, so internal conflict and disbelief do not hold back ________ it is possible for us to achieve.

A. how B. what C. why D. where


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南玉溪市高三下期第七次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Hi, Janice,

It's been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.

As I tell you last time, I made three new friend here. We hang out together during lunch and after school. We’ve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars. It’s been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many. And I started to see this as a time?wasting activity! In fact,I don't like to go anymore, so I'm afraid I'll lose their friendship. How do you think I should do? If you are me,would you talk to him?

Please help with me and give me some advice.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南师大附中、长沙一中、长郡和雅礼中学高三英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设你是美国加州大学的中国留学生李华。你负责为在该校就读学习语言的30名中国学生筹划圣诞节期间的墨西哥之行,为期7天。请你给加州大学的学生旅行社(Students' Travel Agency)经理Robert发一封邮件,联系有关事宜。要点如下:









Dear Robert,

I'd like you to organize a trip to Mexico for us.








Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春外国语校高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


There is an English saying that goes,“he who laughs last laughs the hardest.”High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.

1. Because he was always the smallest in his class and was laughed at because he had a big space between his teeth. In sixth grade, Efron’s basketball team made it to be the league championships. In double overtime(两个加时赛),with three seconds left, he rebounded the ball and passed it to the wrong team! 2..

3. Now at 21,Efron is one of People Magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People, graces(荣登)the cover of Entertainment Weekly Hollywood’s most influential magazine, and is travelling the world promoting the third High School Musical film. Director Adam Shankman described Efron as “arguably the biggest teen star in America right now” Simply google “Zac Efron”, and you get more than 14 million responses. Yes, it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.

Efron was born and raised in California. 4. According to Efron,“he would flip out(发疯) if he got a B and not an A in school, and that he was a class clown.”It was his father who encouraged him to act. 5. He also took singing lessons. He graduated from high school in 2006 and was accepted at the University of Southern California to study film. But he put it off -----why study movies when you can star in them. Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business. And he can now laugh all the way to the bank.

A. He owed it a lot to his father that he succeeded.

B. But history, as they say, is a thing of the past.

C. He took part in school performances and acted in a local theater.

D. When he was young, Efron was an unqualified basketball player.

E. He took school seriously.

F. They scored and his team lost the game.

G.As a young boy, Efron was picked on by his classmates.

